author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #if !defined(__CHARACTERSETCONVERTER_H__)
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    23 #include <ecom/ecom.h>
    25 /**
    26 This constant holds the UID of the CharConv Character Set Conversion 
    27 ECOM Interface.
    28 @publishedAll
    29 @released
    30 */
    31 const TUid KCharacterSetConvertorInterfaceUid = {0x101F7F1D};
    33 /**
    34 This is the base class defining the methods in the CharConv Character Set
    35 Conversion plugin interface. CharConv plugin suppliers would define 
    36 implementation classes inheriting from this interface class to add additional
    37 character set support to CharConv.
    38 @publishedAll
    39 @released
    40 */
    41 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface) : public CBase
    42 	{
    44 public:
    46 /**
    47  *
    48  * A function prototype which must be implemented by a character
    49  * conversion plug-in DLL to return the character (represented by one or
    50  * more byte values) which is used by default as the replacement for
    51  * unconvertible Unicode characters.
    52  *
    53  * This character is used when converting from Unicode into a foreign
    54  * character set, if there is no equivalent for the Unicode character in
    55  * the foreign character set. The default replacement character can be
    56  * overriden by a call to <code>CCnvCharacterSetConverter::SetReplacemen-
    57  * tForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharactersL()</code>.This function is exported
    58  * at ordinal position 1 in the plug-in DLL. It is called by <code>CCnvC-
    59  * haracterSetConverter::PrepareToConvertToOrFromL()</code>.To implement
    60  * this function, you should #include convgeneratedcpp.h in the cpp file.
    61  * This gives access to the
    62  * <code>ReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters_internal()</code>
    63  * function. This function can then be implemented by calling
    64  * <code>ReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters_internal()</code>.
    65  *
    66  * @since     6.0
    67  * @return   " const TDesC8& "
    68  *            The single character which is to be used to replace
    69  *            unconvertible characters.
    70  */
    71 	virtual const TDesC8& ReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters() = 0;
    73 /**
    74  *
    75  * A function prototype which must be implemented by a character
    76  * conversion plug-in DLL to convert from Unicode into a foreign
    77  * character set.
    78  *
    79  * This function is exported at ordinal position 2 in the plug-in DLL. It
    80  * is called by
    81  * <code>CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertFromUnicode()</code>.For many
    82  * non-complex character sets, the implementation of this function is
    83  * trivial. Include convgeneratedcpp.h in the .cpp file to get access to
    84  * the <code>SCnvConversionData</code> object called
    85  * <code>conversionData</code>. Then call
    86  * <code>CCnvCharacterSetConverter::DoConvertFromUnicode()</code>
    87  * specifying <code>conversionData</code> as the first argument and
    88  * passing in all parameters unchanged.For complex character sets, you
    89  * need to create an array of character conversion data objects
    90  * (<code>CnvUtilities::SCharacterSet</code>s), then call
    91  * <code>CnvUtilities::ConvertFromUnicode()</code>.
    92  *
    93  * @since     6.0
    94  * @param     " CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness
    95 		  aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters "
    96  *            The default endian-ness to use when writing the
    97  *            characters in the foreign character set.
    98  * @param     " const TDesC8& aReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters
    99 		  "
   100  *            The single character which is used to replace
   101  *            unconvertible characters.
   102  * @param     " TDes8& aForeign "
   103  *            On return, contains the converted text in the target
   104  *            non-Unicode character set.
   105  * @param     " const TDesC16& aUnicode "
   106  *            The source Unicode text to be converted.
   107  * @param     " CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices&
   108 		  aIndicesOfUnconvertibleCharacters "
   109  *            A buffer which on return holds the indices of each
   110  *            Unicode character in the source text which could not
   111  *            be converted (because the target character set does
   112  *            not have an equivalent character).
   113  * @return   " TInt "
   114  *            The number of unconverted characters left at the end
   115  *            of the input descriptor (e.g. because
   116  *            <code>aForeign</code> was not long enough to hold all
   117  *            the text), or a negative error value, as defined in
   118  *            <code>TError</code>.
   119  */
   120 	virtual TInt ConvertFromUnicode(
   121 		CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, 
   122 		const TDesC8& aReplacementForUnconvertibleUnicodeCharacters, 
   123 		TDes8& aForeign, 
   124 		const TDesC16& aUnicode, 
   125 		CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TArrayOfAscendingIndices& aIndicesOfUnconvertibleCharacters) = 0;
   127 /**
   128  *
   129  * A function prototype which must be implemented by a character
   130  * conversion plug-in DLL to convert from a foreign character set into
   131  * Unicode.
   132  *
   133  * This function is exported at ordinal position 3 in the plug-in DLL. It
   134  * is called by
   135  * <code>CCnvCharacterSetConverter::ConvertToUnicode()</code>.For many
   136  * non-complex character sets, the implementation of this function is
   137  * trivial. Include convgeneratedcpp.h in the .cpp file to get access to
   138  * the <code>SCnvConversionData</code> object called
   139  * <code>conversionData</code>. Then call
   140  * <code>CCnvCharacterSetConverter::DoConvertToUnicode()</code>
   141  * specifying <code>conversionData</code> as the first argument and
   142  * passing in all other parameters unchanged.For complex character sets,
   143  * you need to create an array of character conversion methods
   144  * (<code>CnvUtilities::SMethod</code>s or
   145  * <code>CnvUtilities::SState</code>s, depending on whether the complex
   146  * character set encoding is modal or not), then call
   147  * <code>CnvUtilities::ConvertToUnicodeFromHeterogeneousForeign()</code>
   148  * or <code>CnvUtilities::ConvertToUnicodeFromModalForeign()</code>.
   149  *
   150  * @since     6.0
   151  * @param     " CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness
   152 		  aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters "
   153  *            The default endian-ness to use when reading characters
   154  *            in the foreign character set.
   155  * @param     " TDes16& aUnicode "
   156  *            On return, contains the text converted into Unicode.
   157  * @param     " const TDesC8& aForeign "
   158  *            The non-Unicode source text to be converted.
   159  * @param     " TInt& aState "
   160  *            Used to save state information across multiple calls
   161  *            to <code>ConvertToUnicode()</code>.
   162  * @param     " TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters "
   163  *            On return, contains the number of bytes which were not
   164  *            converted.
   165  * @param     " TInt& aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter "
   166  *            On return, contains the index of the first bytein the
   167  *            input text that could not be converted. A negative
   168  *            value indicates that all the characters were
   169  *            converted.
   170  * @return   " TInt "
   171  *            The number of unconverted bytes left at the end of the
   172  *            input descriptor (e.g. because the output descriptor
   173  *            is not long enough to hold all the text), or one of
   174  *            the error values defined in <code>TError</code>.
   175  */
   176 	virtual TInt ConvertToUnicode(
   177 		CCnvCharacterSetConverter::TEndianness aDefaultEndiannessOfForeignCharacters, 
   178 		TDes16& aUnicode, 
   179 		const TDesC8& aForeign, 
   180 		TInt& aState, 
   181 		TInt& aNumberOfUnconvertibleCharacters, 
   182 		TInt& aIndexOfFirstByteOfFirstUnconvertibleCharacter) = 0;
   184 /**
   185  *
   186  * A function which must be implemented by a character conversion plug-in
   187  * DLL to calculate how probable it is that a sample piece of text is
   188  * encoded in this character set.
   189  *
   190  * This function was added in 6.1 as the 4th-ordinal exported function in
   191  * the plug-in DLL interface. It is called by
   192  * <code>CCnvCharacterSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL()</code> for
   193  * each character conversion plug-in DLL.
   194  *
   195  * @since     6.1
   196  * @param     "  TBool& aSetToTrue"
   197  *            This value should be set to <code>ETrue</code>. It is
   198  *            used to indicate to <code>CCnvCharacterSetConverter::-
   199  *            AutoDetectCharacterSetL()</code> that the plug-in DLL
   200  *            is implementing a function of this signature and is
   201  *            therefore not the empty, reserved function that was
   202  *            previously exported at the 4th ordinal position in the
   203  *            plug-in DLL in v6.0.
   204  * @param     "TInt& aConfidenceLevel"
   205  *            On return, indicates how confident the function is
   206  *            about its return value. Set to a value between 0 and
   207  *            100. Zero indicates no confidence, (and the return
   208  *            value should be disregarded), 100 indicates total
   209  *            confidence.
   210  * @param     "const TDesC8& aSample"
   211  *            The sample text string, as passed to <code>CCnvCharac-
   212  *            terSetConverter::AutoDetectCharacterSetL()</code>.
   213  * @return   "TBool"
   214  *            <code>ETrue</code> if it is more probable that the
   215  *            sample text is encoded in this character set than not.
   216  *            <code>EFalse</code> if it is more probable that the
   217  *            sample text is not encoded in this character set. The
   218  *            confidence level applies to this value.
   219  */
   220 	virtual TBool IsInThisCharacterSetL(
   221 		TBool& aSetToTrue, 
   222 		TInt& aConfidenceLevel, 
   223 		const TDesC8& aSample) = 0;
   225 	static CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface* NewL(TUid aInterfaceImplUid)
   226 		{
   227 		return reinterpret_cast <CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface*> (
   228 			REComSession::CreateImplementationL(
   229 			aInterfaceImplUid,
   230 			_FOFF(CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface, iDtor_ID_Key))); 
   231 		};
   233 /**
   234 Destroys the Charconv Plug-in interface implementation specified by iDtor_ID_Key
   235 */
   236 	virtual ~CCharacterSetConverterPluginInterface()
   237 		{
   238 		REComSession::DestroyedImplementation(iDtor_ID_Key);
   239 		};
   242 private:
   244 	TUid iDtor_ID_Key;
   246 	};