2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
9 * Initial Contributors:
10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
15 * Public ECom notification API for NcnList.
28 #include <ecom/ecom.h>
29 #include <ecom/ecomresolverparams.h>
33 // UID of this interface
34 const TUid KNcnNotificationInterfaceUid = {0x101f8855};
39 * Public ECom notification API.
40 * This API allows the notification of new message(s) to the NcnList.
41 * It's main purpose is to provide a mechanism for an email MTM to broadcast the arrival of new messages
42 * and give the user an opportunity to navigate to the email folder
47 * #include <badesca.h> // CDesCArray
48 * #include <mncnnotification.h> // ECOM interface to notification system
50 * // Get an instance of the ECOM interface to the notification system.
51 * MNcnNotification* notifyNewMessageEcom = 0;
52 * TRAP(err, notifyNewMessageEcom = MNcnNotification::CreateMNcnNotificationL());
55 * if(notifyNewMessageEcom && err == KErrNone)
57 * // The interface is supported on this phone.
58 * CleanupDeletePushL(notifyNewMessageEcom);
60 * // Now notify the framework that new messages have been received
61 * // First create a descriptor array for aInfo - even though it isn't used presently.
62 * CDesCArray* tempArray = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(3);
63 * CleanupStack::PushL(tempArray);
65 * // Notify the framework that there are new messages.
66 * // This can return an error value.
67 * err = notifyNewMessageEcom->NewMessages(aServiceId, MNcnNotification::EIndicationNormal, *tempArray);
69 * // Cleanup the descriptor array.
70 * CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(tempArray);
72 * // Clean up the ECOM interface now.
73 * CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(notifyNewMessageEcom);
77 * The example above shows the interface object being created and then destroyed immediately after use.
78 * However, it is not necessary to create a new interface object for every function call. It is done here to
79 * demonstrate correct useage of the CleanupStack
81 class MNcnNotification
83 private: // Enumerations
85 * Indication type bit enumeration.
87 enum TIndicationTypeBits
90 EIndicationIconBit = 0x1,
93 EIndicationToneBit = 0x2,
96 EIndicationSoftNoteBit = 0x4
99 public: // Enumerations
101 * Indication type enumeration.
105 /* Icon indication */
106 EIndicationIcon = EIndicationIconBit,
108 /* Normal indication */
109 EIndicationNormal = EIndicationIconBit | EIndicationToneBit | EIndicationSoftNoteBit,
111 /* Tone and icon indication */
112 EIndicationToneAndIcon = EIndicationIconBit | EIndicationToneBit
115 public: // Constructor and destructor
118 * ECom implementation class factory method.
119 * Caller takes the ownership of the created object.
120 * If interface needs to be pushed into CleanupStack,
121 * remember to use the CleanupDeletePushL() function!
122 * DO NOT USE CleanupStack::PushL()!!
123 * @return ECom implementation instance
127 static MNcnNotification* CreateMNcnNotificationL();
132 virtual ~MNcnNotification();
137 * Called by Messaging Server -compatible 3rd party Email plugins
138 * to inform NcnList that there is a new message (or more than one message).
139 * It should not (necessarily) be called for each new message but, say, at the
140 * end of synchronisation when one or more new messages have been received.
141 * It displays a 'New email' message with softkeys allowing direct
142 * navigation to the email folder
143 * Parameter aInfo is reserved for future use and is not handled in any way currently.
144 * Implementation of aIndicationType may vary between devices
146 * @param aMailBox The service id of the email MTM
147 * @param aIndicationType Indication type for new messages. May be any combination
148 * of enumeration TIndicationType values.
149 * @param aInfo Optional info about message (subject, sender etc.). Not supported
151 * @return KErrNone for success, or system error code
153 virtual TInt NewMessages( const TMsvId& aMailBox,
154 TIndicationType aIndicationType,
155 const MDesCArray& aInfo ) = 0;
158 * Called by Messaging Server -compatible 3rd party Email plugins
159 * wanting to make a request to mark certain new messages as unread.<BR>
160 * Essentially, it sets the new message counter to zero for the given mailbox <BR>
161 * The new messages become 'old' messages but they remain marked as 'unread'.
162 * @param aMailBox The id identifying the mailbox or mail
163 * folder containing the message(s) to be marked as unread.
165 * @return KErrNone for success, or some error code
167 virtual TInt MarkUnread( const TMsvId& aMailBox ) = 0;
171 // for ECom to identify plug-in instance
175 #include <MNcnNotification.inl>
177 #endif // __MNCNNOTIFICATION_H__