author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *     View states.
    16 *
    17 */
    20 #ifndef __CPbkViewState_H__
    21 #define __CPbkViewState_H__
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include <e32base.h>    // CBase
    25 #include <cntdef.h>     // TContactItemId, CContactIdArray
    28 class RReadStream;
    29 class RWriteStream;
    30 class CPbkFieldDataArray;
    34 /**
    35  * Generic Phonebook view state class. Class can be used to pass parameters
    36  * the Phonebook application when launching the application with the symbian
    37  * view launching mechanism.
    38  */
    39 class CPbkViewState : public CBase
    40     {
    41     public:  // Types
    42         enum TDataType
    43             {
    44             EEnd = 0,
    45             EFocusedContactId,
    46             ETopContactId,
    47             EMarkedContactIds,
    48             EFocusedFieldIndex,
    49             ETopFieldIndex,
    50             EFieldDataArray,
    51             EParentContactId,
    52             EFlags
    53             };
    55         enum TFlags
    56             {
    57             /// Reset flags
    58             ENullFlags = 0,
    59             /// Focus the first item in list views
    60             EFocusFirst  = 0x0001,
    61             /// Focus the last item in list views
    62             EFocusLast   = 0x0002,
    63             /// Reset state to the view's initial state
    64             EInitialized = 0x0004,
    65             /// Send application to background
    66             ESendToBackground = 0x0008
    67             };
    69     public:  // Constructors and destructor
    70         /**
    71          * Creates and returns a new instance of this class.
    72          */
    73         IMPORT_C static CPbkViewState* NewL();
    75         /**
    76          * Like NewL(), but leaves the object on the cleanup stack
    77          * @see NewL
    78          */
    79         IMPORT_C static CPbkViewState* NewLC();
    81         /**
    82          * Creates and returns a new instance of this class initialized
    83          * from aStream.
    84          * @param aStream   A view state stream to internalize.
    85          */
    86         IMPORT_C static CPbkViewState* NewL(RReadStream& aStream);
    88         /**
    89          * Like NewL(RReadStream& aStream) but leaves the object on
    90          * the cleanup stack.
    91          * @see NewL(RReadStream& aStream)
    92          * @param aStream   A view state stream to internalize.
    93          */
    94         IMPORT_C static CPbkViewState* NewLC(RReadStream& aStream);
    96         /**
    97          * Creates and returns a new instance of this class initialized
    98          * from aBuf.
    99          * @param aBuf   A view state buffer to internalize.
   100          */
   101         IMPORT_C static CPbkViewState* NewL(const TDesC8& aBuf);
   103         /**
   104          * Like NewL(const TDesC8& aBuf) but leaves the object on
   105          * the cleanup stack.
   106          * @see NewL(const TDesC8& aBuf)
   107          * @param aBuf   A view state buffer to internalize.
   108          */
   109         IMPORT_C static CPbkViewState* NewLC(const TDesC8& aBuf);
   111         /**
   112          * Destructor.
   113          */
   114         ~CPbkViewState();
   116     public:  // Getters
   117         /**
   118          * Returns the message uid for use with view server messages.
   119          */
   120         IMPORT_C static TUid Uid();
   122         /**
   123          * Returns id of the focused contact.
   124          * @return  Contact item id of the focused contact, KNullContactId if not set.
   125          */
   126         IMPORT_C TContactItemId FocusedContactId() const;
   128         /**
   129          * Returns id of the topmost contact.
   130          * @return  Contact item id of the top contact, KNullContactId if not set.
   131          */
   132         IMPORT_C TContactItemId TopContactId() const;
   134         /**
   135          * Returns const array of marked contacts ids, NULL if not set. 
   136          * @return  Contact id array of the marked contacts, NULL if not set.
   137          */
   138         IMPORT_C const CContactIdArray* MarkedContactIds() const;
   140         /**
   141          * Returns array of marked contacts ids, NULL if not set. Owmership not
   142          * transferred.
   143          * @return  Contact id array of the marked contacts, NULL if not set.
   144          */
   145         IMPORT_C CContactIdArray* MarkedContactIds();
   147         /**
   148          * Returns index of the focused field (field is from FocusedContactId()), 
   149          * -1 when no field focused.
   150          * @return  Index of the focused field, -1 if no field is focused.
   151          */
   152         IMPORT_C TInt FocusedFieldIndex() const;
   154         /**
   155          * Returns index of the topmost field (field is from FocusedContactId()), 
   156          * -1 when no topmost field.
   157          * @return  Index of the topmost field, -1 if no topmost field.
   158          */
   159         IMPORT_C TInt TopFieldIndex() const;
   161         /**
   162          * Returns field data array, NULL if not set.
   163          * @return Field data array object, NULL if not set.
   164          */
   165         IMPORT_C CPbkFieldDataArray* FieldDataArray() const;
   167         /**
   168          * Returns the focused contact id's parent, KNullContactId if not set.
   169          * @return Focused contact id's parent, KNullContactId if not set.
   170          */
   171         IMPORT_C TContactItemId ParentContactId() const; 
   173         /**
   174          * Returns the view state flags. See CPbkViewState::TFlags.
   175          * @return  View state object flags
   176          */
   177         IMPORT_C TUint Flags() const;
   179     public:  // Setters
   180         /**
   181          * Sets id of the focused contact to aId.
   182          * @param aId   Sets the focused contact id.
   183          */
   184         IMPORT_C void SetFocusedContactId(TContactItemId aId);
   186         /**
   187          * Sets id of the topmost contact to aId.
   188          * @param aId   Sets the topmost contact id.
   189          */
   190         IMPORT_C void SetTopContactId(TContactItemId aId);
   192         /**
   193          * Sets the array of marked contact ids to aArray. Destroys previous
   194 		 * array and takes ownership of aArray.
   195          * @param aArray    Sets the marked contact ids.
   196          */
   197         IMPORT_C void SetMarkedContactIds(CContactIdArray* aArray);
   199         /**
   200          * Sets index of the focused field to aIndex (field from
   201 		 * FocusedContactId()), -1 when no field focused.
   202          * @param aIndex    Sets focused field index.
   203          */
   204         IMPORT_C void SetFocusedFieldIndex(TInt aIndex);
   206         /**
   207          * Sets index of the topmost field to aIndex (field from
   208 		 * FocusedContactId()), -1 when no topmost field.
   209          * @param aIndex    Sets the topmost field index.
   210          */
   211         IMPORT_C void SetTopFieldIndex(TInt aIndex);
   213         /**
   214          * Sets field data array to aArray. Destroys previous array
   215          * and takes ownership of aArray.
   216          * @param aFieldDataArray   Sets the field data array.
   217          */
   218         IMPORT_C void SetFieldDataArray(CPbkFieldDataArray* aFieldDataArray);
   220         /**
   221          * Reset this state to empty.
   222          */
   223         IMPORT_C void Reset();
   225         /**
   226          * Sets the focused contact ids parent contact id.
   227          * @param aParentContactId  Sets the contact ids parent id.
   228          */
   229         IMPORT_C void SetParentContactId(TContactItemId aParentContactId);
   231         /**
   232          * Sets the view state flags.
   233          * @param aFlags    Sets the view state parameters. See CPbkViewState::TFlags.
   234          */
   235         IMPORT_C void SetFlags(TUint aFlags);
   237         /**
   238          * Merges another view state to this view state by setting values from the
   239          * parameter and overriding any previous values in this state.
   240          *
   241          * @param aOtherState   The state to merge to this state. The 
   242          *                      properties which have a value in aOtherState
   243          *                      override properties in this object. The aOtherState
   244          *                      object may be modified by this function.
   245          */
   246         /*IMPORT_C*/ void MergeViewState(CPbkViewState& aOtherState);
   248     public:  // Stream support
   249         /**
   250          * Packages and returns this object in a buffer. Caller is responsible
   251          * of deleting the buffer.
   252          * @return  Packaged state in a buffer.
   253          */
   254         IMPORT_C HBufC8* PackL() const;
   256         /**
   257          * Like PackL, but leaves the buffer on the cleanup stack.
   258          * @see PackL
   259          * @return Packaged state in a buffer.
   260          */
   261         IMPORT_C HBufC8* PackLC() const;
   263         /**
   264          * Sets this state from aPack previously created with PackL.
   265          * @see PackL
   266          * @see PackLC
   267          * @param aPack Previously packaged state.
   268          */
   269         IMPORT_C void UnpackL(const TDesC8& aPack);
   271         /**
   272          * Externalizes this object to aStream.
   273          * @see InternalizeL
   274          * @param aSteam    Stream where to externalize this objects state.
   275          */
   276         IMPORT_C void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const;
   278         /**
   279          * Internalizes this object from aStream.
   280          * @see ExternalizeL
   281          * @param aStream   A stream from where this objects state can be internalized from.
   282          */
   283         IMPORT_C void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream);
   285     public: // Support functions
   286         IMPORT_C TBool operator==(const CPbkViewState& aRhs) const; 
   288     private:  // Implementation
   289         CPbkViewState();
   291     private:  // data
   292         /// Own: Id of the focused contact
   293         TContactItemId iFocusedContactId;
   294         /// Own: Id of the topmost contact
   295         TContactItemId iTopContactId;
   296         /// Own: Index of the focused field
   297         TInt iFocusedFieldIndex;
   298         /// Own: Index of the top field
   299         TInt iTopFieldIndex;
   300         /// Own: Array of marked contacts
   301         CContactIdArray* iMarkedContactIds;
   302         /// Own: Field data array
   303         CPbkFieldDataArray* iFieldDataArray;
   304         /// Own: Id of the focused contacts parent
   305         TContactItemId iParentContactId;
   306         /// Own: Flags
   307         TUint iFlags;
   309     private:  // const static data
   310         static const TUid KUid;
   311     };
   314 /*
   315    ** View state binary stream format **
   317     - View parameter UID is 0x101f4ccf
   319     - Format of the stream in (slightly freeform) BNF:
   321     <stream>  ::= <command>+
   322     <command> ::= Int8(opcode) parameters
   323     <opcode>  ::= EEnd | EFocusedContactId | ETopContactId | EMarkedContactIds |
   324                   EFocusedFieldIndex | ETopFieldIndex | EFieldDataArray
   325     <command> ::= EEnd  // no further commands are read after EEnd. EEnd is not mandatory in a stream.
   326     <command> ::= EFocusedContactId Int32(TContactItemId)
   327     <command> ::= ETopContactId Int32(TContactItemId)
   328     <command> ::= EMarkedContactIds (Int32(count) { Int32(TContactItemId) })  // count is count TContactItemIds
   329     <command> ::= EFocusedFieldIndex Int32(index)
   330     <command> ::= ETopFieldIndex Int32(index)
   331     <command> ::= EFieldDataArray <contactdata>
   332     <command> ::= EParentContactId Int32(TContactItemId)
   334     <contactdata> ::= Int32(count) { fielddata }  // count is count of fieldatas
   335     <fielddata> ::= <fieldtype> data
   336     <fieldtype> ::= ETypeText | ETypeTime
   337     <fielddata> ::= ETypeText (Int32(length) text)  // length is length of text in chars, text is unicode
   338     <fielddata> ::= ETypeTime (Int32(high) Int32(low))  // high and low words of a TTime's internal Int64
   340     Constants:
   341         EEnd = 0,
   342         EFocusedContactId = 1,
   343         ETopContactId = 2,
   344         EMarkedContactIds = 3,
   345         EFocusedFieldIndex = 4,
   346         ETopFieldIndex = 5,
   347         EFieldDataArray = 6,
   348         EParentContactId = 7
   350     - Example:
   351     Activate Phonebook's contact info view to show contact with id 5 and field 
   352     at index 3 focused:
   354     // Write parameters in a buffer
   355     TBuf8<16> param;
   356     RDesWriteStream stream(param);
   357     stream.PushL();
   358     param.WriteInt8L(1);  // opcode EFocusedContactId
   359     param.WriteInt32L(5);  // Contact id 5
   360     param.WriteInt8L(4);  // opcode EFocusedFieldIndex
   361     param.WriteInt32L(3);  // field index 3
   362     stream.CommitL();
   363     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();  // stream
   365     // Make view id with Phonebook's app UID3 and Contact Info View's id
   366     const TVwsViewId viewId(0x101f4cce, 4);
   368     // Activate the view
   369     AppUi()->ActivateViewL(viewId, TUid::Uid(0x101f4ccf), param);
   372     - Same example as above, now using CPbkViewState:
   374     #include <CPbkViewState.h>  // need also to add PbkView.lib into projects .mmp
   375     #include <PbkUID.h> // Phonebook UIDs
   377     CPbkViewState* pbkViewParam = CPbkViewState::NewLC();
   378     pbkViewParam->SetFocusedContactId(5);
   379     pbkViewParam->SetFocusedFieldIndex(3);
   380     HBufC8* paramBuf = pbkViewParam->PackLC();
   382     // Make view id with Phonebook's app UID3 and Contact Info View's id
   383     const TVwsViewId viewId(KPbkUID3, 4);
   385     // Activate the view
   386     AppUi()->ActivateViewL(viewId, CPbkViewState::Uid(), *paramBuf);
   388     // Cleanup
   389     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);  // paramBuf, pbkViewParam
   391     - The latter example is cleaner, but using CPbkViewState from your 
   392     application means that your application will have a dependency to 
   393     CPbkViewState.h and PbkView.lib at compile time and to PbkView.dll at
   394     run time.
   396 */
   398 #endif // __CPbkViewState_H__
   400 // End of File