author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:33:34 +0100
changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Current Symbian^3 public API header files (from PDK 3.0.h)
This is the epoc32/include tree with the "platform" subtrees removed, and
all but a selected few mbg and rsg files removed.
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:    LandmarksUi Content File -    This class provides functionality for viewing and editing
    15 *                landmark data.
    16 *
    17 */
    24 #ifndef CLMKEDITORDLG_H
    25 #define CLMKEDITORDLG_H
    27 //  INCLUDES
    28 #include "EPos_CPosLandmark.h"
    29 #include <EPos_Landmarks.h> // Lm typedefs, constants etc.
    30 #include <e32base.h>        // CBase
    33 class CPosLandmarkDatabase;
    34 class CPosLandmark;
    35 class CLmkEditorImpl;
    36 class MObjectProvider;
    37 class TCoeHelpContext;
    38 class CLmkSender;
    41 typedef TUint32 TLmkEditorAttributes;
    42 typedef TInt TLmkEditorMode;
    45 /**
    46 *  This is a dialog class, which is used to launch landmark viewer/editor.
    47 *  It provides functionality for viewing and editing landmark data.
    48 *  By default all the fields are shown, but user can customize the total number of
    49 *  displayable fields. It also supports mechanism to disable map and navigation
    50 *  related menu option.
    51 */
    52 class CLmkEditorDlg : public CBase
    53     {
    54     public: // Types
    56 	      /*!
    57 	      @enum _TLmkEditorAttributes
    58 	      @discussion Defines the flag for displaying landmark fields on the viewer/editor dialog.
    59           Any combination of these flags,will display those fields,when viewer/editor is launched.
    60           By default the flag is set as ELmkAll.This flag is set in class TLmkEditorParams.
    61        */
    63         enum _TLmkEditorAttributes
    64             {
    65             /**This flag allows Name field of the landmark, to be shown.*/
    66             ELmkOnlyName            = 0x0000,
    67             /**This flag allows the Category/Categories field of the landmark , to be shown*/
    68             ELmkCategory            = 0x0001,
    69             /**This flag allows the Street name field of the landmark,to be shown.*/
    70             ELmkStreet              = 0x0002,
    71             /**This flag allows the City name field to be shown, where the landmark belongs.*/
    72             ELmkCity                = 0x0004,
    73             /**This flag allows the State name field to be shown,where the landmark belongs.*/
    74             ELmkStateProvince       = 0x0008,
    75             /**This flag allows the Country name field to be shown, where landmark belongs.*/
    76             ELmkCountry             = 0x0010,
    77             /**This flag allows the Postal Zip field of the landmark, to be shown.*/
    78             ELmkPostalZIP           = 0x0020,
    79             /**This flag allows the Latitude field of the landmark, to be shown.*/
    80             ELmkLatitude            = 0x0040,
    81             /**This flag allows the Longitude field of the landmark, to be shown.*/
    82             ELmkLongitude           = 0x0080,
    83             /**This flag allows the Position accuracy field of the landmark, to be shown.It specifies the
    84                horizontal accuracy of the landmark related to Longitude and Latitude values.
    85             */
    86             ELmkPositionAccuracy    = 0x0100,
    87             /**This flag allows the Altitude field of the landmark, to be shown. It specifies the vertical
    88                position of the landmark.*/
    89             ELmkAltitude            = 0x0200,
    90             /**This flag allows the Altitude accuracy field of the landmark, to be shown.It specifies the
    91                vertical accuracy of the landmark related to Landmark's Altitude value.*/
    92             ELmkAltitudeAccuracy    = 0x0400,
    93             /**This flag allows All fields of the landmark, to be shown.*/
    94             ELmkAll                 = 0xFFFF,
    95             /**This flag allows the Description field of the landmark, to be shown.*/
    96             ELmkDescription         = 0x0800,
    97             /**This flag allows the Phone number field of the landmark, to be shown.*/
    98             ELmkPhoneNumber         = 0x1000,
    99             /**This flag allows the Web address field of the landmark, to be shown.*/
   100             ELmkWebAddress          = 0x2000
   101             };
   103         /*!
   104          @enum _TLmkEditorMode
   105          @discussion Defines flag, that decides the mode in which the landmark
   106          dialog is launched(viewer or editor).
   107          By default, the flag is set as ELmkEditor.This flag is set in class
   108          TLmkEditorParams.
   109         */
   110 	    enum _TLmkEditorMode
   111             {
   112             /**Landmark will be launched in editor mode. */
   113             ELmkEditor,
   114             /**Landmark will be launched in viewer mode. */
   115             ELmkViewer  // only viewing allowed
   116             };
   118         /**
   119         * This class is a wrapper, around the flags @ref _TLmkEditorAttributes and @ref _TLmkEditorMode.
   120         * It is used to set these flags to CLmkEditorDlg before launching the dialog.
   121         * It encapsualtes _TLmkEditorAttributes & _TLmkEditorMode.
   122         * It is used by class CLmkEditorDlg.
   123         */
   124         class TLmkEditorParams
   125             {
   126             public:  // Constructors and destructor
   127                 /**
   128                 * C++ Constructor.
   129                 * @return newly instantiated object
   130                 */
   131                 IMPORT_C TLmkEditorParams();
   133                 // Compiler-generated destructor is ok for this class;
   135             private:  // Unimplemented functions
   136                 // Unimplemented copy constructor
   137                 TLmkEditorParams( const TLmkEditorParams& );
   139                 // Unimplemented assignment operator
   140                 TLmkEditorParams& operator = ( const TLmkEditorParams& );
   142             public:  // Input parameters
   144                 /**
   145                 * This member,specifies what all landmark attributes to be shown in editor/viewer dialog.
   146                 * It can have a combination of values from enum @ref _TLmkEditorAttributes.
   147                 * By default ELmkAll attribute is used if no value is specified.
   148                 */
   149                 TLmkEditorAttributes iAttributes;
   151                 /**
   152                 * This member,specifies the mode (Viewer or Editor) in which the landmark dialog will be launched.
   153                 * It holds a value from enum @ref _TLmkEditorMode, by default ELmkEditor is used if no value is specified.
   154                 */
   155                 TLmkEditorMode iEditorMode;
   156             };
   158     public:  // Constructors and destructor
   159         /**
   160         * This is a static function, which creates and returns an instance of this class,
   161         * based on landmark id, which exists in landmark database.
   162         * @param[in] aDb Reference to landmark database that includes this landmark.
   163         * @param[in] aLandmark Landmark id, which exists in Landmarks database.
   164         * @param[in] aParams Attribute, holds values for launching the landmark dialog
   165         *			 in viewer or editor mode, and number of landmark fields to be
   166         *            displayed.
   167         * @panic Panics with system-wide panic codes.
   168         * @leave Leaves with KErrNotFound,If the landmark does not exist in the database
   169         *        Leaves with KErrNotSupported if framework functionality is not available.
   170         * @return new instance of this class
   171         */
   172         IMPORT_C static CLmkEditorDlg* NewL( CPosLandmarkDatabase& aDb,
   173                                              TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId,
   174                                              TLmkEditorParams& aParams );
   176         /**
   177         * This is a static function, which creates and returns an instance of this class,
   178         * based on landmark object, which does not exist in landmark database.
   179         * @param[in] aDb reference to landmark database, where new landmark will be created,
   180         *            if launched in edit mode.
   181         * @param [in\out] aLandmark  pre-filled landmarks object. In case of edit mode,
   182         *  				 the passed aLandmark is updated with the information entered
   183         *                by the user along with the landmark id, which can be obtained
   184         *                by calling LandmarkId() method of CPosLandmark.
   185         * @param[in] aParams aParams attributes whether to launch landmark in viewer mode
   186         *            or editor mode.
   187         * @panic Panics with system-wide panic codes.
   188         * @leave Leaves with KErrNotSupported if framework functionality is not available.
   189         * @return new instance of this class
   190         */
   191         IMPORT_C static CLmkEditorDlg* NewL( CPosLandmarkDatabase& aDb,
   192                                              CPosLandmark& aLandmark,
   193                                              TLmkEditorParams& aParams );
   195         /**
   196         * Destructor.
   197         */
   198         IMPORT_C ~CLmkEditorDlg();
   200     public: // New functions
   201         /**
   202         * This method sets the context - that is, the enclosing parent control - for this control.
   203         * @param[in] aParent The parent object which is the context for the control.
   204         */
   205         IMPORT_C void SetMopParent( MObjectProvider* aParent );
   207         /**
   208         * This method sets help context. There are many applications using landmark editor
   209         * and they may have an own help topic to be shown, when editor's help
   210         * is launched. With this command it is possible to define the used
   211         * help content. Landmark's own help context is used as default.
   212         * @param[in] aContext help context to use
   213         */
   214         IMPORT_C void SetHelpContext( TCoeHelpContext aContext );
   216         /**
   217         * This function launches the landmark dialog.It launches the dialog either in viewer
   218         * or editor mode , depending upon the flag set.
   219         *
   220         * Editor mode:
   221         * 	When the dialog is launched in edit mode, the user can edit the landmark fields (some or all)
   222         * 	and can save the Landmark.
   223         * 	On closing the dialog, the landmark is saved to the landmark database. If saving a
   224         * 	landmark fails due to less memory, the user is notified with an information note. If any
   225         * 	of the landmark fields are filled and landmark name is not provided, user is asked to
   226         * 	provide the landmark name, else if nothing is entered the dialog will close without saving
   227         *   the landmark.
   228         *   In case of new landmark creation, once the dialog is closed and the application returns
   229         *   from ExecuteLD() method, client applications can obtain the landmark id of the newly
   230         *   created landmark by calling LandmarkId() method from CPosLandmark class.
   231         *
   232         * Viewer mode:
   233         * The user can view the Landmark contents by accepting the dialog
   234         *                      Canelling the dialog will close the dialog
   235         * @panic Panics with system-wide, panic codes.
   236         * @leave  Leaves with KErrNotSupported if framework functionality is not available.
   237         * @return Returns non-zero if accepted & saved in edit mode.
   238         		  Returns zero if fails due to less memory or any other error
   239         		  in edit mode.It always returns zero in view mode.
   240         */
   241         IMPORT_C TInt ExecuteLD();
   242         /**
   243         * This function, when invoked, disables the Map and Navigation related Menu Options
   244         * This needs to be invoked before ExecuteLD(). By default, the Map and Navigation
   245         * menu options are enabled and are shown.
   246         *
   247         */
   248         IMPORT_C void DisableMapAndNavigationMenuOptions();
   250     private:
   251         /**
   252         * C++ default constructor.
   253         * @return newly instantiated object
   254         */
   255         CLmkEditorDlg();
   257         /**
   258         * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   259         * @param aDb
   260         * @param aParams
   261         * @param aLandmarkId
   262         * @param aLandmark
   263         */
   264         void ConstructL( CPosLandmarkDatabase& aDb,
   265                          TLmkEditorParams& aParams,
   266                          TPosLmItemId aLandmarkId,
   267                          CPosLandmark* aLandmark );
   269     private:    // Data
   270         /// Own: Search implementor object
   271         CLmkEditorImpl* iEditorImpl;
   273         /// Own: A pointer to TBool
   274         TBool* iDestroyedPtr;
   276         /// Own: Landmark sender object
   277         CLmkSender* iSender;
   278     };
   280 #endif      // CLMKEDITORDLG_H
   282 // End of File