4 * Hewlett-Packard Company
6 * Copyright (c) 1996,1997
7 * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
10 * Moscow Center for SPARC Technology
15 * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
16 * or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
18 * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
19 * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
20 * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
21 * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
22 * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
26 /* NOTE: This is an internal header file, included by other STL headers.
27 * You should not attempt to use it directly.
35 Red-black tree class, designed for use in implementing STL
36 associative containers (set, multiset, map, and multimap). The
37 insertion and deletion algorithms are based on those in Cormen,
38 Leiserson, and Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms (MIT Press, 1990),
41 (1) the header cell is maintained with links not only to the root
42 but also to the leftmost node of the tree, to enable constant time
43 begin(), and to the rightmost node of the tree, to enable linear time
44 performance when used with the generic set algorithms (set_union,
47 (2) when a node being deleted has two children its successor node is
48 relinked into its place, rather than copied, so that the only
49 iterators invalidated are those referring to the deleted node.
54 # include <stl/_algobase.h>
58 # include <stl/_alloc.h>
62 # include <stl/_iterator.h>
66 # include <stl/_construct.h>
70 # include <stl/_function_base.h>
73 #if defined ( _STLP_DEBUG)
74 # define _Rb_tree __WORKAROUND_DBG_RENAME(Rb_tree)
79 typedef bool _Rb_tree_Color_type;
80 //const _Rb_tree_Color_type _S_rb_tree_red = false;
81 //const _Rb_tree_Color_type _S_rb_tree_black = true;
83 #define _S_rb_tree_red false
84 #define _S_rb_tree_black true
86 struct _Rb_tree_node_base
88 typedef _Rb_tree_Color_type _Color_type;
89 typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* _Base_ptr;
96 static _Base_ptr _STLP_CALL _S_minimum(_Base_ptr __x)
98 while (__x->_M_left != 0) __x = __x->_M_left;
102 static _Base_ptr _STLP_CALL _S_maximum(_Base_ptr __x)
104 while (__x->_M_right != 0) __x = __x->_M_right;
109 template <class _Value> struct _Rb_tree_node : public _Rb_tree_node_base
111 _Value _M_value_field;
112 __TRIVIAL_STUFF(_Rb_tree_node)
115 struct _Rb_tree_base_iterator;
117 template <class _Dummy> class _Rb_global {
119 typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* _Base_ptr;
120 // those used to be global functions
121 static void _STLP_CALL _Rebalance(_Rb_tree_node_base* __x, _Rb_tree_node_base*& __root);
122 static _Rb_tree_node_base* _STLP_CALL _Rebalance_for_erase(_Rb_tree_node_base* __z,
123 _Rb_tree_node_base*& __root,
124 _Rb_tree_node_base*& __leftmost,
125 _Rb_tree_node_base*& __rightmost);
126 // those are from _Rb_tree_base_iterator - moved here to reduce code bloat
127 // moved here to reduce code bloat without templatizing _Rb_tree_base_iterator
128 static _Rb_tree_node_base* _STLP_CALL _M_increment(_Rb_tree_node_base*);
129 static _Rb_tree_node_base* _STLP_CALL _M_decrement(_Rb_tree_node_base*);
130 static void _STLP_CALL _Rotate_left(_Rb_tree_node_base* __x, _Rb_tree_node_base*& __root);
131 static void _STLP_CALL _Rotate_right(_Rb_tree_node_base* __x, _Rb_tree_node_base*& __root);
134 # if defined (_STLP_USE_TEMPLATE_EXPORT)
135 _STLP_EXPORT_TEMPLATE_CLASS _Rb_global<bool>;
138 typedef _Rb_global<bool> _Rb_global_inst;
140 struct _Rb_tree_base_iterator
142 typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* _Base_ptr;
143 typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
144 typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
146 bool operator==(const _Rb_tree_base_iterator& __y) const {
147 return _M_node == __y._M_node;
149 bool operator!=(const _Rb_tree_base_iterator& __y) const {
150 return _M_node != __y._M_node;
155 template <class _Value, class _Traits> struct _Rb_tree_iterator : public _Rb_tree_base_iterator
157 typedef _Value value_type;
158 typedef typename _Traits::reference reference;
159 typedef typename _Traits::pointer pointer;
160 typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<_Value, _Traits> _Self;
161 typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Value>* _Link_type;
163 _Rb_tree_iterator() { _M_node = 0; }
164 _Rb_tree_iterator(_Link_type __x) { _M_node = __x; }
165 _Rb_tree_iterator(const _Rb_tree_iterator<_Value,
166 _Nonconst_traits<_Value> >& __it) { _M_node = __it._M_node; }
168 reference operator*() const {
169 return _Link_type(_M_node)->_M_value_field;
174 _Self& operator++() { _M_node = _Rb_global_inst::_M_increment(_M_node); return *this; }
175 _Self operator++(int) {
177 _M_node = _Rb_global_inst::_M_increment(_M_node);
181 _Self& operator--() { _M_node = _Rb_global_inst::_M_decrement(_M_node); return *this; }
182 _Self operator--(int) {
184 _M_node = _Rb_global_inst::_M_decrement(_M_node);
190 template <class _Value, class _Traits> inline _Value* value_type(const _Rb_tree_iterator<_Value, _Traits>&) { return (_Value*)0; }
191 inline bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category(const _Rb_tree_base_iterator&) { return bidirectional_iterator_tag(); }
192 inline ptrdiff_t* distance_type(const _Rb_tree_base_iterator&) { return (ptrdiff_t*) 0; }
195 // Base class to help EH
197 template <class _Tp, class _Alloc> struct _Rb_tree_base
199 typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Tp> _Node;
201 typedef typename _Alloc_traits<_Tp, _Alloc>::allocator_type allocator_type;
203 _Rb_tree_base(const allocator_type& __a) :
204 _M_header(_STLP_CONVERT_ALLOCATOR(__a, _Node), (_Node*)0) {
205 _M_header._M_data = _M_header.allocate(1);
206 // WRITELOG("Rb_tree_base\n");
209 // WRITELOG("~Rb_tree_base\n");
210 _M_header.deallocate(_M_header._M_data,1);
212 allocator_type get_allocator() const {
213 return _STLP_CONVERT_ALLOCATOR(_M_header, _Tp);
216 typedef typename _Alloc_traits<_Node, _Alloc>::allocator_type _M_node_allocator_type;
217 _STLP_alloc_proxy<_Node*, _Node, _M_node_allocator_type> _M_header;
221 template <class _Key, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue, class _Compare,
222 _STLP_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_SELECT(_Value) > class _Rb_tree : public _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc> {
223 typedef _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc> _Base;
225 typedef _Rb_tree_node_base* _Base_ptr;
226 typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Value> _Node;
227 typedef _Rb_tree_Color_type _Color_type;
229 typedef _Key key_type;
230 typedef _Value value_type;
231 typedef value_type* pointer;
232 typedef const value_type* const_pointer;
233 typedef value_type& reference;
234 typedef const value_type& const_reference;
235 typedef _Rb_tree_node<_Value>* _Link_type;
236 typedef size_t size_type;
237 typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
238 typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag _Iterator_category;
239 typedef typename _Base::allocator_type allocator_type;
243 _Link_type _M_create_node(const value_type& __x)
245 _Link_type __tmp = this->_M_header.allocate(1);
247 _Construct(&__tmp->_M_value_field, __x);
249 _STLP_UNWIND(this->_M_header.deallocate(__tmp,1));
253 _Link_type _M_clone_node(_Link_type __x)
255 _Link_type __tmp = _M_create_node(__x->_M_value_field);
256 __tmp->_M_color = __x->_M_color;
263 size_type _M_node_count; // keeps track of size of tree
264 _Compare _M_key_compare;
266 _Link_type& _M_root() const
267 { return (_Link_type&) this->_M_header._M_data->_M_parent; }
268 _Link_type& _M_leftmost() const
269 { return (_Link_type&) this->_M_header._M_data->_M_left; }
270 _Link_type& _M_rightmost() const
271 { return (_Link_type&) this->_M_header._M_data->_M_right; }
273 static _Link_type& _STLP_CALL _S_left(_Link_type __x)
274 { return (_Link_type&)(__x->_M_left); }
275 static _Link_type& _STLP_CALL _S_right(_Link_type __x)
276 { return (_Link_type&)(__x->_M_right); }
277 static _Link_type& _STLP_CALL _S_parent(_Link_type __x)
278 { return (_Link_type&)(__x->_M_parent); }
279 static reference _STLP_CALL _S_value(_Link_type __x)
280 { return __x->_M_value_field; }
281 static const _Key& _STLP_CALL _S_key(_Link_type __x)
282 { return _KeyOfValue()(_S_value(__x)); }
283 static _Color_type& _STLP_CALL _S_color(_Link_type __x)
284 { return (_Color_type&)(__x->_M_color); }
286 static _Link_type& _STLP_CALL _S_left(_Base_ptr __x)
287 { return (_Link_type&)(__x->_M_left); }
288 static _Link_type& _STLP_CALL _S_right(_Base_ptr __x)
289 { return (_Link_type&)(__x->_M_right); }
290 static _Link_type& _STLP_CALL _S_parent(_Base_ptr __x)
291 { return (_Link_type&)(__x->_M_parent); }
292 static reference _STLP_CALL _S_value(_Base_ptr __x)
293 { return ((_Link_type)__x)->_M_value_field; }
294 static const _Key& _STLP_CALL _S_key(_Base_ptr __x)
295 { return _KeyOfValue()(_S_value(_Link_type(__x)));}
296 static _Color_type& _STLP_CALL _S_color(_Base_ptr __x)
297 { return (_Color_type&)(_Link_type(__x)->_M_color); }
299 static _Link_type _STLP_CALL _S_minimum(_Link_type __x)
300 { return (_Link_type) _Rb_tree_node_base::_S_minimum(__x); }
302 static _Link_type _STLP_CALL _S_maximum(_Link_type __x)
303 { return (_Link_type) _Rb_tree_node_base::_S_maximum(__x); }
306 typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<value_type, _Nonconst_traits<value_type> > iterator;
307 typedef _Rb_tree_iterator<value_type, _Const_traits<value_type> > const_iterator;
311 iterator _M_insert(_Base_ptr __x, _Base_ptr __y, const value_type& __v, _Base_ptr __w = 0);
312 _Link_type _M_copy(_Link_type __x, _Link_type __p);
313 void _M_erase(_Link_type __x);
316 // allocation/deallocation
318 : _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc>(allocator_type()), _M_node_count(0), _M_key_compare(_Compare())
319 { _M_empty_initialize();
322 _Rb_tree(const _Compare& __comp)
323 : _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc>(allocator_type()), _M_node_count(0), _M_key_compare(__comp)
324 { _M_empty_initialize(); }
326 _Rb_tree(const _Compare& __comp, const allocator_type& __a)
327 : _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc>(__a), _M_node_count(0), _M_key_compare(__comp)
328 { _M_empty_initialize(); }
330 _Rb_tree(const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __x)
331 : _Rb_tree_base<_Value, _Alloc>(__x.get_allocator()),
332 _M_node_count(0), _M_key_compare(__x._M_key_compare)
334 if (__x._M_root() == 0)
335 _M_empty_initialize();
337 _S_color(this->_M_header._M_data) = _S_rb_tree_red;
338 _M_root() = _M_copy(__x._M_root(), this->_M_header._M_data);
339 _M_leftmost() = _S_minimum(_M_root());
340 _M_rightmost() = _S_maximum(_M_root());
342 _M_node_count = __x._M_node_count;
344 ~_Rb_tree() { clear(); }
345 _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& operator=(const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __x);
348 void _M_empty_initialize() {
349 _S_color(this->_M_header._M_data) = _S_rb_tree_red; // used to distinguish header from
350 // __root, in iterator.operator++
352 _M_leftmost() = this->_M_header._M_data;
353 _M_rightmost() = this->_M_header._M_data;
358 _Compare key_comp() const { return _M_key_compare; }
360 iterator begin() { return iterator(_M_leftmost()); }
361 const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator(_M_leftmost()); }
362 iterator end() { return iterator(this->_M_header._M_data); }
363 const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator(this->_M_header._M_data); }
365 reverse_iterator rbegin() { return reverse_iterator(end()); }
366 const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const {
367 return const_reverse_iterator(end());
369 reverse_iterator rend() { return reverse_iterator(begin()); }
370 const_reverse_iterator rend() const {
371 return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
373 bool empty() const { return _M_node_count == 0; }
374 size_type size() const { return _M_node_count; }
375 size_type max_size() const { return size_type(-1); }
377 void swap(_Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __t) {
378 _STLP_STD::swap(this->_M_header, __t._M_header);
379 _STLP_STD::swap(_M_node_count, __t._M_node_count);
380 _STLP_STD::swap(_M_key_compare, __t._M_key_compare);
385 pair<iterator,bool> insert_unique(const value_type& __x);
386 iterator insert_equal(const value_type& __x);
388 iterator insert_unique(iterator __position, const value_type& __x);
389 iterator insert_equal(iterator __position, const value_type& __x);
392 template<class _II> void insert_equal(_II __first, _II __last) {
393 for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
394 insert_equal(*__first);
396 template<class _II> void insert_unique(_II __first, _II __last) {
397 for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
398 insert_unique(*__first);
400 #else /* _STLP_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
401 void insert_unique(const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last) {
402 for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
403 insert_unique(*__first);
405 void insert_unique(const value_type* __first, const value_type* __last) {
406 for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
407 insert_unique(*__first);
409 void insert_equal(const_iterator __first, const_iterator __last) {
410 for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
411 insert_equal(*__first);
413 void insert_equal(const value_type* __first, const value_type* __last) {
414 for ( ; __first != __last; ++__first)
415 insert_equal(*__first);
417 #endif /* _STLP_MEMBER_TEMPLATES */
419 void erase(iterator __position) {
421 (_Link_type) _Rb_global_inst::_Rebalance_for_erase(__position._M_node,
422 this->_M_header._M_data->_M_parent,
423 this->_M_header._M_data->_M_left,
424 this->_M_header._M_data->_M_right);
425 _STLP_STD::_Destroy(&__y->_M_value_field);
426 this->_M_header.deallocate(__y,1);
430 size_type erase(const key_type& __x) {
431 pair<iterator,iterator> __p = equal_range(__x);
432 size_type __n = distance(__p.first, __p.second);
433 erase(__p.first, __p.second);
437 void erase(iterator __first, iterator __last) {
438 if (__first == begin() && __last == end())
441 while (__first != __last) erase(__first++);
444 void erase(const key_type* __first, const key_type* __last) {
445 while (__first != __last) erase(*__first++);
449 if (_M_node_count != 0) {
451 _M_leftmost() = this->_M_header._M_data;
453 _M_rightmost() = this->_M_header._M_data;
460 # if defined(_STLP_MEMBER_TEMPLATES) && ! defined ( _STLP_NO_EXTENSIONS ) && !defined(__MRC__) && !(defined(__SC__) && !defined(__DMC__))
461 template <class _KT> iterator find(const _KT& __x) { return iterator(_M_find(__x)); }
462 template <class _KT> const_iterator find(const _KT& __x) const { return const_iterator(_M_find(__x)); }
464 template <class _KT> _Rb_tree_node<_Value>* _M_find(const _KT& __k) const
466 iterator find(const key_type& __x) { return iterator(_M_find(__x)); }
467 const_iterator find(const key_type& __x) const { return const_iterator(_M_find(__x)); }
469 _Rb_tree_node<_Value>* _M_find(const key_type& __k) const
472 _Link_type __y = this->_M_header._M_data; // Last node which is not less than __k.
473 _Link_type __x = _M_root(); // Current node.
476 if (!_M_key_compare(_S_key(__x), __k))
477 __y = __x, __x = _S_left(__x);
480 if (__y == this->_M_header._M_data || _M_key_compare(__k, _S_key(__y)))
481 __y = this->_M_header._M_data;
485 _Link_type _M_lower_bound(const key_type& __k) const {
486 _Link_type __y = this->_M_header._M_data; /* Last node which is not less than __k. */
487 _Link_type __x = _M_root(); /* Current node. */
490 if (!_M_key_compare(_S_key(__x), __k))
491 __y = __x, __x = _S_left(__x);
498 _Link_type _M_upper_bound(const key_type& __k) const {
499 _Link_type __y = this->_M_header._M_data; /* Last node which is greater than __k. */
500 _Link_type __x = _M_root(); /* Current node. */
503 if (_M_key_compare(__k, _S_key(__x)))
504 __y = __x, __x = _S_left(__x);
512 size_type count(const key_type& __x) const;
513 iterator lower_bound(const key_type& __x) { return iterator(_M_lower_bound(__x)); }
514 const_iterator lower_bound(const key_type& __x) const { return const_iterator(_M_lower_bound(__x)); }
515 iterator upper_bound(const key_type& __x) { return iterator(_M_upper_bound(__x)); }
516 const_iterator upper_bound(const key_type& __x) const { return const_iterator(_M_upper_bound(__x)); }
517 pair<iterator,iterator> equal_range(const key_type& __x) {
518 return pair<iterator, iterator>(lower_bound(__x), upper_bound(__x));
520 pair<const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range(const key_type& __x) const {
521 return pair<const_iterator,const_iterator>(lower_bound(__x),
527 bool __rb_verify() const;
530 template <class _Key, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue,
531 class _Compare, class _Alloc> inline bool _STLP_CALL
532 operator==(const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __x,
533 const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __y)
535 return __x.size() == __y.size() && equal(__x.begin(), __x.end(), __y.begin());
538 template <class _Key, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue,
539 class _Compare, class _Alloc> inline bool _STLP_CALL
540 operator<(const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __x,
541 const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __y)
543 return lexicographical_compare(__x.begin(), __x.end(),
544 __y.begin(), __y.end());
549 template <class _Key, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue,
550 class _Compare, class _Alloc> inline bool _STLP_CALL
551 operator!=(const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __x,
552 const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __y) {
553 return !(__x == __y);
556 template <class _Key, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue,
557 class _Compare, class _Alloc> inline bool _STLP_CALL
558 operator>(const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __x,
559 const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __y) {
563 template <class _Key, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue,
564 class _Compare, class _Alloc> inline bool _STLP_CALL
565 operator<=(const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __x,
566 const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __y) {
570 template <class _Key, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue,
571 class _Compare, class _Alloc> inline bool _STLP_CALL
572 operator>=(const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __x,
573 const _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __y) {
581 template <class _Key, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue,
582 class _Compare, class _Alloc> inline void _STLP_CALL
583 swap(_Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __x,
584 _Rb_tree<_Key,_Value,_KeyOfValue,_Compare,_Alloc>& __y)
594 # include <stl/_tree.c>
599 #if defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
600 # include <stl/debug/_tree.h>
604 // Class rb_tree is not part of the C++ standard. It is provided for
605 // compatibility with the HP STL.
607 template <class _Key, class _Value, class _KeyOfValue, class _Compare,
608 _STLP_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR_SELECT(_Value) > struct rb_tree : public _Rb_tree<_Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc> {
609 typedef _Rb_tree<_Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc> _Base;
610 typedef typename _Base::allocator_type allocator_type;
613 : _Rb_tree<_Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>(_Compare(), allocator_type()) {}
614 rb_tree(const _Compare& __comp,
615 const allocator_type& __a = allocator_type())
616 : _Rb_tree<_Key, _Value, _KeyOfValue, _Compare, _Alloc>(__comp, __a) {}
621 #endif /* _STLP_INTERNAL_TREE_H */