author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Tue, 16 Mar 2010 16:12:26 +0000
changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Final list of Symbian^2 public API header files
     1 //=======================================================================
     2 // Copyright 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 University of Notre Dame.
     3 // Copyright 2006 The Trustees of Indiana University.
     4 // Copyright (C) 2001 Vladimir Prus <ghost@cs.msu.su>
     5 // Authors: Andrew Lumsdaine, Lie-Quan Lee, Jeremy G. Siek, Douglas Gregor
     6 //
     7 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
     8 // accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
     9 // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
    10 //=======================================================================
    12 // The mutating functions (add_edge, etc.) were added by Vladimir Prus.
    17 #include <cassert>
    18 #include <utility>
    19 #include <vector>
    20 #include <cstddef>
    21 #include <boost/iterator.hpp>
    22 #include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>
    23 #include <boost/pending/integer_range.hpp>
    24 #include <boost/property_map.hpp>
    25 #include <boost/graph/properties.hpp>
    26 #include <algorithm>
    28 /*
    29   This module implements the VertexListGraph concept using a
    30   std::vector as the "back-bone" of the graph (the vector *is* the
    31   graph object). The edge-lists type of the graph is templated, so the
    32   user can choose any STL container, so long as the value_type of the
    33   container is convertible to the size_type of the vector. For now any
    34   graph properties must be stored seperately.
    36   This module requires the C++ compiler to support partial
    37   specialization for the graph_traits class, so this is not portable
    38   to VC++.
    40 */
    43 #error The vector-as-graph module requires a compiler that supports partial specialization
    44 #endif
    47 namespace boost {
    48   namespace detail {
    49     template <class EdgeList> struct val_out_edge_ret;
    50     template <class EdgeList> struct val_out_edge_iter;
    51     template <class EdgeList> struct val_edge;
    52   }
    53 }
    56 namespace boost {
    58   struct vector_as_graph_traversal_tag
    59     : public vertex_list_graph_tag,
    60       public adjacency_graph_tag,
    61       public incidence_graph_tag { };
    63   template <class EdgeList>
    64   struct graph_traits< std::vector<EdgeList> >
    65   {
    66     typedef typename EdgeList::value_type V;
    67     typedef V vertex_descriptor;
    68     typedef typename detail::val_edge<EdgeList>::type edge_descriptor;
    69     typedef typename EdgeList::const_iterator adjacency_iterator;
    70     typedef typename detail::val_out_edge_iter<EdgeList>::type
    71       out_edge_iterator;
    72     typedef void in_edge_iterator;
    73     typedef void edge_iterator;
    74     typedef typename integer_range<V>::iterator vertex_iterator;
    75     typedef directed_tag directed_category;
    76     typedef allow_parallel_edge_tag edge_parallel_category;
    77     typedef vector_as_graph_traversal_tag traversal_category;
    78     typedef typename std::vector<EdgeList>::size_type vertices_size_type;
    79     typedef void edges_size_type;
    80     typedef typename EdgeList::size_type degree_size_type;
    81   };
    82   template <class EdgeList>
    83   struct edge_property_type< std::vector<EdgeList> >
    84   {
    85     typedef void type;
    86   };
    87   template <class EdgeList>
    88   struct vertex_property_type< std::vector<EdgeList> >
    89   {
    90     typedef void type;
    91   };
    92   template <class EdgeList>
    93   struct graph_property_type< std::vector<EdgeList> >
    94   {
    95     typedef void type;
    96   };
    97 }
    98 #endif
   100 namespace boost {
   102   namespace detail {
   104     // "val" is short for Vector Adjacency List
   106     template <class EdgeList>
   107     struct val_edge
   108     {
   109       typedef typename EdgeList::value_type V;
   110       typedef std::pair<V,V> type;
   111     };
   113     // need rewrite this using boost::iterator_adaptor
   114     template <class V, class Iter>
   115     class val_out_edge_iterator
   116       : public boost::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, std::pair<V,V>,
   117          std::ptrdiff_t, std::pair<V,V>*, const std::pair<V,V> >
   118     {
   119       typedef val_out_edge_iterator self;
   120       typedef std::pair<V,V> Edge;
   121     public:
   122       val_out_edge_iterator() { }
   123       val_out_edge_iterator(V s, Iter i) : _source(s), _iter(i) { }
   124       Edge operator*() const { return Edge(_source, *_iter); }
   125       self& operator++() { ++_iter; return *this; }
   126       self operator++(int) { self t = *this; ++_iter; return t; }
   127       bool operator==(const self& x) const { return _iter == x._iter; }
   128       bool operator!=(const self& x) const { return _iter != x._iter; }
   129     protected:
   130       V _source;
   131       Iter _iter;
   132     };
   134     template <class EdgeList>
   135     struct val_out_edge_iter
   136     {
   137       typedef typename EdgeList::value_type V;
   138       typedef typename EdgeList::const_iterator Iter;
   139       typedef val_out_edge_iterator<V,Iter> type;
   140     };
   142     template <class EdgeList>
   143     struct val_out_edge_ret
   144     {
   145       typedef typename val_out_edge_iter<EdgeList>::type IncIter;
   146       typedef std::pair<IncIter,IncIter> type;
   147     };
   149   } // namesapce detail
   151   template <class EdgeList, class Alloc>
   152   typename detail::val_out_edge_ret<EdgeList>::type
   153   out_edges(typename EdgeList::value_type v,
   154             const std::vector<EdgeList, Alloc>& g)
   155   {
   156     typedef typename detail::val_out_edge_iter<EdgeList>::type Iter;
   157     typedef typename detail::val_out_edge_ret<EdgeList>::type return_type;
   158     return return_type(Iter(v, g[v].begin()), Iter(v, g[v].end()));
   159   }
   161   template <class EdgeList, class Alloc>
   162   typename EdgeList::size_type
   163   out_degree(typename EdgeList::value_type v,
   164              const std::vector<EdgeList, Alloc>& g)
   165   {
   166     return g[v].size();
   167   }
   169   template <class EdgeList, class Alloc>
   170   std::pair<typename EdgeList::const_iterator,
   171             typename EdgeList::const_iterator>
   172   adjacent_vertices(typename EdgeList::value_type v,
   173                     const std::vector<EdgeList, Alloc>& g)
   174   {
   175     return std::make_pair(g[v].begin(), g[v].end());
   176   }
   178   // source() and target() already provided for pairs in graph_traits.hpp
   180   template <class EdgeList, class Alloc>
   181   std::pair<typename boost::integer_range<typename EdgeList::value_type>
   182               ::iterator,
   183             typename boost::integer_range<typename EdgeList::value_type>
   184               ::iterator >
   185   vertices(const std::vector<EdgeList, Alloc>& v)
   186   {
   187     typedef typename boost::integer_range<typename EdgeList::value_type>
   188       ::iterator Iter;
   189     return std::make_pair(Iter(0), Iter(v.size()));
   190   }
   192   template <class EdgeList, class Alloc>
   193   typename std::vector<EdgeList, Alloc>::size_type
   194   num_vertices(const std::vector<EdgeList, Alloc>& v)
   195   {
   196     return v.size();
   197   }
   199   template<class EdgeList, class Allocator>
   200   typename std::pair<typename detail::val_edge<EdgeList>::type, bool>
   201   add_edge(typename EdgeList::value_type u, typename EdgeList::value_type v,
   202            std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>& g)
   203   {
   204     typedef typename detail::val_edge<EdgeList>::type edge_type;
   205     g[u].insert(g[u].end(), v);
   206     return std::make_pair(edge_type(u, v), true);
   207   }
   209   template<class EdgeList, class Allocator>
   210   typename std::pair<typename detail::val_edge<EdgeList>::type, bool>
   211   edge(typename EdgeList::value_type u, typename EdgeList::value_type v,
   212        std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>& g)
   213   {
   214     typedef typename detail::val_edge<EdgeList>::type edge_type;
   215     typename EdgeList::iterator i = g[u].begin(), end = g[u].end();
   216     for (; i != end; ++i)
   217       if (*i == v)
   218         return std::make_pair(edge_type(u, v), true);
   219     return std::make_pair(edge_type(), false);
   220   }
   222   template<class EdgeList, class Allocator>
   223   void
   224   remove_edge(typename EdgeList::value_type u, typename EdgeList::value_type v,
   225               std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>& g)
   226   {
   227     typename EdgeList::iterator i = std::remove(g[u].begin(), g[u].end(), v);
   228     if (i != g[u].end())
   229       g[u].erase(i, g[u].end());
   230   }
   232   template<class EdgeList, class Allocator>
   233   void
   234   remove_edge(typename detail::val_edge<EdgeList>::type e,
   235               std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>& g)
   236   {
   237     typename EdgeList::value_type u, v;
   238     u = e.first;
   239     v = e.second;
   240     // FIXME: edge type does not fully specify the edge to be deleted
   241     typename EdgeList::iterator i = std::remove(g[u].begin(), g[u].end(), v);
   242     if (i != g[u].end())
   243       g[u].erase(i, g[u].end());
   244   }
   246   template<class EdgeList, class Allocator, class Predicate>
   247   void
   248   remove_edge_if(Predicate p,
   249                  std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>& g)
   250   {
   251       for (std::size_t u = 0; u < g.size(); ++u) {
   252           // Oops! gcc gets internal compiler error on compose_.......
   254           typedef typename EdgeList::iterator iterator;
   255           iterator b = g[u].begin(), e = g[u].end();
   257           if (!g[u].empty()) {
   259               for(; b != e;) {
   260                   if (p(std::make_pair(u, *b))) {
   261                       --e;
   262                       if (b == e)
   263                           break;
   264                       else
   265                           iter_swap(b, e);
   266                   } else {
   267                       ++b;
   268                   }
   269               }
   270           }
   272           if (e != g[u].end())
   273               g[u].erase(e, g[u].end());
   274       }
   275   }
   277   template<class EdgeList, class Allocator>
   278   typename EdgeList::value_type
   279   add_vertex(std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>& g)
   280   {
   281     g.resize(g.size()+1);
   282     return g.size()-1;
   283   }
   285   template<class EdgeList, class Allocator>
   286   void
   287   clear_vertex(typename EdgeList::value_type u,
   288                std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>& g)
   289   {
   290     g[u].clear();
   291     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < g.size(); ++i)
   292       remove_edge(i, u, g);
   293   }
   295   template<class EdgeList, class Allocator>
   296   void
   297   remove_vertex(typename EdgeList::value_type u,
   298                 std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>& g)
   299   {
   300     typedef typename EdgeList::iterator iterator;
   301     clear_vertex(u, g);
   302     g.erase(g.begin() + u);
   303     for (std::size_t i = 0; i < g.size(); ++i)
   304       for ( iterator it = g[i].begin(); it != g[i].end(); ++it )
   305         // after clear_vertex *it is never equal to u
   306         if ( *it > u )
   307           --*it;
   308   }
   310   template<typename EdgeList, typename Allocator>
   311   struct property_map<std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>, vertex_index_t>
   312   {
   313     typedef identity_property_map type;
   314     typedef type const_type;
   315   };
   317   template<typename EdgeList, typename Allocator>
   318   identity_property_map 
   319   get(vertex_index_t, const std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>&)
   320   {
   321     return identity_property_map();
   322   }
   324   template<typename EdgeList, typename Allocator>
   325   identity_property_map 
   326   get(vertex_index_t, std::vector<EdgeList, Allocator>&)
   327   {
   328     return identity_property_map();
   329   }
   330 } // namespace boost
   332 #endif // BOOST_VECTOR_AS_GRAPH_HPP