author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Tue, 16 Mar 2010 16:12:26 +0000
changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
permissions -rw-r--r--
Final list of Symbian^2 public API header files
     1 // Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Phonebook Synchroniser API header file.
    15 // Describes the Phonebook Synchroniser API for use by clients of the
    16 // Phonebook Synchroniser Server.
    17 // 
    18 //
    22 /**
    23  @file
    24  @publishedAll
    25  @released
    26 */
    28 #ifndef __PHBKSYNC_H__
    29 #define __PHBKSYNC_H__
    31 #include <e32std.h>
    32 #include <cntdef.h>
    33 #include <cntdb.h>
    34 #include <cntitem.h>
    35 #include <cntfldst.h>
    37 /**
    38  *  Index not supplied.
    39  */
    40 const TInt KSyncIndexNotSupplied=-1;
    43 //
    44 // TUid Phonebook Types used by Contacts Model 
    45 //
    46 #define KUidIccPhonebookNotSpecifiedValue    0x101F7874
    47 #define KUidIccGlobalAdnPhonebookValue       0x101F7875
    48 #define KUidIccGlobalSdnPhonebookValue       0x101F7876
    49 #define KUidIccGlobalLndPhonebookValue       0x101F7877
    50 #define KUidUsimAppAdnPhonebookValue         0x101F7878
    51 #define KUidIccGlobalFdnPhonebookValue       0x101FB2AF
    53 const TUid  KUidIccPhonebookNotSpecified = {KUidIccPhonebookNotSpecifiedValue};
    54 const TUid  KUidIccGlobalAdnPhonebook    = {KUidIccGlobalAdnPhonebookValue};
    55 const TUid  KUidIccGlobalSdnPhonebook    = {KUidIccGlobalSdnPhonebookValue};
    56 const TUid  KUidIccGlobalLndPhonebook    = {KUidIccGlobalLndPhonebookValue};
    57 const TUid  KUidUsimAppAdnPhonebook      = {KUidUsimAppAdnPhonebookValue};
    58 const TUid  KUidIccGlobalFdnPhonebook    = {KUidIccGlobalFdnPhonebookValue};
    61 /**
    62  *  Types of cancel requests for the asynchronous server requests.
    63  *
    64  *  @see RPhoneBookSession::CancelRequest
    65  */
    66 enum TPhonebookSyncRequestCancel
    67 	{
    68 	/** Cancel the asynchronous RPhoneBookSession::DoSynchronisation() request */
    69 	EDoSynchronisationCancelClient,
    71 	/** Cancel the asynchronous RPhoneBookSession::DeleteContact() request */
    72 	ESyncDeleteCntFromICCCancelClient,
    74 	/** Cancel the asynchronous RPhoneBookSession::WriteContact() request */
    75 	ESyncWriteCntToICCCancelClient,
    77 	/** Cancel the asynchronous RPhoneBookSession::NotifyPhBkCacheStateChange() request */
    78 	ESyncNotifyCacheStateChangeCancelClient
    79 	};
    82 /**
    83  *  Class to hold the contact field formats.
    84  *
    85  *  @publishedAll
    86  *  @released
    87  */
    88 class TContactFieldFormat
    89 	{
    90 public:
    91 	TContactFieldFormat(TInt aLength, TInt aCount, TBool aDisplayed);
    93 public:
    94 	/** The maximum length (i.e. number of characters) of the field. If the field is 
    95 	not a string type this attribute should be ignored. */
    96 	TInt  iLength;
    98 	/** The maximum number of instances of this field within an item. This is set to 
    99 	-1 if this is unlimited. */
   100 	TInt  iCount;
   102 	/** Indicates whether this is displayed or hidden. */
   103 	TBool iDisplayed;
   104 	};
   107 //
   108 // Forward declare the internal data storage class.
   109 //
   110 class CSyncClientData;
   112 /**
   113  *  Provides the CPhoneBookSyncPlugin client access to a session with the
   114  *  Phonebook Synchronizer Server. 
   115  *
   116  *  A handle to an RPhoneBookSession enables the plug-in class to perform
   117  *  IPC communications with the server.
   118  *
   119  *  @publishedAll
   120  *  @released
   121  */
   122 class RPhoneBookSession : public RSessionBase
   123 	{
   124 public:
   125 	/**
   126 	 *  Structure holding the template ID and buffer size. The client has
   127 	 *  no need to use this structure.
   128 	 *
   129 	 *  @deprecated
   130 	 */
   131 	struct TTemplateAndBufferSize
   132 		{
   133 		TContactItemId  templateId;
   134 		TInt  bufferSize;
   135 		};
   137 	/**
   138 	 *  The synchronisation mode for phonebooks when the server starts.
   139 	 */
   140 	enum TPhonebookSyncMode
   141 		{
   142 		/** Automatic synchronisation will be performed. */
   143 		EAutoCurrentIcc,
   145 		/** Automatic synchronisation will only be performed if the current ICC is
   146 		    the same as the last ICC to be synchonised. */
   147 		EAutoSameIcc,
   149 		/** Manual synchronisation will be performed when requested. */
   150 		EManual
   151 		};
   153 	/**
   154 	 *  The phonebook cache state.
   155 	 */
   156 	enum TSyncState
   157 		{
   158 		/** The server has not yet populated the Contacts Database. */
   159 		EUnsynchronised,
   161 		/** The server has finished populating the Contacts Database. */
   162 		ECacheValid,
   164 		/** The server encountered an error populating the Contacts Database. */
   165 		EErrorDuringSync
   166 		};
   168 	/**
   169 	 *  Specifies format of phonebook fields within an ICC phonebook entry.
   170 	 *
   171 	 *  @publishedAll
   172 	 *  @released
   173 	 */
   174 	class TContactFieldsV1  
   175 		{
   176 	public:
   177 		/**
   178 		 *  Enumeration to describe the version ID of the Phonebook Synchronizer.
   179 		 */
   180 		enum TContactFieldsExtensionId
   181 			{
   182 			/** Phonebook Synchronizer version 1 */
   183 			KPhBkSyncTContactFieldsV1,
   185 			/** Phonebook Synchronizer version 2 */
   186 			KPhBkSyncTContactFieldsV2,
   188 			/** Phonebook Synchronizer version 3 */
   189 			KPhBkSyncTContactFieldsV3
   190 			};
   192 		/**
   193 		 *  Returns the Phonebook Synchronizer API extension number of the class.
   194 		 *
   195 		 *  @return  The version ID from TContactFieldsExtensionId.
   196 		 */
   197 		IMPORT_C TInt ExtensionId() const;
   199 		/**
   200 		 *  Standard constructor.
   201 		 */
   202 		IMPORT_C TContactFieldsV1();
   204 	public:
   205 		/** The format of the name field within an ICC phonebook entry. */
   206 		TContactFieldFormat  iNameField;
   208 		/** The format of the number field within an ICC phonebook entry. */
   209 		TContactFieldFormat  iNumberField;
   211 		/** The format of the ICC slot number field within an ICC phonebook entry. */
   212 		TContactFieldFormat  iIccSlotField;
   214 	protected:
   215 		TInt  iExtensionId;
   216 		};
   218 	/**
   219 	 *  A packaged instance of TContactFieldsV1.
   220 	 */
   221 	typedef TPckg<TContactFieldsV1>  TContactFieldsV1Pckg;
   223 	/**
   224 	 *  Specifies format of phonebook fields within an UICC phonebook entry
   225 	 *
   226 	 *  @publishedAll
   227 	 *  @released
   228 	 */
   229 	class TContactFieldsV2 : public TContactFieldsV1 
   230 		{
   231 	public:
   232 		IMPORT_C TContactFieldsV2();
   234 	public:
   235 		/** The format of any additional number fields within an ICC phonebook entry. */
   236 		TContactFieldFormat  iAdditionalNumString;
   238 		/** The format of group field within an ICC phonebook entry. */
   239 		TContactFieldFormat  iGroupField;
   241 		/** The format of email field within an ICC phonebook entry. */
   242 		TContactFieldFormat  iEmailField;
   244 		/** The UID of the phonebook. */
   245 		TUid  iPhonebook;
   246 		};
   248 	/**
   249 	 *  A packaged instance of TContactFieldsV2.
   250 	 */
   251 	typedef TPckg<TContactFieldsV2>  TContactFieldsV2Pckg;
   254 	/**
   255 	 *  Specifies additional format information for phonebook fields within a
   256 	 *  UICC phonebook entry.
   257 	 *
   258 	 *  @publishedAll
   259 	 *  @released
   260 	 */
   261 	class TContactFieldsV3 : public TContactFieldsV2 
   262 		{
   263 	public:
   264 		IMPORT_C TContactFieldsV3();
   266 	public:
   267 		/** The format of an addition number's text field within an ICC phonebook entry. */
   268 		TContactFieldFormat  iAdditionalNumAlphaString;
   270 		/** The format of the second name field within an ICC phonebook entry. */
   271 		TContactFieldFormat  iSecondNameField;
   272 		};
   274 	/**
   275 	 *  A packaged instance of TContactFieldsV3.
   276 	 */
   277 	typedef TPckg<TContactFieldsV3>  TContactFieldsV3Pckg;
   280 	/**
   281 	 *  The phonebook ID type requested from a phonebook. There are two types of IDs
   282 	 *  (group IDs and template IDs).
   283 	 *
   284 	 *  @see RPhoneBookSession::GetPhoneBookId()
   285 	 */
   286 	enum TSyncIdType
   287 		{
   288 		/** Used to allocate a new entry to the right group in the Contacts Database. */
   289 		ESyncGroupId,
   291 		/** Used to define new ICC entries in the Contacts Database. */
   292 		ESyncTemplateId
   293 		};
   295 public:
   296 	IMPORT_C RPhoneBookSession();
   297 	IMPORT_C TInt Connect();
   298 	IMPORT_C void Close();
   299 	IMPORT_C TVersion Version() const;
   300 	IMPORT_C TInt ShutdownServer (TBool aUnconditionally);
   302 	//
   303 	// Single (ADN) phonebook support and functions not requiring a phonebook UID.
   304 	//
   305 	IMPORT_C void DoSynchronisation(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus);
   306 	IMPORT_C TInt ValidateContact(MContactSynchroniser::TValidateOperation aOperation, TContactItemId aId);
   307 	IMPORT_C void WriteContact(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, CContactICCEntry& aContactItem, 
   308 							   TInt& aSlotNumber);
   309 	IMPORT_C void DeleteContact(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TContactItemId aId);
   310 	IMPORT_C TInt GetPhoneBookId(TContactItemId& aId, TSyncIdType aIdType);
   311 	IMPORT_C TInt UpdateLookuptable(TContactItemId aNewUid, TInt aIccSlot);
   312 	IMPORT_C TInt GetContactFormat(TDes8& aContactFields);
   313 	IMPORT_C TInt GetSyncMode(TPhonebookSyncMode& aSyncMode);
   314 	IMPORT_C TInt SetSyncMode(TPhonebookSyncMode aSyncMode);
   315 	IMPORT_C TInt GetPhoneBookCacheState(TSyncState& aState);
   316 	IMPORT_C void CancelRequest(TPhonebookSyncRequestCancel aReqToCancel);
   317 	IMPORT_C TInt GetLastSyncError(TInt& aError);
   318 	IMPORT_C void NotifyPhBkCacheStateChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
   319 	IMPORT_C TInt GetNumSlots(TInt& aNumSlots) const;
   320 	IMPORT_C void GetFreeSlotsL(RArray<TInt>& aFreeSlots) const;
   321 	IMPORT_C TInt GetSlotId(TInt aSlot, TContactItemId& aId) const;
   323 	//
   324 	// Multiple phonebooks support. These should be used in preference to the above
   325 	// ADN specific versions.
   326 	//
   327 	IMPORT_C void DoSynchronisation(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, TUid aPhonebookUid);
   328 	IMPORT_C void WriteContact(TRequestStatus& aReqStatus, CContactICCEntry& aContactItem, 
   329 							   TInt& aSlotNumber, TUid& aPhonebookUid);
   330 	IMPORT_C TInt GetPhoneBookId(TContactItemId& aId, TSyncIdType aIdType, TUid aPhonebookUid);
   331 	IMPORT_C TInt UpdateLookuptable(TContactItemId aNewUid, TInt aIccSlot, TUid aPhonebookUid);
   332 	IMPORT_C TInt GetSyncMode(TPhonebookSyncMode& aSyncMode, TUid aPhonebookId);
   333 	IMPORT_C TInt SetSyncMode(TPhonebookSyncMode aSyncMode, TUid aPhonebookId);
   334 	IMPORT_C TInt GetPhoneBookCacheState(TSyncState& aState, TUid aPhonebookId);
   335 	IMPORT_C void CancelRequest(TPhonebookSyncRequestCancel aReqToCancel, TUid aPhonebookId);
   336 	IMPORT_C TInt GetLastSyncError(TInt& aError, TUid aPhonebookId);
   337 	IMPORT_C void NotifyPhBkCacheStateChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TUid aPhonebookId);
   338 	IMPORT_C TInt GetNumSlots(TInt& aNumSlots, TUid aPhonebookId) const;
   339 	IMPORT_C void GetFreeSlotsL(RArray<TInt>& aFreeSlots, TUid aPhonebookId) const;
   340 	IMPORT_C TInt GetSlotId(TInt aSlot, TContactItemId& aId, TUid aPhonebookId) const;
   342 	//
   343 	// Memory checking functionality for Debug builds only.
   344 	//
   345 	IMPORT_C TInt __DbgMarkHeap();
   346 	IMPORT_C TInt __DbgCheckHeap(TInt aCount);
   347 	IMPORT_C TInt __DbgMarkEnd(TInt aCount);
   348 	IMPORT_C TInt __DbgFailNext(TInt aCount);
   350 private:
   351 	RPhoneBookSession(const RPhoneBookSession& aSession);
   353 private:
   354 	/* Temporary data used by the session. */
   355 	CSyncClientData*  iData;
   356 	};
   358 #endif