author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Tue, 16 Mar 2010 16:12:26 +0000
changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
parent 0 061f57f2323e
child 4 837f303aceeb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Final list of Symbian^2 public API header files
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #ifndef __FRMTVIEW_H__
    17 #define __FRMTVIEW_H__
    19 #include <e32std.h>
    20 #include <e32base.h>
    21 #include <w32std.h>
    22 #include <frmtlay.h>
    23 #include <frmframe.h>
    25 /**
    26 Internal class - not part of interface
    27 @internalComponent
    28 */
    29 class RScreenDisplay
    31 	{
    32 public:
    33 	enum TClippingRects
    34 		{
    35 		EFClipTextArea = 0x0001,
    36 		EFClipLineCursor = 0x0002,
    37 		EFClipExtendedTextArea = 0x0004,
    38 		EFClipViewRect = 0x0008,
    39 		EFClipExtendedViewRect = 0x0010,
    40 		EFClipInvalid = 0x0200,
    41 		EFClipAllFlags = 0xFFFF
    42 		};
    43 public:
    44 	RScreenDisplay(TDrawTextLayoutContext* const aDrawTextLayoutContext); 
    45 	void Close();
    46 	void Destroy();
    47 	void SetWindowsServer(RWsSession *aSession) { iSession = aSession; }
    48 	void SetWindowGroup(RWindowGroup *aWin) { iGroupWin = aWin; }
    50 	void SetWindow(RWindow *aWin);
    51 	RWindow* Window() const { return iWin; }
    52 	void SetBitmapContext(CBitmapContext* aGc) { iGc = aGc; }
    53 	CBitmapContext* BitmapContext() const { return iGc; }
    54 	RWsSession* WindowServerSession() { return iSession; }
    55 	void SetGraphicsDeviceL(CBitmapDevice *aGd);
    56 	CBitmapDevice* BitmapDevice() const {return iGd; }
    57 	void CreateContextL(CBitmapDevice *aGd);
    58 	void CreateContextL();
    59 	void SetInvalidRect(const TRect& aRect);
    60 	void SetInvalidRect(TInt aHeight);
    61 	void SetInvalidRectHorizontal(TInt aWidth);
    62 	void SetRects(TUint aRects);
    63 	TRect LineCursorMargin() const;
    64 	TPoint TopLeftTextArea() const;
    65 	TBool IsLineCursor() const;
    67 	void AddRects(TUint aRects);
    68 	void SubRects(TUint aRects);
    69 	TRect ClippingRect();	
    70 	void ResetClippingRect();	
    71 	void Scroll(TRect aRect,const TPoint& aBy,TBool aScrollBackground);
    72 	void Flush();
    73 	void ClearRect(const TRect& aRect);
    74 	void InvertRect(TRect aRect,const TRgb aInvertColor);
    75 	void SetTextCursor(TPoint aPos, const TTextCursor &aCursor);
    76 	void RemoveTextCursor();
    77 	void BlastBitmap(const TPoint& aPoint,const CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,const TRect& aRect);
    78 	void DrawPictureFrame(TFrameOverlay* aPictureFrame,const TRect& aLineRect);
    79 	void Invalidate(TRect aRect);
    80 	void ActivateContext();
    81 	void ActivateContext(CGraphicsContext *aGc);
    82 	void DeactivateContext();
    83 	void DeactivateContext(CGraphicsContext *aGc);
    84 	void SetLayout(CTextLayout* aLayout);
    85 	CTextLayout* Layout();
    86 	TBool UseWindowGc() const;
    88 private:
    89 	void DestroyContexts();
    90 private:
    91 	RWsSession *iSession;
    92 	RWindowGroup *iGroupWin;
    93 	RWindow *iWin;
    94 	CBitmapContext *iGc;
    95 	CBitmapDevice *iGd;
    96 	TDrawTextLayoutContext* const iDrawTextLayoutContext;
    97 	TUint iRects;
    98 	TRect iInvalidRect;
    99 	TLogicalRgb iBackground;
   100 	CTextLayout* iTextLayout;
   101 	};
   103 /** Visibility of line and text cursor.
   105 The TVisibility enumeration defined in this class is used in calls to CTextView::SetCursorVisibilityL(). 
   106 The remainder of this class does not form part of the API.
   107 @internalComponent
   108 */
   109 class TCursor
   110 	{
   111 	public:
   112 	enum TCursors
   113 		{
   114 		EFNeitherCursor = 0,
   115 		EFTextCursor = 1,
   116 		EFLineCursor = 2,
   117 		EFBothCursors = EFTextCursor | EFLineCursor
   118 		};
   120 	/** Cursor visibility */
   121 	enum TVisibility
   122 		{
   123 		/** Indicates that the cursor should be invisible. */
   124 		EFCursorInvisible = 0,
   125 		/** Indicates that the cursor should be visible. */
   126 		EFCursorVisible,
   127 		/** Indicates a flashing text cursor. When specified for the line
   128 		cursor, is equivalent to EFCursorVisible, as the line cursor cannot
   129 		flash. Note that a non-flashing text cursor should only be used when
   130 		there is to be no editing, reformatting, scrolling or cursor movement.
   131 		*/
   132 		EFCursorFlashing
   133 		};
   135 	TCursor(TCursorPosition& aCursorPos,RScreenDisplay& aDisplay);
   136 	void SetLineCursorBitmap(const CFbsBitmap* aLineCursorBitmap);
   137 	inline TUint LineCursorVisibility();
   138 	inline TUint TextCursorVisibility();
   139 	void Draw(TUint aCursors);
   141 	void SetVisibility(TVisibility aLineCursor,TVisibility aTextCursor);
   142 	void SetType(TTextCursor::EType aType);
   143 	void SetPlacement(TTmCursorPlacement aPlacement);
   144 	void SetAscentAndDescent(TInt aAscent,TInt aDescent);
   145 	void SetWeight(TInt aWeight);
   146 	void SetFlash(TBool aEnabled);
   147 	void SetXorColor(TRgb aColor);
   148 	void MatchCursorHeightToAdjacentChar();
   149 	void SetExtensions(TInt aFirstExtension, TInt aSecondExtension);
   150 	private:
   151 	enum
   152 		{
   153 		ELineCursorToLabelGap = 2,
   154 		ETextCursorWeight = 3,
   155 		ETextCursorInvertColor = 0xFFFFFF
   156 		};
   158 	void DrawLineCursor(TInt aHeight);
   159 	void RemoveLineCursor();
   160 	void DrawTextCursor(TPoint aOrigin,TInt aWidth,TInt aAscent,TInt aDescent);
   161 	void RemoveTextCursor();
   163 	RScreenDisplay& iDisplay;				// a reference to the object controlling drawing
   164 	TCursorPosition& iCursorPos;			// a reference to the object holding the cursor's document position
   165 	TBool iVisible;							// TRUE if the text cursor is currently visible in the displayed text
   166 	TBool iFlash;							// TRUE if the text cursor should flash
   167 	TVisibility iLineCursor;				// line cursor state
   168 	TVisibility iTextCursor;				// text cursor state
   169 	const CFbsBitmap* iLineCursorBitmap;	// if non-null, points to a non-owned bitmap representing the line cursor
   170 	TInt iAscent;							// if non-negative, ascent used for vertical cursors
   171 	TInt iDescent;							// if non-negative, descent used for vertical cursors
   172 	TInt iWeight;							// width of vertical cursors, height of horizontal ones
   173 	TTextCursor::EType iType;				// filled or hollow rectangle, etc.
   174 	TRgb iXorColor;							// colour XORed with the background when the cursor is drawn
   175 	TTmCursorPlacement iPlacement;			// vertical, underline, etc.
   176 	TInt iFirstExtension;					// customise the cursor, extends vertical cursors upwards, horizontal cursors leftwards
   177 	TInt iSecondExtension;					// customise the cursor, extends vertical cursors downwards, horizontal cursors rightwards
   178 	TInt iReserved[2];
   179 	};
   181 /** 
   182 Lays out formatted text for display. 
   184 The class provides functions to:
   186 convert between document positions and x,y coordinates
   188 set the dimensions of the rectangle in which text can be viewed (the view 
   189 rectangle)
   191 set margin widths
   193 do horizontal and vertical scrolling
   195 do text selection
   197 set the cursor position and appearance
   199 After a change has been made to the text layout, a reformat and redraw should 
   200 normally take place. CTextView provides functions which are optimised to reformat 
   201 the minimum amount necessary. For example, when a global formatting parameter 
   202 is changed (e.g. the wrap width), the whole document's layout needs to be 
   203 recalculated, so HandleGlobalChangeL() should be called. If the change involves 
   204 the insertion or deletion of a single character, only a single line may be 
   205 affected; for this, HandleCharEditL() is appropriate. Most CTextView reformatting 
   206 functions do scrolling (using block transfer), if necessary, and a redraw.
   208 For maximum responsiveness, CTextView uses an active object to carry out 
   209 reformatting as a background task, so that the application can continue to 
   210 receive user input. Many CTextView functions force background formatting to 
   211 complete before they take effect.
   213 When scrolling vertically, positive numbers of pixels, lines, paragraphs, 
   214 pages, etc., mean that the text moves down, and vice versa. When scrolling 
   215 horizontally, positive numbers of pixels mean that the text moves left and 
   216 vice versa.
   218 A text view can display up to two cursors and up to three margins. The cursors 
   219 are the text cursor and the line cursor. The purpose of the line cursor is 
   220 to make it easier to see which line the text cursor (or the selection extension 
   221 point) is on. The three margins are the label margin (for paragraph labels), 
   222 the line cursor margin (for the line cursor) and the left text margin (the 
   223 gap between the edge of the page and the text). All are optional, but if present, 
   224 they appear in that order, starting at the left edge of the view rectangle.
   226 An object of class CTextLayout is used by the text view to calculate changes 
   227 to the layout. This object must be specified when constructing the text view. 
   228 It is also used to set layout attributes, including the wrap width, the height 
   229 of the visible portion of the document (the "band"), whether formatting is 
   230 set to the band or to the whole document and the text object which is the 
   231 source of the text and formatting information.
   233 The x-y pixel coordinates used by CTextView are called window coordinates. 
   234 Window coordinates have their origin at the top left corner of the view window 
   235 (unlike class CTextLayout whose coordinates have their origin at the top left 
   236 corner of the area within the view rectangle in which text can appear). As 
   237 in most bitmap graphics systems, x coordinates increase rightwards and y coordinates 
   238 increase downwards. 
   239 @publishedAll
   240 @released
   241 */
   242 class CTextView : public CBase
   244 	{
   245 friend class CTestTextView;
   246 public:
   247 	enum TPriorities
   248 		{
   249 		EFBackgroundFormattingPriority = (CActive::EPriorityIdle + CActive::EPriorityLow) / 2
   250 		};
   252 	/** deprecated 8.0 */
   253 	enum
   254 		{
   255 		EFFirstCharOnLine = -1000000,
   256 		EFLastCharOnLine = 1000000
   257 		};
   259 	/** Cursor height matching.
   261 	Passed as an argument to MatchCursorHeightToAdjacentChar(). */
   262 	enum TBeforeAfter
   263 		{
   264 		/** Text cursor height is matched to preceding character. */
   265 		EFCharacterBefore = ETrue,
   266 		/** Text cursor height is matched to following character. */
   267 		EFCharacterAfter = EFalse
   268 		};
   272 	/** Whether to reformat and redraw. Argument to SetViewL(). */
   273 	enum TDiscard
   274 		{
   275 		/** Discard all formatting; redraw. */
   276 		EFViewDiscardAllFormat,
   277 		/** Do not discard all formatting; redraw. */
   278 		EFViewDontDiscardFormat,
   279 		/** Discard all formatting; no redraw. */
   280 		EFViewDiscardAllNoRedraw,
   281 		/** Do not discard all formatting; redraw. */
   282 		EFViewDontDiscardFullRedraw
   283 		};
   285 	/** 
   286 	Provides notification to the owner of the text view object of changes to the 
   287 	formatting.
   289 	Its OnReformatL() function is called after reformatting but before redisplay, 
   290 	so that edit windows etc. can be resized. 
   291 	@publishedAll
   292 	@released
   293 	*/
   294 	class MObserver
   296 		{
   297 		public:
   299 		/** Called after reformatting but before redisplay, so that edit
   300 		windows, etc., can be resized.
   301 		@param aTextView A pointer to the current text view object. */
   302 		virtual void OnReformatL(const CTextView* aTextView) = 0;
   303 		};
   305 	// argument to SetViewL
   306 	enum TDoHorizontalScroll
   307 		{
   308 		EFNoHorizontalScroll = EFalse,
   309 		EFCheckForHorizontalScroll = ETrue
   310 		};
   313 	/** 
   314 	A standard inquiry interface for the text formatting engine, built on
   315 	top of a CTextView object.
   317 	To use it, construct a TTagmaForwarder object, then call InitL(), which
   318 	finishes background formatting, then call the MTmTextLayoutForwarder
   319 	functions.
   320 	@publishedAll
   321 	@released
   322 	*/
   323 	class TTagmaForwarder: public MTmTextLayoutForwarder
   325 		{
   326 	public:
   327 		inline TTagmaForwarder();
   328 		inline void InitL(CTextView* aView);
   330 	private:
   331 		// from MTmTextLayoutForwarder
   332 		inline const CTmTextLayout& TextLayout() const;
   333 		inline void GetOrigin(TPoint& aPoint) const;
   335 		CTextView* iView;
   336 		};
   338 private:
   339 	enum TDrawParameters
   340 		{
   341 		EFDrawAllWindow = CLayoutData::EFLargeNumber // must be larger than the pixel height of any window.
   342 		};
   344 	// bit values used in iFlags
   345 	enum
   346 		{
   347 		EFSelectionVisible = 1,
   348 		EFPictureFrameEnabled = 2,
   349 		EFEverythingVisible = 3,
   350 		EFFlickerFreeRedraw = 4,
   351 		EFTextVisible = 8
   352 		};
   354 	// horizontal scroll jump in pixels
   355 	enum THorizontalScrollJump
   356 		{
   357 		EFDefaultHorizontalScrollJump = 20
   358 #ifdef _DEBUG
   359 		,EFUnreasonablyLargeHorizontalScrollJump = 10000
   360 #endif
   361 		};
   363 	// picture frame blob widths in pixels
   364 	enum TPictureFrameBlobWidths
   365 		{
   366 		EFFrameVisibleBlobWidth = 10,
   367 		EFFrameActiveBlobWidth = 20
   368 		};
   370 	enum THorizontalScroll
   371 		{
   372 		EFNoPreviousHorizontalScroll = 0,
   373 		EFPreviousHorizontalScroll
   374 		};
   376 	enum TMemoryStatus
   377 		{
   378 		EFMemoryOK,
   379 		EFOutOfMemory,
   380 		EFRecovering
   381 		};
   383 	enum TExtendedHighlightRedraw
   384 		{
   385 		EFTopEdge = 0x0001,
   386 		EFBottomEdge = 0x0002
   387 		};
   390 public:
   391 	IMPORT_C static CTextView *NewL(CTextLayout* aLayout,const TRect &aDisplay,CBitmapDevice* aGd,
   392 									MGraphicsDeviceMap* aDeviceMap,RWindow* aWin,RWindowGroup* aGroupWin,
   393 									RWsSession* aSession);
   394 	IMPORT_C ~CTextView();
   395 	IMPORT_C void SetDisplayContextL(CBitmapDevice* aGd,RWindow* aWin,RWindowGroup* aGroupWin,RWsSession* aSession);
   396 	IMPORT_C void SetLayout(CTextLayout* aLayout);
   397 	inline const CTextLayout* Layout() const;
   398 	IMPORT_C void SetViewRect(const TRect& aDisplay);
   399 	IMPORT_C void AlterViewRect(const TRect &aViewRect);
   400 	IMPORT_C void SetMarginWidths(TInt aLabels,TInt aLineCursor);
   401 	IMPORT_C void SetHorizontalScrollJump(TInt aScrollJump);
   402 	IMPORT_C void SetLineCursorBitmap(const CFbsBitmap* aLineCursorBitmap);
   403 	IMPORT_C void SetHighlightExtensions(TInt aLeftExtension, TInt aRightExtension, TInt aTopExtension, TInt aBottomExtension);
   404 	IMPORT_C void SetExcessHeightRequired(TInt aExcessHeightRequired);
   405 	IMPORT_C void SetBackgroundColor(TRgb aColor);
   406 	IMPORT_C void SetTextColorOverride(const TRgb* aOverrideColor = NULL);
   407 	IMPORT_C void SetCursorVisibilityL(TUint aLineCursor,TUint aTextCursor);
   408 	IMPORT_C void SetSelectionVisibilityL(TBool aSelectionVisible);
   409 	IMPORT_C TBool SelectionVisible() const;
   410 	IMPORT_C void EnablePictureFrameL(TBool aEnabled);
   411 	IMPORT_C const TRect& ViewRect() const;
   412 	IMPORT_C const TRect& AlteredViewRect() const;
   413 	IMPORT_C void MarginWidths(TInt& aLabels,TInt& aLineCursor) const;
   414 	IMPORT_C TInt HorizontalScrollJump() const;
   415 	IMPORT_C TInt LeftTextMargin() const;
   416  	IMPORT_C void SetLatentXPosition(TInt aLatentX);
   417 	// deprecated 7.0
   418 	IMPORT_C void SetParagraphFillTextOnly(TBool aFillTextOnly);
   419 	IMPORT_C void SetCursorWidthTypeL(TTextCursor::EType aType,TInt aWidth = 0);
   420 	IMPORT_C void SetCursorPlacement(TTmCursorPlacement aPlacement);
   421 	IMPORT_C void SetCursorWeight(TInt aWeight);
   422 	IMPORT_C void SetCursorFlash(TBool aEnabled);
   423 	IMPORT_C void SetCursorXorColor(TRgb aColor);
   424 	IMPORT_C void SetCursorExtensions(TInt aFirstExtension, TInt aSecondExtension);
   425 	IMPORT_C TCursorSelection Selection() const;
   426 	IMPORT_C TBool IsPictureFrameSelected(TRect& aPictureFrameRect,TInt& aDocPos) const;
   427 	IMPORT_C TBool GetPictureRectangleL(TInt aDocPos,TRect& aPictureRect,TBool* aCanScaleOrCrop = NULL) const;
   428 	IMPORT_C TBool GetPictureRectangleL(TPoint aXyPos,TRect& aPictureRect,TBool* aCanScaleOrCrop = NULL);
   429 	IMPORT_C TBool FindXyPosL(const TPoint& aXyPos,TTmPosInfo2& aPosInfo,TTmLineInfo* aLineInfo = NULL);
   430 	IMPORT_C TInt XyPosToDocPosL(TPoint& aPoint);
   431 	IMPORT_C TBool FindDocPosL(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,TTmPosInfo2& aPosInfo,TTmLineInfo* aLineInfo = NULL);
   432 	IMPORT_C TBool DocPosToXyPosL(TInt aDocPos,TPoint& aPoint);
   433 	IMPORT_C TRect ParagraphRectL(TInt aDocPos) const;
   434 	IMPORT_C void CalculateHorizontalExtremesL(TInt& aLeftX,TInt& aRightX,TBool aOnlyVisibleLines);
   435 	IMPORT_C void MatchCursorHeightL(const TFontSpec& aFontSpec);
   436 	IMPORT_C void MatchCursorHeightToAdjacentChar(TBeforeAfter aBasedOn = EFCharacterBefore);
   437 	IMPORT_C TPoint SetSelectionL(const TCursorSelection& aSelection);
   438 	IMPORT_C void CancelSelectionL();
   439 	IMPORT_C void ClearSelectionL();
   440 	IMPORT_C TPoint SetDocPosL(const TTmDocPosSpec& aDocPos,TBool aDragSelectOn = EFalse);
   441 	IMPORT_C TPoint SetDocPosL(TInt aDocPos,TBool aDragSelectOn = EFalse);
   442 	IMPORT_C TPoint SetXyPosL(TPoint aPos,TBool aDragSelectOn,TRect*& aPictureRect,TInt& aPictureFrameEdges);
   443 	IMPORT_C TPoint MoveCursorL(TCursorPosition::TMovementType& aMovement,TBool aDragSelectOn);
   444 	IMPORT_C TInt ScrollDisplayL(TCursorPosition::TMovementType aMovement,
   445 		CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow aScrollBlankSpace=CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace);
   446 	IMPORT_C TPoint SetViewLineAtTopL(TInt aLineNo);
   447 	IMPORT_C void ScrollDisplayPixelsL(TInt& aDeltaY);
   448 	IMPORT_C TInt ScrollDisplayLinesL(TInt& aDeltaLines,
   449 		CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow aScrollBlankSpace = CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace);
   450 	IMPORT_C TInt ScrollDisplayParagraphsL(TInt& aDeltaParas,
   451 		CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow aScrollBlankSpace = CTextLayout::EFDisallowScrollingBlankSpace);
   452 	IMPORT_C TPoint SetViewL(TInt aDocPos,TInt& aYPos,TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier = TViewYPosQualifier(),
   453 		TDiscard aDiscardFormat = EFViewDontDiscardFormat,
   454 		TDoHorizontalScroll aDoHorizontalScroll = EFCheckForHorizontalScroll);
   455  	IMPORT_C void SetLeftTextMargin(TInt aLeftMargin);
   456 	IMPORT_C void DrawL(TRect aRect);
   457 	IMPORT_C void DrawL(TRect aRect,CBitmapContext& aGc);
   458 	inline void SetObserver(MObserver* aObserver);
   459 	IMPORT_C void SetPendingSelection(const TCursorSelection& aSelection);
   460 	inline void EnableFlickerFreeRedraw();
   461 	inline void DisableFlickerFreeRedraw();
   462 	inline TBool FlickerFreeRedraw() const;
   463 	inline void GetOrigin(TPoint& aPoint) const;
   464 	IMPORT_C TCursorSelection GetForwardDeletePositionL();
   465 	IMPORT_C TCursorSelection GetBackwardDeletePositionL();
   467 	// reformatting after changes to the content
   468  	IMPORT_C void FormatTextL();
   469 	IMPORT_C TInt HandleCharEditL(TUint aType = CTextLayout::EFCharacterInsert,TBool aFormatChanged = EFalse);
   470 	IMPORT_C TPoint HandleRangeFormatChangeL(TCursorSelection aSelection,TBool aFormatChanged = EFalse);
   471 	IMPORT_C TPoint HandleInsertDeleteL(TCursorSelection aSelection,TInt aDeletedChars,TBool aFormatChanged = EFalse);
   472 	IMPORT_C void HandleGlobalChangeL(TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier = TViewYPosQualifier());
   473 	IMPORT_C void HandleGlobalChangeNoRedrawL(TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier = TViewYPosQualifier());
   474 	IMPORT_C void HandleAdditionalCharactersAtEndL();
   475 	IMPORT_C void FinishBackgroundFormattingL();
   477 	IMPORT_C CBitmapContext* BitmapContext();
   478 	IMPORT_C const TTmDocPos& VisualEndOfRunL(
   479 		const TTmDocPos& aStart, const TTmDocPos& aEnd,
   480 		TCursorPosition::TVisualEnd aDirection);
   481 	IMPORT_C void GetCursorPos(TTmDocPos& aPos) const;
   483 	IMPORT_C TPoint SetDocPosL(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TBool aDragSelectOn = EFalse);
   485 	IMPORT_C void SetCursorPositioningHintL(TCursorPosition::TPosHint aHint);
   487 	IMPORT_C void SetOpaque(TBool aDrawOpaque);
   488 	IMPORT_C void MakeVisible(TBool aVisible);
   490 private:
   491 	IMPORT_C static TInt IdleL(TAny *aSelf);
   492 	IMPORT_C CTextView();
   493 	IMPORT_C void ConstructL(CTextLayout* aLayout,const TRect &aDisplay,CBitmapDevice* aGd,MGraphicsDeviceMap* aDeviceMap,
   494 							 RWindow* aWin,RWindowGroup* aGroupWin,RWsSession* aSession);
   495 	inline TInt TopViewRect() const;
   496 	inline TBool IsFormatting() const;
   497 	TBool NoMemoryCheckL();
   498 	void StartIdleObject();
   499 	inline void DrawWithPreviousHighlight();
   500 	inline void DrawWithCurrentHighlight();
   501 	TInt CalculateBaseLinePos(TTmDocPos& aDocPos);
   502 	TInt DrawAfterCursorMoveL(TInt aVerticalScrollBy);
   503 	TBool NextLineL();
   504 	void ClearRectAtBottom(TInt aHeight);
   505 	void DrawTextL(TInt aFromHeight = 0,TInt aToHeight = EFDrawAllWindow);
   506 	void DisplayNewLinesL(TInt aFrom,TInt aTo);
   507 	void DrawCursor(TUint aCursors = TCursor::EFBothCursors);
   508 	TPoint DoMoveCursorL(TBool aDragSelectOn,TCursorPosition::TMovementType& aMovement,TBool aAllowPictureFrame);
   509 	void ScrollTextL(TInt aScrollY,TInt aFrom,TInt aScrollX,TBool aScrollBackground);
   510 	void ScrollRect(TRect& aRect,TInt aScrollY,TInt aFrom,TInt aScrollX,TBool aScrollBackground);
   511 	void ScrollRect(TInt aScrollY,TInt& aFrom,TInt& aTo);
   512 	TPoint HandleBlockChangeL(TCursorSelection aSelection,TInt aOldCharsChanged,TBool aFormatChanged);
   513 	void CheckScrollUpL();
   514 	TInt CheckHorizontalScroll(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos);
   515 	TInt DoHorizontalScrollDisplayL(TCursorPosition::TMovementType aMovement,
   516 		CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow aScrollBlankSpace);
   517 	TInt DoScrollDisplayL(TCursorPosition::TMovementType aMovement,CTextLayout::TAllowDisallow aScrollBlankSpace);
   518 	void ScrollDisplayL();
   519 	TPoint ViewTopOfLineL(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TInt& aYPos,
   520 		CTextView::TDiscard aDiscardFormat = EFViewDontDiscardFormat,
   521 		TDoHorizontalScroll aHorizontalScroll = EFCheckForHorizontalScroll);
   522 	TPoint ViewL(const TTmDocPos& aDocPos,TInt& aYPos,TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier = TViewYPosQualifier(),
   523 		CTextView::TDiscard aDiscardFormat = EFViewDontDiscardFormat,
   524 		TDoHorizontalScroll aHorizontalScroll = EFCheckForHorizontalScroll);
   525 	TPoint DoHandleGlobalChangeL(TViewYPosQualifier aYPosQualifier,CTextView::TDiscard aDiscard);
   526 	void UpdateHighlightL();
   527 	void HighlightUsingExtensions(CTextLayout::TRangeChange aOptimizedRange, CTextLayout::TRangeChange aOriginalRange);
   528 	void UpdatePictureFrameL();
   529 	void RedrawPictureFrameRectL(TInt aPos);
   530 	void DrawPictureFrameL(TRect& aClipRect);
   531 	void DestroyWindowServerObjects();
   532 	void NoMemoryL(TInt aErr);
   533 	void RecoverNoMemoryL();
   534 	void RecreateWindowServerObjectsL();
   535 	void DrawTextSupportL(const TRect& aRect,const TCursorSelection* aHighlight);
   536 	void DoDrawTextSupportL(const TRect& aRect,const TCursorSelection* aHighlight);
   537 	void DoDrawTextSupportOpaqueL(const TRect& aRect,const TCursorSelection* aHighlight);
   538 	void DisplayLineRangeL(TInt aFrom,TInt aTo);
   539 	inline void NotifyReformatL();
   540 	void CalculateHorizontalExtremes(TInt& aLeftX,TInt& aRightX,TBool aOnlyVisibleLines);
   541 	TBool ExtendedHighlightExists() const;
   542 	void DoClearSelectionL(const TCursorSelection& aSelection, TBool aIsPictureFrame);
   543 	void AdjustRectForScrolling(TRect &aRect, TInt aScrollY, TInt aScrollX) const;
   544 	static void ResetOffScreenBitmapContext(TAny* aTextView);
   545 	static void ResetExternalDraw(TAny* aTextView);
   547 private:
   548 	CIdle* iWrap;
   549 	RScreenDisplay iDisplay;
   550 	CTextLayout* iLayout;	// must not be moved
   551 	TDrawTextLayoutContext iDrawTextLayoutContext;	// must not be moved
   552 	TCursor iCursor;
   553 	TCursorPosition iCursorPos;	// must not be moved
   554 	TFrameOverlay* iPictureFrame;
   555 	TMemoryStatus iNoMemory;
   556 	TUint iFlags;	// must not be moved
   557 	TUint iHorizontalScroll;
   558 	TInt iGood;
   559 	TInt iFormattedUpTo;
   560 	TInt iHorizontalScrollJump;
   561 	TInt iHeightNotDrawn;
   562 	MObserver* iObserver;	// must not be moved
   563 	/** Explicit off-screen bitmap to draw to.
   564 	@internalComponent */
   565 	CBitmapContext* iOffScreenContext;
   566 	TRect iReducedDrawingAreaRect;
   567 	TUint iDummy;// was iRedrawExtendedHighlight;
   568 	TBool iContextIsNavigation;
   569 	TBool iDrawOpaque;
   570 	};
   572 inline TUint TCursor::LineCursorVisibility()
   573 	{
   574 	return iLineCursor;
   575 	}
   577 inline TUint TCursor::TextCursorVisibility()
   578 	{
   579 	return iTextCursor;
   580 	}
   582 /** Returns a pointer to the text layout object used by the text view.
   583 @return A pointer to the text layout object used by the text view. */
   584 inline const CTextLayout* CTextView::Layout() const
   585 	{
   586 	return iLayout;
   587 	}
   589 /** Sets a text view observer. This provides notification to the owner of the
   590 text view object of changes to the formatting. Its OnReformatL() function is
   591 called after reformatting but before redisplay, so that edit windows etc. can
   592 be resized.
   594 @param aObserver Pointer to text view observer object. */
   595 inline void CTextView::SetObserver(MObserver* aObserver)
   596 	{
   597 	iObserver = aObserver;
   598 	}
   600 inline void CTextView::EnableFlickerFreeRedraw()
   601 	{
   602 	iFlags |= EFFlickerFreeRedraw;
   603 	}
   605 inline void CTextView::DisableFlickerFreeRedraw()
   606 	{
   607 	iFlags &= ~EFFlickerFreeRedraw;
   608 	}
   610 inline TBool CTextView::FlickerFreeRedraw() const
   611 	{
   612 	return iFlags & EFFlickerFreeRedraw;
   613 	}
   615 inline void CTextView::NotifyReformatL()
   616 	{
   617 	if (iObserver)
   618 		iObserver->OnReformatL(this);
   619 	}
   621 inline TBool CTextView::IsFormatting() const
   622 	{
   623 	return iLayout->IsBackgroundFormatting();
   624 	}
   626 inline TInt CTextView::TopViewRect() const
   627 	{
   628 	return iDrawTextLayoutContext.iViewRect.iTl.iY;
   629 	}
   631 inline void CTextView::DrawWithPreviousHighlight()
   632 	{
   633 	iCursorPos.SetToPreviousHighlight();
   634 	}
   636 inline void CTextView::DrawWithCurrentHighlight()
   637 	{
   638 	iCursorPos.SetToCurrentHighlight();
   639 	}
   641 /** Gets the origin of the cursor.
   642 @param aPoint On return, the cursor origin. */
   643 inline void CTextView::GetOrigin(TPoint& aPoint) const
   644 	{
   645 	iLayout->GetOrigin(aPoint);
   646 	aPoint += iDrawTextLayoutContext.TopLeftText();
   647 	}
   649 /** This constructor deliberately does not take a pointer or reference to
   650 CTextView, to prevent the class from being used unless InitL() is called. */
   651 inline CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::TTagmaForwarder():
   652 	iView(NULL)
   653 	{
   654 	}
   656 /** Called after construction, to complete background reformatting.
   657 @param aView A pointer to the text view object. */
   658 inline void CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::InitL(CTextView* aView)
   659 	{
   660 	iView = aView;
   661 	iView->FinishBackgroundFormattingL();
   662 	}
   664 inline const CTmTextLayout& CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::TextLayout() const
   665 	{
   666 	return iView->Layout()->TagmaTextLayout();
   667 	}
   669 inline void CTextView::TTagmaForwarder::GetOrigin(TPoint& aPoint) const
   670 	{
   671 	iView->GetOrigin(aPoint);
   672 	}
   674 #endif