author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Tue, 16 Mar 2010 16:12:26 +0000
changeset 2 2fe1408b6811
parent 0 061f57f2323e
child 4 837f303aceeb
permissions -rw-r--r--
Final list of Symbian^2 public API header files
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 * Declares all classes used to decode ASN.1 data, including the 
    16 * base interface.
    17 *
    18 */
    23 /**
    24  @file
    25  @publishedAll
    26  @released
    27 */
    29 #ifndef __ASN1ENC_H__
    30 #define __ASN1ENC_H__
    32 #include <e32base.h>
    33 #include <asn1cons.h>
    35 class CASN1EncBase;
    36 class TASN1EncBase128DER;
    38 class TInteger;
    40 typedef void (CASN1EncBase::* WriteFunc)(TDes8& aBuf) const;
    42 /**
    43  * Base class for all ASN.1 types that we can encode.
    44  * 
    45  * @publishedAll
    46  * @released
    47  */
    48 class CASN1EncBase : public CBase
    49 	{
    50 public:
    51 	/**
    52 	 * Gives total number of octets in the DER encoding of this 
    53 	 * object.
    54 	 * @return Number of octets in DER encoding of this object.
    55 	 */
    56 	IMPORT_C TUint LengthDER() const;
    58 	/**
    59 	 * Writes entire DER encoding of this object into the given 
    60 	 * buffer.
    61 	 * @param aBuf Buffer receiving the encoding.
    62 	 * @param aPos Position to start writing at.
    63 	 */
    64 	IMPORT_C void WriteDERL(TDes8& aBuf, TUint& aPos) const;
    66 	/**
    67 	 * Sets tag type/class of the encoding object
    68 	 * @param aType Tag type to set
    69 	 * @param aClass Tag class to set.
    70 	 */
    71 	IMPORT_C void SetTag(const TTagType aType,
    72 		const TASN1Class aClass = EContextSpecific);
    74 	IMPORT_C ~CASN1EncBase();
    76 	/**
    77 	 * @internalComponent
    78 	 * 
    79 	 * Sets parent for the object
    80 	 * @param aParent Pointer to an ASN.1 object that becomes this 
    81 	 *     object's parent.
    82 	 */
    83 	void SetParent(CASN1EncBase* aParent);
    85 protected:
    86 	/**
    87 	 * Protected constructor
    88 	 * @param aType Tag type of the new object
    89 	 * @param aClass Tag class of the new object.
    90 	 */
    91 	IMPORT_C CASN1EncBase(const TTagType aType, const TASN1Class aClass);
    93 	/** 
    94 	 * Must call this version from derived classes in their 
    95 	 * ConstructL, but only once they're ready to have 
    96 	 * CalculateContentsLengthDER called on them.
    97 	 */
    98 	IMPORT_C virtual void ConstructL();
   100 	/**
   101 	 * @internalComponent
   102 	 *
   103 	 * Derived classes must call this if the length of their 
   104 	 * contents changes after construction.
   105 	 */
   106 	void ContentsLengthChanged();
   108 protected:
   109 	/** 
   110 	 * @internalComponent
   111 	 * 
   112 	 * Calculates number of octets in DER length encoding. Must set 
   113 	 * value of the appropriate data member. Made protected because it is 
   114 	 * needed by CASN1EncEncoding class.
   115 	 */
   116 	void CalculateLengthLengthDER();
   118 private:
   119 	/** 
   120 	 * Calculates number of octets in DER tag encoding. Must set 
   121 	 * value of the appropriate data member.
   122 	 */
   123 	void CalculateTagLengthDER();
   125 	/** 
   126 	 * Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding. Must set 
   127 	 * value of the appropriate data member.
   128 	 */
   129 	virtual void CalculateContentsLengthDER() = 0;
   131 	virtual TBool IsConstructed() const = 0;
   133 	// Write the octet data in each section
   134 	// Note that buffer *will* be big enough: these are called only 
   135 	// after checking.
   137 	/** 
   138 	 * Writes DER tag encoding into supplied buffer, which is 
   139 	 * already verified to be big enough.
   140 	 * @param aBuf Buffer to write to.
   141 	 */
   142 	void WriteTagDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   144 	/** 
   145 	 * Writes DER length encoding into supplied buffer, which is 
   146 	 * already verified to be big enough.
   147 	 * @param aBuf Buffer to write to.
   148 	 */
   149 	virtual void WriteLengthDER(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   151 	/** 
   152 	 * Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is 
   153 	 * already verified to be big enough. Must be implemented by 
   154 	 * derived classes.
   155 	 * @param aBuf Buffer to write to.
   156 	 */
   157 	virtual void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const = 0;
   159 	/** 
   160 	 * Helper function, used for efficiency
   161 	 * @param aBuf Buffer to write to
   162 	 * @param aPos Position in the buffer to start writing at 
   163 	 *     (updated on exit)
   164 	 * @param aLength Length of data to write
   165 	 * @param aWriteFunc Points to the function used to perform 
   166 	 *     the actual write operation.
   167 	 */
   168 	void WriteHelperL(TDes8& aBuf, TUint& aPos, const TUint aLength,
   169 		WriteFunc aWriteFunc) const;
   171 protected:
   172 	// Cached length data - data set from the CalculateXxxx methods above
   173 	TUint iTagLengthDER; ///< Length of DER encoded tag
   174 	TUint iLengthLengthDER; ///< Length of DER encoded length
   175 	TUint iContentsLengthDER; ///< Length of DER encoded content
   177 private:
   178 	/** 
   179 	 * The object owning this one (if we're held in a sequence, 
   180 	 * for example).
   181 	 */
   182 	CASN1EncBase* iParent;
   184 	// Tag data
   185 	TTagType iType; ///< Tag type of this object
   186 	TASN1Class iClass; ///< Tag class of this object
   187 	};
   190 /** 
   191  * Base class for all ASN1 constructed-type objects.  Most of these 
   192  * are container classes, but another type is the explicit-tagging 
   193  * wrapper object.
   194  * 
   195  * @publishedAll
   196  * @released
   197  */
   198 class CASN1EncConstructed : public CASN1EncBase
   199 	{
   200 protected:
   201 	/** 
   202 	 * @internalComponent
   203 	 * 
   204 	 * Protected constructor
   205 	 * @param aType Tag type for the new object
   206 	 * @param aClass Tag class for the new object.
   207 	 */
   208 	CASN1EncConstructed(const TTagType aType, const TASN1Class aClass);
   210 private:
   211 	virtual const CASN1EncBase& Child(const TUint aIndex) const = 0;
   212 	virtual TUint NumChildren() const = 0;
   214 private:
   215 	// From CASN1EncBase
   216 	void CalculateContentsLengthDER();
   217 	TBool IsConstructed() const;
   218 	void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   219 	};
   222 /** 
   223  * Class used to wrap other encoding objects in order to give 
   224  * them an explicit tag.
   225  * 
   226  * @publishedAll
   227  * @released
   228  */
   229 class CASN1EncExplicitTag : public CASN1EncConstructed
   230 	{
   231 public:
   232 	/** 
   233 	 * Takes ownership of the encoder, *including* the case when
   234 	 * this method leaves.
   235 	 * @param aEncoder ASN.1 encoding object to wrap
   236 	 * @param aType Tag type to assign
   237 	 * @param aClass Tag class to assign
   238 	 * @return Wrapped encoding object pushed on the cleanup stack.
   239 	 */
   240 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncExplicitTag* NewLC(CASN1EncBase* aEncoder,
   241 		const TTagType aType, const TASN1Class aClass = EContextSpecific);
   243 	/** 
   244 	 * Takes ownership of the encoder, *including* the case when
   245 	 * this method leaves.
   246 	 * @param aEncoder ASN.1 encoding object to wrap
   247 	 * @param aType Tag type to assign
   248 	 * @param aClass Tag class to assign
   249 	 * @return Wrapped encoding object.
   250 	 */
   251 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncExplicitTag* NewL(CASN1EncBase* aEncoder,
   252 		const TTagType aType, const TASN1Class aClass = EContextSpecific);
   254 	IMPORT_C ~CASN1EncExplicitTag(); // virtual from base
   256 private:
   257 	CASN1EncExplicitTag(CASN1EncBase* aEncoder, const TTagType aType, 
   258 		const TASN1Class aClass);
   260 	// From CASN1EncConstructed
   261 	TUint NumChildren() const;
   262 	const CASN1EncBase& Child(const TUint aIndex) const;
   264 private:
   265 	CASN1EncBase* iEncoder;  // Inner encoding object
   266 	};
   269 /** 
   270  * Base class for all ASN1 container types - sequences, 
   271  * sets, etc.
   272  * 
   273  * @publishedAll
   274  * @released
   275  */
   276 class CASN1EncContainer : public CASN1EncConstructed
   277 	{
   278 public:
   279 	/** 
   280 	 * Call this to add a child object to the container.
   281 	 * Takes ownership if and only if it doesn't Leave.
   282 	 * Checks for null input, calls AddChildInt, calls 
   283 	 * ContentsLengthChanged().
   284 	 * @param aChild Child ASN1 encoding object to add.
   285 	 */
   286 	IMPORT_C void AddChildL(CASN1EncBase* aChild);
   288 	/** 
   289 	 * Call this to add a child object to the container.
   290 	 * Takes ownership if and only if it doesn't Leave.
   291 	 * Checks for null input, calls AddChildInt, calls 
   292 	 * ContentsLengthChanged(). Pops added child object 
   293 	 * off the cleanup stack.
   294 	 * @param aChild Child ASN1 encoding object to add.
   295 	 */
   296 	IMPORT_C void AddAndPopChildL(CASN1EncBase* aChild);
   298 protected:
   299 	/** @internalComponent */
   300 	CASN1EncContainer(const TTagType aType);
   302 private:
   303 	/** 
   304 	 * Internal method, derived classes implement to add a child.
   305 	 * No need to check for null input or call 
   306 	 * ContentsLengthChanged(). Takes ownership, but only if you 
   307 	 * don't leave.
   308 	 * @param aChild Child encoding object to add.
   309 	 */
   310 	virtual void AddChildIntL(const CASN1EncBase* aChild) = 0;
   311 	};
   313 /** 
   314  * Class for encoding SEQUENCE and SEQUENCE-OF data types.
   315  * 
   316  * @publishedAll
   317  * @released
   318  */
   319 class CASN1EncSequence : public CASN1EncContainer
   320 	{
   321 public:
   322 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncSequence* NewL();
   323 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncSequence* NewLC();
   325 	IMPORT_C ~CASN1EncSequence(); // virtual from base
   327 protected:
   328 	/** @internalComponent */ 
   329 	CASN1EncSequence();
   331 private:
   332 	// From CASN1EncContainer
   333 	const CASN1EncBase& Child(const TUint aIndex) const;
   334 	void AddChildIntL(const CASN1EncBase* aChild);
   335 	TUint NumChildren() const;
   337 private:
   338 	RPointerArray<CASN1EncBase> iChildren;
   339 	};
   341 /** 
   342  * Class for encoding SET and SET-OF data types.
   343  * 
   344  * @publishedAll
   345  * @released
   346  */
   347 class CASN1EncSet : public CASN1EncContainer
   348 	{
   349 public:
   350 	/**
   351 	Creates an ASN.1 Set encoder.
   352 	@return The fully constructed object.
   353 	*/
   354 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncSet* NewL();
   356 	/**
   357 	Creates an ASN.1 Set encoder, and puts it onto the cleanup stack.
   358 	@return The fully constructed object.
   359 	*/
   360 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncSet* NewLC();
   362 	/**
   363 	Destructor.
   364 	*/
   365 	IMPORT_C ~CASN1EncSet(); // virtual from base
   367 protected:
   368 	/**
   369 	 * @internalComponent
   370 	 * 
   371 	 * Constructor
   372 	 */
   373 	CASN1EncSet();
   375 private:
   376 	// From CASN1EncContainer
   377 	const CASN1EncBase& Child(const TUint aIndex) const;
   378 	void AddChildIntL(const CASN1EncBase* aChild);
   379 	TUint NumChildren() const;
   381 private:
   382 	RPointerArray<CASN1EncBase> iChildren;
   383 	};
   387 /**
   388  * All ASN1 primitive type encoding classes derive from here.
   389  *
   390  * @publishedAll
   391  * @released
   392  */
   393 class CASN1EncPrimitive : public CASN1EncBase
   394 	{
   395 protected:
   396 	IMPORT_C CASN1EncPrimitive(const TTagType aType);
   398 private:
   399 	TBool IsConstructed() const; ///< Inherited from CASN1EncBase
   400 	};
   403 /** 
   404  * Class for encoding NULLs.
   405  * 
   406  * @publishedAll
   407  * @released
   408  */
   409 class CASN1EncNull : public CASN1EncPrimitive
   410 	{
   411 public:
   412 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncNull* NewL();
   413 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncNull* NewLC();
   415 private:
   416 	CASN1EncNull();
   418 	// Methods from CASN1EncBase
   419 	void CalculateContentsLengthDER() ;
   420 	void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   421 	};
   424 /** 
   425  * Class for encoding Boolean values.
   426  * 
   427  * @publishedAll
   428  * @released
   429  */
   430 class CASN1EncBoolean : public CASN1EncPrimitive
   431 	{
   432 public:
   433 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncBoolean* NewLC(const TBool aBool);
   434 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncBoolean* NewL(const TBool aBool);
   436 private:
   437 	CASN1EncBoolean(const TBool aBool);
   439 	// Methods from CASN1EncBase
   440 	void CalculateContentsLengthDER() ;
   441 	void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   443 	const TBool iBool;
   444 	};
   447 /** 
   448  * Class for encoding TInts only. Use CASN1EncBigInt for encoding 
   449  * Big Integer objects.
   450  * 
   451  * @publishedAll
   452  * @released
   453  */
   454 class CASN1EncInt : public CASN1EncPrimitive
   455 	{
   456 public:
   457 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncInt* NewLC(const TInt aInt);
   458 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncInt* NewL(const TInt aInt);
   460 private:
   461 	CASN1EncInt(const TInt aInt);
   463 	// Methods from CASN1EncBase
   464 	void CalculateContentsLengthDER() ;
   465 	void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   467 private:
   468 	const TInt iInt;
   469 	};
   472 /** 
   473  * Class for encoding Big Integer objects only - use CASN1EncInt 
   474  * for TInts.
   475  *
   476  * @publishedAll
   477  * @released
   478  */
   479 class CASN1EncBigInt : public CASN1EncPrimitive
   480 	{
   481 public:
   482 	// Takes a deep copy
   483 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncBigInt* NewLC(const TInteger& aInteger);
   484 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncBigInt* NewL(const TInteger& aInteger);
   486 	IMPORT_C ~CASN1EncBigInt(); // virtual from base
   488 private:
   489 	CASN1EncBigInt();
   490 	void ConstructL(const TInteger& aInteger);
   492 	// Methods from CASN1EncBase
   493 	void CalculateContentsLengthDER();
   494 	void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   496 private:
   497 	HBufC8* iContents;
   498 	TPtrC8 iWriteContents;
   499 	};
   502 /** 
   503  * Class for encoding octet strings.
   504  * 
   505  * @publishedAll
   506  * @released
   507  */
   508 class CASN1EncOctetString : public CASN1EncPrimitive
   509 	{
   510 public:
   511 	// Takes a deep copy
   512 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncOctetString* NewLC(const TDesC8& aStr);
   513 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncOctetString* NewL(const TDesC8& aStr);
   515 	IMPORT_C ~CASN1EncOctetString(); // virtual from base
   517 private:
   518 	CASN1EncOctetString();
   519 	void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aStr);
   521 	// Methods from CASN1EncBase
   522 	void CalculateContentsLengthDER();
   523 	void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   525 private:
   526 	HBufC8* iContents;
   527 	};
   530 /** 
   531  * Class for encoding printable strings.
   532  * 
   533  * @publishedAll
   534  * @released
   535  */
   536 class CASN1EncPrintableString : public CASN1EncPrimitive
   537 	{
   538 public:
   539 	/**
   540 	Creates an ASN.1 Printable String encoder, and puts it onto the cleanup stack.
   541 	@return The fully constructed object.
   542 	*/
   543 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncPrintableString* NewLC(const TDesC8& aStr);
   545 	/**
   546 	Creates an ASN.1 Printable String encoder.
   547 	@return The fully constructed object.
   548 	*/
   549 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncPrintableString* NewL(const TDesC8& aStr);
   551 	/**
   552 	Destructor.
   553 	*/
   554 	IMPORT_C ~CASN1EncPrintableString(); // virtual from base
   556 private:
   557 	CASN1EncPrintableString();
   558 	void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aStr);
   559 	TInt CheckValid(const TDesC8& aStr);
   561 	// Methods from CASN1EncBase
   562 	void CalculateContentsLengthDER();
   563 	void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   565 private:
   566 	HBufC8* iContents;
   567 	};
   570 /**
   571  * Class for encoding bit strings (keys, for example).
   572  *
   573  * @publishedAll
   574  * @released
   575  */
   576 class CASN1EncBitString : public CASN1EncPrimitive
   577 	{
   578 public:
   579 	/** 
   580 	 * Constructs a new DER bit string encoder from a bit string that 
   581 	 * does not have unused bits at the end, i.e. is octet-aligned. 
   582 	 * The passed string must be in big-endian format. 
   583 	 * @param aBitStr	Octet-aligned bit string.
   584 	 * @return			A new DER bit string encoder object, 
   585 	 *					which is left on the cleanup stack.
   586 	 */
   587 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncBitString* NewLC(const TDesC8& aBitStr);
   589 	/** 
   590 	 * Constructs a new DER bit string encoder from a bit string that 
   591 	 * does not have unused bits at the end, i.e. is octet-aligned. 
   592 	 * The passed string must be in big-endian format. 
   593 	 * @param aBitStr	Octet-aligned bit string.
   594 	 * @return			A new DER bit string encoder object.
   595 	 */
   596 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncBitString* NewL(const TDesC8& aBitStr);
   598 	/** 
   599 	 * Constructs a new DER bit string encoder from a bit string that 
   600 	 * is not octet-aligned, which means it has unused bits in its last 
   601 	 * octet. The passed string must be in big-endian format.
   602 	 * @param aBitStr		Bit string.
   603 	 * @param aLengthBits	Length in bits of the passed bit string. 
   604 	 *     					The function will panic if aLengthBits is greater than 
   605 	 *     					the actual bit length of aBitString, or the difference 
   606 	 *     					is more that 7 bits.
   607 	 * @return				A new DER bit string encoder object which is left on the 
   608 	 *						cleanup stack.
   609 	 */
   610 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncBitString* NewLC(const TDesC8& aBitStr, TUint aLengthBits);
   612 	/** 
   613 	 * Constructs a new DER bit string encoder from a bit string that 
   614 	 * is not octet-aligned, which means it has unused bits in its last 
   615 	 * octet. The passed string must be in big-endian format.
   616 	 * @param aBitStr		Bit string.
   617 	 * @param aLengthBits	Length in bits of the passed bit string. 
   618 	 *     					The function will panic if aLengthBits is greater than 
   619 	 *     					the actual bit length of aBitString, or the difference 
   620 	 *     					is more that 7 bits.
   621 	 * @return				A new DER bit string encoder object.
   622 	 */
   623 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncBitString* NewL(const TDesC8& aBitStr, TUint aLengthBits);
   625 	/**
   626 	 * Wraps the passed encoding object into a bit string.
   627 	 * @param aAsnObj	Encoding object to wrap.
   628 	 * @return			A new bit string containing the passed encoding object.
   629 	 */
   630 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncBitString* NewL(const CASN1EncBase& aAsnObj);
   632 	/**
   633 	 * Wraps the passed encoding object into a bit string.
   634 	 * @param aAsnObj	Encoding object to wrap.
   635 	 * @return			A new bit string containing the passed encoding object
   636 	 *     				on the cleanup stack.
   637 	 */
   638 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncBitString* NewLC(const CASN1EncBase& aAsnObj);
   640 	IMPORT_C ~CASN1EncBitString(); // virtual from base
   642 private:
   643 	CASN1EncBitString();
   644 	void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aBitStr);
   645 	void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aBitStr, TUint aLengthBits);
   646 	void ConstructL(const CASN1EncBase& aAsnObj);
   648 	// Methods from CASN1EncBase
   649 	void CalculateContentsLengthDER();
   650 	void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   652 private:
   653 	HBufC8* iContents;
   654 	TUint8 iPadding;
   655 	};
   657 /**
   658  * Class for encoding object identifiers.
   659  * 
   660  * @publishedAll
   661  * @released
   662  */
   663 class CASN1EncObjectIdentifier : public CASN1EncPrimitive
   664 	{
   665 public:
   666 	/** 
   667 	 * Takes ints in a string, delimited by '.' characters in 
   668 	 * between (not at ends). Takes a deep copy of the info.
   669 	 * @param aStr	OID string.
   670 	 * @return		New ASN.1 OID object on the cleanup stack.
   671 	 */
   672 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncObjectIdentifier* NewLC(const TDesC& aStr);
   674 	/** 
   675 	 * Takes ints in a string, delimited by '.' characters in 
   676 	 * between (not at ends). Takes a deep copy of the info.
   677 	 * @param aStr	OID string.
   678 	 * @return		New ASN.1 OID object.
   679 	 */
   680 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncObjectIdentifier* NewL(const TDesC& aStr);
   682 	/** Destructor */
   683 	IMPORT_C ~CASN1EncObjectIdentifier(); // virtual from base
   685 private:
   686 	CASN1EncObjectIdentifier();
   687 	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aStr);
   689 	// Methods from CASN1EncBase
   690 	void CalculateContentsLengthDER();
   691 	void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   693 private:
   694 	// Data to encode
   695 	RArray<TASN1EncBase128DER> iData;
   696 	TUint8 iFirstOctet;
   697 	};
   700 /** 
   701  * Class for encoding GeneralisedTime objects. 
   702  *
   703  * Doesn't support fractions of seconds or regional time zone offsets.
   704  * 
   705  * @publishedAll
   706  * @released
   707  */
   708 class CASN1EncGeneralizedTime : public CASN1EncPrimitive
   709 	{
   710 public:
   711 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncGeneralizedTime* NewLC(const TTime& aTime);
   712 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncGeneralizedTime* NewL(const TTime& aTime);
   714 private:
   715 	CASN1EncGeneralizedTime(const TTime& aTime);
   717 	// Methods from CASN1EncBase
   718 	void CalculateContentsLengthDER();
   719 	void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   721 private:
   722 	TDateTime iDateTime;
   723 	};
   725 /** 
   726  * Class for encapsulation of already encoded data. 
   727  *
   728  * Wraps it so that the data could be used in the ASN.1 hierarchy. 
   729  * It reverse-engineers and stores the encoded data, providing whatever 
   730  * information is needed to override pure virtual methods of the base 
   731  * class and write out the DER encoding in its initial form.
   732  * 
   733  * @publishedAll
   734  * @released
   735  */
   736 class CASN1EncEncoding : public CASN1EncBase
   737 	{
   738 public:
   739 	/** 
   740 	 * Creates a new object from raw DER encoding and places it on the 
   741 	 * cleanup stack.
   742 	 * @param aEncoding	Raw DER encoding.
   743 	 * @return			New wrapper object placed on the cleanup stack.
   744 	 */
   745 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncEncoding* NewLC(const TDesC8& aEncoding);
   747 	/** 
   748 	 * Creates a new object from raw DER encoding.
   749 	 * @param aEncoding	Raw DER encoding.
   750 	 * @return			New wrapper object.
   751 	 */
   752 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncEncoding* NewL(const TDesC8& aEncoding);
   754 	IMPORT_C static CASN1EncEncoding* NewLC(const TDesC8& aEncoding, TTagType aType, TASN1Class aClass);
   756 	IMPORT_C ~CASN1EncEncoding();
   758 protected:
   759 	/** 
   760 	 * Protected constructor.
   761 	 * <!--
   762 	 * @param aType		Tag type of the new object
   763 	 * @param aClass	Tag class of the new object.
   764 	 * -->
   765 	 */
   766 	IMPORT_C CASN1EncEncoding();
   768 private:
   769 	/** 
   770 	 * Constructs the wrapper around the passed raw DER encoding. 
   771 	 * Calculates element sizes. Decodes it to get type and length.
   772 	 * @param aEncoding Raw DER encoding.
   773 	 */
   774 	void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aEncoding);
   776 	void ConstructL(const TDesC8& aEncoding, TTagType aType, TASN1Class aClass);
   778 	virtual TBool IsConstructed() const;
   780 	/** 
   781 	 * Writes DER content encoding into supplied buffer, which is 
   782 	 * already verified to be big enough.
   783 	 * @param aBuf	Buffer to write to.
   784 	 */
   785 	virtual void WriteContentsDERL(TDes8& aBuf) const;
   787 	/** 
   788 	 * Calculates number of octets in DER content encoding. Sets 
   789 	 * value of the appropriate data member.
   790 	 */
   791 	virtual void CalculateContentsLengthDER();
   793 private:
   794 	HBufC8* iContents; ///< Copy of the supplied DER encoded data (contents only).
   795 	TASN1Class iClass; ///< ASN.1 class of the encoded object.
   796 	TTagType iTag; ///< ASN.1 tag of the encoding.
   797 	};
   799 #endif // __ASN1ENC_H__