changeset 4 837f303aceeb
parent 3 e1b950c65cb4
     1.1 --- a/epoc32/include/tools/stlport/stl/debug/_debug.h	Wed Mar 31 12:27:01 2010 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/epoc32/include/tools/stlport/stl/debug/_debug.h	Wed Mar 31 12:33:34 2010 +0100
     1.3 @@ -1,426 +1,460 @@
     1.4 -/*
     1.5 - *
     1.6 - * Copyright (c) 1997
     1.7 - * Moscow Center for SPARC Technology
     1.8 - *
     1.9 - * Copyright (c) 1999 
    1.10 - * Boris Fomitchev
    1.11 - *
    1.12 - * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
    1.13 - * or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
    1.14 - *
    1.15 - * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted 
    1.16 - * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
    1.17 - * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
    1.18 - * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
    1.19 - * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
    1.20 - *
    1.21 - */
    1.22 -
    1.23 -#ifndef _STLP_DEBUG_H
    1.24 -# define _STLP_DEBUG_H
    1.25 -
    1.26 -# if defined (_STLP_ASSERTIONS) || defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
    1.27 -
    1.28 -#ifndef _STLP_CONFIG_H
    1.29 -# include <stl/_config.h>
    1.30 -#endif
    1.31 -
    1.32 -# if !defined (_STLP_EXTRA_OPERATORS_FOR_DEBUG) && \
    1.33 -     ( defined (_STLP_BASE_MATCH_BUG) || (defined (_STLP_MSVC) && _STLP_MSVC < 1100 ) )
    1.35 -# endif
    1.36 -
    1.37 -# if !defined(_STLP_FILE__)
    1.38 -#   define _STLP_FILE__ __FILE__
    1.39 -# endif
    1.40 - 
    1.41 -enum {
    1.42 -  _StlFormat_ERROR_RETURN,
    1.43 -  _StlFormat_ASSERTION_FAILURE,
    1.45 -  _StlMsg_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
    1.46 -  _StlMsg_INVALID_CONTAINER,
    1.47 -  _StlMsg_EMPTY_CONTAINER,
    1.48 -  _StlMsg_ERASE_PAST_THE_END,
    1.49 -  _StlMsg_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
    1.50 -  _StlMsg_NOT_OWNER,
    1.51 -  _StlMsg_INVALID_ITERATOR,
    1.54 -  _StlMsg_DIFFERENT_OWNERS     ,
    1.55 -  _StlMsg_NOT_DEREFERENCEABLE  ,
    1.56 -  _StlMsg_INVALID_RANGE        ,
    1.57 -  _StlMsg_NOT_IN_RANGE_1       ,
    1.58 -  _StlMsg_NOT_IN_RANGE_2       ,
    1.59 -  _StlMsg_INVALID_ADVANCE      ,
    1.60 -  _StlMsg_SINGULAR_ITERATOR    ,
    1.61 -  // debug alloc messages
    1.62 -  _StlMsg_DBA_DELETED_TWICE    ,
    1.63 -  _StlMsg_DBA_NEVER_ALLOCATED  ,
    1.64 -  _StlMsg_DBA_TYPE_MISMATCH    ,
    1.65 -  _StlMsg_DBA_SIZE_MISMATCH    ,
    1.66 -  _StlMsg_DBA_UNDERRUN         ,
    1.67 -  _StlMsg_DBA_OVERRUN          ,
    1.68 -  // auto_ptr messages
    1.69 -  _StlMsg_AUTO_PTR_NULL    ,
    1.70 -  _StlMsg_UNKNOWN
    1.71 -  /* _StlMsg_MAX */
    1.72 -};
    1.73 -
    1.74 -/* have to hardcode that ;() */
    1.75 -# define _StlMsg_MAX 27
    1.76 -
    1.78 -
    1.79 -// This class is unique (not inherited from exception),
    1.80 -// to disallow catch in anything but (...)
    1.81 -struct __stl_debug_exception {
    1.82 -  // no members
    1.83 -};
    1.84 -
    1.85 -class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC __owned_link;
    1.86 -class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC __owned_list;
    1.87 -
    1.88 -template <class _Dummy>
    1.89 -struct __stl_debug_engine {
    1.90 -
    1.91 -  // Basic routine to report any debug message
    1.92 -  // Use _STLP_DEBUG_MESSAGE to override
    1.93 -  static void _STLP_CALL _Message(const char * format_str, ...);
    1.94 -
    1.95 -  // Micsellanous function to report indexed error message
    1.96 -  static void _STLP_CALL  _IndexedError(int __ind, const char* __f, int __l);
    1.97 -
    1.98 -  // Basic assertion report mechanism.
    1.99 -  // Reports failed assertion via __stl_debug_message and calls _Terminate
   1.100 -  // if _STLP_DEBUG_TERMINATE is specified, calls __stl_debug_terminate instead
   1.101 -  static void _STLP_CALL  _Assert(const char* __expr, const char* __f, int __l);
   1.102 -
   1.103 -  // The same, with additional diagnostics
   1.104 -  static void _STLP_CALL  _VerboseAssert(const char* __expr, int __error_ind, const char* __f, int __l);
   1.105 -
   1.106 -  // If exceptions are present, sends unique exception
   1.107 -  // If not, calls _STLP_ABORT() to terminate
   1.108 -  // Use _STLP_DEBUG_TERMINATE to override
   1.109 -  static void _STLP_CALL  _Terminate();
   1.110 -
   1.111 -# ifdef _STLP_DEBUG
   1.112 -
   1.113 -  // owned_list/link delegate non-inline functions here
   1.114 -
   1.115 -  static bool _STLP_CALL  _Check_same_owner( const __owned_link& __i1, 
   1.116 -                                             const __owned_link& __i2);
   1.117 -  static bool _STLP_CALL  _Check_same_owner_or_null( const __owned_link& __i1, 
   1.118 -                                                     const __owned_link& __i2);
   1.119 -  static bool  _STLP_CALL _Check_if_owner( const __owned_list*, const __owned_link&);
   1.120 -
   1.121 -  static void _STLP_CALL  _Verify(const __owned_list*);
   1.122 -  
   1.123 -  static void _STLP_CALL  _Swap_owners(__owned_list&, __owned_list& /*, bool __swap_roots */ );
   1.124 - 
   1.125 -  static void _STLP_CALL  _Invalidate_all(__owned_list*);
   1.126 -  
   1.127 -  static void _STLP_CALL  _Stamp_all(__owned_list*, __owned_list*);
   1.128 -
   1.129 -  static void _STLP_CALL  _M_detach(__owned_list*, __owned_link*);
   1.130 -
   1.131 -  static void _STLP_CALL  _M_attach(__owned_list*, __owned_link*);
   1.132 -
   1.133 -  // accessor : check and get pointer to the container
   1.134 -  static void* _STLP_CALL  _Get_container_ptr(const __owned_link*);
   1.135 -# endif /* _STLP_DEBUG */
   1.136 -
   1.137 -  // debug messages and formats
   1.138 -   _STLP_STATIC_MEMBER_DECLSPEC static const char* _Message_table[_StlMsg_MAX];
   1.139 -};
   1.140 -
   1.141 -
   1.142 -# if defined (_STLP_USE_TEMPLATE_EXPORT)
   1.143 -_STLP_EXPORT_TEMPLATE struct _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC __stl_debug_engine<bool>;
   1.144 -# endif /* _STLP_USE_TEMPLATE_EXPORT */
   1.145 -
   1.146 -typedef __stl_debug_engine<bool> __stl_debugger;
   1.147 -
   1.149 -
   1.150 -#  ifndef _STLP_ASSERT
   1.151 -#   define _STLP_ASSERT(expr) \
   1.152 -     if (!(expr)) {STLPORT::__stl_debugger::_Assert( # expr, _STLP_FILE__, __LINE__);}
   1.153 -#  endif
   1.154 -
   1.155 -# endif /* _STLP_ASSERTIONS || _STLP_DEBUG */
   1.156 -
   1.157 -
   1.158 -// this section is for _STLP_DEBUG only 
   1.159 -#if defined ( _STLP_DEBUG )
   1.160 -
   1.161 -# ifndef _STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT
   1.162 -// fbp : new form not requiring ";"
   1.163 -#  define _STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT(expr,__diag_num) \
   1.164 -    if (!(expr)) { STLPORT::__stl_debugger::_VerboseAssert\
   1.165 -                                 ( # expr,  __diag_num, _STLP_FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
   1.166 -         }
   1.167 -# endif
   1.168 -
   1.169 -#  define _STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(expr) _STLP_ASSERT(expr)
   1.170 -#  define _STLP_DEBUG_DO(expr)    expr;
   1.171 -
   1.172 -# ifndef _STLP_VERBOSE_RETURN
   1.173 -#  define _STLP_VERBOSE_RETURN(__expr,__diag_num) if (!(__expr)) { \
   1.174 -       __stl_debugger::_IndexedError(__diag_num, __FILE__ , __LINE__); \
   1.175 -       return false; }
   1.176 -# endif
   1.177 -
   1.178 -# ifndef _STLP_VERBOSE_RETURN_0
   1.179 -#  define _STLP_VERBOSE_RETURN_0(__expr,__diag_num) if (!(__expr)) { \
   1.180 -       __stl_debugger::_IndexedError(__diag_num, __FILE__ , __LINE__); \
   1.181 -       return 0; }
   1.182 -# endif
   1.183 -
   1.184 -#if ! defined (_STLP_INTERNAL_THREADS_H)
   1.185 -# include <stl/_threads.h>
   1.186 -#endif
   1.187 -
   1.189 -# include <stl/_iterator_base.h>
   1.190 -#endif
   1.191 -
   1.193 -
   1.194 -//=============================================================
   1.195 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.196 -inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator& __i1 ,const _Iterator& __i2, 
   1.197 -                                      const random_access_iterator_tag&) { 
   1.198 -    return (__i1< __i2) || (__i1 == __i2);
   1.199 -}
   1.200 -
   1.201 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.202 -inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator& __i1 ,const _Iterator& __i2,
   1.203 -                                      const bidirectional_iterator_tag&) { 
   1.204 -    // check if comparable
   1.205 -    bool __dummy(__i1==__i2);
   1.206 -    return (__dummy==__dummy); 
   1.207 -}
   1.208 -
   1.209 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.210 -inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator& __i1 ,const _Iterator& __i2, const forward_iterator_tag&) { 
   1.211 -    // check if comparable
   1.212 -    bool __dummy(__i1==__i2);
   1.213 -    return (__dummy==__dummy); 
   1.214 -}
   1.215 -
   1.216 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.217 -inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator&,const _Iterator&, const input_iterator_tag&) { 
   1.218 -    return true; 
   1.219 -}
   1.220 -
   1.221 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.222 -inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator&,const _Iterator&, const output_iterator_tag&) { 
   1.223 -    return true; 
   1.224 -}
   1.225 -
   1.226 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.227 -inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator& __i1, const _Iterator& __i2) { 
   1.228 -    return __valid_range(__i1,__i2,_STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__i1, _Iterator));
   1.229 -}
   1.230 -
   1.231 -// Note : that means in range [i1, i2].
   1.232 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.233 -inline bool  _STLP_CALL __in_range(const _Iterator& _It, const _Iterator& __i1,
   1.234 -                                   const _Iterator& __i2) { 
   1.235 -    return __valid_range(__i1,_It,_STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__i1, _Iterator)) && 
   1.236 -        __valid_range(_It,__i2,_STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(_It, _Iterator));
   1.237 -}
   1.238 -
   1.239 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.240 -inline bool  _STLP_CALL __in_range(const _Iterator& __first, const _Iterator& __last, 
   1.241 -                                   const _Iterator& __start, const _Iterator& __finish) { 
   1.242 -    return __valid_range(__first,__last,_STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__first, _Iterator)) &&
   1.243 -        __valid_range(__start,__first,_STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__first, _Iterator)) && 
   1.244 -        __valid_range(__last,__finish,_STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__last, _Iterator));
   1.245 -}
   1.246 -
   1.247 -//==========================================================
   1.248 -
   1.249 -
   1.250 -class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC __owned_link {
   1.251 -public:
   1.252 -
   1.253 -  __owned_link() : _M_owner(0) {}
   1.254 -  __owned_link(const __owned_list* __c) : _M_owner(0), _M_next(0) {
   1.255 -    __stl_debugger::_M_attach(__CONST_CAST(__owned_list*,__c), this);
   1.256 -  }
   1.257 -  __owned_link(const __owned_link& __rhs): _M_owner(0) {
   1.258 -    __stl_debugger::_M_attach(__CONST_CAST(__owned_list*,__rhs._M_owner), this);
   1.259 -  }
   1.260 -  __owned_link& operator=(const __owned_link& __rhs) {
   1.261 -    __owned_list* __new_owner = __CONST_CAST(__owned_list*,__rhs._M_owner);
   1.262 -    __owned_list* __old_owner = _M_owner;
   1.263 -    if ( __old_owner != __new_owner ) {
   1.264 -      __stl_debugger::_M_detach(__old_owner, this);
   1.265 -      __stl_debugger::_M_attach(__new_owner, this);
   1.266 -    }
   1.267 -    return *this;
   1.268 -  }
   1.269 -  ~__owned_link() {
   1.270 -    __stl_debugger::_M_detach(_M_owner, this);
   1.271 -    _Invalidate();
   1.272 -  }
   1.273 -  
   1.274 -  const __owned_list* _Owner() const { 
   1.275 -    return _M_owner; 
   1.276 -  }
   1.277 -  __owned_list* _Owner() { 
   1.278 -    return _M_owner; 
   1.279 -  }
   1.280 -  void _Set_owner(const __owned_list* __o)  { 
   1.281 -    _M_owner= __CONST_CAST(__owned_list*,__o); 
   1.282 -  }
   1.283 -  bool  _Valid() const { 
   1.284 -    return _M_owner !=0; 
   1.285 -  }
   1.286 -
   1.287 -  void _Invalidate() { _M_owner=0; _M_next = 0; }
   1.288 -  void _Link_to_self() { _M_next= 0; }
   1.289 -
   1.290 -  __owned_link* _Next() { return _M_next; }
   1.291 -  const __owned_link* _Next() const { return _M_next; }
   1.292 -
   1.293 -public:
   1.294 -  __owned_list* _M_owner;
   1.295 -  __owned_link* _M_next;
   1.296 -};
   1.297 -
   1.298 -
   1.299 -class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC __owned_list {
   1.300 -public:
   1.301 -  __owned_list(const void* __o) {
   1.302 -    //    fprintf(stderr, "__owned_list(): %p\n",(void*)this);
   1.303 -    _M_node._M_owner = __CONST_CAST(__owned_list*, __REINTERPRET_CAST(const __owned_list*,__o)); 
   1.304 -    _M_node._M_next=0;
   1.305 -  }
   1.306 -  ~__owned_list() {
   1.307 -    //    fprintf(stderr, "~__owned_list(): %p\n",(void*)this);
   1.308 -    _Invalidate_all();
   1.309 -    // that prevents detach
   1.310 -    _M_node._Invalidate();
   1.311 -  }
   1.312 -  const void* _Owner() const { 
   1.313 -    return (const void*)_M_node._M_owner; 
   1.314 -  }
   1.315 -  void* _Owner() { 
   1.316 -    return (void*)_M_node._M_owner; 
   1.317 -  }
   1.318 -  bool  _Valid() const { 
   1.319 -    return _M_node._M_owner!=0; 
   1.320 -  }
   1.321 -  void _Invalidate() { _M_node._M_owner=0; }
   1.322 -  
   1.323 -  __owned_link* _First() { return _M_node._Next(); }
   1.324 -  __owned_link* _Last() { return 0 ; }
   1.325 -
   1.326 -  const __owned_link* _First() const { return (__owned_link*)_M_node._M_next; }
   1.327 -  const __owned_link* _Last() const { return 0 ;}
   1.328 -  
   1.329 -  void _Verify() const {
   1.330 -    __stl_debugger::_Verify(this); 
   1.331 -  }
   1.332 -  
   1.333 -  void _Swap_owners(__owned_list& __y) { 
   1.334 -    __stl_debugger::_Swap_owners(*this, __y); 
   1.335 -  }
   1.336 - 
   1.337 -  void _Invalidate_all() { 
   1.338 -    __stl_debugger::_Invalidate_all(this);
   1.339 -  }
   1.340 -  
   1.341 -  mutable __owned_link              _M_node; 
   1.342 -  mutable _STLP_mutex            _M_lock;
   1.343 -  
   1.344 -private:
   1.345 -  // should never be called, should be left undefined,
   1.346 -  // but some compilers complain about it ;(
   1.347 -  __owned_list(const __owned_list&){}
   1.348 -  void operator=(const __owned_list&) {}
   1.349 -
   1.350 -  friend class __owned_link;
   1.351 -  friend struct __stl_debug_engine<bool>;
   1.352 -};
   1.353 -
   1.354 -
   1.355 -//==========================================================
   1.356 -
   1.357 -// forward declaratioins
   1.358 -
   1.359 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.360 -bool  _STLP_CALL __check_range(const _Iterator&, const _Iterator&);
   1.361 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.362 -bool _STLP_CALL  __check_range(const _Iterator&, 
   1.363 -                               const _Iterator&, const _Iterator&);
   1.364 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.365 -bool _STLP_CALL  __check_range(const _Iterator&, const _Iterator& , 
   1.366 -                               const _Iterator&, const _Iterator& );
   1.367 -
   1.368 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.369 -void _STLP_CALL  __invalidate_range(const __owned_list* __base, 
   1.370 -                                    const _Iterator& __first,
   1.371 -                                    const _Iterator& __last);
   1.372 -
   1.373 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.374 -void  _STLP_CALL __invalidate_iterator(const __owned_list* __base, 
   1.375 -                                       const _Iterator& __it);
   1.376 -
   1.377 -//============================================================
   1.378 -
   1.379 -inline bool _STLP_CALL 
   1.380 -__check_same_owner( const __owned_link& __i1, const __owned_link& __i2) {
   1.381 -  return __stl_debugger::_Check_same_owner(__i1,__i2);
   1.382 -}
   1.383 -inline bool _STLP_CALL  
   1.384 -__check_same_owner_or_null( const __owned_link& __i1, const __owned_link& __i2) {
   1.385 -  return __stl_debugger::_Check_same_owner_or_null(__i1,__i2);
   1.386 -}
   1.387 -
   1.388 -template <class _Iterator>
   1.389 -inline bool _STLP_CALL  __check_if_owner( const __owned_list* __owner, 
   1.390 -                                          const _Iterator& __it) {
   1.391 -  return __stl_debugger::_Check_if_owner(__owner, (const __owned_link&)__it);
   1.392 -}
   1.393 -
   1.395 -
   1.396 -# endif /* _STLP_DEBUG */
   1.397 -
   1.398 -#if defined ( _STLP_ASSERTIONS )
   1.399 -
   1.400 -# ifndef _STLP_ASSERT_MSG_TRAILER
   1.401 -#  define _STLP_ASSERT_MSG_TRAILER
   1.402 -# endif
   1.403 -
   1.404 -// dwa 12/30/98 - if _STLP_DEBUG_MESSAGE is defined, the user can supply own definition.
   1.405 -# if !defined( _STLP_DEBUG_MESSAGE )
   1.406 -#   define __stl_debug_message __stl_debugger::_Message
   1.407 -# else
   1.408 -    extern  void __stl_debug_message(const char * format_str, ...);
   1.409 -# endif
   1.410 -
   1.411 -// fbp: if _STLP_DEBUG_TERMINATE is defined, the user can supply own definition.
   1.412 -# if !defined( _STLP_DEBUG_TERMINATE )
   1.413 -#   define __stl_debug_terminate __stl_debugger::_Terminate
   1.414 -# else
   1.415 -    extern  void __stl_debug_terminate(void);
   1.416 -# endif
   1.417 -
   1.418 -#endif
   1.419 -
   1.420 -# if !defined (_STLP_LINK_TIME_INSTANTIATION)
   1.421 -#  include <stl/debug/_debug.c>
   1.422 -# endif
   1.423 -
   1.424 -#endif /* DEBUG_H */
   1.425 -
   1.426 -// Local Variables:
   1.427 -// mode:C++
   1.428 -// End:
   1.429 -
   1.430 +/*
   1.431 + *
   1.432 + * Copyright (c) 1997
   1.433 + * Moscow Center for SPARC Technology
   1.434 + *
   1.435 + * Copyright (c) 1999
   1.436 + * Boris Fomitchev
   1.437 + *
   1.438 + * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
   1.439 + * or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
   1.440 + *
   1.441 + * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
   1.442 + * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
   1.443 + * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
   1.444 + * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
   1.445 + * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
   1.446 + *
   1.447 + */
   1.448 +
   1.449 +#ifndef _STLP_DEBUG_H
   1.450 +#define _STLP_DEBUG_H
   1.451 +
   1.452 +#if defined (_STLP_ASSERTIONS) || defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
   1.453 +
   1.454 +#  ifndef _STLP_TYPE_TRAITS_H
   1.455 +#    include <stl/type_traits.h>
   1.456 +#  endif
   1.457 +
   1.458 +#  if !defined (_STLP_EXTRA_OPERATORS_FOR_DEBUG) && \
   1.459 +      (defined (_STLP_BASE_MATCH_BUG) || (defined (_STLP_MSVC) && _STLP_MSVC < 1100))
   1.460 +#    define _STLP_EXTRA_OPERATORS_FOR_DEBUG
   1.461 +#  endif
   1.462 +
   1.463 +#  if !defined (_STLP_FILE__)
   1.464 +#    define _STLP_FILE__ __FILE__
   1.465 +#  endif
   1.466 +
   1.468 +
   1.470 +
   1.471 +enum {
   1.472 +  //General errors
   1.473 +  _StlFormat_ERROR_RETURN,
   1.474 +  _StlFormat_ASSERTION_FAILURE,
   1.476 +  _StlMsg_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
   1.477 +  //Container/Iterator related errors
   1.478 +  _StlMsg_INVALID_CONTAINER,
   1.479 +  _StlMsg_EMPTY_CONTAINER,
   1.480 +  _StlMsg_ERASE_PAST_THE_END,
   1.481 +  _StlMsg_OUT_OF_BOUNDS,
   1.482 +  _StlMsg_NOT_OWNER,
   1.483 +  _StlMsg_SHOULD_NOT_OWNER,
   1.484 +  _StlMsg_INVALID_ITERATOR,
   1.487 +  _StlMsg_DIFFERENT_OWNERS     ,
   1.488 +  _StlMsg_NOT_DEREFERENCEABLE  ,
   1.489 +  _StlMsg_INVALID_RANGE        ,
   1.490 +  _StlMsg_NOT_IN_RANGE_1       ,
   1.491 +  _StlMsg_NOT_IN_RANGE_2       ,
   1.492 +  _StlMsg_INVALID_ADVANCE      ,
   1.493 +  _StlMsg_SINGULAR_ITERATOR    ,
   1.494 +  //Bad predicate for sorting
   1.497 +  // debug alloc messages
   1.498 +  _StlMsg_DBA_DELETED_TWICE    ,
   1.499 +  _StlMsg_DBA_NEVER_ALLOCATED  ,
   1.500 +  _StlMsg_DBA_TYPE_MISMATCH    ,
   1.501 +  _StlMsg_DBA_SIZE_MISMATCH    ,
   1.502 +  _StlMsg_DBA_UNDERRUN         ,
   1.503 +  _StlMsg_DBA_OVERRUN          ,
   1.504 +  // auto_ptr messages
   1.505 +  _StlMsg_AUTO_PTR_NULL    ,
   1.506 +  //Memory alignent message
   1.508 +  _StlMsg_UNKNOWN
   1.509 +  /* _StlMsg_MAX */
   1.510 +};
   1.511 +
   1.512 +/* have to hardcode that ;() */
   1.513 +#  define _StlMsg_MAX 31
   1.514 +
   1.515 +// This class is unique (not inherited from exception),
   1.516 +// to disallow catch in anything but (...)
   1.517 +struct __stl_debug_exception {
   1.518 +  // no members
   1.519 +};
   1.520 +
   1.521 +class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC __owned_link;
   1.522 +class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC __owned_list;
   1.523 +
   1.524 +#if defined (_STLP_DEBUG_MODE_THROWS)
   1.526 +#else
   1.527 +#  define _STLP_MESSAGE_NORETURN
   1.528 +#endif
   1.529 +
   1.530 +template <class _Dummy>
   1.531 +struct __stl_debug_engine {
   1.532 +
   1.533 +  // Basic routine to report any debug message
   1.534 +  // Use _STLP_DEBUG_MESSAGE to override
   1.535 +  static void _STLP_MESSAGE_NORETURN _STLP_CALL _Message(const char * format_str, ...);
   1.536 +
   1.537 +  // Micsellanous function to report indexed error message
   1.538 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _IndexedError(int __ind, const char* __f, int __l);
   1.539 +
   1.540 +  // Basic assertion report mechanism.
   1.541 +  // Reports failed assertion via __stl_debug_message and calls _Terminate
   1.542 +  // if _STLP_DEBUG_TERMINATE is specified, calls __stl_debug_terminate instead
   1.543 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _Assert(const char* __expr, const char* __f, int __l);
   1.544 +
   1.545 +  // The same, with additional diagnostics
   1.546 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _VerboseAssert(const char* __expr, int __error_ind, const char* __f, int __l);
   1.547 +
   1.548 +  // If exceptions are present, sends unique exception
   1.549 +  // If not, calls _STLP_ABORT() to terminate
   1.550 +  // Use _STLP_DEBUG_TERMINATE to override
   1.551 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _Terminate();
   1.552 +
   1.553 +#  if defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
   1.554 +  // owned_list/link delegate non-inline functions here
   1.555 +
   1.556 +  static bool _STLP_CALL  _Check_same_owner( const __owned_link& __i1,
   1.557 +                                             const __owned_link& __i2);
   1.558 +  static bool _STLP_CALL  _Check_same_or_null_owner( const __owned_link& __i1,
   1.559 +                                                     const __owned_link& __i2);
   1.560 +  static bool _STLP_CALL  _Check_if_owner( const __owned_list*, const __owned_link&);
   1.561 +
   1.562 +  static bool _STLP_CALL  _Check_if_not_owner( const __owned_list*, const __owned_link&);
   1.563 +
   1.564 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _Verify(const __owned_list*);
   1.565 +
   1.566 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _Swap_owners(__owned_list&, __owned_list&);
   1.567 +
   1.568 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _Invalidate_all(__owned_list*);
   1.569 +
   1.570 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _Set_owner(__owned_list& /*src*/, __owned_list& /*dst*/);
   1.571 +
   1.572 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _Stamp_all(__owned_list*, __owned_list*);
   1.573 +
   1.574 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _M_detach(__owned_list*, __owned_link*);
   1.575 +
   1.576 +  static void _STLP_CALL  _M_attach(__owned_list*, __owned_link*);
   1.577 +
   1.578 +  // accessor : check and get pointer to the container
   1.579 +  static void* _STLP_CALL  _Get_container_ptr(const __owned_link*);
   1.580 +#  endif
   1.581 +
   1.582 +  // debug messages and formats
   1.583 +  static _STLP_STATIC_MEMBER_DECLSPEC const char* _Message_table[_StlMsg_MAX];
   1.584 +};
   1.585 +
   1.586 +#undef _STLP_MESSAGE_NORETURN
   1.587 +
   1.588 +#  if defined (_STLP_USE_TEMPLATE_EXPORT)
   1.589 +_STLP_EXPORT_TEMPLATE struct _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC __stl_debug_engine<bool>;
   1.590 +#  endif /* _STLP_USE_TEMPLATE_EXPORT */
   1.591 +
   1.592 +typedef __stl_debug_engine<bool> __stl_debugger;
   1.593 +
   1.595 +
   1.597 +
   1.598 +#  if !defined (_STLP_ASSERT)
   1.599 +#    define _STLP_ASSERT(expr) \
   1.600 +       if (!(expr)) { _STLP_PRIV __stl_debugger::_Assert( # expr, _STLP_FILE__, __LINE__); }
   1.601 +#  endif
   1.602 +
   1.603 +#endif /* _STLP_ASSERTIONS || _STLP_DEBUG */
   1.604 +
   1.605 +// this section is for _STLP_DEBUG only
   1.606 +#if defined (_STLP_DEBUG)
   1.607 +
   1.608 +#  if !defined (_STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT)
   1.609 +// fbp : new form not requiring ";"
   1.610 +#    define _STLP_VERBOSE_ASSERT(expr, __diag_num) \
   1.611 +       if (!(expr)) { _STLP_PRIV __stl_debugger::_VerboseAssert\
   1.612 +                               ( # expr,  _STLP_PRIV __diag_num, _STLP_FILE__, __LINE__ ); \
   1.613 +          }
   1.614 +#  endif
   1.615 +
   1.616 +#  define _STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(expr) _STLP_ASSERT(expr)
   1.617 +#  define _STLP_DEBUG_DO(expr)    expr;
   1.618 +
   1.620 +#    define _STLP_STD_DEBUG_CHECK(expr) _STLP_DEBUG_CHECK(expr)
   1.621 +#    define _STLP_STD_DEBUG_DO(expr) _STLP_DEBUG_DO(expr)
   1.622 +#  else
   1.623 +#    define _STLP_STD_DEBUG_CHECK(expr)
   1.624 +#    define _STLP_STD_DEBUG_DO(expr)
   1.625 +#  endif
   1.626 +
   1.627 +#  if !defined (_STLP_VERBOSE_RETURN)
   1.628 +#    define _STLP_VERBOSE_RETURN(__expr,__diag_num) if (!(__expr)) { \
   1.629 +         _STLP_PRIV __stl_debugger::_IndexedError(__diag_num, _STLP_FILE__ , __LINE__); \
   1.630 +         return false; }
   1.631 +#  endif
   1.632 +
   1.633 +#  if !defined (_STLP_VERBOSE_RETURN_0)
   1.634 +#    define _STLP_VERBOSE_RETURN_0(__expr,__diag_num) if (!(__expr)) { \
   1.635 +         _STLP_PRIV __stl_debugger::_IndexedError(__diag_num, _STLP_FILE__, __LINE__); \
   1.636 +         return 0; }
   1.637 +#  endif
   1.638 +
   1.639 +#  ifndef _STLP_INTERNAL_THREADS_H
   1.640 +#    include <stl/_threads.h>
   1.641 +#  endif
   1.642 +
   1.643 +#  ifndef _STLP_INTERNAL_ITERATOR_BASE_H
   1.644 +#    include <stl/_iterator_base.h>
   1.645 +#  endif
   1.646 +
   1.648 +
   1.650 +
   1.651 +/*
   1.652 + * Special debug iterator traits having an additionnal static member
   1.653 + * method _Check. It is used by the slit debug implementation to check
   1.654 + * the special before_begin iterator.
   1.655 + */
   1.656 +template <class _Traits>
   1.657 +struct _DbgTraits : _Traits {
   1.658 +  typedef _DbgTraits<typename _Traits::_ConstTraits> _ConstTraits;
   1.659 +  typedef _DbgTraits<typename _Traits::_NonConstTraits> _NonConstTraits;
   1.660 +
   1.661 +  template <class _Iterator>
   1.662 +  static bool _Check(const _Iterator&) {return true;}
   1.663 +};
   1.664 +
   1.665 +//=============================================================
   1.666 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.667 +inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator& __i1 ,const _Iterator& __i2,
   1.668 +                                      const random_access_iterator_tag&)
   1.669 +{ return (__i1 < __i2) || (__i1 == __i2); }
   1.670 +
   1.671 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.672 +inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator& __i1 ,const _Iterator& __i2,
   1.673 +                                      const bidirectional_iterator_tag&) {
   1.674 +  // check if comparable
   1.675 +  bool __dummy(__i1==__i2);
   1.676 +  return (__dummy==__dummy);
   1.677 +}
   1.678 +
   1.679 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.680 +inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator& __i1 ,const _Iterator& __i2,
   1.681 +                                      const forward_iterator_tag&) {
   1.682 +  // check if comparable
   1.683 +  bool __dummy(__i1==__i2);
   1.684 +  return (__dummy==__dummy);
   1.685 +}
   1.686 +
   1.687 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.688 +inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator&,const _Iterator&,
   1.689 +                                      const input_iterator_tag&)
   1.690 +{ return true; }
   1.691 +
   1.692 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.693 +inline bool  _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator&,const _Iterator&,
   1.694 +                                      const output_iterator_tag&)
   1.695 +{ return true; }
   1.696 +
   1.697 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.698 +inline bool _STLP_CALL __valid_range(const _Iterator& __i1, const _Iterator& __i2)
   1.699 +{ return __valid_range(__i1,__i2,_STLP_ITERATOR_CATEGORY(__i1, _Iterator)); }
   1.700 +
   1.701 +// Note : that means in range [i1, i2].
   1.702 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.703 +inline bool  _STLP_CALL __in_range(const _Iterator& _It,
   1.704 +                                   const _Iterator& __i1, const _Iterator& __i2)
   1.705 +{ return __valid_range(__i1,_It) && __valid_range(_It,__i2); }
   1.706 +
   1.707 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.708 +inline bool  _STLP_CALL __in_range(const _Iterator& __first, const _Iterator& __last,
   1.709 +                                   const _Iterator& __start, const _Iterator& __finish)
   1.710 +{ return __valid_range(__first,__last) && __valid_range(__start,__first) && __valid_range(__last,__finish); }
   1.711 +
   1.712 +//==========================================================
   1.713 +class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC __owned_link {
   1.714 +public:
   1.715 +  __owned_link() : _M_owner(0) {}
   1.716 +  __owned_link(const __owned_list* __c) : _M_owner(0), _M_next(0)
   1.717 +  { __stl_debugger::_M_attach(__CONST_CAST(__owned_list*,__c), this); }
   1.718 +  __owned_link(const __owned_link& __rhs): _M_owner(0)
   1.719 +  { __stl_debugger::_M_attach(__CONST_CAST(__owned_list*,__rhs._M_owner), this); }
   1.720 +  __owned_link& operator=(const __owned_link& __rhs) {
   1.721 +    __owned_list* __new_owner = __CONST_CAST(__owned_list*,__rhs._M_owner);
   1.722 +    __owned_list* __old_owner = _M_owner;
   1.723 +    if ( __old_owner != __new_owner ) {
   1.724 +      __stl_debugger::_M_detach(__old_owner, this);
   1.725 +      __stl_debugger::_M_attach(__new_owner, this);
   1.726 +    }
   1.727 +    return *this;
   1.728 +  }
   1.729 +  ~__owned_link() {
   1.730 +    __stl_debugger::_M_detach(_M_owner, this);
   1.731 +    _Invalidate();
   1.732 +  }
   1.733 +
   1.734 +  const __owned_list* _Owner() const { return _M_owner; }
   1.735 +  __owned_list* _Owner() { return _M_owner; }
   1.736 +  void _Set_owner(const __owned_list* __o) { _M_owner= __CONST_CAST(__owned_list*,__o); }
   1.737 +  bool _Valid() const { return _M_owner != 0; }
   1.738 +  void _Invalidate() { _M_owner = 0; _M_next = 0; }
   1.739 +  void _Link_to_self() { _M_next = 0; }
   1.740 +
   1.741 +  __owned_link* _Next() { return _M_next; }
   1.742 +  const __owned_link* _Next() const { return _M_next; }
   1.743 +
   1.744 +public:
   1.745 +  __owned_list* _M_owner;
   1.746 +  __owned_link* _M_next;
   1.747 +};
   1.748 +
   1.749 +
   1.750 +class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC __owned_list {
   1.751 +public:
   1.752 +  __owned_list(void* __o) {
   1.753 +    //    fprintf(stderr, "__owned_list(): %p\n",(void*)this);
   1.754 +    _M_node._M_owner = __REINTERPRET_CAST(__owned_list*,__o);
   1.755 +    _M_node._M_next = 0;
   1.756 +  }
   1.757 +  ~__owned_list() {
   1.758 +    //    fprintf(stderr, "~__owned_list(): %p\n",(void*)this);
   1.759 +    _Invalidate_all();
   1.760 +    // that prevents detach
   1.761 +    _M_node._Invalidate();
   1.762 +  }
   1.763 +  const void* _Owner() const { return (const void*)_M_node._M_owner; }
   1.764 +  void* _Owner() { return (void*)_M_node._M_owner; }
   1.765 +  bool  _Valid() const { return _M_node._M_owner != 0; }
   1.766 +  void _Invalidate() { _M_node._M_owner = 0; }
   1.767 +
   1.768 +  __owned_link* _First() { return _M_node._Next(); }
   1.769 +  __owned_link* _Last() { return 0 ; }
   1.770 +
   1.771 +  const __owned_link* _First() const { return (__owned_link*)_M_node._M_next; }
   1.772 +  const __owned_link* _Last() const { return 0 ;}
   1.773 +
   1.774 +  void _Verify() const { __stl_debugger::_Verify(this); }
   1.775 +  void _Swap_owners(__owned_list& __y) { __stl_debugger::_Swap_owners(*this, __y); }
   1.776 +  void _Invalidate_all() { __stl_debugger::_Invalidate_all(this); }
   1.777 +  void _Set_owner(__owned_list& __y) { __stl_debugger::_Set_owner(*this, __y); }
   1.778 +
   1.779 +  mutable __owned_link _M_node;
   1.780 +  mutable _STLP_mutex  _M_lock;
   1.781 +
   1.782 +private:
   1.783 +  // should never be called, should be left not implemented,
   1.784 +  // but some compilers complain about it ;(
   1.785 +  __owned_list(const __owned_list&){}
   1.786 +  __owned_list& operator = (const __owned_list&) { return *this; }
   1.787 +
   1.788 +  friend class __owned_link;
   1.789 +  friend struct __stl_debug_engine<bool>;
   1.790 +};
   1.791 +
   1.792 +
   1.793 +//==========================================================
   1.794 +
   1.795 +// forward declaratioins
   1.796 +
   1.797 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.798 +bool _STLP_CALL __check_range(const _Iterator&, const _Iterator&);
   1.799 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.800 +bool _STLP_CALL __check_range(const _Iterator&,
   1.801 +                              const _Iterator&, const _Iterator&);
   1.802 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.803 +bool _STLP_CALL __check_range(const _Iterator&, const _Iterator& ,
   1.804 +                              const _Iterator&, const _Iterator& );
   1.805 +template <class _Tp>
   1.806 +bool _STLP_CALL __check_ptr_range(const _Tp*, const _Tp*);
   1.807 +
   1.808 +
   1.809 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.810 +void _STLP_CALL __invalidate_range(const __owned_list* __base,
   1.811 +                                   const _Iterator& __first,
   1.812 +                                   const _Iterator& __last);
   1.813 +
   1.814 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.815 +void _STLP_CALL __invalidate_iterator(const __owned_list* __base,
   1.816 +                                      const _Iterator& __it);
   1.817 +
   1.818 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.819 +void _STLP_CALL __change_range_owner(const _Iterator& __first,
   1.820 +                                     const _Iterator& __last,
   1.821 +                                     const __owned_list* __dst);
   1.822 +
   1.823 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.824 +void  _STLP_CALL __change_ite_owner(const _Iterator& __it,
   1.825 +                                    const __owned_list* __dst);
   1.826 +
   1.827 +//============================================================
   1.828 +inline bool _STLP_CALL
   1.829 +__check_same_owner(const __owned_link& __i1, const __owned_link& __i2)
   1.830 +{ return __stl_debugger::_Check_same_owner(__i1,__i2); }
   1.831 +
   1.832 +inline bool _STLP_CALL
   1.833 +__check_same_or_null_owner(const __owned_link& __i1, const __owned_link& __i2)
   1.834 +{ return __stl_debugger::_Check_same_or_null_owner(__i1,__i2); }
   1.835 +
   1.836 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.837 +inline bool _STLP_CALL  __check_if_owner( const __owned_list* __owner,
   1.838 +                                          const _Iterator& __it)
   1.839 +{ return __stl_debugger::_Check_if_owner(__owner, (const __owned_link&)__it); }
   1.840 +
   1.841 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.842 +inline bool _STLP_CALL __check_if_not_owner( const __owned_list* /*__owner*/,
   1.843 +                                             const _Iterator& /*__it*/,
   1.844 +                                             const __false_type&)
   1.845 +{ return true; }
   1.846 +
   1.847 +template <class _Iterator>
   1.848 +inline bool _STLP_CALL __check_if_not_owner( const __owned_list* __owner,
   1.849 +                                             const _Iterator& __it,
   1.850 +                                             const __true_type&)
   1.851 +{ return __stl_debugger::_Check_if_not_owner(__owner, (const __owned_link&)__it); }
   1.852 +
   1.854 +
   1.856 +
   1.857 +#endif /* _STLP_DEBUG */
   1.858 +
   1.859 +#if defined (_STLP_ASSERTIONS)
   1.860 +
   1.861 +#  if !defined (_STLP_ASSERT_MSG_TRAILER)
   1.862 +#    define _STLP_ASSERT_MSG_TRAILER
   1.863 +#  endif
   1.864 +
   1.865 +// dwa 12/30/98 - if _STLP_DEBUG_MESSAGE is defined, the user can supply own definition.
   1.866 +#  if !defined (_STLP_DEBUG_MESSAGE)
   1.867 +#    define __stl_debug_message __stl_debugger::_Message
   1.868 +#  else
   1.869 +extern  void __stl_debug_message(const char * format_str, ...);
   1.870 +#  endif
   1.871 +
   1.872 +// fbp: if _STLP_DEBUG_TERMINATE is defined, the user can supply own definition.
   1.873 +#  if !defined (_STLP_DEBUG_TERMINATE)
   1.874 +#    define __stl_debug_terminate __stl_debugger::_Terminate
   1.875 +#  else
   1.876 +extern  void __stl_debug_terminate();
   1.877 +#  endif
   1.878 +
   1.879 +#endif
   1.880 +
   1.881 +#if !defined (_STLP_LINK_TIME_INSTANTIATION)
   1.882 +#  include <stl/debug/_debug.c>
   1.883 +#endif
   1.884 +
   1.885 +#endif /* DEBUG_H */
   1.886 +
   1.887 +// Local Variables:
   1.888 +// mode:C++
   1.889 +// End: