1.1 --- a/epoc32/include/mw/apparc.h Wed Mar 31 12:27:01 2010 +0100
1.2 +++ b/epoc32/include/mw/apparc.h Wed Mar 31 12:33:34 2010 +0100
1.3 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
1.4 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
1.5 // All rights reserved.
1.6 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
1.7 -// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0" to Symbian Foundation members and "Symbian Foundation End User License Agreement v1.0" to non-members
1.8 +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
1.9 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
1.10 -// at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/licencesv10.html".
1.11 +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
1.12 //
1.13 // Initial Contributors:
1.14 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
1.15 @@ -16,593 +16,17 @@
1.16 #ifndef __APPARC_H__
1.17 #define __APPARC_H__
1.19 -#if !defined(__E32STD_H__)
1.20 #include <e32std.h>
1.21 -#endif
1.22 -#if !defined(__E32BASE_H__)
1.23 #include <e32base.h>
1.24 -#endif
1.25 -#if !defined(__F32FILE_H__)
1.26 #include <f32file.h>
1.27 -#endif
1.28 -#if !defined(__GDI_H__)
1.29 #include <gdi.h>
1.30 -#endif
1.31 -#if !defined(__APADEF_H__)
1.32 #include <apadef.h>
1.33 -#endif
1.34 -#if !defined(__APAID_H__)
1.35 #include <apaid.h>
1.36 -#endif
1.38 -// classes defined:
1.39 -class CApaApplication;
1.40 -class CApaDocument;
1.41 -class CApaProcess;
1.42 -class MApaEmbeddedDocObserver;
1.43 -//
1.44 -// classes referenced:
1.45 -class CApaDll;
1.46 -class CApaExe;
1.47 -class RFile;
1.48 -class RReadStream;
1.49 -class RWriteStream;
1.50 -class CFileStore;
1.51 -class CPersistentStore;
1.52 -class CStreamDictionary;
1.53 -class CDictionaryStore;
1.54 -class TApaAppHolderInfo;
1.55 -class CImplementationInformation;
1.56 -class TApaApplicationFactory;
1.57 -class CApaAppHolder;
1.58 -class CApaAppServer;
1.59 +// The content of this file has been split into:
1.60 +#include <apaapp.h>
1.61 +#include <apadoc.h>
1.62 +#include <apaproc.h>
1.64 -/** Creates an application interface object.
1.65 -
1.66 -Provides the basic roles of an application class as a factory that
1.67 -creates concrete document objects, and supplies utility functions
1.68 -not specific to any particular instance of a document.
1.69 -
1.70 -@publishedAll
1.71 -@released
1.72 -*/
1.73 -typedef CApaApplication* (*CreateCApaApplication)();
1.74 -
1.75 -
1.76 -// CApaApplication
1.77 -
1.78 -class CApaApplication : public CBase
1.79 -// base class for applications; allows creation of documents & file stores + display of app icon and name.
1.80 -/** Defines the basic behaviour for applications.
1.81 -
1.82 -The class defines the basic twin roles of an application class as a factory
1.83 -that creates concrete document objects, and as a supplier of utility functions
1.84 -not specific to any particular instance of a document. For example, returning
1.85 -an application's caption, or accessing its .ini file.
1.86 -
1.87 -The class is derived from by the UI framework and is further derived from
1.88 -by the UI application.
1.89 -
1.90 -@publishedAll
1.91 -@released
1.92 -@see CEikApplication */
1.93 - {
1.94 -public:
1.95 - /** Completes construction of this application object.
1.97 - The function is called after an instance of a derived class has been successfully
1.98 - created using the ordinal 1 function of the application DLL.
1.99 -
1.100 - After calling this function, an application can create document objects.
1.101 -
1.102 - An implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework.
1.103 -
1.104 - @see CEikApplication */
1.105 - virtual void PreDocConstructL()=0; // call once before creating document
1.106 -
1.107 - /** Creates a document object.
1.108 -
1.109 - The function is called by the application process when a new document is required.
1.110 - The application process adds the new document to its list of documents.
1.111 -
1.112 - An implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework.
1.113 -
1.114 - @param aProcess A pointer to the process associated with the application.
1.115 - @return A pointer to the newly created document.
1.116 - @see CApaProcess::AddNewDocumentL() */
1.117 - virtual CApaDocument* CreateDocumentL(CApaProcess* aProcess)=0;
1.118 -
1.119 - /** Gets the application specific UID.
1.120 -
1.121 - The UID is used to differentiate between UI applications.
1.122 -
1.123 - An implementation of this function must be supplied by the UI application.
1.124 -
1.125 - @return The application specific UID. */
1.126 - virtual TUid AppDllUid()const=0;
1.127 -
1.128 - //
1.129 - // utility functions
1.130 - IMPORT_C static TInt GenerateFileName(RFs& aFs,TFileName& aRootName);
1.131 - IMPORT_C CDictionaryStore* OpenIniFileL(RFs& aFs)const;
1.132 -
1.133 - /** Opens the .ini file associated with the application, constructs the dictionary
1.134 - store object, returns a pointer to it and puts the pointer onto the cleanupstack.
1.135 -
1.136 - The .ini file must be created, if it does not already exist.
1.137 -
1.138 - An implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework.
1.139 -
1.140 - @param aFs Handle to a file server session
1.141 - @return A pointer to the dictionary store object that represents the application's
1.142 - .ini file.
1.143 - @see CEikApplication */
1.144 - virtual CDictionaryStore* OpenIniFileLC(RFs& aFs)const=0;
1.145 - //
1.146 - // enquiry functions
1.147 - IMPORT_C virtual TFileName AppFullName()const; // returns the full path and name of the app
1.148 - /** Returns the capabilities of the application.
1.149 -
1.150 - Application capability information is represented by an instance of a TApaAppCapability
1.151 - object wrapped in a packaged modifiable buffer descriptor.
1.152 -
1.153 - The function is called from a number of places within the application framework.
1.154 -
1.155 - An implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework.
1.156 -
1.157 - @param aInfo A packaged modifiable buffer descriptor (a TPckgBuf), encapsulating
1.158 - a TApaAppCapability object.
1.159 - @see CEikApplication
1.160 - @see TApaAppCapability
1.161 - @see TPckgBuf */
1.162 - virtual void Capability(TDes8& aInfo)const=0;
1.163 - //
1.164 - // accessor function
1.165 - IMPORT_C TFileName DllName()const;
1.166 -
1.167 - IMPORT_C ~CApaApplication();
1.168 -
1.169 - // formerly a reserved virtual, Reserved_1()
1.170 - IMPORT_C virtual void NewAppServerL(CApaAppServer*& aAppServer);
1.171 -protected:
1.172 - IMPORT_C CApaApplication();
1.173 -
1.174 - IMPORT_C virtual void CApaApplication_Reserved1();
1.175 - IMPORT_C virtual void CApaApplication_Reserved2();
1.176 -
1.177 -private:
1.178 - CApaAppHolder* iAppHolder; // the CApaAppHolder that owns me
1.179 - TUid iDtorKey; // TInt iSpare;
1.180 - friend class CApaAppHolder;
1.181 - friend class CApaProcess;
1.182 - friend class TApaApplicationFactory; // so that it can access iDtorKey
1.183 -
1.184 -private:
1.185 - TInt iCApaApplication_Reserved1;
1.186 - };
1.187 -
1.188 -class CApaDocument : public CBase
1.189 -// base class for documents; allows insertion of glass doors.
1.190 -/** Defines basic behaviour for documents.
1.191 -
1.192 -This is the base class for all documents. A document contains the data associated
1.193 -with the application's content.
1.194 -
1.195 -The class is derived from by the UI framework and is further derived from
1.196 -by the UI application.
1.197 -
1.198 -@publishedAll
1.199 -@released
1.200 -@see CEikDocument */
1.201 - {
1.202 -public:
1.203 - class TCapability
1.204 - /** CApaDocument capabilities.*/
1.205 - {
1.206 - public:
1.207 - IMPORT_C TCapability();
1.208 - //
1.209 - inline TBool CanDrawGlass()const;
1.210 - inline TBool CanPrint()const;
1.211 - inline void SetCanDrawGlass();
1.212 - inline void SetCanPrint();
1.213 - //
1.214 - private:
1.215 - enum {
1.216 - ECanDrawGlass =0x01,
1.217 - ECanPrint =0x02
1.218 - };
1.219 - private:
1.220 - TUint iCapability;
1.221 - TInt TCapability_Reserved1;
1.222 - };
1.223 - //
1.224 -public:
1.225 - // document instantiation functions
1.226 - /** Initialises a new, empty, document with a default setup.
1.227 -
1.228 - This can be the main document or an embedded document. The function is called
1.229 - by the UI framework when it creates a default document file.
1.230 -
1.231 - An implementation of this function must be supplied by the UI application.
1.232 -
1.233 - If initialisation fails, the document must be left in the same state as it
1.234 - was before the function was called. */
1.235 - virtual void NewDocumentL()=0; // builds a new embedded or main document without loading from a store (may create the content from eg code or a template file).
1.236 -
1.237 - /** Creates and fully initialises a new filestore and stores the document into it,
1.238 - replacing any existing file of the same name.
1.239 -
1.240 - The function should put the pointer to the filestore object onto the cleanup
1.241 - stack.
1.242 -
1.243 - An implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework.
1.244 -
1.245 - @param aFs Handle to a file server session.
1.246 - @param aFileName The full path name of the file to be created.
1.247 - @return A pointer to the newly constructed file store.
1.248 - @see CEikDocument */
1.249 - virtual CFileStore* CreateFileStoreLC(RFs& aFs,const TDesC& aFileName)=0; // creates a file for a document and stores itself to that store (store should be put on cleanup stack).
1.250 - //
1.251 - // interaction functions
1.252 - IMPORT_C virtual CPicture* GlassPictureL(); // Does nothing by default, override to return handle to glass picture.
1.253 -
1.254 - /** Starts an editing session on an embedded document.
1.255 -
1.256 - The function should cause the application's UI to be created and the document
1.257 - to be fully restored for editing.
1.258 -
1.259 - An implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework.
1.260 -
1.261 - @param aContainer This document's observer.
1.262 - @param aReadOnly True, the document should be opened in read-only mode and
1.263 - should not persist any changes made to the content. False, the document can
1.264 - be opened in read/write mode; this is the default.
1.265 - @see CEikDocument */
1.266 - virtual void EditL(MApaEmbeddedDocObserver* aContainer,TBool aReadOnly=EFalse)=0; // Edit the document in the context of the container's environment. If aContainer is null, edit as the main document
1.267 -
1.268 - /** Prints the document without a need for it to be open for editing.
1.269 -
1.270 - Typically, this is called from a shell or a file manager type application
1.271 - that wants to print the document without opening it fully.
1.272 -
1.273 - An empty implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework.
1.274 -
1.275 - The UI application can provide its own implementation.
1.276 -
1.277 - @param aSourceStore A reference to the store containing the document.
1.278 - @see CEikDocument */
1.279 - virtual void PrintL(const CStreamStore& aSourceStore)=0; // default print parameters, assume print context supplied by environment
1.280 - //
1.281 - // persistence functions
1.282 -
1.283 - /** Stores the document to the current file, commits the changes, and marks the
1.284 - document status as unchanged.
1.285 -
1.286 - Typically, the function is called by the application when it implements a
1.287 - "Save" type menu option in its User Interface.
1.288 -
1.289 - An implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework. This is
1.290 - adequate for direct file store applications. Applications using a permanent
1.291 - file store model, need to provide their own implementation.
1.292 -
1.293 - If the function leaves, an implementation should ensure that any changes made
1.294 - to the file are rolled back, leaving the file in the state it was in before
1.295 - the function was called.
1.296 -
1.297 - @see CEikDocument */
1.298 - virtual void SaveL()=0; // save the doc to the file in the custody of iAppProcess. This fn should be called by any "Save" menu option. store->Commit() should be called within it.
1.299 - /** Stores the document's content and state to the specified store, recording the
1.300 - identity of any headstreams created in the specified stream dictionary.
1.301 -
1.302 - The store must be fully constructed before this function is called.
1.303 -
1.304 - An empty implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework.
1.305 - UI applications that need to persist any data must provide their own implementation.
1.306 -
1.307 - If the function leaves, an implementation should ensure that the store and
1.308 - the stream dictionary are returned to the state they were in before the function
1.309 - was called.
1.310 -
1.311 - @param aStore The store into which document data is to be stored.
1.312 - @param aStreamDic The stream dictionary into which stream IDs and associated
1.313 - UIDs are to be recorded.
1.314 - @see CEikDocument */
1.315 - virtual void StoreL(CStreamStore& aStore,CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic) const=0; // store to aStore, lodging the headstream in aStreamDic
1.316 -
1.317 - /** Restores the document's content and state from data persisted in the specified
1.318 - store.
1.319 -
1.320 - An empty implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework.
1.321 - UI applications that need to restore data must provide their own implementation.
1.322 -
1.323 - If the function leaves, an implementation should ensure that the store and
1.324 - the stream dictionary are returned to the state they were in before the function
1.325 - was called.
1.326 -
1.327 - @param aStore The store from which document data is to be restored.
1.328 - @param aStreamDic The stream dictionary containing stream IDs and associated
1.329 - UIDs.
1.330 - @see CEikDocument */
1.331 - virtual void RestoreL(const CStreamStore& aStore,const CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic)=0; // restore from aStore using aStreamDic
1.332 -
1.333 - /** Restores the document to the extent that it does not need the store
1.334 - further.
1.335 -
1.336 - A document only keeps a pointer to a store if it implements deferred
1.337 - loading. This also tells the document that any store pointer that it
1.338 - might have is just about to become invalid.
1.339 -
1.340 - An empty implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework.
1.341 - UI applications that support deferred loading or embedding should provide an
1.342 - implementation.
1.343 -
1.344 - If a document supports embedding, then it should
1.345 - propagate the DetachFromStoreL() call on to all embedded objects that
1.346 - it contains.
1.347 -
1.348 - If the function leaves, the operation should be aborted
1.349 - because the document has not successfully detached from the store.
1.350 - Continuing with the operation may leave the document in an unsafe
1.351 - state or cause user data to be lost.
1.352 -
1.353 - @param aDegree The degree of detachment required. */
1.354 - virtual void DetachFromStoreL(CPicture::TDetach /*aDegree*/=CPicture::EDetachFull) {} // supply an implementation if you support deferred loading or embedding
1.355 -
1.356 - IMPORT_C virtual void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream)const;
1.357 - //
1.358 - // enquiry functions
1.359 -
1.360 - /** Tests whether the document is empty.
1.361 -
1.362 - The UI framework provides a default implementation which always returns a
1.363 - true value.
1.364 -
1.365 - The UI application can provide its own implementation. Typically, any application
1.366 - that has editable content should supply an implementation that acts according
1.367 - to the state of that content. Applications without associated document data
1.368 - need not supply an implementation.
1.369 -
1.370 - @return True if the document is empty, false otherwise.
1.371 - @see CEikDocument */
1.372 - virtual TBool IsEmpty()const=0; // return ETrue if the document is empty
1.373 - IMPORT_C virtual void ValidatePasswordL()const; // return EFalse if there *is* a password *and* the user doesn't get it right, ETrue otherwise (ie they get it right or there isn't one). Returns ETrue by default
1.374 -
1.375 - IMPORT_C virtual TCapability Capability()const; // returns "cant do anything" by default
1.376 - inline CApaApplication* Application()const;
1.377 - inline CApaProcess* Process()const;
1.378 -
1.379 - /** Tests whether the document has changed since it was last persisted.
1.380 -
1.381 - An implementation of this function is supplied by the UI framework and need
1.382 - not be changed by the UI application.
1.383 -
1.384 - @return True, if the document has changed since the last time that it was
1.385 - persisted, false, otherwise.
1.386 - @see CEikDocument */
1.387 - virtual TBool HasChanged()const =0;
1.388 - //
1.389 - IMPORT_C virtual ~CApaDocument();
1.390 -protected:
1.391 - IMPORT_C CApaDocument();
1.392 - IMPORT_C CApaDocument(CApaApplication& aApp,CApaProcess& aProcess);
1.393 -private:
1.394 - IMPORT_C virtual void OpenFileL(CFileStore*& aFileStore, RFile& aFile); // was previously Reserved_1
1.395 - // Reserved virtual functions...
1.396 - IMPORT_C virtual void Reserved_2();
1.397 -protected:
1.398 - MApaEmbeddedDocObserver* iContainer; // null unless this is an embedded object currently being edited
1.399 -private:
1.400 - CApaApplication* iApplication; // the doc's associated application
1.401 - CApaProcess* iApaProcess;
1.402 - TInt iSpare;
1.403 - };
1.404 -
1.405 -
1.406 -
1.407 -class TApaApplicationFactory
1.408 -/** Encapsulates the functionality of creating an application, whether it be via a factory function
1.409 -or an ECOM plugin. Instances of this class can usually be created implicitly when required as
1.410 -function parameters - just specify the function pointer, ECOM plugin UID or CImplementationInformation
1.411 -reference.
1.412 -
1.413 -@publishedAll
1.414 -@released
1.415 -@see CApaProcess
1.416 -@see EikStart */
1.417 - {
1.418 -public:
1.419 - typedef CApaApplication* (*TFunction)();
1.420 -public:
1.421 - IMPORT_C TApaApplicationFactory();
1.422 - IMPORT_C TApaApplicationFactory(TFunction aFunction);
1.423 - IMPORT_C TApaApplicationFactory(const CImplementationInformation& aEmbeddedApplicationInformation);
1.424 - IMPORT_C TApaApplicationFactory(TUid aEmbeddedApplicationUid);
1.425 - CApaApplication* CreateApplicationL() const;
1.426 - HBufC* AppFileNameL() const;
1.427 - TUid AppFileUid() const;
1.428 -private:
1.429 - enum TType
1.430 - {
1.431 - ETypeFunction, // if iType is this, iData is a TFunction
1.432 - ETypeEmbeddedApplicationInformation, // if iType is this, iData is an ECOM CImplementationInformation
1.433 - ETypeEmbeddedApplicationUid // if iType is this, iData is an ECOM implementation TUid
1.434 - };
1.435 -private:
1.436 - static CApaApplication* CreateEmbeddedApplicationL(TUid aUid);
1.437 - static HBufC* EmbeddedApplicationDisplayNameLC(TUid aUid);
1.438 - static HBufC* FullAppFileNameL(const TDesC& aAppName);
1.439 - static void CleanupImplementationArray(TAny* aImplementationArray);
1.440 -private:
1.441 - TType iType;
1.442 - TUint iData;
1.443 - mutable CApaApplication* iApplication; // used to be iSpare1
1.444 - TInt iSpare2;
1.445 - };
1.446 -
1.447 -class CApaParentProcessMonitor;
1.448 -
1.449 -class CApaProcess : public CBase
1.450 -/** Maintains a list of documents and all of the potentially shared resources used
1.451 -by documents.
1.452 -
1.453 -This includes the application DLLs. The class also supplies utility functions
1.454 -that provide the basic structure for persisted document files.
1.455 -
1.456 -The class deals with the loading of application DLLs and manages the creation
1.457 -and destruction of application (CApaApplication) objects and document (CApaDocument)
1.458 -objects.
1.459 -
1.460 -The class is derived from by the UI framework and further derivation by the
1.461 -UI application is not necessary unless it needs to add extra utility functions
1.462 -for the use of applications.
1.463 -
1.464 -@publishedAll
1.465 -@released
1.466 -@see CApaApplication
1.467 -@see CApaDocument */
1.468 - {
1.469 -public:
1.470 - IMPORT_C static CApaProcess* NewL(const RFs& aFs);
1.471 - IMPORT_C void ResetL();
1.472 - //
1.473 - // static utility functions
1.474 - IMPORT_C static CStreamDictionary* ReadRootStreamLC(RFs& aFs,CFileStore*& aStore,const TDesC& aDocFullFileName,TUint aFileMode); // opens aDocFileName as aStore and returns the stream dictionary contained in its root stream on the cleanup stack
1.475 - IMPORT_C static CStreamDictionary* ReadRootStreamLC(CFileStore*& aStore, const RFile& aFile);
1.476 - IMPORT_C static void WriteRootStreamL(CPersistentStore& aStore,CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic,const CApaApplication& aApp);
1.477 - IMPORT_C static void WriteRootStreamL(CPersistentStore& aStore,CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic,const TApaAppIdentifier& aAppId);
1.478 - IMPORT_C static TApaAppIdentifier ReadAppIdentifierL(const CStreamStore& aStore,const CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic);
1.479 - IMPORT_C static void WriteAppIdentifierL(CStreamStore& aStore,CStreamDictionary& aStreamDic,const TApaAppIdentifier& aAppId);
1.480 - //
1.481 - // document management
1.482 - IMPORT_C CApaDocument* AddNewDocumentL(TApaApplicationFactory aApplicationFactory);
1.483 - IMPORT_C CApaDocument* OpenNewDocumentL(CFileStore*& aStore,CStreamDictionary*& aStreamDic,const TDesC& aDocFullFileName,TUint aFileMode); // Open a file and restore the contained document
1.484 - IMPORT_C void DestroyDocument(CApaDocument* aDoc); // Removes a doc (identified by the object) from the list and destroys it. Also removes the app and closes the AppDll if appropriate.
1.485 - //
1.486 - // setter functions
1.487 - IMPORT_C void SetMainDocument(CApaDocument* aDocument);
1.488 - IMPORT_C void SetMainDocFileName(const TDesC& aMainDocFileName); // panics if the descriptor is too long
1.489 - IMPORT_C void SetMainDocFileNameL(const TDesC& aMainDocFileName);
1.490 - //
1.491 - // accessor functions
1.492 - IMPORT_C TPtrC MainDocFileName()const;
1.493 - inline RFs& FsSession()const;
1.494 - inline CApaDocument* MainDocument()const;
1.495 - //
1.496 - IMPORT_C ~CApaProcess();
1.497 -protected:
1.498 - IMPORT_C CApaProcess();
1.499 - IMPORT_C CApaProcess(const RFs& aFs);
1.500 - IMPORT_C void ConstructL();
1.501 - IMPORT_C void ConstructL(TProcessId aParentProcessId);
1.502 -
1.503 - IMPORT_C virtual void CApaProcess_Reserved1();
1.504 - IMPORT_C virtual void CApaProcess_Reserved2();
1.505 -public:
1.506 - static TInt IdleRemoveApplications(TAny* aThis);
1.507 - void RemoveMarkedApplications();
1.508 -private:
1.509 - CApaDll* AddAppDllL(const TDesC& aDllFullPath);
1.510 - CApaExe* AddAppExeL(TApaApplicationFactory aApplicationFactory);
1.511 - void RemoveApp(CApaAppHolder* aAppHolder);
1.512 - CApaDocument* CreateDocL(CApaApplication* aApp);
1.513 - CApaAppHolder* FindAppInListL(const TDesC& aAppFileName,TUid aUid)const; // returns NULL if not in list
1.514 - void DeleteAllDocs();
1.515 - void MarkApplicationForRemoval(const CApaApplication* aApp);
1.516 - static void DoReadRootStreamL(CStreamDictionary& aStreamDictionary, const CFileStore& aStore);
1.517 -private:
1.518 - CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppHolderInfo>* iAppList; // array of apps in use
1.519 - CArrayFixFlat<CApaDocument*>* iDocList; // array of documents (1 main + n embedded)
1.520 - CApaDocument* iMainDoc;
1.521 - HBufC* iMainDocFileName;
1.522 - RFs iFsSession; // file server session for doc store
1.523 - CIdle* iApplicationRemover;
1.524 - CApaParentProcessMonitor* iMonitor;
1.525 - TInt iCApaProcess_Reserved1;
1.526 - };
1.527 -
1.528 -
1.529 -class MApaEmbeddedDocObserver
1.530 -/** An interface class for handling the completion of the editing of an embedded
1.531 -document.
1.532 -
1.533 -@publishedAll
1.534 -@released
1.535 -@see CApaDocument::EditL() */
1.536 - {
1.537 -public:
1.538 - /** Defines the state of the embedded document on completion of editing. */
1.539 - enum TExitMode {
1.540 - /** Changes to the embedded document must be saved. */
1.541 - EKeepChanges,
1.542 - /** Reverts back to the saved version of the embedded document, i.e. reloads the
1.543 - whole document. */
1.544 - ERevertToSaved,
1.545 - /** No changes have been made to the embedded document. */
1.546 - ENoChanges,
1.547 - /** The embedded document is empty. */
1.548 - EEmpty
1.549 - };
1.550 -public:
1.551 - /** Implements the required behaviour when the editing of an embedded document completes.
1.552 -
1.553 - @param aMode Indicates the state of the document. */
1.554 - virtual void NotifyExit(TExitMode aMode)=0; // called on completion of editing of an embedded document
1.555 -protected:
1.556 - IMPORT_C MApaEmbeddedDocObserver();
1.557 -private:
1.558 - IMPORT_C virtual void MApaEmbeddedDocObserver_Reserved1();
1.559 - IMPORT_C virtual void MApaEmbeddedDocObserver_Reserved2();
1.560 -private:
1.561 - TInt iMApaEmbeddedDocObserver_Reserved1;
1.562 - };
1.563 -
1.564 -
1.565 -//// inlines ////
1.566 -inline CApaApplication* CApaDocument::Application()const
1.567 -/** Returns a pointer to the application that created the document.
1.568 -
1.569 -@return A pointer to the document's associated application. */
1.570 - { return iApplication; }
1.571 -
1.572 -inline CApaProcess* CApaDocument::Process()const
1.573 -/** Returns a pointer to the application process associated with this document.
1.574 -
1.575 -@return A pointer to the application process associated with this document. */
1.576 - { return iApaProcess; }
1.577 -
1.578 -inline TBool CApaDocument::TCapability::CanDrawGlass()const
1.579 -/** Tests whether the document supports being embedded as a glass door.
1.580 -
1.581 -@return True if embedding as a glass door is supported; false otherwise. */
1.582 - { return iCapability&ECanDrawGlass; }
1.583 -
1.584 -inline TBool CApaDocument::TCapability::CanPrint()const
1.585 -/** Tests whether the document supports being printed without using the full application
1.586 -UI.
1.587 -
1.588 -@return True, if printing is supported; false, otherwise. */
1.589 - { return iCapability&ECanPrint; }
1.590 -
1.591 -inline void CApaDocument::TCapability::SetCanDrawGlass()
1.592 -/** Sets the document as being capable of being embedded as a glass door. */
1.593 - { iCapability = iCapability|ECanDrawGlass; }
1.594 -
1.595 -inline void CApaDocument::TCapability::SetCanPrint()
1.596 -/** Sets the document as being capable of being printed without using the full application
1.597 -UI. */
1.598 - { iCapability = iCapability|ECanPrint; }
1.599 -
1.600 -inline RFs& CApaProcess::FsSession()const
1.601 -/** Returns a handle to the file server session used by this application process.
1.602 -
1.603 -@return The file server session. */
1.604 - { return (RFs&)iFsSession; } //lint !e1536 Exposing low access member - Kept for backward BC
1.605 -
1.606 -inline CApaDocument* CApaProcess::MainDocument()const
1.607 -/** Returns a pointer to the main document.
1.608 -
1.609 -@return A pointer to the main document. */
1.610 - { return iMainDoc; }
1.611 -
1.612 -#endif
1.613 +#endif // __APPARC_H__