1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.2 +++ b/epoc32/include/mw/aknsfld.h Wed Mar 31 12:33:34 2010 +0100
1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
1.4 +/*
1.5 +* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
1.6 +* All rights reserved.
1.7 +* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
1.8 +* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
1.9 +* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
1.10 +* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
1.11 +*
1.12 +* Initial Contributors:
1.13 +* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
1.14 +*
1.15 +* Contributors:
1.16 +*
1.17 +* Description:
1.18 +* Search Field support.
1.19 +*
1.20 +*
1.21 +*/
1.22 +
1.23 +
1.24 +#ifndef __AKNSFLD_H__
1.25 +#define __AKNSFLD_H__
1.26 +
1.27 +// INCLUDES
1.28 +#include <AknControl.h>
1.29 +#include <gulicon.h>
1.30 +#include <eikgted.h>
1.31 +#include <aknappui.h>
1.32 +#include <e32property.h> // for subscriber/publisher
1.33 +
1.35 +class CEikEdwin;
1.36 +class CGlobalText;
1.37 +class CAknInputFrame;
1.38 +class CAknSearchFieldIndicator;
1.39 +class CAknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext;
1.40 +class CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext;
1.41 +class CEikListBox;
1.42 +class CAknAdaptiveSearch;
1.43 +class MAdaptiveSearchTextObserver;
1.44 +class CAknSearchField;
1.45 +class CHwKbSubscriber;
1.46 +
1.47 +/**
1.48 + * Adaptive search text observer will be notified when adaptive search
1.49 + * text/language are changed. Notify about text changing when adaptive search
1.50 + * grid is opened for the first time (empty search text is generated) or when
1.51 + * user taps the grid so that new character is inputted. Notify about language
1.52 + * chnging when got information from CenRep.
1.53 + *
1.54 + * @since 5.0
1.55 + */
1.56 +class MAdaptiveSearchTextObserver
1.57 + {
1.58 + public:
1.59 + /**
1.60 + * Notification and handling of an adaptive search text change.
1.61 + *
1.62 + * @param aSearchField The source search field of this message.
1.63 + */
1.64 + virtual void AdaptiveSearchTextChanged( CAknSearchField* aSearchField ) = 0;
1.65 + };
1.66 +
1.67 +
1.69 +
1.70 +/**
1.71 + * The CAknSearchField class implements a Search field control. There are
1.72 + * different styles for the search field defined by a TSearchFieldStyle.
1.73 + *
1.74 + * @since Series 60 0.9
1.75 + */
1.76 +NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CAknSearchField) : public CAknControl,
1.77 + public MCoeControlObserver,
1.78 + public MEikCommandObserver
1.79 +{
1.80 +public:
1.81 + /**
1.82 + * Search field style.
1.83 + */
1.84 + enum TSearchFieldStyle
1.85 + {
1.86 + /** Use only ESearch in Series 60 */
1.87 + ESearch,
1.88 + /** (Not used) */
1.89 + EInput,
1.90 + /** (Not used) */
1.91 + EUrl,
1.92 + /** (Not used) */
1.93 + EPhone,
1.94 + /** (Not used) */
1.95 + EPlain,
1.96 + /** Use as popup search field. */
1.97 + EPopup,
1.98 + /** Use as pinb search field. */
1.99 + EPinb,
1.100 + /** For Clock application/list_single_heading_pane. */
1.101 + EClockApp,
1.102 + /** Same as ESearch, but using CreateWindowL(). */
1.103 + EFixed,
1.104 + /** Layout where no line is used. */
1.105 + ESearchWithoutLine,
1.106 + /** Popup window layout. */
1.107 + EPopupWindow,
1.108 + /** For adaptive search grid */
1.109 + /** @since 5.0 */
1.110 + EAdaptiveSearch,
1.111 + /** For adaptive search grid */
1.112 + /** Same as EAdaptiveSearch, but using CreateWindowL(). */
1.113 + /** @since 5.0 */
1.114 + EAdaptive,
1.115 + /** For adaptive search grid */
1.116 + /** Same as EAdaptiveSearch, but using popup find pane. */
1.117 + /** @since 5.0 */
1.118 + EPopupAdaptiveSearch,
1.119 + /** For adaptive search grid */
1.120 + /** Popup window layout */
1.121 + /** @since 5.0 */
1.122 + EPopupAdaptiveSearchWindow
1.123 + };
1.124 +
1.125 +public:
1.126 +
1.127 + /**
1.128 + * Destructor.
1.129 + */
1.130 + IMPORT_C ~CAknSearchField();
1.131 +
1.132 + /**
1.133 + * Two-phased constructor.
1.134 + * @param aParent Reference to parent control.
1.135 + * @param aFieldStyle Defines the UI style.
1.136 + * @param aIcon A pointer to the icon to be shown in the search box frame.
1.137 + * Takes ownerships. Can be @c NULL.
1.138 + * @param aTextLimit Defines the maximum text length.
1.139 + * @return A pointer to contructed @c CAknSearchField object.
1.140 + */
1.141 + IMPORT_C static CAknSearchField* NewL( const CCoeControl& aParent, TSearchFieldStyle aFieldStyle, CGulIcon* aIcon, TInt aTextLimit );
1.142 +
1.143 +public: // for search string manipulation
1.144 + /**
1.145 + * Returns the length of search text.
1.146 + * @return The length of search text.
1.147 + */
1.148 + IMPORT_C TInt TextLength() const;
1.149 +
1.150 + /**
1.151 + * Returns the text of search field by writing it into the
1.152 + * buffer aSearchTxt.
1.153 + * @param aSearchTxt Reference to the text buffer. Buffer size must be same
1.154 + * or greater than maximum text length, which is given in
1.155 + * constructor.
1.156 + */
1.157 + IMPORT_C void GetSearchText( TDes& aSearchTxt ) const;
1.158 +
1.159 + /**
1.160 + * Sets text into search field.
1.161 + * @param aSearchTxt Reference to the text buffer.
1.162 + */
1.163 + IMPORT_C void SetSearchTextL( const TDesC& aSearchTxt );
1.164 +
1.165 + /**
1.166 + * Selects the whole search text.
1.167 + */
1.168 + IMPORT_C void SelectSearchTextL();
1.169 +
1.170 + /**
1.171 + * Clears text in the search field.
1.172 + */
1.173 + IMPORT_C void ResetL();
1.174 +
1.175 + /**
1.176 + * Sets additional info text to the search field.
1.177 + * @param aText Reference to the text buffer.
1.178 + */
1.179 + IMPORT_C void SetInfoTextL( const TDesC& aText );
1.180 +
1.181 + /**
1.182 + * Calls editor's @c ClipboardL() function.
1.183 + * @param aClipboardFunc Clipboard function.
1.184 + */
1.185 + IMPORT_C void ClipboardL( CEikEdwin::TClipboardFunc aClipboardFunc );
1.186 +
1.187 + /**
1.188 + * Return search field style
1.189 + * @since 5.0
1.190 + * @return style of search field
1.191 + */
1.192 + IMPORT_C CAknSearchField::TSearchFieldStyle SearchFieldStyle() const;
1.193 +
1.194 +public: // new methods for Avkon Skins support
1.195 +
1.196 + /**
1.197 + * Sets whether skins are enabled on this control. The default value is
1.198 + * determined from global setting from @c CAknAppUi.
1.199 + * @since Series 60 2.0
1.200 + * @param aEnabled @c ETrue if skins are enabled, @c EFalse if not.
1.201 + */
1.202 + IMPORT_C void SetSkinEnabledL( const TBool aEnabled );
1.203 +
1.204 +public: // from MCoeControlObserver
1.205 +
1.206 + /**
1.207 + * From @c MCoeControlObserver, Acts upon changes in the hosted control's state.
1.208 + * This class's implementation is trivial and should be able to be safely
1.209 + * re-implemented in directly client-derived classes. For non-base setting
1.210 + * page classes, a call to the base class should be made.
1.211 + * @param aControl Control that caused the event. (not used in default implementation)
1.212 + * @param aEventType Type of the event.
1.213 + */
1.214 + void HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl,TCoeEvent aEventType );
1.215 +
1.216 +public: // From CCoeControl
1.217 +
1.218 + /**
1.219 + * From @c CCoeControl, Handles key event.
1.220 + * @param aKeyEvent The key event.
1.221 + * @param aType The type of the event.
1.222 + * @return Indicates whether the key event was used by this control or not.
1.223 + */
1.224 + IMPORT_C TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType );
1.225 +
1.226 + /**
1.227 + * From @c CCoeControl, Handles pointer event.
1.228 + * @since 5.0
1.229 + * @param aPointerEvent The pointer event.
1.230 + * Invert adaptive search grid by tapping search field.
1.231 + */
1.232 + void HandlePointerEventL( const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent );
1.233 +
1.234 + /**
1.235 + * From @c CCoeControl, Returns minimum size. Minimum size depends on
1.236 + * zoom factor.
1.237 + * @return Minimum size.
1.238 + */
1.239 + IMPORT_C TSize MinimumSize();
1.240 +
1.241 + /**
1.242 + * Sets this control as visible or invisible.
1.243 + *
1.244 + * @since S60 3.2
1.245 + * @param aVisible ETrue to make the control visible, EFalse to make
1.246 + * it invisible.
1.247 + */
1.248 + IMPORT_C void MakeVisible( TBool aVisible );
1.249 +
1.250 + /**
1.251 + * From @c CCoeControl, Resource change handling.
1.252 + *
1.253 + * @param aType Message type.
1.254 + */
1.255 + void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
1.256 +
1.257 +public:
1.258 +
1.259 + /**
1.260 + * Sets position of the line on main pane.
1.261 + * @since Series 60 2.0
1.262 + * @param aLinePos The position as defined in @c TAknSeparatorLinePos
1.263 + */
1.264 + IMPORT_C void SetLinePos( TInt aLinePos );
1.265 +
1.266 + /**
1.267 + * Access to the edwin owned by the search field.
1.268 + * @since Series 60 2.6
1.269 + * @return Reference to the edwin owned by the search field.
1.270 + */
1.271 + IMPORT_C CEikEdwin& Editor() const;
1.272 +
1.273 + /**
1.274 + * Set adaptive search grid characters.
1.275 + * @since 5.0
1.276 + * @param aGridChars The characters for adaptive search grid.
1.277 + */
1.278 + IMPORT_C void SetAdaptiveGridChars( const TDesC& aGridChars ) const;
1.279 +
1.280 + /**
1.281 + * Show adaptive search grid.
1.282 + * Application can activate adaptive search grid from the option menu.
1.283 + * @since 5.0
1.284 + */
1.285 + IMPORT_C void ShowAdaptiveSearchGrid() const;
1.286 +
1.287 + /**
1.288 + * Set column filter flag for adaptive search grid
1.289 + * @since 5.0
1.290 + * @param aFlag The bit flag shows which columns take into account
1.291 + * during filtering.
1.292 + */
1.293 + IMPORT_C void SetListColumnFilterFlags( const TBitFlags32 aFlag );
1.294 +
1.295 + /**
1.296 + * Send column filter flag for adaptive search grid
1.297 + * @since 5.0
1.298 + * @return aFlag The bit flag shows which columns take into account
1.299 + * during filtering.
1.300 + */
1.301 + IMPORT_C TBitFlags32 ListColumnFilterFlags() const;
1.302 +
1.303 + /**
1.304 + * Adds an adaptive search text observer. Duplicates are not checked
1.305 + * (i.e. adding the same observer multiple times is not prevented).
1.306 + * @since 5.0
1.307 + * @param aObserver Must be non-NULL.
1.308 + */
1.309 + IMPORT_C void AddAdaptiveSearchTextObserverL( MAdaptiveSearchTextObserver* aObserver );
1.310 +
1.311 + /**
1.312 + * Removes an adaptive search text observer.
1.313 + * @since 5.0
1.314 + * @param aObserver The observer to be removed.
1.315 + * @return ETrue if removal ok, EFalse if observer was not removed (not
1.316 + * found from the list of observers).
1.317 + */
1.318 + IMPORT_C TBool RemoveAdaptiveSearchTextObserver( MAdaptiveSearchTextObserver* aObserver );
1.319 +
1.320 + /**
1.321 + * Returns information whether adaptive search is enabled or not
1.322 + * @since 5.0
1.323 + * @return ETrue if adaptive search is enabled, EFalse otherwise.
1.324 + */
1.325 + IMPORT_C TBool AdaptiveSearchEnabled();
1.326 +
1.327 + /**
1.328 + * Notify client if input language changed in settings, for adaptive search
1.329 + * @since 5.0
1.330 + * @return ETrue if language has changed, EFalse otherwise.
1.331 + */
1.332 + IMPORT_C TBool LanguageChanged() const;
1.333 +
1.334 +private: // from MObjectProvider
1.335 + TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject( TTypeUid aId );
1.336 +private:
1.337 + TInt CountComponentControls() const;
1.338 + CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
1.339 + void SizeChanged();
1.340 + void FocusChanged( TDrawNow aDrawNow );
1.341 +private:
1.342 + void ConstructL( const CCoeControl& aParent, TSearchFieldStyle aFieldStyle, CGulIcon* aIcon, TInt aTextLimit );
1.343 + CAknSearchField();
1.344 +private:
1.345 + void ZoomEditorL();
1.346 +private: // from MEikCommandObserver
1.347 + IMPORT_C void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
1.348 +private:
1.349 + void UpdatePopupCBAL();
1.350 + void RestorePopupCBA();
1.351 + void SetupSkinContextL();
1.352 +public:
1.353 +
1.354 + /**
1.355 + * Sets a list box for this control.
1.356 + * @since Series 60 2.6
1.357 + * @param aListBox A pointer to a list box object.
1.358 + */
1.359 + void SetListbox( CEikListBox* aListBox );
1.360 +
1.361 + /**
1.362 + * Sets the parent control for this control.
1.363 + * @since Series 60 2.6
1.364 + * @param aParent A pointer to the parent control.
1.365 + */
1.366 + void SetParentCtrl( CCoeControl* aParent );
1.367 +
1.368 + /**
1.369 + * Indicates that is the control popup or not.
1.370 + * @since Series 60 2.6
1.371 + * @return @c ETrue if it is a popup, @c EFalse if not.
1.372 + */
1.373 + TBool IsPopup();
1.374 +
1.375 + /**
1.376 + * Sets index, where listbox focus should return when popup findbox is
1.377 + * canceled.
1.378 + * @since Series 60 3.1
1.379 + * @internal
1.380 + */
1.381 + void SetOldItemIndex( TInt aOldItemIndex );
1.382 +
1.383 + /**
1.384 + * Returns index, where listbox focus should return when popup findbox is
1.385 + * canceled
1.386 + * @since Series 60 3.1
1.387 + * @internal
1.388 + */
1.389 + TInt OldItemIndex();
1.390 +
1.391 + /**
1.392 + * Set the language changed flag, for adaptive search
1.393 + * @since 5.0
1.394 + * @param aLanguageChanged ETrue if language has changed, EFalse otherwise.
1.395 + */
1.396 + void SetLanguageChangedFlag( TBool aLanguageChanged );
1.397 +
1.398 + /**
1.399 + * Handle HW keyboard active/deactive event.
1.400 + * @since 5.0
1.401 + */
1.402 + void HandleHWKeyboardModeChangeL();
1.403 +
1.404 + /**
1.405 + * A helper methord used in ContructL().
1.406 + * Get Adaptive Search setting and subscribe hardware
1.407 + * keyboard layout changing.
1.408 + *
1.409 + * @param aShowIndicator, ETrue if indicator need be shown
1.410 + * @return ETrue if Adaptive is enabled in cenrep/
1.411 + * @since 5.0
1.412 + */
1.413 + TBool GetASStatusAndSubKbLayoutL( TBool& aShowIndicator );
1.414 +
1.415 +private:
1.416 + // The bit flag shows which collumns take into account during filltering
1.417 + TBitFlags32 iColumnFlag;
1.418 + CEikEdwin* iEditor;
1.419 + CGlobalText* iGlobalText;
1.420 + CAknInputFrame* iInputFrame;
1.421 + CAknSearchFieldIndicator* iIndicator;
1.422 + CAknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext* iSkinContext;
1.423 + TInt iFlags;
1.424 + TInt iLinePos;
1.425 + CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext* iInputContext;
1.426 + TBool iIsPopup;
1.427 + TBool iCBAObserverUpdated;
1.428 + CEikListBox *iListBox; // not owned
1.429 + CCoeControl *iParent; // not owned
1.430 + CEikButtonGroupContainer *iCba; // this is only for checking whether cba changed
1.431 + TInt iOldItemIndex;
1.432 + CAknAppUi* iBackedAppUi;
1.433 + CAknAdaptiveSearch* iAdaptiveSearch;
1.434 + TSearchFieldStyle iStyle;
1.435 + TBool iLanguageChanged; // flag shows was input language changed or not
1.436 +
1.437 + // For hybird keyborad
1.438 + RProperty iHwKeyboardPro;
1.439 + CHwKbSubscriber* iHwKbSub;
1.440 + };
1.441 +
1.442 +#endif
1.443 +
1.444 +