changeset 4 837f303aceeb
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/epoc32/include/app/CVPbkTopContactManager.h	Wed Mar 31 12:33:34 2010 +0100
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
     1.4 +/*
     1.5 +* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     1.6 +* All rights reserved.
     1.7 +* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     1.8 +* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     1.9 +* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
    1.10 +* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
    1.11 +*
    1.12 +* Initial Contributors:
    1.13 +* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    1.14 +*
    1.15 +* Contributors:
    1.16 +*
    1.17 +* Description:  Top Contact manager
    1.18 +*
    1.19 +*/
    1.20 +
    1.21 +
    1.24 +
    1.25 +// INCLUDES
    1.26 +#include <e32base.h>
    1.27 +
    1.29 +class MVPbkContactLink;
    1.30 +class MVPbkContactLinkArray;
    1.31 +class CVPbkContactLinkArray;
    1.32 +class CVPbkContactManager;
    1.33 +class MVPbkContactViewBase;
    1.34 +class MVPbkContactOperationBase;
    1.35 +class MVPbkBaseContact;
    1.36 +class MVPbkOperationObserver;
    1.37 +template<typename T>
    1.38 +class MVPbkOperationResultObserver;
    1.39 +class MVPbkOperationErrorObserver;
    1.40 +
    1.41 +class CVPbkTopContactManagerImpl; 
    1.42 +
    1.44 +
    1.45 +/**
    1.46 + * A class for managing Top Contact properties of contacts.
    1.47 + * All main operations are asynchronous and accept two observers.
    1.48 + * One used to signal completion and return result if necessary.
    1.49 + * Another one used to signal an error if operation fails.
    1.50 + *
    1.51 + * @example
    1.52 + * A client that re-orders the existing top contacts in the phone
    1.53 + *
    1.54 + * class CTopContactManagerClient :
    1.55 + *   public CActive,
    1.56 + *   public MVPbkOperationObserver,   
    1.57 + *   public MVPbkOperationErrorObserver,
    1.58 + *   public MVPbkOperationResultObserver<MVPbkContactViewBase*>
    1.59 + *	  ...
    1.60 + *
    1.61 + * // MVPbkOperationObserver	  
    1.62 + * void CTopContactManagerClient::VPbkOperationCompleted(
    1.63 + *       MVPbkContactOperationBase*)
    1.64 + *   {
    1.65 + *   FinishCommand( KErrNone );
    1.66 + *   }
    1.67 + *
    1.68 + * //From MVPbkOperationErrorObserver
    1.69 + * void CTopContactManagerClient::VPbkOperationFailed(
    1.70 + *       MVPbkContactOperationBase*,
    1.71 + *       TInt aError )
    1.72 + *   {
    1.73 + *   FinishCommand( aError );
    1.74 + *   }
    1.75 + *
    1.76 + * // From MVPbkOperationResultObserver
    1.77 + * void CTopContactManagerClient::VPbkOperationResultCompleted(
    1.78 + *       MVPbkContactOperationBase*,
    1.79 + *       MVPbkContactViewBase* aView )
    1.80 + *   {
    1.81 + *   iView = aView;
    1.82 + *   delete iTopContactOperation;
    1.83 + *   iTopContactOperation = NULL;
    1.84 + *   IssueRequest(EShowMoveDlg);
    1.85 + *   }
    1.86 + *  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.87 + * // CTopContactManagerClient::RunL
    1.88 + * // State Machine using TopContactManager
    1.89 + * // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.90 + * //
    1.91 + * void CTopContactManagerClient::RunL()
    1.92 + *   {
    1.93 + *   switch(iState)
    1.94 + *   	{
    1.95 + *   	case ELoadingTopContacts:
    1.96 + *   		{
    1.97 + *   		// This async call will fall into VPbkOperationResultCompleted on success with
    1.98 + *   		// MVPbkContactOperationBase object as a result
    1.99 + *   		// Otherwise, it will fall into VPbkOperationFailed callback
   1.100 + *   		iTopContactOperation = iVPbkTopContactManager->GetTopContactsViewL(
   1.101 + *   		        *this,
   1.102 + *   		        *this );
   1.103 + *   		break;
   1.104 + *   		}
   1.105 + *   	case EShowMoveDlg:
   1.106 + *   		{
   1.107 + *   		ShowDlgL(); // confirm re-ordering top contacts with user
   1.108 + *   		break;
   1.109 + *   		}
   1.110 + *   	case ESavingTopContacts:
   1.111 + *   		{
   1.112 + *   		// Do re-ordering via Top Manager
   1.113 + * 			// This async call will fall into VPbkOperationResultCompleted on success with
   1.114 + *   		// MVPbkContactOperationBase object as a result
   1.115 + *   		// Otherwise, it will fall into VPbkOperationFailed callback    		
   1.116 + *   		iTopContactOperation = iVPbkTopContactManager->SetTopOrderL(
   1.117 + *   		        *iTopContacts,
   1.118 + *   		        *this,
   1.119 + *   		        *this );
   1.120 + *   		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //topContacts
   1.121 + *   		break;
   1.122 + *   		}
   1.123 + *	  
   1.124 + *     ...
   1.125 + *    }
   1.126 + * }     
   1.127 + *
   1.128 +*/
   1.129 +NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CVPbkTopContactManager ) : public CBase
   1.130 +    {
   1.131 +    public:
   1.132 +
   1.133 +    	/**
   1.134 +         * Creates the top contact manager.
   1.135 +    	 * @param aContactManager Contact manager which already has its stores opened.
   1.136 +    	 */
   1.137 +        IMPORT_C static CVPbkTopContactManager* NewL( CVPbkContactManager& aContactManager );
   1.138 +
   1.139 +        /**
   1.140 +         * Creates the top contact manager.
   1.141 +         * Holds its own CVPbkContactManager instance.
   1.142 +         * 
   1.143 +         */
   1.144 +        IMPORT_C static CVPbkTopContactManager* NewL();
   1.145 +        
   1.146 +        IMPORT_C ~CVPbkTopContactManager();
   1.147 +
   1.148 +    public:
   1.149 +        
   1.150 +        /**
   1.151 +         * Get top contacts as contact view.
   1.152 +         * 
   1.153 +         * If CVPbkTopContactManager was created without giving an external
   1.154 +         * contact manager as reference, then calling GetTopContactsViewL()
   1.155 +         * will open the default store if it is not already open.
   1.156 +         *
   1.157 +         * @param aResultObserver The observer that gets ready contacts view.
   1.158 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.159 +         */
   1.160 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* GetTopContactsViewL(
   1.161 +                MVPbkOperationResultObserver<MVPbkContactViewBase*>& aResultObserver,
   1.162 +                MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver);
   1.163 +
   1.164 +        /**
   1.165 +         * Get NON-top contacts as contact view.
   1.166 +         * 
   1.167 +         * If CVPbkTopContactManager was created without giving an external
   1.168 +         * contact manager as reference, then calling GetNonTopContactsViewL()
   1.169 +         * will open the default store if it is not already open.
   1.170 +         *
   1.171 +         * @param aResultObserver The observer that gets ready contacts view.
   1.172 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.173 +         */
   1.174 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* GetNonTopContactsViewL(
   1.175 +                MVPbkOperationResultObserver<MVPbkContactViewBase*>& aResultObserver,
   1.176 +                MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
   1.177 +
   1.178 +        /**
   1.179 +         * Get top contacts as contact link array.
   1.180 +         * 
   1.181 +         * @param aResultObserver The observer that gets top contact links array.
   1.182 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.183 +         */        
   1.184 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* GetTopContactLinksL(
   1.185 +                MVPbkOperationResultObserver<MVPbkContactLinkArray*>&  aResultObserver,
   1.186 +                MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
   1.187 +
   1.188 +        /**
   1.189 +         * Get NON-top contacts as contact link array.
   1.190 +         * 
   1.191 +         * @param aResultObserver The observer that gets non-top contact links array.
   1.192 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.193 +         */        
   1.194 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* GetNonTopContactLinksL(
   1.195 +                MVPbkOperationResultObserver<MVPbkContactLinkArray*>&  aResultObserver,
   1.196 +                MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
   1.197 +        
   1.198 +        /**
   1.199 +         * Sets a contact as Top Contact. It will become the last top contact.
   1.200 +         * If a contact manager was not given during
   1.201 +         * construction, then a contact manager is created and the store which
   1.202 +         * is defined in the first link will be opened.
   1.203 +         * The stores used to create aContactLink should be loaded.
   1.204 +         * 
   1.205 +         * If the contact already is a Top Contact, then the Top order of that
   1.206 +         * contact is not modified. 
   1.207 +         * 
   1.208 +         * @param aContactLink The contact link.
   1.209 +         * @param aObserver The observer that gets the completion event.
   1.210 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.211 +         */
   1.212 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* AddToTopL(
   1.213 +                const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
   1.214 +                MVPbkOperationObserver& aObserver,
   1.215 +                MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
   1.216 +
   1.217 +        /**
   1.218 +         * Sets contacts as Top Contacts.
   1.219 +         * The Top ordering will be according to the arrays order.
   1.220 +         * If a contact manager was not given during
   1.221 +         * construction, then a contact manager is created and the store which
   1.222 +         * is defined in the first link will be opened.
   1.223 +         * The store used to create aContactLinks should be loaded.
   1.224 +         * 
   1.225 +         * If the contact already is a Top Contact, then the Top order of that
   1.226 +         * contact is not modified.
   1.227 +         * 
   1.228 +         * A zero length array is valid input and produces no changes. 
   1.229 +         * aObserver will be notified asynchronously.
   1.230 +         *
   1.231 +         * @param aContactLinks The contact links.
   1.232 +         * @param aObserver The observer that gets the completion event.
   1.233 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.234 +         */
   1.235 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* AddToTopL(
   1.236 +                const MVPbkContactLinkArray& aContactLinks,
   1.237 +                MVPbkOperationObserver& aObserver,
   1.238 +                MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
   1.239 +
   1.240 +        /**
   1.241 +         * Sets contacts as Top Contacts. Accepts a packed link array.
   1.242 +         * The Top ordering will be according to the arrays order.
   1.243 +         * If a contact manager was not given during
   1.244 +         * construction, then a contact manager is created and the store which
   1.245 +         * is defined in the first link will be opened.
   1.246 +         * 
   1.247 +         * If the contact already is a Top Contact, then the Top order of that
   1.248 +         * contact is not modified.
   1.249 +         * 
   1.250 +         * A zero length array is valid input and produces no changes. 
   1.251 +         * aObserver will be notified asynchronously.
   1.252 +         *
   1.253 +         * @param aPackedLinks A contact link array in packed form.
   1.254 +         * @param aObserver The observer that gets the completion event.
   1.255 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.256 +         */
   1.257 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* AddToTopL(
   1.258 +                const TDesC8& aPackedLinks,
   1.259 +                MVPbkOperationObserver& aObserver,
   1.260 +                MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
   1.261 +
   1.262 +        /**
   1.263 +         * Removes a contact from the Top.
   1.264 +         * If a contact manager was not given during
   1.265 +         * construction, then a contact manager is created and the store which
   1.266 +         * is defined in the link will be opened.
   1.267 +         * The stores used to create aContactLink should be loaded.
   1.268 +         * 
   1.269 +         * @param aContactLink The contact link.
   1.270 +         * @param aObserver The observer that gets the completion event.
   1.271 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.272 +         */
   1.273 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* RemoveFromTopL(
   1.274 +        	const MVPbkContactLink& aContactLink,
   1.275 +        	MVPbkOperationObserver& aObserver,
   1.276 +        	MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
   1.277 +
   1.278 +        /**
   1.279 +         * Removes contacts from the Top.¨
   1.280 +         * If a contact manager was not given during
   1.281 +         * construction, then a contact manager is created and the store which
   1.282 +         * is defined in the first link will be opened.
   1.283 +         * The store used to create aContactLinks should be loaded.
   1.284 +         * 
   1.285 +         * A zero length array is valid input and produces no changes. 
   1.286 +         * aObserver will be notified asynchronously.
   1.287 +         *
   1.288 +         * @param aContactLinks The contact links.
   1.289 +         * @param aObserver The observer that gets the completion event.
   1.290 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.291 +         */
   1.292 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* RemoveFromTopL(
   1.293 +        	const MVPbkContactLinkArray& aContactLinks,
   1.294 +        	MVPbkOperationObserver& aObserver,
   1.295 +        	MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
   1.296 +
   1.297 +        /**
   1.298 +         * Removes contacts from the Top. Accepts a packed link array.
   1.299 +         * If a contact manager was not given during
   1.300 +         * construction, then a contact manager is created and the store which
   1.301 +         * is defined in the first link will be opened.
   1.302 +         * 
   1.303 +         * A zero length array is valid input and produces no changes. 
   1.304 +         * aObserver will be notified asynchronously.
   1.305 +         *
   1.306 +         * @param aPackedLinks A contact link array in packed form.
   1.307 +         * @param aObserver The observer that gets the completion event.
   1.308 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.309 +         */
   1.310 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* RemoveFromTopL(
   1.311 +        	const TDesC8& aPackedLinks,
   1.312 +        	MVPbkOperationObserver& aObserver,
   1.313 +        	MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
   1.314 +
   1.315 +        /**
   1.316 +         * Sets the new order of top contacts.
   1.317 +         * Ordering is done within the subset of contacts that were given.
   1.318 +         * Ignores contacts that are not already Top.
   1.319 +         * The store used to create aContactLinks should be loaded.
   1.320 +         * 
   1.321 +         * A zero length array is valid input and produces no changes. 
   1.322 +         * aObserver will be notified asynchronously.
   1.323 +         * 
   1.324 +         * @param aContactLinks The contacts to be reordered. Order is
   1.325 +         * 		  determined by the array order, ie. first is top.
   1.326 +         * @param aObserver The observer that gets the completion event.
   1.327 +         * @param aErrorObserver The observer for error notification. 
   1.328 +         */
   1.329 +        IMPORT_C MVPbkContactOperationBase* SetTopOrderL(
   1.330 +	    	const MVPbkContactLinkArray& aContactLinks,
   1.331 +	    	MVPbkOperationObserver& aObserver,
   1.332 +	    	MVPbkOperationErrorObserver& aErrorObserver );
   1.333 +
   1.334 +    public: // helper methods related to top contacts.
   1.335 +
   1.336 +        /**
   1.337 +         * Checks whether a contact is top contact.
   1.338 +         *
   1.339 +         * @param aContact A contact.
   1.340 +         * @return ETrue if aContact it top contact, otherwise EFalse 
   1.341 +         */
   1.342 +        IMPORT_C static TBool IsTopContact( const MVPbkBaseContact& aContact );
   1.343 +
   1.344 +    private: // construction
   1.345 +        CVPbkTopContactManager();
   1.346 +
   1.347 +    private: // data
   1.348 +        CVPbkTopContactManagerImpl* iImpl;
   1.349 +    };
   1.350 +
   1.352 +//End of file