1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.2 +++ b/epoc32/include/stdapis/boost/detail/allocator_utilities.hpp Tue Mar 16 16:12:26 2010 +0000
1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
1.4 +/* Copyright 2003-2005 Joaquín M López Muñoz.
1.5 + * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
1.6 + * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
1.7 + * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
1.8 + *
1.9 + * See Boost website at http://www.boost.org/
1.10 + */
1.11 +
1.14 +
1.15 +#include <boost/config.hpp> /* keep it first to prevent nasty warns in MSVC */
1.16 +#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
1.17 +#include <boost/mpl/aux_/msvc_never_true.hpp>
1.18 +#include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp>
1.19 +#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
1.20 +#include <cstddef>
1.21 +#include <memory>
1.22 +#include <new>
1.23 +
1.24 +namespace boost{
1.25 +
1.26 +namespace detail{
1.27 +
1.28 +/* Allocator adaption layer. Some stdlibs provide allocators without rebind
1.29 + * and template ctors. These facilities are simulated with the external
1.30 + * template class rebind_to and the aid of partial_std_allocator_wrapper.
1.31 + */
1.32 +
1.33 +namespace allocator{
1.34 +
1.35 +/* partial_std_allocator_wrapper inherits the functionality of a std
1.36 + * allocator while providing a templatized ctor.
1.37 + */
1.38 +
1.39 +template<typename Type>
1.40 +class partial_std_allocator_wrapper:public std::allocator<Type>
1.41 +{
1.42 +public:
1.43 + partial_std_allocator_wrapper(){};
1.44 +
1.45 + template<typename Other>
1.46 + partial_std_allocator_wrapper(const partial_std_allocator_wrapper<Other>&){}
1.47 +
1.48 + partial_std_allocator_wrapper(const std::allocator<Type>& x):
1.49 + std::allocator<Type>(x)
1.50 + {
1.51 + };
1.52 +
1.53 +#if defined(BOOST_DINKUMWARE_STDLIB)
1.54 + /* Dinkumware guys didn't provide a means to call allocate() without
1.55 + * supplying a hint, in disagreement with the standard.
1.56 + */
1.57 +
1.58 + Type* allocate(std::size_t n,const void* hint=0)
1.59 + {
1.60 + std::allocator<Type>& a=*this;
1.61 + return a.allocate(n,hint);
1.62 + }
1.63 +#endif
1.64 +
1.65 +};
1.66 +
1.67 +/* Detects whether a given allocator belongs to a defective stdlib not
1.68 + * having the required member templates.
1.69 + * Note that it does not suffice to check the Boost.Config stdlib
1.70 + * macros, as the user might have passed a custom, compliant allocator.
1.71 + * The checks also considers partial_std_allocator_wrapper to be
1.72 + * a standard defective allocator.
1.73 + */
1.74 +
1.75 +#if defined(BOOST_NO_STD_ALLOCATOR)&&\
1.77 +
1.78 +template<typename Allocator>
1.79 +struct is_partial_std_allocator
1.80 +{
1.82 + value=
1.83 + (is_same<
1.84 + std::allocator<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Allocator::value_type>,
1.85 + Allocator
1.86 + >::value)||
1.87 + (is_same<
1.88 + partial_std_allocator_wrapper<
1.89 + BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME Allocator::value_type>,
1.90 + Allocator
1.91 + >::value));
1.92 +};
1.93 +
1.94 +#else
1.95 +
1.96 +template<typename Allocator>
1.97 +struct is_partial_std_allocator
1.98 +{
1.99 + BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool,value=false);
1.100 +};
1.101 +
1.102 +#endif
1.103 +
1.104 +/* rebind operations for defective std allocators */
1.105 +
1.106 +template<typename Allocator,typename Type>
1.107 +struct partial_std_allocator_rebind_to
1.108 +{
1.109 + typedef partial_std_allocator_wrapper<Type> type;
1.110 +};
1.111 +
1.112 +/* rebind operation in all other cases */
1.113 +
1.115 +/* Workaround for a problem in MSVC with dependent template typedefs
1.116 + * when doing rebinding of allocators.
1.117 + * Modeled after <boost/mpl/aux_/msvc_dtw.hpp> (thanks, Aleksey!)
1.118 + */
1.119 +
1.120 +template<typename Allocator>
1.121 +struct rebinder
1.122 +{
1.123 + template<bool> struct fake_allocator:Allocator{};
1.124 + template<> struct fake_allocator<true>
1.125 + {
1.126 + template<typename Type> struct rebind{};
1.127 + };
1.128 +
1.129 + template<typename Type>
1.130 + struct result:
1.131 + fake_allocator<mpl::aux::msvc_never_true<Allocator>::value>::
1.132 + template rebind<Type>
1.133 + {
1.134 + };
1.135 +};
1.136 +#else
1.137 +template<typename Allocator>
1.138 +struct rebinder
1.139 +{
1.140 + template<typename Type>
1.141 + struct result
1.142 + {
1.143 + typedef typename Allocator::BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE
1.144 + rebind<Type>::other other;
1.145 + };
1.146 +};
1.147 +#endif
1.148 +
1.149 +template<typename Allocator,typename Type>
1.150 +struct compliant_allocator_rebind_to
1.151 +{
1.152 + typedef typename rebinder<Allocator>::
1.153 + BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE result<Type>::other type;
1.154 +};
1.155 +
1.156 +/* rebind front-end */
1.157 +
1.158 +template<typename Allocator,typename Type>
1.159 +struct rebind_to:
1.160 + mpl::eval_if_c<
1.161 + is_partial_std_allocator<Allocator>::value,
1.162 + partial_std_allocator_rebind_to<Allocator,Type>,
1.163 + compliant_allocator_rebind_to<Allocator,Type>
1.164 + >
1.165 +{
1.166 +};
1.167 +
1.168 +/* allocator-independent versions of construct and destroy */
1.169 +
1.170 +template<typename Type>
1.171 +void construct(void* p,const Type& t)
1.172 +{
1.173 + new (p) Type(t);
1.174 +}
1.175 +
1.176 +template<typename Type>
1.177 +void destroy(const Type* p)
1.178 +{
1.179 + p->~Type();
1.180 +}
1.181 +
1.182 +} /* namespace boost::detail::allocator */
1.183 +
1.184 +} /* namespace boost::detail */
1.185 +
1.186 +} /* namespace boost */
1.187 +
1.188 +#endif