sl@0: #ifndef __IMON_DISPLAY_API_H__ sl@0: #define __IMON_DISPLAY_API_H__ sl@0: sl@0: //////////////////////////////////// sl@0: // includes sl@0: /** iMONDisplayDefines.h sl@0: This header file defines several enumerations. Open this file and check the definition and usage of enumerations and structures*/ sl@0: #include sl@0: #include "iMONDisplayDefines.h" sl@0: sl@0: #ifdef IMON_DISPLAY_API_EXPORT sl@0: #define IMONDSPAPI __declspec(dllexport) sl@0: #else sl@0: #define IMONDSPAPI __declspec(dllimport) sl@0: #endif sl@0: sl@0: #ifdef __cplusplus sl@0: extern "C" sl@0: { sl@0: #endif //__cplusplus sl@0: sl@0: ///////////////////////////////////// sl@0: ///// Interfaces sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_Init(HWND hwndNoti, UINT uMsgNotification) sl@0: @brief This function should be called to use other functions in iMON Display API.\n sl@0: When the caller application calls this function, API tries to request Display Plug-in Mode to iMON. sl@0: @param [in] hwndNoti API will send/post message to this handle. sl@0: @param [in] uMsgNotification API will send/post message to hwndNoti with this message identifier. sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_INVALIDARG or DSP_E_OUTOFMEMORY can be returned when error occurs.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_Init(HWND hwndNoti, UINT uMsgNotification); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_Uninit() sl@0: @brief This function should be called when the caller application need not use this API any more.\n sl@0: If this function call is missed, iMON can't display other information.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_Uninit(); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_IsInited() sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to know if API is initialized.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: If API is initialized, this call will return DSP_S_INITED. Otherwise DSP_S_NOT_INITED will be returned.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_IsInited(); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_IsPluginModeEnabled() sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to know if API can control iMON display.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: If API can control iMON display, this call will return DSP_S_IN_PLUGIN_MODE. Otherwise DSP_S_NOT_IN_PLUGIN_MODE will be returned.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_IsPluginModeEnabled(); sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetVfdText(LPCTSTR lpsz1stLine, LPCTSTR lpsz2ndLine) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to display text data on VFD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] lpsz1stLine This string data will be displayed on the 1st line of VFD module.\n sl@0: It doesn't support multi-byte character and if string data is longer than 16 characters, it displays 16 characters from the first.\n sl@0: @param [in] lpsz2ndLine This string data will be displayed on the 2nd line of VFD module.\n sl@0: It doesn't support multi-byte character and if string data is longer than 16 characters, it displays 16 characters from the first.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_POINTER, DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetVfdText(LPCTSTR lpsz1stLine, LPCTSTR lpsz2ndLine); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetVfdEqData(PDSPEQDATA pEqData) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to display equalizer data on VFD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] pEqData Pointer of DSPEQDATA structure. The caller application should fill this structure with the equalizer data for 16 bands.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_POINTER, DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetVfdEqData(PDSPEQDATA pEqData); sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdText(LPCTSTR lpszText) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to display text data on LCD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] lpszText This string data will be displayed on the LCD module.\n sl@0: It supports multi-byte character and if string data is longer than display area, it will start to scroll.\n sl@0: When text scrolling is finished, API will notify it with DSPNotifyCode enumeration value, DSPNM_LCD_TEXT_SCROLL_DONE.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_POINTER, DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdText(LPCTSTR lpszText); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdEqData(PDSPEQDATA pEqDataL, PDSPEQDATA pEqDataR) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to display equalizer data on LCD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] pEqDataL Pointer of DSPEQDATA structure. This parameter represents equalizer data of left channel.\n sl@0: The caller application should fill this structure with the equalizer data of left channel for 16 bands.\n sl@0: @param [in] pEqDataR Pointer of DSPEQDATA structure. This parameter represents equalizer data of right channel.\n sl@0: The caller application should fill this structure with the equalizer data of right channel for 16 bands.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_POINTER, DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdEqData(PDSPEQDATA pEqDataL, PDSPEQDATA pEqDataR); sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdAllIcons(BOOL bOn) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to turn on/off all icons on LCD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] bOn If this value is TRUE, iMON will turn on all icons. Otherwise, iMON will turn off all icons.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdAllIcons(BOOL bOn); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdOrangeIcon(BYTE btIconData1, BYTE btIconData2) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to turn on/off orange shaped disk icons on the upper left part of LCD module.\n sl@0: Disk icons consist of 8 pieces of orange and orange peel.\n sl@0: @param [in] btIconData1 Each bit represents one of icons shaped the piece of orange.\n sl@0: MSB is used for the piece placed on top and the remaining bits are for the piece placed in CCW from top.\n sl@0: @param [in] btIconData2 MSB represents the orange peel shaped icon. Other bits are not used.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdOrangeIcon(BYTE btIconData1, BYTE btIconData2); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdMediaTypeIcon(BYTE btIconData) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to turn on/off media type icons on the upper part of LCD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] btIconData Each bit represents one of media type icons. From MSB each bit represents MUSIC, MOVIE, PHOTO, CD/DVD, TV, WEBCASTING and NEWS/WEATHER icon.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdMediaTypeIcon(BYTE btIconData); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdSpeakerIcon(BYTE btIconData1, BYTE btIconData2) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to turn on/off speaker icons on the upper right part of LCD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] btIconData1 Each bit represents one of speaker icons.\nFrom MSB each bit represents L, C, R, SL, LFE, SR, RL and SPDIF icon. sl@0: @param [in] btIconData2 MSB represents RR icon. Other bits are not used.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdSpeakerIcon(BYTE btIconData1, BYTE btIconData2); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdVideoCodecIcon(BYTE btIconData) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to turn on/off codec icons for video file on the lower part of LCD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] btIconData Each bit represents one of video codec icons. From MSB each bit represents MPG, DIVX, XVID, WMV, MPG, AC3, DTS and WMA icon.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdVideoCodecIcon(BYTE btIconData); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdAudioCodecIcon(BYTE btIconData) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to turn on/off codec icons for audio file on the lower part of LCD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] btIconData Each bit represents one of audio codec icons. From MSB each bit represents MP3, OGG, WMA and WAV icon.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdAudioCodecIcon(BYTE btIconData); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdAspectRatioIcon(BYTE btIconData) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to turn on/off aspect ratio icons on the lower right part of LCD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] btIconData Each bit represents one of aspect ratio icons. From MSB each bit represents SRC, FIT, TV, HDTV, SCR1 and SCR2 icon.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdAspectRatioIcon(BYTE btIconData); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdEtcIcon(BYTE btIconData) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to turn on/off icons on the lower left part of LCD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] btIconData Each bit represents icon. From MSB each bit represents REPEAT, SHUFFLE, ALARM, REC, VOL and TIME icon.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdEtcIcon(BYTE btIconData); sl@0: sl@0: /**DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdProgress(int nCurPos, int nTotal) sl@0: @brief This function can be used when the caller application wants to display progress bar on the upper and lower left part of text area of LCD module.\n sl@0: @param [in] nCurPos It represents the current position of progress bar.\n sl@0: @param [in] nTotal It represents the total length of progress bar.\n sl@0: @return This function will return one of DSPResult enumeration value.\n sl@0: DSP_SUCCEEDED will be returned if succeeded. DSP_E_NOT_INITED or DSP_E_FAIL can be returned if failed.*/ sl@0: IMONDSPAPI DSPResult IMON_Display_SetLcdProgress(int nCurPos, int nTotal); sl@0: sl@0: #ifdef __cplusplus sl@0: } sl@0: #endif //__cplusplus sl@0: sl@0: #endif //__IMON_DISPLAY_API_H__