sl@0: // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). sl@0: // All rights reserved. sl@0: // This component and the accompanying materials are made available sl@0: // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" sl@0: // which accompanies this distribution, and is available sl@0: // at the URL "". sl@0: // sl@0: // Initial Contributors: sl@0: // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. sl@0: // sl@0: // Contributors: sl@0: // sl@0: // Description: sl@0: // Each of these objects may have properties or attributes associated with it. This section sl@0: // outlines how applications can retrieve these using the CAF API. sl@0: //
sl@0: // Different agents may use different terms to describe the same concept. Generic attributes provide a sl@0: // way for applications to query standardised information about a content object. sl@0: // These standardised attributes are given by the enumeration ContentAccess::TAttribute. It is possible sl@0: // for agents to extend this set of attributes, starting from EAgentSpecificAttributeBase. sl@0: // The attribute functions are implemented in ContentAccess::CContent, ContentAccess::CData and sl@0: // ContentAccess::CManager. sl@0: // Retrieving a Single Attribute sl@0: // The attributes of one content object in a file may not necessarily be the same as the sl@0: // attributes of other content objects within the same file. Attributes relate to a single sl@0: // content object within a file. sl@0: // It is possible that the attribute may not make sense for a particular content object. In that sl@0: // case the agent will return an error KErrCANotSupported. If an attempt is made to sl@0: // retrieve the attributes of a content object that does not exist the agent will return KErrNotFound. sl@0: // The following code fragment illustrates how to retrieve an attribute for a particular sl@0: // object within a content file. sl@0: // CContent* content = CContent::NewL(uri); sl@0: // // check if DRM rights are pending for the object specified by uniqueId sl@0: // TInt attributeValue; sl@0: // TInt err = content->GetAttribute(ERightsPending, attributeValue, uniqueId); sl@0: // if(err == KErrNone) sl@0: // // Check the value of the attribute sl@0: // if(attributeValue == ETrue) sl@0: // // Rights are pending, display waiting for rights countdown sl@0: // else if(attributeValue == EFalse) sl@0: // // Rights are not pending sl@0: // else if(err == KErrCANotSupported) sl@0: // // This attribute does not apply to this content object sl@0: // else if(err == KErrNotFound) sl@0: // // Cannot find the object specified by the given uniqueId sl@0: // else if (err != KErrPermissionDenied) sl@0: // // Unknown error sl@0: // User::Leave(err); sl@0: // Retrieving Several Attributes sl@0: // For some agent implementations it may be more efficient to retrieve all the attributes for a content sl@0: // object in one function call. The ContentAccess::RAttributeSet object is used here to provide a way to sl@0: // request and store several attributes. sl@0: // Querying two attributes using the CManager API would look like the following: sl@0: // // Agent manager sl@0: // CManager *manager = CManager::NewLC(); sl@0: // // Prepare the attributes to query using the CAttributeSet object sl@0: // RAttributeSet attributeSet; sl@0: // CleanupClosePushL(attributeSet); sl@0: // attributeSet.AddL(EProtected); sl@0: // attributeSet.AddL(ECanView); sl@0: // // Retrieve the attribute values from the agent sl@0: // User::LeaveIfError(manager->GetAttributeSet(attributeSet, virtualPath)); sl@0: // // Check if the content object is protected sl@0: // TInt attributeValue; sl@0: // TInt err = attributeSet.GetValue(EProtected, attributeValue); sl@0: // if(err == KErrNone && attributeValue) sl@0: // // content object is DRM protected sl@0: // // Check if the content object can be display on screen sl@0: // TInt err = attributeSet.GetValue(ECanView, attributeValue); sl@0: // if(err == KErrNone && attributeValue) sl@0: // // content object has rights that allow it to be displayed on screen sl@0: // // Finished sl@0: // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // manager, attributeSet sl@0: //
sl@0: // String attributes are similar to the attributes described above except the value associated sl@0: // with the attribute is a string. A good example of where a string attribute is required is the sl@0: // MIME type of a content object within a file. sl@0: // The string attributes are standardised by the ContentAccess::TStringAttribute enumeration. This sl@0: // allows applications to request information such as the MIME type in a generic way for all agents. sl@0: // Agents can extend this mechanism to provide agent specific attributes starting at sl@0: // EAgentSpecificStringAttributeBase. sl@0: // The following example finds the author of a content object. sl@0: // CContent* content = CContent::NewL(uri); sl@0: // // define a buffer to store the attribute value string sl@0: // TBuf <100> buf; sl@0: // // retrieve the attribute sl@0: // err = content->GetAttribute(EAuthor, authorBuffer, uniqueId); sl@0: // // Display the authors name on screen sl@0: // if (err == KErrNone) sl@0: // DisplayAuthor(buf); sl@0: // If the Agent does not support this attribute, it will return KErrCANotSupported. sl@0: // Retrieving Several String Attributes sl@0: // For some agent implementations it may be more efficient to retrieve several string attributes for a content sl@0: // object in one function call. The ContentAccess::RStringAttributeSet object is used here to provide a way to sl@0: // request and store several attributes. sl@0: // Querying three attributes using the CManager API would look like the following: sl@0: // CManager *manager = CManager::NewLC(); sl@0: // // Prepare the attributes to query using the CAttributeSet object sl@0: // RStringAttributeSet stringAttributeSet; sl@0: // CleanupClosePushL(stringAttributeSet); sl@0: // stringAttributeSet.AddL(ETitle); sl@0: // stringAttributeSet.AddL(EAuthor); sl@0: // stringAttributeSet.AddL(EDescription); sl@0: // // Retrieve the attribute values from the agent sl@0: // User::LeaveIfError(manager->GetStringAttributeSet(stringAttributeSet, virtualPath)); sl@0: // // Display the values sl@0: // TBuf <256> value; sl@0: // TInt err = stringAttributeSet.GetValue(ETitle, value); sl@0: // if(err == KErrNone) sl@0: // Printf("Title : %s", value); sl@0: // err = stringAttributeSet.GetValue(EAuthor, value); sl@0: // if(err == KErrNone) sl@0: // Printf("Author : %s", value); sl@0: // err = stringAttributeSet.GetValue(EDescription, value); sl@0: // if(err == KErrNone) sl@0: // Printf("Description : %s", value); sl@0: // // Finished sl@0: // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // manager, stringAttributeSet sl@0: //
sl@0: // Some agents may expose meta data so they can be read using a \c CData object. The format sl@0: // of these meta-data objects is not specified by the Content Access Framework but could sl@0: // be useful for applications familiar with the agent to read meta data this way. sl@0: // \c CData objects for agent specific meta-data can be opened in the same way content objects sl@0: // are opened using the ContentAccess::CContent::OpenContentL() function. sl@0: // CContent* content = CContent::NewLC(uri); sl@0: // // Create an array to store the embedded objects sl@0: // RStreamablePtrArray myArray; sl@0: // CleanupClosePushL(myArray); sl@0: // // Get the embedded "Agent Specific" objects in the current container sl@0: // content->GetEmbeddedObjectsL(myArray, EAgentSpecificObject); sl@0: // // Get the unique Id of the first meta-data object sl@0: // TPtrC aUniqueId = myArray[0]->UniqueId(); sl@0: // // create a CData object to read the meta data sl@0: // CData *myMetaData = content->OpenContentLC(EPeek, aUniqueId); sl@0: // // Do something with the data sl@0: // // Finished sl@0: // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // content, myArray, myMetaData sl@0: //
sl@0: // sl@0: // sl@0: sl@0: /** sl@0: @page ContentAttributes Content Object Attributes sl@0: As shown in the @ref CContentAPI "Consumer API", a file may consist of many content and container objects. sl@0: - @ref CAFAttributes sl@0: - @ref CAFStringAttributes sl@0: - @ref CAFAgentSpecificMetaData sl@0: @section CAFAttributes Generic Attributes sl@0: @code sl@0: @endcode sl@0: @code sl@0: @endcode sl@0: @section CAFStringAttributes Generic String attributes sl@0: @code sl@0: @endcode sl@0: @code sl@0: @endcode sl@0: @section CAFAgentSpecificMetaData Agent specific meta-data sl@0: @code sl@0: @endcode sl@0: */