sl@0: // sl@0: // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). sl@0: // All rights reserved. sl@0: // This component and the accompanying materials are made available sl@0: // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" sl@0: // which accompanies this distribution, and is available sl@0: // at the URL "". sl@0: // sl@0: // Initial Contributors: sl@0: // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. sl@0: // sl@0: // Contributors: sl@0: // sl@0: // Description: sl@0: // sl@0: //! @file sl@0: //! @SYMTestSuiteName PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM sl@0: //! @SYMScriptTestEnvironment This test script requires a basic RAM. sl@0: //! @SYMScriptAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMScriptDescription The test script contains API drives & volumes related tests for RFs functions that perform operations on a RAM (not removeable RAM drive). sl@0: sl@0: LOAD_SUITE T_Sfsrv sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1002 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1002 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 21/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc Drive() function test. Passing exisiting drive index as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: Drive() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call Drive() passing TDriveInfo reference as first parameter and RAM-drive as second parameter. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function returns KErrNone and iType field of TDriveInfo indeicates a correct type. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Drive PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1002-001-Drive_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1002 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1003 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1003 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc Volume() and SetVolumeLabel() function test. Passing exisiting drive index as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: Volume(), SetVolumeLabel(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Saving volume label. sl@0: //! 3. Call SetVolumeLabel() passing "Test" as first parameter and the drive number as a second parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call Volume() passing TVolumeInfo reference as first parameter and the drive number as a second parameter. sl@0: //! 5. Restoring volume label. sl@0: //! 6. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function SetVolumeLabel() returns KErrNone. Function Volume() returns KErrNone and iName field of TVolumeInfo is "Test". sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Volume PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1003-001-Volume_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 SetVolumeLabel PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1003-001-SetVolumeLabel_command04 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Volume PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1003-001-Volume_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 SetVolumeLabel PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1003-001-SetVolumeLabel_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1003 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1004 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1004 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc SetSubst() and Subst() functions test. Passing exisiting drive index as second parameter and existing path to folder as second parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: Subst(), SetSubst(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call SetSubst() passing "\base\" as a first parameter and non-mounted valid drive's number as a drive number. sl@0: //! 3. Check that function returned KErrNone. sl@0: //! 4. Call Subst() passing TDesC16 reference as first parameter and non-mounted valid drive's number as a drive number. sl@0: //! 5. Call SetSubst() passing ""(empty descriptor) as a first parameter and non-mounted valid drive's number as a drive number. This will unsubst the substed. sl@0: //! 6. Check that function returned KErrNone. sl@0: //! 7. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function SetSubst() returns KErrNone. Functions Subst() returns "\base\" through TDesC16 reference and returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1004-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1004-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1004-001-SetSubst_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Subst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1004-001-Subst_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1004-001-SetSubst_command07 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1004-001-MountFileSystem_command08 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1004 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1008 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1008 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc CheckDisk() passing path with FAT filesystem. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: CheckDisk(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call CheckDisk() passing drive with FAT filesystem as a drive number. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function CheckDisk() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 CheckDisk PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1008-001-CheckDisk_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1008 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1009 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1009 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc ScanDrive() passing path to drive with FAT filesystem. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: ScanDrive(); sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call ScanDrive() passing drive's with FAT filesystem number as a drive number. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function ScanDrive() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ScanDrive PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1009-001-ScanDrive_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1009 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1010 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1010 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc SetDriveName() and GetDriveName() tests. Passing existing drive as parameter and some descriptor as drive name or store for returned value. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: GetDriveName(), SetDriveName(); sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Saving drive name for restoring. sl@0: //! 3. Call SetDriveName() passing default drive's number as first parameter and "TEST" as second parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call GetDriveName() passing default drive's number as first paramter and TDesC16 reference as second paramter. sl@0: //! 5. Restoring drive name. sl@0: //! 6. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function SetDriveName() returns KErrNone. Function GetDriveName() returns "TEST" through a TDesC16 reference and returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 GetDriveName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1010-001-GetDriveName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 SetDriveName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1010-001-SetDriveName_command04 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 GetDriveName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1010-001-GetDriveName_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 SetDriveName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1010-001-SetDriveName_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1010 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1013 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1013 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc ReserveDriveSpace(), GetReserveAccess() and ReleaseReserveAccess() tests. Passing existing drive as first parameter and amount of space int bytes as second. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: ReserveDriveSpace(), GetReserveAccess() and ReleaseReserveAccess(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call ReserveDriveSpace() passing 100(bytes) as first parameter and default drive's number as second parameter. sl@0: //! 3. Call GetReserveAccess() passing default drive's number as parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call ReleaseReserveAccess() passing default drive's number as parameter. sl@0: //! 5. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function ReserveReserveAccess() returns KErrNone. Function GetReseveAccess() returns KErrNone. Function ReleaseReserveAccess() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ReserveDriveSpace PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1013-001-ReserveDriveSpace_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 GetReserveAccess PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1013-001-GetReserveAccess_command04 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ReleaseReserveAccess PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1013-001-ReleaseReserveAccess_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1013 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1018 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1018 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc Volume() function test. Passing non-mounted drive index as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: Volume(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call Volume() passing TVolumeInfo reference as first parameter and the non-mounted drive's number as a second parameter. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function Volume() returns KErrNotReady. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1018-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1018-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-18 RFs1 Volume PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1018-001-Volume_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1018-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1018 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1020 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1020 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 02/10/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc SetVolumeLabel() function test. Passing not mounted drive index as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: SetVolumeLabel(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call SetVolumeLabel() passing TVolumeInfo reference as first parameter and the non-mounted drive's number as a second parameter. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function SetVolumeLabel() returns KErrNotReady. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1020-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1020-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-18 RFs1 SetVolumeLabel PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1020-001-SetVolumeLabel_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1020-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1020 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1022 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1022 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 02/10/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc SetSubst() function test. Passing exisiting and mounted drive index as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: SetSubst(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call SetSubst() passing some correct path descriptor as first parameter and some mounted drive as second. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function SetSubst() returns KErrGeneral. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-2 RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1022-001-SetSubst_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1022 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1023 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1023 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 02/10/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc SetSubst() function test. Passing correct path as other parameter and incorrect drive index as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: SetSubst(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call SetSubst() passing descriptor with some icorrect path as first parameter and umounted drive number as second. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function SetSubst() returns KErrBadName. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-28 RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1023-001-SetSubst_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1023 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1024 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1024 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 02/10/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc SetSubst() function test. Passing not mounted drive index as parameter and incorrect path as other parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: SetSubst(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call SetSubst() passing descriptor with some incorrect path as first parameter and umounted drive number as second. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function SetSubst() returns KErrBadName. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1024-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1024-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-28 RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1024-001-SetSubst_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1024-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1024 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1031 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1031 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc CheckDisk() test that passes a non-mounted drive number as a parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: CheckDisk() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call CheckDisk() passing non-mounted drive number as a parameter. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function CheckDisk() returns KErrNotReady. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1031-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1031-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-18 RFs1 CheckDisk PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1031-001-CheckDisk_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1031-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1031 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1033 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1033 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc ScanDrive() test that passes a non-mounted drive number as a parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: ScanDrive() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call ScanDrive() passing a non-mounted drive number as a parameter. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function ScanDrive() returns KErrNotReady. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1033-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1033-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-18 RFs1 ScanDrive PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1033-001-ScanDrive_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1033-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1033 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1037 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1037 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 02/10/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc LockDrive() function test. Passing not mounted drive index as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: LockDrive(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call LockDrive() passing some nonmounted drive's number as drive number parameter. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function LockDrive() returns KErrNotReady. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1037-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1037-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-18 RFs1 LockDrive PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1037-001-LockDrive_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1037-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1037 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1043 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1043 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 02/10/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc ReserveDriveSpace() function test. Trying to reserve drive space again after getting access to it. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: ReserveDriveSpace(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call ReserveDriveSpace() passing valid drive's number(RAM-drive's) as drive number parameter and 100(bytes) as amount of space to reserve. sl@0: //! 3. Call GetReserveAccess() with same drive's number(default drive's). sl@0: //! 4. Call ReserveDriveSpace() passing valid drive's number(RAM-drive's) as drive number parameter and 100 as amount of space to reserve. sl@0: //! 5. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function ReserveDriveSpace() returns KErrInUse. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ReserveDriveSpace PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1043-001-ReserveDriveSpace_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 GetReserveAccess PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1043-001-GetReserveAccess_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-14 RFs1 ReserveDriveSpace PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1043-001-ReserveDriveSpace_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1043 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1044 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1044 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 02/10/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc ReserveDriveSpace() function test. Trying to reserve too much drive space. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: ReserveDriveSpace(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call ReserveDriveSpace() passing valid drive's number(RAM-drive') as drive number parameter and 10000000000(in bytes and must be too big) as amount of space to reserve. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function ReserveDriveSpace() returns KErrArgument sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-6 RFs1 ReserveDriveSpace PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1044-001-ReserveDriveSpace_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1044 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1045 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1045 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 02/10/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc GetReserveAccess() function test. Trying to get access without reserving any space before. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: GetReserveAccess(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call GetReserveAccess() passing valid drive's number (RAM-drive') as drive number parameter. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function GetReserveAccess() returns KErrPremissionDenied. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-46 RFs1 GetReserveAccess PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1045-001-GetReserveAccess_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1045 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1053 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1053 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc SetSubst() functions test. Passing existing path to folder as parameter. Using KDefaultDrive as drive parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: SetSubst(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call SetSubst() passing "\base\" as a first parameter. Testing with default drive. sl@0: //! 3. Call SetSubst() passing ""(empty descriptor) as a first parameter. This will unsubst the substed. sl@0: //! 4. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function SetSubst() returns KErrGeneral. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-2 RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1053-001-SetSubst_command03 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-2 RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1053-001-SetSubst_command04 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1053 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1058 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1058 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 24/01/2007 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc IsValidDrive() passing non-mounted drive as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: IsValidDrive(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call IsValidDrive() passing non-mounted drive in range from EDriveC to EDriveZ. sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function IsValidDrive() returns ETrue. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1058-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1058-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 IsValidDrive PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1058-001-IsValidDrive_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1058-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1058 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1062 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1062 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc ReleaseReserveAccess() test that uses the function without previous call to ReserveDriveSpace(). sl@0: //! Uses API elements: ReleaseReserveAccess() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call ReleaseReserveAccess() passing RAM-drive's path as path parameter. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function ReleaseReserveAccess() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ReleaseReserveAccess PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1062-001-ReleaseReserveAccess_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1062 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1063 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1063 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc SetSubst() test. Passing some non-mounted drive index as parameter. Drive() test passing substed drive as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: SetSubst(), Drive() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call SetSubst() with path '\base\' and non-mounted drive as parameter. sl@0: //! 3. Call Drive() and get through TDriveInfo object through the reference using the same drive as parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call SetSubst() with empty path to unsubst the drive we have substed. sl@0: //! 5. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function Drive() returns KErrNone and TDriveInfo object through the reference with KDriveAttSubsted attribute enabled. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1063-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1063-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1063-001-SetSubst_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Drive PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1063-001-Drive_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1063-001-SetSubst_command07 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1063-001-MountFileSystem_command08 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1063 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1065 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1065 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc ErasePassword() test. Passing non-mounted drive's number as parameter . sl@0: //! Uses API elements: ErasePassword() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call ErasePassword() passing not mounted drive's number. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function ErasePassword() returns KErrNotReady. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1065-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1065-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-18 RFs1 ErasePassword PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1065-001-ErasePassword_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1065-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1065 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1070 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1070 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc ClearPassword() test. Passing non-mounted drive's number as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: ClearPassword() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call ClearPassword() passing not mounted drive's number and 'test' as password. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function ClearPassword() returns KErrNotReady. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1070-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1070-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-18 RFs1 ClearPassword PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1070-001-ClearPassword_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1070-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1070 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1075 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1075 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 22/08/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc UnlockDrive() test. Passing non-mounted drive's number as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: UnlockDrive() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call UnlockDrive() passing not mounted drive's number and 'test' as password. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function UnlockDrive() returns KErrNotReady. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1075-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1075-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-18 RFs1 UnlockDrive PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1075-001-UnlockDrive_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1075-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1075 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1078 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1078 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 08/02/2007 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc ReserveDriveSpace() test. Testing with non-mounted drive. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: ReserveDriveSpace() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call ReserveDriveSpace() passing non-mounted drive's number and 100(bytes) to reserve. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function ReserveDriveSpace() returns KErrNotReady. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1078-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1078-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-18 RFs1 ReserveDriveSpace PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1078-001-ReserveDriveSpace_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1078-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1078 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1079 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1079 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 08/02/2007 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc GetReserveAccess() test. Testing with non-mounted drive. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: GetReserveAccess() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call GetReserveAccess() passing non-mounted drive's number. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function GetReserveAccess() returns KErrPermissionDenied. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1079-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1079-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-46 RFs1 GetReserveAccess PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1079-001-GetReserveAccess_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1079-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1079 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1080 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1080 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 08/02/2007 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc ReleaseReserveAccess() test.Testing with non-mounted drive. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: ReleaseReserveAccess() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call ReleaseReserveAccess() passing non-mounted drive's number. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function ReleaseReserveAccess() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1080-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1080-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ReleaseReserveAccess PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1080-001-ReleaseReserveAccess_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1080-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1080 sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1027 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1027 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMAuthor Anton Grober sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 02/10/2006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc GetMediaSerialNumber() function test. Passing substed drive's index as parameter. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: GetMediaSerialNumber(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 2. Call Subst() passing empty drive suitable for substing as drive number and ":\base\" as path where is a test drive. sl@0: //! 3. Call GetMediaSerialNumber() passing descriptor reference as first parameter and substed drive number as second. sl@0: //! 4. Call Subst passing empty drive suitable for substing as drive number and ""(empty descriptor) to unsubst drive. sl@0: //! 5. Call Close(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority High sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function GetMediaSerialNumber() returns KErrNotSupported sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1027-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1027-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1027-001-SetSubst_command05 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-5 RFs1 GetMediaSerialNumber PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1027-001-GetMediaSerialNumber_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 SetSubst PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1027-001-SetSubst_command07 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1027-001-MountFileSystem_command08 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1027 sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1086 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1086 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI RFs sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc Function VolumeIOParam() test with non mounted drive. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: VolumeIOParam(). sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Call Connect() method. sl@0: //! 2. Call VolumeIOParam() passing the drive number where is not mounted file system as argument. sl@0: //! 3. Call Close() method. sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Return KErrNotReady (-18). sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_Sfsrv \base\PBASE-F32-RFS-Drives-PublicApi-RAM.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 FileSystemName PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1086-001-FileSystemName_command03 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 DismountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1086-001-DismountFileSystem_command04 sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-18 RFs1 VolumeIOParam PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1086-001-VolumeIOParam_command05 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MountFileSystem PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1086-001-MountFileSystem_command06 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Close sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-RFS-PublicApi-1086 sl@0: sl@0: