sl@0: // sl@0: // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). sl@0: // All rights reserved. sl@0: // This component and the accompanying materials are made available sl@0: // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0" sl@0: // which accompanies this distribution, and is available sl@0: // at the URL "". sl@0: // sl@0: // Initial Contributors: sl@0: // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. sl@0: // sl@0: // Contributors: sl@0: // sl@0: // Description: sl@0: // sl@0: //! @file sl@0: //! @SYMTestSuiteName pbase-f32-sfsrv-publicapi-os sl@0: //! @SYMScriptTestEnvironment This test script requires a basic ROM. sl@0: //! @SYMScriptAuthor Dmitri Trofimov sl@0: //! @SYMScriptDescription The test script contains API tests for the following functions of TFindFile class: sl@0: //! @SYMCreationDate 17/12/2006 sl@0: //! TFindFile(RFs &aFs); sl@0: //! TInt FindByPath(const TDesC &aFileName, const TDesC *aPathList); sl@0: //! TInt FindByDir(const TDesC &aFileName, const TDesC &aDirPath); sl@0: //! TInt FindWildByPath(const TDesC &aFileName, const TDesC *aPathList, CDir *&aDirList); sl@0: //! TInt FindWildByDir(const TDesC &aFileName, const TDesC &aDirPath, CDir *&aDir); sl@0: //! TInt Find(); sl@0: //! TInt FindWild(CDir *&aDirList); sl@0: //! const TDesC &File() const; sl@0: sl@0: LOAD_SUITE T_SfSrv sl@0: DELAY 5000 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE SETUP_FILES sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CFileMan CFileMan1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MkDirAll test_dir sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MkDirAll test_dir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 MkDirAll test_dir2 sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 NewL fileman_fs sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 Copy test_file1 sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 Close sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 Copy test_file2 sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 Close sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 Copy test_file3 sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 Close sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE SETUP_FILES sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0001 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0001 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc TFindFile() passing a reference to a connected file session as a parameter. This tests for successful object creation and initialization. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: TFindFile() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Function does not leave nor panic sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0001-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0001 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0002 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0002 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindByPath() test. This tests for successful finding of a file. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByPath() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByPath() passing file name "Test1.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindByPath returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TEntry TEntry1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0002-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0002-command5FindByPath sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0002 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0003 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0003 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindByPath() negative test. This tests for function returning KErrNotFound when the file cannot be found. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByPath() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByPath() passing file name "Test3.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindByPath returns KErrNotFound. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0003-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-1 TFindFile1 FindByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0003-command5FindByPath sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0003 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0004 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0004 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindByPath() negative test. This test for function returning KErrArgument when filename is empty. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByPath() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByPath() passing file empty name and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindByPath returns KErrArgument. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0004-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-6 TFindFile1 FindByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0004-command5FindByPath sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0004 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0005 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0005 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindByPath() negative test. This test for function returning KErrArgument when filename and path is empty. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByPath() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByPath() passing file empty name and empty path as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindByPath returns KErrArgument. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0005-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-6 TFindFile1 FindByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0005-command5FindByPath sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0005 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0006 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0006 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindByPath() negative test where filename has wildcard and other characters. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByPath() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByPath() passing file name "$%&?*" and path "\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindByPath returns KErrNotFound. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0006-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-1 TFindFile1 FindByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0006-command5FindByPath sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0006 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0007 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0007 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindByPath() negative test where path has wildcard and other characters. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByPath() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByPath() passing file name "a" and path "$%&*?" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindByPath returns KErrNotFound. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0007-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-1 TFindFile1 FindByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0007-command5FindByPath sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0007 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0008 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0008 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindByDir() test. This test for successful finding of file. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByDir() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByDir() passing file name "Test1.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindByDir() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TEntry TEntry1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0008-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindByDir PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0008-command5FindByDir sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0008 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0009 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0009 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindByDir() negative test. This tests for function returning KErrNotFound when the file cannot be found. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByDir() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByDir() passing file name "Test3.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindByDir() returns KErrNotFound. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0009-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-1 TFindFile1 FindByDir PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0009-command5FindByDir sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0009 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0010 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0010 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindByDir() negative test. This tests for function returning KErrArgument when file name is empty. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByDir() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByDir() passing file empty name and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindByDir() returns KErrArgument. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0010-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-6 TFindFile1 FindByDir PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0010-command5FindByDir sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0010 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0011 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0011 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWildByPath() test. This tests for successful finding of file with wildcard. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByPath() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindWildByPath() passing file name "Test?.*" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindWildByPath() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TEntry TEntry1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0011-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindWildByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0011-command5FindWildByPath sl@0: //!//!COMMAND TFindFile1 cleanup sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0011 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0012 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0012 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWildByPath() negative test. This tests for function returning KErrNotFound when the file cannot be found. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByPath() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindWildByPath() passing file name "?ester.*" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindWildByPath() returns KErrNotFound. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0012-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-1 TFindFile1 FindWildByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0012-command5FindWildByPath sl@0: //!//!COMMAND TFindFile1 cleanup sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0012 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0013 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0013 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWildByPath() negative test. This tests for function returning KErrArgument when the file cannot be found. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByPath() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindWildByPath() passing file empry name and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindWildByPath() returns KErrArgument. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0013-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-6 TFindFile1 FindWildByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0013-command5FindWildByPath sl@0: //!COMMAND TFindFile1 cleanup sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0013 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0014 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0014 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWildByDir() test. This tests for successful finding of file with wildcard in name. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByDir() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to a connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindWildByDir() passing file name "Test?.*" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindWildByDir() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TEntry TEntry1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0014-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindWildByDir PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0014-command5FindWildByDir sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0014 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0015 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0015 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWildByDir() negative test. This test for function returning KErrNotFound when the file cannont be found. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByDir() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to a connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindWildByDir() passing file name "?ester.*" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindWildByDir() returns KErrNotFound. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0015-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-1 TFindFile1 FindWildByDir PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0015-command5FindWildByDir sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0015 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0016 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0016 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWildByDir() negative test. This tests function returning KErrArgument when the file name is empty. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByDir() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to a connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindWildByDir() passing file empty name and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\" as arguments. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindWildByDir() returns KErrArgument. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0016-command4new sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-6 TFindFile1 FindWildByDir PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0016-command5FindWildByDir sl@0: //!COMMAND TFindFile1 cleanup sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0016 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0017 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0017 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc Find() test. This tests for successful finding of file after FindByPath() call. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByPath(), Find() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByPath() passing file name "Test1.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! 5. Call Find(). sl@0: //! 6. Call File() with checking that value is '\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\Test1.txt' sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Find() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TEntry TEntry1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0017-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0017-command5FindByPath sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 Find sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 File correct_file_path2 sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0017 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0018 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0018 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc Find() negative test. This tests for function returning KErrNotFound when file cannot be found after FindByPath() call. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByPath(), Find() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByPath() passing file name "Test2.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! 5. Call Find(). sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Find() returns KErrNotFound. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0018-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0018-command5FindByPath sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-1 TFindFile1 Find sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0018 sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0020 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0020 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc Find() negative test. This tests for function returning KErrNotFound when file cannot be found after sl@0: //! FindByDir() call. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByDir(), Find() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Create RFile object sl@0: //! 3. Call Rfs::Connect(). sl@0: //! 4. Call RFile::Create() and pass name "temp.txt" as parameter. sl@0: //! 5. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 6. Call FindByDir() passing file name "temp.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\" as arguments. sl@0: //! 7. Call Find(). sl@0: //! 8. Call RFs::Delete() and pass name "temp.txt" as parameter. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Second Find() returns KErrNotFound. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFile RFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFile1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFile1 Create PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0020-command1Create sl@0: COMMAND RFile1 Close sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0020-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindByDir PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0020-command5FindByDir sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-1 TFindFile1 Find sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Delete PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0020-command6Delete sl@0: COMMAND RFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0020 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0021 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0021 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWild() test. This test for successful finding of file ather FindWildByPath() call. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByPath(), FindWild() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindWildByPath() passing file name "Test1.*" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! 5. Call FindWild() sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindWild() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TEntry TEntry1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0021-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindWildByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0021-command5FindWildByPath sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindWild common_dir_wrapper sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0021 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0022 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0022 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWild() negative test. This test for function returning KErrNotFound if file cannot be found after FindWildByPath() call. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByPath(), FindWild() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindWildByPath() passing file name "Test2.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! 5. Call FindWild() sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindWild() returns KErrNotFound. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0022-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindWildByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0022-command5FindWildByPath sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-1 TFindFile1 FindWild common_dir_wrapper sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0022 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0024 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0024 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWild() negative test. This test for function returning KErrNotFound if file cannot be found after FindWildByDir() call. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByDir(), FindWild() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Create RFile object sl@0: //! 3. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 4. Call RFile::Create() and pass name "temp.txt" as parameter. sl@0: //! 5. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 6. Call FindWildByDir() passing file name "temp.*" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\" as arguments. sl@0: //! 7. Call FindWild() sl@0: //! 8. Call RFs::Delete() and pass name "temp.txt" as parameter. sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults Both FindWild() returns KErrNotFound. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFile RFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TEntry TEntry1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFile1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND RFile1 Create PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0024-command1Create sl@0: COMMAND RFile1 Close sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0024-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindWildByDir PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0024-command5FindWildByDir sl@0: COMMAND !Error=-1 TFindFile1 FindWild common_dir_wrapper sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Delete PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0024-command6Delete sl@0: COMMAND RFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0024 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0025 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0025 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindByPath() test. This tests for function to return correct data. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindByPath(), File() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindByPath() passing file name "Test1.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\" as arguments. sl@0: //! 5. Call File() with checking that value is '\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\Test1.txt' sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults File returns "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\Test1.txt". sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TEntry TEntry1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0025-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0025-command5FindByPath sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 File correct_file_path sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0025 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0027 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0027 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWildByDir() test. This tests for successful finding of file without wildcard in name. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByDir() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to a connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindWildByDir() passing file name "Test1.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\" as arguments. sl@0: //! 5. Call File() with checking that value is '\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\Test1.txt' sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindWildByDir() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TEntry TEntry1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0027-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindWildByDir PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0027-command5FindWildByDir sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 File correct_file_path sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0027 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0028 sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0028 sl@0: //! @SYMAPI TFindFile sl@0: //! @SYMTestCaseDesc FindWildByPath() test. This tests for successful finding of file without wildcard in name. sl@0: //! Uses API elements: FindWildByPath() sl@0: //! @SYMTestActions 1. Create RFs object. sl@0: //! 2. Call Connect(). sl@0: //! 3. Create TFindFile object passing a reference to the connected file session as a parameter. sl@0: //! 4. Call FindWildByPath() passing file name "Test1.txt" and path "\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\;\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test2\" as arguments. sl@0: //! 5. Call File() with checking that value is '\base\t_sfsrv\t_findfile\test1\Test1.txt' sl@0: //! sl@0: //! @SYMTestStatus Implemented sl@0: //! @SYMTestPriority Critical sl@0: //! @SYMTestExpectedResults FindWildByPath() returns KErrNone. sl@0: //! @SYMTestType CIT sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TFindFile TFindFile1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT TEntry TEntry1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CDir CDir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 new PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0028-command4new sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 FindWildByPath PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0028-command5FindWildByPath sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 File correct_file_path sl@0: COMMAND TFindFile1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi-0028 sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: START_TESTCASE REMOVE_FILES sl@0: START_TEST_BLOCK 100 T_SfSrv \base\PBASE-F32-FindFile-PublicApi.ini sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT RFs RFs1 sl@0: CREATE_OBJECT CFileMan CFileMan1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 new sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 Connect sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 NewL fileman_fs sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 Delete all_files1 sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 Delete all_files2 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 RmDir test_dir1 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 RmDir test_dir2 sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 RmDir test_dir sl@0: COMMAND CFileMan1 ~ sl@0: COMMAND RFs1 ~ sl@0: END_TEST_BLOCK sl@0: END_TESTCASE REMOVE_FILES sl@0: