sl@0: /*
sl@0: * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
sl@0: * All rights reserved.
sl@0: * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
sl@0: * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
sl@0: * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
sl@0: * at the URL "".
sl@0: *
sl@0: * Initial Contributors:
sl@0: * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
sl@0: *
sl@0: * Contributors:
sl@0: *
sl@0: * Description: 
sl@0: * This contains the Teststep class which is used for verification of the pkcs12 file
sl@0: * and log the results
sl@0: *
sl@0: */
sl@0: /**
sl@0:  @file 
sl@0:  @internalTechnology
sl@0: */
sl@0: #ifndef __TPKCS12LIBTESTSTEP01_H__
sl@0: #define __TPKCS12LIBTESTSTEP01_H__
sl@0: // System Include
sl@0: #include <test/testexecutestepbase.h>
sl@0: //User Include
sl@0: #include "tpkcs12common.h"
sl@0: #include <pkcs12.h>
sl@0: const TInt KPositiveTest=1;
sl@0: const TInt KNegativeTest=0;
sl@0: const TInt KBagDataSecBufLen=10;
sl@0: const TInt KPrivacyPwdStrLen=17;
sl@0: const TInt KContentInfoBufLen=12;
sl@0: const TInt KPasswordKeyStrLen=15;
sl@0: const TInt KBagDataSectionStrLen=7;
sl@0: const TInt KContentInfoKeyStrLen=11;
sl@0: const TInt KAttributeBufLen=6;
sl@0: const TInt KAttributeKeyStrLen=4;
sl@0: const TInt KBagValBufLen=8;
sl@0: const TInt KBagValKeyStrLen=5;
sl@0: _LIT(KFriendlyNameOid,"1.2.840.113549.1.9.20");
sl@0: _LIT(KLocalKeyOid,"1.2.840.113549.1.9.21");
sl@0: _LIT(KMainSec,"main");
sl@0: _LIT(KAuthSafeSec,"authsafe");
sl@0: _LIT(KFilePath,"file");
sl@0: _LIT(KIntegrityMode,"integritymode");
sl@0: _LIT(KUnitTest,"unittest");
sl@0: _LIT(KUnitTestValue,"FALSE");
sl@0: _LIT(KPassword,"password");
sl@0: _LIT(KIntegrityPassword,"integritypassword");
sl@0: _LIT(KIntegrityValid,"integrity_valid");
sl@0: _LIT(KPublicIntegrity,"public");
sl@0: _LIT(KPrivacyPassword,"PrivacyPassword");
sl@0: _LIT(KExpectedResult,"ExpectedResult");
sl@0: _LIT(KVerifyIntgPass,"verifyintegritypassword");
sl@0: _LIT(KMacPresent,"MacPresent");
sl@0: _LIT(KMacValueDefault,"FALSE");
sl@0: _LIT(KMacTestValue,"True");
sl@0: _LIT(KContentInfoKey,"contentinfo");
sl@0: _LIT(KContentInfoNum,"numcontentinfos");
sl@0: _LIT(KBagDataSec,"BagData");
sl@0: _LIT(KBagType,"BagType");
sl@0: _LIT(KSafeBagsCount,"SafeBagsCount");
sl@0: _LIT(KContentInfoType,"ContentInfoType");
sl@0: _LIT(KBagAttributesKey,"attr");
sl@0: _LIT(KBagAttributesNum,"numattributes");
sl@0: _LIT(KBagAttributesID,"id");
sl@0: _LIT(KBagAttributeValuesNum,"numvalues");
sl@0: _LIT(KBagAttributeValue,"value");
sl@0: _LIT(KAlgorithm,"Algorithm");
sl@0: _LIT(KCertType,"CertType");
sl@0: _LIT(KContentInfoPwd,"ContentInfoPrivacyPassword");
sl@0: _LIT(KSafeBagPrivacyPwd,"safeBagprivacypassword");
sl@0: _LIT(KBagValue,"BagValue");
sl@0: _LIT(KEncBagValue,"EncodedBagValue");
sl@0: _LIT(KMac,"Mac");
sl@0: _LIT(KMacSalt,"MacSalt");
sl@0: _LIT(KIterationCount,"IterationCount");
sl@0: _LIT(KIntegrityPwd,"integritypassword");
sl@0: _LIT(KExpectedError,"ExpectedError");
sl@0: _LIT(KFriendlyName,"1.2.840.113549.1.9.20");
sl@0: _LIT(KLocalKey,"1.2.840.113549.1.9.21");
sl@0: /**
sl@0: This is a teststep class wherin all the verification for the pkcs12 file
sl@0: is done.
sl@0: */
sl@0: class CPKCS12LibTestStep : public CTestStep
sl@0: 	{
sl@0: public:
sl@0: 	CPKCS12LibTestStep ();
sl@0: 	~CPKCS12LibTestStep();
sl@0: 	//From CTestStep class
sl@0: 	TVerdict doTestStepL();
sl@0: private:
sl@0: 	TBool ChkCIType(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData);
sl@0: 	TBool ChkBagType(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData,TInt aBagId);
sl@0: 	TBool ChkBagAttbutesL(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData);
sl@0: 	TBool ChkAtrSecL(TDesC &aSec,CSafeBagData &aBagData,TInt aIndx);
sl@0: 	TBool ChkAtrValL(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData,TInt aNumVal);
sl@0: 	TBool ChkAlgId(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData);
sl@0: 	TBool ChkCertId(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData);
sl@0: 	TBool VerifyMainSecL();
sl@0: 	TBool VerifyAuthSafe();
sl@0: 	TBool ChkBagDataL(TInt aTotalsafebags,TInt aTotalbags);
sl@0: 	TBool ChkSafeContsBagData(TDesC& aBagSec,CSafeContentBag &aSafeContntBagData);
sl@0: 	TBool ChkBagValL(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData);
sl@0: 	TBool ChkMacValueL();
sl@0: 	TBool CompareFileDataL(TDesC &aPValue,TDesC8 &aBufferVal);
sl@0: 	void ParsePrivacyPwdL();
sl@0: 	TBool VerifyExpectedError(const TDesC &aSecName);
sl@0: 	TBool ChkEncodedBagValL(TDesC &aSecName,CSafeBagData &aBagData);
sl@0: private:
sl@0: 	/** privacy password of all the contentinfos in sequence if encrypted */
sl@0: 	RPointerArray<TDesC>iPrivacyPassword ;
sl@0: 	/** SafeBagData pointer */
sl@0: 	CSafeBagData *iBagData;
sl@0: 	/** positive or negative test */
sl@0: 	TBool iExpectedResult;
sl@0: 	/** flag for checking whether the verification function returns true or false */
sl@0: 	TBool  iActualResult;
sl@0: 	/** Unit test value */
sl@0: 	TBool iUnitTest;
sl@0: 	/** BagAttribute Value */
sl@0: 	TInt iBagAttrNumVal;
sl@0: 	/** Argument error. */
sl@0: 	TInt iExpectedError;
sl@0: 	/** ContentData is Set 0, if the contentData is absent. */
sl@0: 	TInt iContentDataPresent;
sl@0: 	/** PKCS12Parser object */
sl@0: 	CPkcs12Parser *iParser;
sl@0: 	/** File server object */
sl@0: 	RFs iFileSession;
sl@0: 	/** Set to True/False depending on the verification of the error. */ 
sl@0: 	TBool iUnitTestContinueFlag;
sl@0: 	};
sl@0: /**
sl@0: This is a teststep class wherin all the OOM Test for the pkcs12 library
sl@0: is done.
sl@0: */
sl@0: class CTPKCS12OOMStep : public CTestStep
sl@0: 	{
sl@0: public:
sl@0: 	CTPKCS12OOMStep ();
sl@0: 	~CTPKCS12OOMStep();
sl@0: 	// From CTestStep class
sl@0: 	TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
sl@0: 	TVerdict doTestStepL();
sl@0: private:
sl@0: 	HBufC8* ReadFileDataL(TPtrC tag);
sl@0: protected:
sl@0: 	/** contains the data */
sl@0: 	HBufC8*	iRawData;
sl@0: 	/** contains the authsafe data */
sl@0: 	HBufC8* iAuthSafeData;
sl@0: 	/** File server object */
sl@0: 	RFs		iFs;
sl@0: 	};
sl@0: _LIT(KStep, "PKCS12LibTestStep");
sl@0: _LIT(KTPKCS12OOMStep,"PKCS12OOMTestStep");
sl@0: #endif