sl@0: /*
sl@0: * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
sl@0: * All rights reserved.
sl@0: * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
sl@0: * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
sl@0: * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
sl@0: * at the URL "".
sl@0: *
sl@0: * Initial Contributors:
sl@0: * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
sl@0: *
sl@0: * Contributors:
sl@0: *
sl@0: * Description: 
sl@0: *
sl@0: */
sl@0: #include "upsnotifierutil.h"
sl@0: using namespace UserPromptService;
sl@0: EXPORT_C CPromptData* CPromptData::NewL() 
sl@0: /**
sl@0: Factory function that creates a new, blank CPromptData object.
sl@0: @return A pointer to the new CPromptData object.
sl@0: */
sl@0: 	{
sl@0: 	CPromptData* self = new(ELeave) CPromptData();
sl@0: 	return self;
sl@0: 	}
sl@0: CPromptData::CPromptData()
sl@0: /**
sl@0:  Constructor
sl@0:  */
sl@0: 	{
sl@0: 	}
sl@0: CPromptData::~CPromptData()
sl@0: /**
sl@0:  Destructor
sl@0:  */
sl@0: 	{
sl@0: 	Reset();
sl@0: 	}
sl@0: void CPromptData::Reset() 
sl@0: /**
sl@0: Frees all internal memory in-case the object is internalised multiple times.
sl@0: */
sl@0: 	{
sl@0: 	iClientName.Close();
sl@0: 	iVendorName.Close();
sl@0: 	iClientSid.iId = 0;
sl@0: 	iServerSid.iId = 0;
sl@0: 	iServiceId.iUid = 0;
sl@0: 	iDestination.Close();
sl@0: 	iOpaqueData.Close();
sl@0: 	iDescriptions.ResetAndDestroy();	
sl@0: 	}
sl@0: EXPORT_C void CPromptData::InternalizeL(RReadStream& aStream)
sl@0: /**
sl@0:  Internalizes the prompt data from the specified stream/
sl@0:  @param aStream The read stream
sl@0: */
sl@0: 	{
sl@0: 	Reset();
sl@0: 	iClientName.CreateL(aStream, KMaskDesLength16);
sl@0: 	iVendorName.CreateL(aStream, KMaskDesLength16);
sl@0: 	aStream >> iClientSid.iId;
sl@0: 	aStream >> iServerSid.iId;
sl@0: 	aStream >> iServiceId.iUid;
sl@0: 	iDestination.CreateL(aStream, KMaskDesLength16);
sl@0: 	iOpaqueData.CreateL(aStream, KMaskDesLength8);
sl@0: 	TInt32 count = aStream.ReadUint32L();
sl@0: 	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
sl@0: 		{
sl@0: 		TInt32 l = aStream.ReadInt32L();
sl@0: 		HBufC* d = HBufC::NewMaxLC(l);
sl@0: 		TPtr wptr = d->Des();
sl@0: 		aStream.ReadL(wptr, l);
sl@0: 		iDescriptions.AppendL(d);
sl@0: 		CleanupStack::Pop(d);
sl@0: 		}
sl@0: 	aStream >> iOptions;
sl@0: 	aStream >> iFlags;
sl@0: 	}
sl@0: EXPORT_C void CPromptData::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aStream) const
sl@0: /**
sl@0:  Externalizes the prompt data to the specified stream.
sl@0:  @param aStream The write stream.
sl@0:  */
sl@0: 	{
sl@0: 	aStream << iClientName;
sl@0: 	aStream << iVendorName;
sl@0: 	aStream << iClientSid.iId;
sl@0: 	aStream << iServerSid.iId;
sl@0: 	aStream << iServiceId.iUid;
sl@0: 	aStream << iDestination;
sl@0: 	aStream << iOpaqueData;
sl@0: 	TInt count = iDescriptions.Count();
sl@0: 	aStream.WriteUint32L(count);
sl@0: 	for (TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i)
sl@0: 		{
sl@0: 		aStream.WriteInt32L(iDescriptions[i]->Length());
sl@0: 		aStream.WriteL(*iDescriptions[i]);
sl@0: 		}
sl@0: 	aStream << iOptions;
sl@0: 	aStream << iFlags;
sl@0: 	}