sl@0: /* sl@0: * Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). sl@0: * All rights reserved. sl@0: * This component and the accompanying materials are made available sl@0: * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" sl@0: * which accompanies this distribution, and is available sl@0: * at the URL "". sl@0: * sl@0: * Initial Contributors: sl@0: * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. sl@0: * sl@0: * Contributors: sl@0: * sl@0: * Description: sl@0: * Resource header for User Prompt Service Policy files. sl@0: * sl@0: */ sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: /** sl@0: @file policies.rh sl@0: @publishedPartner sl@0: @released sl@0: */ sl@0: sl@0: #ifndef POLICIES_RH sl@0: #define POLICIES_RH sl@0: sl@0: #include sl@0: sl@0: /** sl@0: This resource header file defines the structures and constants required by User sl@0: Prompt Service policy files. sl@0: sl@0: A policy file is specific to an single service provided by a specific system sl@0: server and determines whether clients requesting that service from the system sl@0: server should be silently accepted/denied or require the user to be prompted. sl@0: sl@0: A policy file consists of an arbitrary number of policies. The User Prompt sl@0: Service searches through the file in order attempting to match. sl@0: sl@0: * The secure id of the client application. sl@0: * The destination field (e.g. a phone number) provided by the system server. sl@0: * If the policy only applies if the security check implemented by the system sl@0: server passed/failed. sl@0: sl@0: The first matching policy is the policy that is used so policies must be sl@0: ordered from most specific to least specific. sl@0: sl@0: The policies for a given service are defined by a single policy file and must sl@0: be named as follows ups_SystemServerSid_ServiceUid.rsc sl@0: sl@0: Where the UID or SID is an 8 digit hexadecimal number. sl@0: sl@0: A policy file has the following structure sl@0: sl@0: UID2 KUidUpsPolicyResourceFile // Identifies this as a UPS policy file sl@0: UID3 0xXXXXXXXX // Uniquely defines this policy file. sl@0: // The UID should be reserved using the sl@0: // Symbian Signed protected UID allocator. sl@0: sl@0: RESOURCE POLICIES mypolicies sl@0: { sl@0: header = POLICY_HEADER sl@0: { sl@0: // header definition sl@0: }; sl@0: policies = sl@0: { sl@0: POLICY sl@0: { sl@0: // definition of policy 1 sl@0: }, sl@0: POLICY sl@0: { sl@0: // definition of policy 2 sl@0: } sl@0: // etc sl@0: }; sl@0: } sl@0: */ sl@0: sl@0: /** sl@0: Defines whether a dialog should be displayed and if so, the sl@0: set of options that should be presented in the dialog. sl@0: sl@0: If just KYes or just KNo is defined then a prompt won't be displayed sl@0: and the request will be silently accepted/denied. sl@0: */ sl@0: sl@0: #define KYes 0x0001 sl@0: #define KNo 0x0002 sl@0: #define KSession 0x0004 // Implicitly "yes", name kept for compatibility sl@0: #define KSessionYes 0x0004 // New name, same value/meaning as old Session option sl@0: #define KAlways 0x0008 sl@0: #define KNever 0x0010 sl@0: #define KSessionNo 0x0020 sl@0: sl@0: /** Secure ID (SID) classes defined by Symbian Signed. sl@0: sl@0: SID classes partition the UID range into 16 classes based on the most sl@0: significant nybble of the UID number. sl@0: E.g. V9 protected UID allocates are always allocated from Class 2 sl@0: sl@0: Typically, policies would be based on the protected range (classes 0 - 7) sl@0: or the unprotected range (classes 8 - F). This is Software Install only sl@0: allows the installation of executables with protected SIDs if the package sl@0: is signed. Consequently, the identity of an application may only accurately sl@0: be verified via the SIS registry if the application has a protected SID. sl@0: sl@0: See also - Symbian Signed UID FAQ sl@0: */ sl@0: #define KSidClass0 0x00000001 sl@0: #define KSidClass1 0x00000002 sl@0: #define KSidClass2 0x00000004 sl@0: #define KSidClass3 0x00000008 sl@0: #define KSidClass4 0x00000010 sl@0: #define KSidClass5 0x00000020 sl@0: #define KSidClass6 0x00000040 sl@0: #define KSidClass7 0x00000080 sl@0: #define KSidClass8 0x00000100 sl@0: #define KSidClass9 0x00000200 sl@0: #define KSidClassA 0x00000400 sl@0: #define KSidClassB 0x00000800 sl@0: #define KSidClassC 0x00001000 sl@0: #define KSidClassD 0x00002000 sl@0: #define KSidClassE 0x00004000 sl@0: #define KSidClassF 0x00008000 sl@0: sl@0: // Commonly used SID class definitions sl@0: #define KProtectedSids KSidClass0|KSidClass1|KSidClass2|KSidClass3|KSidClass4|KSidClass5|KSidClass6|KSidClass7 sl@0: #define KUnprotectedSids KSidClass8|KSidClass9|KSidClassA|KSidClassB|KSidClassC|KSidClassD|KSidClassE|KSidClassF sl@0: #define KAllSids 0x0000FFFF sl@0: sl@0: sl@0: /** sl@0: Specifies whether authorisation from the User Prompt Service is required for sl@0: requests from clients that passed the system server's security check. sl@0: sl@0: Note that protected SID checks are based on the SID of the application excutable sl@0: issuing the request, not the UID of the package owning that executable. sl@0: sl@0: If a policy file is not defined for a system server or service then a default sl@0: value of ECheckNever will be used because this is compatible with the existing sl@0: platform security behavior. sl@0: */ sl@0: ENUM TAuthorisationPolicy sl@0: { sl@0: /** sl@0: Ignore the system server (platsec) checks, and always ask the UPS what to do. sl@0: */ sl@0: EAlwaysCheck = 0, sl@0: sl@0: /** sl@0: For application executables with a protected SID, launched from the sl@0: Z drive, where the system server checks have passed, allow the request. sl@0: Otherwise call the UPS which may still choose to allow the request. sl@0: sl@0: For all other executables, ignore the system server (platsec) checks, and sl@0: always ask the UPS what to do. sl@0: */ sl@0: ECheckPostManufacture = 1, sl@0: sl@0: /** sl@0: For application executables with a protected SID (regardless of drive), where sl@0: the system server checks have passed, allow the request. sl@0: Otherwise call the UPS which may still choose to allow the request. sl@0: sl@0: For all other executables, ignore the system server (platsec) checks, and sl@0: always ask the UPS what to do. sl@0: */ sl@0: ECheckUnprotectedSids = 2, sl@0: sl@0: /** sl@0: If the system server checks passed, allow the request. sl@0: If they failed, call the UPS which may still choose to allow the request. sl@0: */ sl@0: ECheckIfFailed = 3, sl@0: sl@0: /** sl@0: If the system server checks passed, allow the request. sl@0: If the system server checks failed, reject the request. sl@0: sl@0: Never query the UPS - just use existing security check result implemented sl@0: by system server. sl@0: */ sl@0: ENeverCheck = 4 sl@0: } sl@0: sl@0: STRUCT POLICY_HEADER sl@0: { sl@0: // The major version number of THIS policy file. sl@0: // When policy files are upgraded or eclipsed the UPS deletes all decision sl@0: // records for the system server server SID and service ID where the major sl@0: // version in the decision record is not equal to the major version sl@0: // number in the policy file. sl@0: WORD majorversion = 0; sl@0: sl@0: // The minor version number of THIS policy file. sl@0: WORD minorversion = 0; sl@0: sl@0: // Determines whether a system server must request authorisation from the sl@0: // User Prompt Service even if the client application passed the system sl@0: // server's security check. sl@0: BYTE authorisationpolicy = ECheckPostManufacture; sl@0: sl@0: // Defines the implementation UID of the default policy evaluator. sl@0: // This MUST be defined and non-zero. sl@0: LONG policyevaluator = 0; sl@0: sl@0: // Defines the implementation UID of the default dialog creator. sl@0: // This MUST be defined and non-zero. sl@0: LONG dialogcreator = 0; sl@0: } sl@0: sl@0: /** sl@0: Allows policies to be matched according to whether the client process sl@0: passed security check defined by the system server. sl@0: Typically, this corresponds to whether the client has the correct capabilities sl@0: for the requested service. However, system servers are free to use features sl@0: other than capabilities in their security check. sl@0: sl@0: E.g. If the client has the correct capabilities for the requested service then sl@0: the "Always" and "Never" options will be enabled in the policy; otherwise, a sl@0: different policy will be matched where the prompt is limited to one-shot sl@0: permissions ("Yes" and "No"). sl@0: sl@0: */ sl@0: ENUM TSystemServerSecurity sl@0: { sl@0: /** sl@0: The policy applies regardless of whether the client process passed the sl@0: system server's security check. sl@0: */ sl@0: ESystemServerSecurityPassedOrFailed = 0, sl@0: /** sl@0: The policy only applies if the client process failed the system server's sl@0: security check. sl@0: */ sl@0: ESystemServerSecurityFailed = 1, sl@0: /** sl@0: The policy only applies if the client process passed the system server's sl@0: security check. sl@0: */ sl@0: ESystemServerSecurityPassed = 2 sl@0: } sl@0: sl@0: // Defines a single policy sl@0: STRUCT POLICY sl@0: { sl@0: // A bitmask that defines the set of SID classes that this policy applies to. sl@0: // Typically, this field is used if a policy applies sl@0: // All clients with a protected SID - KProtectedSids sl@0: // All clients with an unprotected SID - KUnprotectedSids sl@0: // All clients - KAllSids sl@0: LONG sid_classes = KAllSids; sl@0: sl@0: // An array of LONGs that defines a set of specific client application SIDs sl@0: // that this policy applies to. sl@0: // If this field is populated then the sid_classes field will be ignored. sl@0: LONG sid_list[]; sl@0: sl@0: // By default policies apply regardless of whether the client process sl@0: // requesting the service passed or failed the system server's security sl@0: // check. i.e. whether the client process has the correct capabilities. sl@0: BYTE systemserversecurity = ESystemServerSecurityPassedOrFailed; sl@0: sl@0: // A wildcard string to match against destination supplied by system server sl@0: // Wildcard rules are defined by TDesC::MatchF sl@0: LTEXT destination = "*"; sl@0: sl@0: // A bit field that controls which buttons may be displayed. sl@0: // KYes, KNo, KSessionYes, KSessionNo, KAlways, KNever sl@0: LONG options = KYes|KNo; sl@0: sl@0: // If non-zero, this field overrides the implementation UID sl@0: // of the default policy evaluator for this policy. sl@0: LONG policyevaluator = 0; sl@0: sl@0: // If non-zero, this field overrides the implementation UID sl@0: // of the default dialog creator. sl@0: LONG dialogcreator = 0; sl@0: sl@0: // Flags specific to the policy evaluator sl@0: WORD flags = 0; sl@0: sl@0: // Reserved for future use, do not use sl@0: WORD reservedWord = 0; sl@0: sl@0: // Reserved for future use, do not use sl@0: LLINK reservedLink = 0; sl@0: } sl@0: sl@0: // Defines a set of policies and the implementations UIDs of the default sl@0: // policy evaluator and dialog creator plug-ins. sl@0: STRUCT POLICIES sl@0: { sl@0: // Version of the UPS policy format. sl@0: // Policy files MUST NOT change this value. sl@0: WORD version = 1; sl@0: sl@0: // reserved for future use, do not use sl@0: LLINK reserved = 0; sl@0: sl@0: // A POLICY_HEADER structure sl@0: STRUCT header; sl@0: sl@0: // An array of POLICY structures sl@0: STRUCT policies[]; sl@0: } sl@0: sl@0: #endif