First public contribution.
2 * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
7 * at the URL "".
9 * Initial Contributors:
10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
15 * softwarecryptoplugin.mmp
16 * softwarecrypto.dll is the software cryptography implementation.
27 TARGET softwarecrypto.dll
30 UID 0x1000008d 0x102835C2
37 USERINCLUDE ../../../crypto/weakcryptospi/inc
38 USERINCLUDE ../../../crypto/weakcryptospi/source
39 USERINCLUDE ../../../crypto/weakcryptospi/source/bigint
40 USERINCLUDE ../../../crypto/weakcryptospi/inc/spi
41 USERINCLUDE ../../../cryptomgmtlibs/securityutils/inc
44 SOURCEPATH ../source/softwarecrypto
45 SOURCE pluginentry.cpp
46 SOURCE md2impl.cpp md5impl.cpp sha1impl.cpp softwarehashbase.cpp md4impl.cpp
47 SOURCE sha224and256impl.cpp sha384and512impl.cpp sha2impl.cpp hmacimpl.cpp
48 SOURCE 3desimpl.cpp desimpl.cpp rc2impl.cpp rijndaelimpl.cpp arc4impl.cpp symmetriccipherimpl.cpp
49 SOURCE randomimpl.cpp dsasignerimpl.cpp dsaverifyimpl.cpp rsaimpl.cpp rsafunction.cpp
50 SOURCE signerimpl.cpp verifierimpl.cpp asymmetriccipherimpl.cpp
51 SOURCE keypairgenimpl.cpp dhimpl.cpp rsasignerimpl.cpp rsaverifyimpl.cpp
52 SOURCE keyagreementimpl.cpp dhkeypairgenimpl.cpp
53 SOURCE rsakeypairgenimpl.cpp dsakeypairgenimpl.cpp
56 SOURCE cmacimpl.cpp macimpl.cpp
57 DEFFILE softwarecrypto_v2.def
59 DEFFILE softwarecrypto.def
63 LIBRARY euser.lib cryptospi.lib
65 // Depends on bigint and padding code
66 LIBRARY cryptography.lib