First public contribution.
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <relnotes name="Content Access Framework for DRM">
4 Framework support for Digital Rights Management (DRM), enables policy based management of loading and access to restricted content by applications and Multimedia plugins.
7 <defect number="DEF131117" title="F32 agent and RTA agent do not fully support 64bit file server" revision="035">
8 F32agent and RTA agent changed to support 64 bit file server
11 <defect number="DEF130856" title="API and Documentation Inconsistency" revision="034">
12 CAgentData::GetAttributeSet() - capability documentation added
15 <deliverystep number="" name="PREQ2193 SMP-Safe Crypto Services Components" osproject="Diran" revision="033">
16 <milestone project="GT0433" number="MS3.7"/>
17 <preq number="2193" title="SMP-Safe Crypto Services Components">
18 Add SMPSAFE keyword in SDP mmp files
22 <deliverystep number="1301" name="PREQ1725 64 Bit File Server" osproject="Diran" revision="032">
23 <milestone project="GT0433" number="MS3.10"/>
24 <preq number="1725" title="PREQ1725 64 Bit File Server">
29 <defect number="DEF126609" title="Category G ipr in security code needs to be confirmed or changed" revision="031">
30 Category G ipr in security code confirmed only for reccafconfig and other code changed to category T
33 <defect number="PDEF126524" title="CAF: Resolving should handle leaves in CAgentManager construction" revision="030">
34 The leave from AgentManagerL is trapped and ignored.
37 <deliverystep number="1127" name="CR1440: Crypto Services: Additional CAF support for retrieval of Cover Art for OMA DRM files" osproject="Sphinx" revision="029">
38 <milestone project="GT0379" number="MS3.36"/>
39 <cr number="1440" title="Additional CAF support for retrieval of Cover Art for OMA DRM files">
40 Additional CAF support for retrieval of Cover Art for OMA DRM files
44 <defect number="PDEF120733" title="Add agent specific base enum to TEventMask in caftypes.h in caf2 component" revision="028">
45 added an enum to TEventMask.
48 <defect number="DEF119317" title="Improve RTA performance by disabling flogger calls in release build" revision="027">
49 Disabled flogger calls in release builds to improve RTA performance.
52 <deliverystep number="702" name="CR1042: Crypto Services: Add a function to check usage rights from files in private directories for DRM purposes" osproject="Sphinx" revision="026">
53 <milestone project="GT0379" number="MS3.12"/>
54 <cr number="1042" title="Add a function to check usage rights from files in private directories for DRM purposes">
55 Adding APIS and SPIS in CAF to enable agents to provide meta-data for data in private directories of user aplication for DRM purposes.
59 <defect number="PDEF118683" title="CAF2 ConstructL does not check for success of allocation" revision="025">
60 CAF2 ConstructL does check for success of allocation.
63 <defect number="DEF116208" title="Filename Policy non-conformance generates build warnings" revision="024">
64 changed the case in the caf2 streaming component.
67 <defect number="DEF116370" title="Wrong case of "BWINS" and "EABI" in security_caf2 mrp file" revision="023">
68 Fixed case in MRP file.
71 <deliverystep number="891" name="CR1184: Crypto Services: CAF" osproject="Sphinx" revision="022">
72 <milestone project="GT0379" number="MS3.13"/>
73 <cr number="1184" title="Additional CAF support for OMA DRM Content Differentiation">
74 Added new attributes to enumerations.
78 <defect number="PDEF111260" title="Can't cancel CAF asynchronous read" revision="021">
79 Added an interface for canceling an asynchronous request in CData together with default implementation.
82 <deliverystep number="708" name="Security - Alignment of CBR and System Model components" osproject="Oghma" revision="020">
83 <milestone project="GT0313" number="MS3.7"/>
84 <preq number="775" title="Alignment of CBR and System Model components">
85 Modified the ipr category of reccafconfig.
89 <defect number="PDEF110025" title="Error in CSupplier::ImportFileL" revision="019">
90 Removed dead code from CSupplier::ImportFileL
93 <defect number="DEF108584" title="tjmioom test fails in MCL" revision="018">
94 Fixed OOM handling by revising connection management to the SystemAMS server
97 <defect number="DEF108575" title="CAF - RFile interfaces do not document requirement for shared sessions" revision="017">
98 Fixed documentation for RFile & related calls - it did not state that RFs sessions should be shared.
101 <defect number="PDEF107577" title="Security test tswi\ fails because of 2 caf files" revision="016">
102 Added @file tag to the following files: caf2\inc\patchdata.h, caf2\source\cafutils\mimefieldanddata.h.
105 <defect number="PDEF107974" title="Device crashes if URL saved after TV streaming is played from video tab" revision="015">
106 Fixed defect where recognizer raised a panic on a long URI
109 <defect number="DEF107052" title="CAF Resolver - error handling needs to be revised" revision="014">
110 Revised error handling in CAF, so that if the agent leaves in either DoRecognizeL or IsRecognizedL, we will not trap the error. Potential behaviour change was approved in BR2123.1
113 <defect number="PDEF107038" title="Elena + DRM V1 + Embedded MMS: It is possible to select and send a FL-Audio c..." revision="013">
114 KErrInUse is propagated now if an agent returns it in Resolve
117 <defect number="DEF106919" title="Caf introduced Lint errors into the Security subsystem" revision="012">
118 Added various minor fixes to fix lint errors.
121 <defect number="PDEF106450" title="Media gallery - "File cannot be moved" from phone to memory card" revision="011">
122 CF32AgentManager::RenameFile was rewritten to support operation across drives
125 <defect number="PDEF104572" title="SWSV_633_91_R24_A01_MEDIA_IMG-IG-2: Picture gallery crash when try to open co..." revision="010">
126 F32 Agent returns system wide error when recognising mime types for given content instead of failing silently
129 <defect number="DEF104038" title="Scoping change to streamableptrarray causes build failures" revision="009">
130 Modified code so that it compiles with CW3.0 compiler as well as CW3.1.1
133 <defect number="PDEF102493" title="name space collision due to using namespace in published partner header" revision="008">
134 Removed using namespace ContentAccess; from public header and inl files
137 <defect number="PDEF102779" title="CAF attributes do not support all OMA DRM v2 DCF fields" revision="007">
138 Added EContentVersion attribute to TAttribute enum, and EContentLocation and ERightsIssuerURI to TStringAttribute enum, to ensure CAF more fully supports the OMA DRM v2 specification.
141 <deliverystep number="557" name="Filename policy changes" osproject="Oghma" revision="006">
142 <milestone project="GT0329" number="3.11"/>
143 <preq number="1182" title="GNU Make-based build system">
144 Updating the component source files to comply with the Symbian filename policy.
148 <minorchange revision="005">
149 Symbian OS v9.3 component branched from common codeline
152 <defect number="PDEF102182" title="RTA panics when CContent::GetStringAttributeSet() is called" revision="004">
153 Fixed defect where RTL CContent::GetStringAttributeSet() funciton in RTA was causing panic. Added test code to verify against regression.
156 <defect number="DEF101878" title="CImportFile API capability requirements incorrect (CAF2)" revision="003">
157 Removed the capability requirement on users of the CImportFile API.
160 <defect number="INC101398" title="CAF agents cannot be installed via SIS packages" revision="002">
161 The compile-time CAF_LOAD_POST_PRODUCTION_AGENTS macro relocated to ROM build-time to allow licensees to enable this feature with out recompiling the CAF component.
164 <minorchange revision="001">
166 Minor Change - Moved source code from the security subsystem to the Syslibs subsystem.