First public contribution.
1 // Copyright (c) Symbian Software Ltd 2006-2007. All rights reserved.
3 // Description: Content Access Framework Doygen Readme file
4 // Location: caf2/docs_internal/dox
7 This folder holds the Doxygen files needed to build the Compiled HTML Help file
8 that documents the CAF2 APIs.
11 // ----------------------------------------------------
12 // Pre-requisites for building the documentation
13 // ----------------------------------------------------
17 o DOxygen 1.4.6 or later,
19 o Graphviz 2.8 or later,
21 o Microsoft HTML Help Workshop 4.74 or later,
25 // ----------------------------------------------------
27 // ----------------------------------------------------
29 This section shows how to create the 'CAF_Documentation.chm' file.
30 Use the caf2\docs_internal\dox\builddox.bat or the procedure below.
32 1. Open a command window and change directory to the caf2\docs_internal component folder.
33 2. Create the 'output' folder with the command: mkdir dox\output
34 3. Make sure 'CAF_documentation.chm' is not read-only (i.e. Open for Edit in Perforce)
35 4. Execute: del /S /F /Q dox\output\*.*
36 5. Execute: doxygen dox\Doxyfile.cfg > doxygen.log 2>&1
37 6. Review the doxygen.log for errors/warnings that need fixing
38 7. Clean up and remove the dox.log file and output folder.
39 8. Documentation is now ready!
41 TIP: If Doxygen is failing to pick up image files specified with the @image tag, try
42 emptying the 'output' folder and rebuilding.
44 TIP: You can also the Doxygen wizard to configure and execute the configuration file.