First public contribution.
1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
2 // All rights reserved.
3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
8 // Initial Contributors:
9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
14 // NOTE: For the purpose of clarity we have ommitted full error checking in the
16 // The Supplier API allows agents to publicise the MIME types they are
17 // interested in. When those files arrive on the device, message handling
18 // applications can check these MIME types and import the file
19 // into CAF. The agent transforms the file into a different format
20 // for use within the device.
21 // In most cases this won't be necessary, since the files will arrive in the
22 // same format that they will be used in. However, some agents require the device
23 // to protect (encrypt) the content at the moment it arrives; the Supplier
24 // API fulfills that role.
25 // The classes used in the supply operation are:
26 // <code>ContentAccess::CSupplier</code> and instances of <code>ContentAccess::CImportFile</code>.
28 // The <code>ContentAccess::CSupplier</code> is designed to allow several unrelated files to be imported
29 // into CAF. It uses its <code>ContentAccess::CAgentResolver</code> member to determine
30 // which CA agent should be used to import each file. The <code>CAgentResolver</code> builds
31 // a list of all agents when it is created and updates the list if new agents
33 // A typical import session will start with the creation of a <code>CSupplier</code>, e.g.,
35 // CSupplier *mySupplier = CSupplier::NewL();
36 // Most applications will have a preference for the directory where output files
37 // are to be stored. Usually the first thing to do with the new <code>CSupplier</code> instance
38 // is to set the output path.
39 // //Set output path for DRM protected content
40 // _LIT(KPath,"C:\myOutputFiles");
41 // mySupplier->SetOutputDirectoryL(KPath());
42 // It is not necessary to set the output path if the application
43 // provides output file handles to the agent.
45 // <b> Check that the MIME type is supported </b>
46 // Before importing a file into the content access framework, an application
47 // should check that the MIME type of the file is supported. Each agent publishes a
48 // list of the MIME types it supports. The list is configured in the agent's
49 // resource file and can be checked using <code>ContentAccess::CSupplier::IsImportSupported()</code>
50 // if(!mySupplier->IsImportSupported(myMimeType))
52 // <b> Create a CMetaDataList object </b>
53 // The <code>CMetaDataList</code> object is used to store any information associated with the import file that
54 // may be useful for the agent. These values will be passed to the agent.
55 // For example OMA DRM 1.0 files sometimes arrive with the HTTP header
56 // <code>X-Oma-Drm-Separate-Delivery</code>. This informs the agent how long before rights are expected
57 // for the content. If the rights were expected in 12 seconds it would be something like
59 // // Create meta-data array
60 // CMetaDataArray *metaDataArray = new (ELeave) CMetaDataArray();
61 // CleanupStack::PushL(metaDataArray);
62 // // Add any useful information we can think of....
63 // metaDataArray->AddL(_L("Content Type"), _L("application/vnd.oma.drm.dm"));
64 // metaDataArray->AddL(_L("X-Oma-Drm-Separate-Delivery"), _L("12"));
65 // The file is 'written' to CAF using a <code>ContentAccess::CImportFile</code> object.
66 // <code>ContentAccess::CSupplier::ImportFile()</code> creates an <code>CImportFile</code> object for importing a file.
67 // The parameters supplied indicate whether the agent will create the output files or whether
68 // the application using CAF will generate output files for the agent on demand.
69 // // Create the import object, passing in the metaDataArray created earlier
70 // // The application will supply the output files
71 // CImportFile *import = mySupplier->ImportFileL(sourceMimeType, *metaDataArray);
72 // The application should now transfer the file to CAF using the <code>CImportFile</code> object.
73 // Only one file can be transferred by each instance although several output files
74 // may be produced. Applications should create new <code>CImportFile</code> objects in order to import more files.
75 // <b> Agents Generating the Output files </b>
76 // If the application wants the agent to generate the output files, it should supply a suggested
77 // file name in the call to <code>CSupplier::ImportFile()</code>. Even if this parameter is a zero length
78 // descriptor, it still indicates that the agent is responsible for generating output files.
79 // Agents will create the output files in a directory nominated by the application when it called
80 // <code>CSupplier::SetOutputDirectoryL()</code> or they may decide to store the output files in their private
82 // Applications should check at the end of the import to find out how many output files were created
83 // and where they are stored.
84 // <b> Application generating the Output files</b>
85 // If no suggested file name is passed to the agent, the application will provide output files for
86 // the agent to use. This mechanism allows applications to open files in their own private directory and
87 // ask the CAF agent to store the output in those files.
88 // The way it works is the same as an any other import operation, the difference is that the call
89 // to <code>CImportFile::WriteData()</code> or <code>CImportFile::WriteComplete()</code> may return an error code of
90 // <code>KErrCANewFileHandleRequired</code>.
91 // This error code indicates that the agent needs a new output file handle in order to continue. The
92 // application should open a new output file with write access and call <code>CImportFile::ContinueWithNewOutputFile()</code>
93 // to supply the new handle to the agent. It is possible that further handles may be needed, if so
94 // <code>CImportFile::ContinueWithNewOutputFile()</code> will return <code>KErrCANewFileHandleRequired</code> and the application should
95 // repeat the procedure with another file.
96 // The agent must cache its state before returning <code>KErrCANewFileHandleRequired</code>. The application MUST NOT resend
97 // the same <code>WriteData()</code> or <code>WriteComplete()</code> command.
98 // At the end of the import operation the output files will still be listed regardless of whether
99 // they were supplied by the application or the agent.
101 // <code>ContentAccess::CImportFile</code> is the class used to write the file data to CAF.
102 // It is created by <code>ContentAccess::CSupplier</code> and can only be used to import a single file.
103 // An application should call <code>WriteData()</code> to transfer a field in 'chunks' to the Content
104 // Access Framework. Usually this would be something like the following:
105 // TFileName fileName;
107 // TInt err = KErrNone;
108 // // start importing content
109 // while( (source still has data) && (err==KErrNone) )
110 // source.read(data);
111 // err = import->WriteData(data);
112 // // need to supply new file to import to ?
113 // while (err == KErrCANewFileHandleRequired)
114 // // supply new file in order to continue writing
116 // import->GetSuggestedOutputFileName(fileName);
117 // newFile.Open(fileName, EFileWrite);
118 // err = import->ContinueWithNewOutputFile(newFile, fileName);
121 // When all the data is written, the application should call <code>ContentAccess::CImportFile::WriteComplete()</code>, this will
122 // let the agent know that all the data has been transferred and allow it to perform any final processing.
123 // err = import->WriteComplete();
124 // // When application supplies file handles it must always check to see if
125 // // the agent needs a new file handle
126 // while(err == KErrCANewFileHandleRequired)
128 // import->GetSuggestedOutputFileName(fileName);
129 // newFile.Open(fileName, EFileWrite);
130 // err = import->ContinueWithNewOutputFile(newFile, filename);
131 // // It is possible that the agent needs yet another file handle
132 // newFile.Close(); // agent makes a copy so we don't need to keep our file handle
133 // At this stage all the agent's work is done, the <code>CImportFile</code> object can be deleted.
135 // When the import is finished the application may wish to check if any output files have
136 // been produced. The list of output files is accessed using <code>ContentAccess::CImportFile::OutputFileL()</code>.
137 // // loop over all the output files produced
138 // for(TInt i =0; i < import->OutputFileCountL(); i++)
139 // // Can now retrieve filename, type of file (receipt or content) and
140 // // MIME type for the file produced
141 // TPtr filename = import->OutputFileL(i).FileName();
142 // TOutputType type = import->OutputFileL(i).OutputType();
143 // TPtr8 mimetype = import->OutputFileL(i).MimeType();
144 // The output files can be either content files or receipts for DRM rights. It is possible that no output
145 // files will be generated and the file will be "absorbed" into the agent.
146 // Also, it is important to remember that the MIME type and most likely the file extension of the output files are
147 // almost certainly different to the MIME type and file extension of the imported file.
153 @page CSupplierAPI Importing files into the Content Access Framework
158 - @ref ImportComplete
160 code examples given below. For examples with error checking see @ref ExampleSupplier2.
161 @section SupplierAPI Supplier API
162 @section ImportSession Starting a new import session
167 @section ImportCAF Preparing to import the file
172 @section ImportFile Creating the CImportFile object
175 @section Importfile Transferring the file to the Content Access Agent
178 @section ImportComplete Completing the Import
181 @section ImportOutput Output files produced