author sl@SLION-WIN7.fritz.box
Fri, 15 Jun 2012 03:10:57 +0200
changeset 0 bde4ae8d615e
permissions -rw-r--r--
First public contribution.
     1 // Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // \n
    15 // There are some operations performed on agents that do not relate directly to a particular content file. The <code>ContentAccess::CManager</code>
    16 // interface includes some functions that allow an application to work with a particular agent.
    17 // <hr>
    18 // Before working with one particular agent, the client will need to find out which agents are installed on the device.
    19 // The <code>ContentAccess::CManager::ListAgentsL()</code> function provides this list of agents. The \c F32Agent is not included in
    20 // the list, since it does not support any management functions.
    21 // The <code>ContentAccess::CAgent</code> objects in the list can be used to refer to the particular agent in subsequent 
    22 // function calls.
    23 // // Create a CManager object
    24 // CManager* manager = CManager::NewL();
    25 // RPointerArray <CAgent> theAgents;
    26 // // Get the list of agents
    27 // manager->ListAgents(theAgents);
    28 // // Check there is at least one agent
    29 // if(theAgents.Count() > 0)
    30 // // Find the first agent
    31 // CAgent& agent = theAgents[0];
    32 // <hr>
    33 // The management API allows applications to request that an agent display management
    34 // information on the screen.
    35 // The agent could present configuration settings, status or DRM rights information.
    36 // Each agent will have unique settings so it is not possible to display one dialog to configure all agents.
    37 // // Create a CManager object
    38 // CManager* manager = CManager::NewL();
    39 // RPointerArray <CAgent> theAgents;
    40 // // Get the list of agents
    41 // manager->ListAgents(theAgents);
    42 // // Check there is at least one agent
    43 // if(theAgents.Count() > 0)
    44 // CAgent& agent = (*theAgents)[0];
    45 // // Display the management information for the first agent
    46 // manager->DisplayManagementInfoL(agent);
    47 // It is possible that some agents will not support this capability and will leave with <code>KErrCANotSupported</code>. 
    48 // Displaying DRM rights information is only relevant for agents implementing a DRM scheme. It is expected that an Agent 
    49 // implementing DRM will provide some or all of the following functionality in the dialog:
    50 // - Display all rights objects including state (pending, valid, expired, orphaned, etc.)
    51 // - Display detailed information on a particular rights object (play count, validity period, the related Content object(s))
    52 // - Allow unwanted, expired or orphaned rights to be deleted.
    53 // <hr>
    54 // The rights management object is only relevant for agents implementing a DRM scheme. Other agents will
    55 // leave with <code>KErrCANotSupported</code>.
    56 // An application can ask a particular DRM agent to create a <code>ContentAccess::CRightsManager</code> object that can be used
    57 // to provide generic access to DRM rights within that agent. Since it is a generic interface
    58 // used by all agents, it will not be able to present all the detailed information available.
    59 // CRightsManager* rightsmanager;
    60 // // Create a CManager object
    61 // CManager* manager = CManager::NewL();
    62 // // create the rights manager object for a particular agent
    63 // rightsManager = manager->CreateRightsManagerL(agent);
    64 // To manage the rights in a more comprehensive manner the application should use the 
    65 // <code>ContentAccess::CManager::DisplayManagementInfoL()</code> function, where the agent can present 
    66 // its own comprehensive information.
    67 // <hr>
    68 // This is an extension mechanism to allow a client to perform an agent-specific function. The application will need to
    69 // know the extended commands that the agent supports and the format of the input and output buffers used in the command. All
    70 // of this is specified by the CAF agent, not the Content Access Framework.
    71 // The buffers allow agent specific objects to be externalized by an application, passed through CAF and internalized by the
    72 // agent. The same principle applies for data returned from the agent to the application.
    73 // TInt FancyApplicationFunctionL(CManager& aManager, CAgent& aAgent, CFancyAgentInputObject& aInputObject, CFancyAgentOutputObject& aOutputObject);
    74 // // Dynamic buffer to serialize aInputObject 
    75 // CBufFlat* inputBuffer = CBufFlat::NewL(50);
    76 // CleanupStack::PushL(inputBuffer);
    77 // // write aInputObject to the dynamic buffer
    78 // RBufWriteStream streamIn(*inputBuffer);
    79 // CleanupClosePushL(streamIn);
    80 // aInputObject.ExternalizeL(streamIn);
    81 // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&streamIn);
    82 // // Call the agent specific function #42
    83 // TBuf <1000> outputBuffer;
    84 // User::LeaveIfError(aManager.AgentSpecificCommand(aAgent, 42 ,inputBuffer->Ptr(0), outputBuffer));
    85 // // Don't need the input buffer any longer
    86 // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(inputBuffer);
    87 // // Create a stream object to read the output buffer
    88 // RDesReadStream streamOut(outputBuffer);
    89 // CleanupClosePushL(streamOut);
    90 // aOutputObject.InternalizeL(streamOut);
    91 // CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&streamOut);
    92 // <hr>
    93 // 
    94 //
    96 /**
    97  @page CAFManageAgents Managing CAF Agents
    98  - @ref ListingAgents
    99  - @ref CAFManagementDialog
   100  - @ref CreatingRightsManager
   101  - @ref AgentSpecificCommand
   102  @section ListingAgents Listing the CAF Agents
   103  @code
   104  @endcode
   105  @section CAFManagementDialog Displaying the Agent Management Information
   106  @code
   107  @endcode
   108  @section CreatingRightsManager Create a DRM rights management object
   109  @code
   110  @endcode
   111  @section AgentSpecificCommand Agent Specific Commands
   112  @code
   113  @endcode
   114 */