Update contrib.
2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
5 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
9 * Initial Contributors:
10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
18 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_shortName "Symbian OS CertTool"
19 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_name "Symbian OS CertStore Manipulation Tool"
20 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_copyright "Copyright (c) 2004 - 2007 Symbian Software Ltd. All rights reserved."
21 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_done "Press any key to continue..."
24 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage "Usage: certtool \t [{-list -l} {-liststores -ls} {-import -i} {-remove -r} "
25 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage2 "\t\t\t {-addapps -a } {-setapps} {-removeapps} {-page -p } {-help -h}] {CertificateLabel}"
26 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage3 "Type certtool -h {CommandName} for details on a particular command."
28 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage4 "Type certtool -h noninteractive for details on how to run the commands in noninteractive mode."
30 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_noninteractive "To run the tool in Non-interactive mode give command as certtool inputfile outputfile"
31 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_noninteractive1 "where the inputfile and outputfile should contain filename with path."
33 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_liststores "-liststores | -ls List the certstore implementations available on the device."
36 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_list "-list | -l [-store idx] [-owner ownertype] [-details -d] {CertificateLabel} Lists the content of the certstore."
37 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_list2 "If a label is specified, details about the corresponding certificate are shown. e.g -list abc where abc is certificate label."
38 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_list3 "If a certstore implementation is specified using -store, then only its contents are shown (e.g -store 12 -list). If not it lists everything. (See -liststores)"
39 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_list4 "If a owner type is specified using -owner, then it lists the certstore based on owner (e.g -owner ca -list)."
40 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_list5 "If a details tag is specified using -details, then it displays all the details about the certificate"
43 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_import "[-store idx] [-label labelname] [-private key] [-deletable | -del {yes|no}] -import | -i {CertFile} Imports a certificate from the specified file."
44 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_import2 "The certificate is added to the first store implementation found."
45 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_import3 "If a certstore implementation is specified using -store, then it is added to the one specified with -store."
46 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_import4 "If a certificate label is specified using -label, then it is added with specified label otherwise the certificate file name is taken as label."
47 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_import5 "If a private key (DER encoded pkcs file)is specified using -private, then the certificate is imported as a CA root certificate if and only if the corresponding private key cannot be found in the keystore otherwise imported as a user certificate."
48 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_import6 "-deletable {Y|N} Used to set if a certificate is deletable or not. A certificate is deletable by default."
50 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_remove "-remove CertLabel [-rka] Removes the specified certificate from the certstore."
51 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_remove2 "if -rka option specified, then the key with the CertLabel also be removed if and only if the key is imported using -private option from the certtool."
53 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_noapps "No valid applications specified, try one of: [SWInstall, SWInstallOCSP, MidletInstall, SSL/TLS]"
54 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_nocert "Certificate not specified."
56 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_addapps "-addapps -apps [SWInstall, SWInstallOCSP, MidletInstall, SSL/TLS] CertLabel"
57 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_addapps2 "Adds the given apps to the certificate."
59 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_removeapps "-removeapps -apps [SWInstall, SWInstallOCSP, MidletInstall, SSL/TLS] CertLabel"
60 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_removeapps2 "Removes the given apps from the specified certificate."
62 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_setapps "-setapps -apps [SWInstall, SWInstallOCSP, MidletInstall, SSL/TLS] CertLabel"
63 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_setapps2 "Sets apps for the specified certificate to those given."
65 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_help "-help | -h {command} Displays tool usage"
66 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_page "if any command specified with -page option, then it displays Screen Full of Records and wait for key input."
67 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_usage_page2 "-page option is ignored in Non-Interactive Mode"
71 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_command "Invalid Command."
72 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_unknown "An unknown error occured."
73 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_notfound "Cannot find the specified certificate."
74 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_empty "Empty certstore."
76 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_notexist "The specified certstore implementation does not exist."
78 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_certfile "No certificate file specified."
79 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_import "An error occured during certificate import."
80 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_corrupt "The specified certificate file appears to be corrupted."
81 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_corruptlong "The specified certificate file appears to be corrupted or its encryption scheme is not supported."
82 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_openfail "Cannot open certificate file."
83 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_emptyfile "The specified certificate file appears to be empty."
84 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_notsupported "Unsupported certificate type."
85 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_importsuccess "Certificate imported successfully."
86 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_passphrase "Wrong passphrase."
87 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_weak "Your certstore does not support strong cryptography. The key provided is big."
88 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_usage "The given usage is not supported by the specified key."
90 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_list "Error during list!"
91 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_listfail "Certificate listing failed..."
93 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_deletesuccess "Certificate deleted successfully."
95 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_remove "Certificate to remove not specified."
96 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_remove_success "Certificate removed successfully."
97 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_remove_failure "Certificate removal failed."
99 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_setapps_success "Certificate applicability set successfully."
101 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_addapps_success "Certificate applicability added successfully."
102 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_addapps_fail "An Unknown error occured while adding the applicability."
104 rls_string STRING_r_certtool_err_removeapps_success "Certificate applicability removed successfully."