author sl
Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:32:02 +0200
changeset 1 260cb5ec6c19
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update contrib.
     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // f32\etshell\ts_deps.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "ts_std.h"
    19 #include "f32image.h"
    20 #include <e32uid.h>
    21 #include "sf_deflate.h"
    22 #include "sf_image.h"
    24 //#define _DETAILED_CHECK	//	Select for detailed dependency check
    26 #if defined(_DETAILED_CHECK)	//	Prints information to screen
    27 #define __PRINT(t) {CShell::TheConsole->Printf(t);}
    28 #define __PRINT1(t,a) {CShell::TheConsole->Printf(t,a);}
    29 #define __PRINT2(t,a,b) {CShell::TheConsole->Printf(t,a,b);}
    30 #define __PRINTWAIT(t){CShell::TheConsole->Printf(t);CShell::TheConsole->Getch();}
    31 #else
    32 #define __PRINT(t)
    33 #define __PRINT1(t,a)
    34 #define __PRINT2(t,a,b)
    35 #define __PRINTWAIT(t)
    36 #endif
    38 /*
    40 CDllChecker::GetImportDataL(aFilename) reads the Image Header, Import Section 
    41 and all import data for aFilename.  If aFilename is a ROM dll, and thus has no 
    42 import data, or if the file contains no import data for some other reason the 
    43 function leaves with KErrGeneral. If a file is compressed, function calls 
    44 appropriate decompression routine to inflate the import data.
    45 The function then calls GetDllTableL function which 
    46 reads the first import block and enters a "for" loop. The Dll's name and Uid3 are obtained 
    47 from CDllChecker::GetFileNameAndUid().  If the Dll name does not occur in the 
    48 array of previously checked Dlls, CDllChecker::FindDll() is called.  If the Dll 
    49 is found,the function then calls CDllChecker::GetImportDataL on the filename acquired by 
    50 GetFileNameAndUid()(recursive call). 
    52 If the Dll contains no import data or cannot be found, or if the Uid is invalid,
    53 the next import is checked.
    55 The Uid3 value is checked by calling CDllChecker::CheckUid.  This compares the 
    56 Uid3 value found in the image header of the file, with that found by 
    57 GetFileNameAndUid().  If there are any discrepancies,these are noted.
    59 Each potential import is added to the array by dllAppendL(TResultCheck) to 
    60 indicate its import status.
    62 CDllChecker::ListArray() lists the contents of the array when all imports
    63 have been checked.
    64 */
    67 CDllChecker::CDllChecker()
    68 //
    69 //	Constructor
    70 //
    71 	{
    72 	iDllArray=NULL;
    73 	iCalls=0;
    74 	}
    78 void CDllChecker::ConstructL()
    79 //
    80 //	Creates an array to hold DLLs referenced by this executable	
    81 //
    82 	{
    83 	iDllArray = new(ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<SDllInfo>(4);			
    84 	__PRINT(_L(" Successfully created iDllArray\n"));	
    85 	}
    88 CDllChecker::~CDllChecker()
    89 //
    90 //	Destructor
    91 //
    92 	{
    93     delete iDllArray;
    94 	}
    97 GLDEF_C void Get16BitDllName(TDes8& aDllName,TDes& aFileName)
    98 //
    99 //	Convert an 8 bit name to a 16 bit name - zero padded automatically
   100 //	No effect in 8 bit builds - just sets aFileName to aDllName
   101 //
   102 	{
   103 	aFileName.SetLength(aDllName.Length());
   104 	aFileName.Copy(aDllName);
   105 	}
   107 void FileCleanup(TAny* aPtr)
   108 	{
   109 	TFileInput* f=(TFileInput*)aPtr;
   110 	f->Cancel();
   111 	delete f;
   112 	}
   114 void CDllChecker::LoadFileInflateL(E32ImageHeaderComp* aHeader,TUint8* aRestOfFileData,TUint32 aRestOfFileSize)
   115 	{
   116 	TInt pos = aHeader->TotalSize();
   117 	User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Seek(ESeekStart,pos)); // Start at beginning of compressed data
   119 	TFileInput* file = new (ELeave) TFileInput(iFile);
   120 	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(&FileCleanup,file));
   121 	CInflater* inflater=CInflater::NewLC(*file);
   123 	if (aHeader->iCodeSize)
   124 		{
   125 		TUint8* CodeData = (TUint8*)User::AllocLC(aHeader->iCodeSize );
   126 		TInt count=inflater->ReadL((TUint8*)CodeData ,aHeader->iCodeSize,&Mem::Move);
   127 		if(count!=aHeader->iCodeSize)
   128 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   129 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(CodeData);
   130 		}
   132 	if (aRestOfFileSize)
   133 		{
   134 		TUint32 count=inflater->ReadL(aRestOfFileData,aRestOfFileSize,&Mem::Move);
   135 		if(count!=aRestOfFileSize)
   136 			User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   137 		}
   138 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2,file);
   139 	}
   141 void CDllChecker::LoadFileNoCompressL(E32ImageHeaderComp* aHeader,TUint8* aRestOfFileData,TUint32 aRestOfFileSize)
   142 	{
   143 	TInt pos = (aHeader->TotalSize()+aHeader->iCodeSize);
   144 	if (aRestOfFileSize)
   145 		{
   146 		User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Seek(ESeekStart,pos)); // Start at beginning of import table
   147 		TPtr8 ptrToData((TText8*)(aRestOfFileData),aRestOfFileSize,aRestOfFileSize);
   148 		User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Read(ptrToData, (TInt)aRestOfFileSize));	
   149 		}
   150 	}	
   151 //function loads file's import information calling decompression routine if needed
   152 TInt CDllChecker::LoadFile(TUint32 aCompression,E32ImageHeaderComp* aHeader,TUint8* aRestOfFileData,TUint32 aRestOfFileSize)
   153 	{
   154 	TInt r=KErrNone;
   155 	if(aCompression==KFormatNotCompressed)
   156 		{
   157 		TRAP(r,LoadFileNoCompressL(aHeader,aRestOfFileData,aRestOfFileSize));		
   158 		}
   159 	else if(aCompression==KUidCompressionDeflate)
   160 		{
   161 		TRAP(r,LoadFileInflateL(aHeader,aRestOfFileData,aRestOfFileSize));
   162 		}
   163 	else
   164 		r=KErrNotSupported;
   166 	return r;
   167 	}
   169 //function iterates through the list of libraries the current executable depends on
   170 //for each dependency in the list the function checks whether the .dll being checked is already added to the array of dependencies
   171 //if not, the function adds dependency being checked to the array of dependencies and calls GetImportDataL function recursively
   172 void CDllChecker::GetDllTableL(TUint8* aImportData, TInt aDllRefTableCount,TUint aFlags)
   173 	{
   174 	E32ImportBlock* block = (E32ImportBlock*)((TUint8*)aImportData+sizeof(E32ImportSection));
   176 	//*********Beginning of the loop*********
   177 	for (TInt i=0; i<aDllRefTableCount; i++)	
   178 		{
   180 		SDllInfo dllInfo;		
   181 		TText8* dllName=(aImportData+block->iOffsetOfDllName);
   182 		TPtrC8 dllNamePtr(dllName, User::StringLength(dllName));
   183 		GetFileNameAndUid(dllInfo,dllNamePtr);//Gets name and Uid of dependency
   184 		TUid* pointer=&dllInfo.iUid;		
   185 		__PRINT(_L(" Check Dll has not already been imported\n"));		
   186 		TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpFolded);	
   187 		TInt pos;		
   188 		TInt r=iDllArray->Find(dllInfo,key,pos);//	Search array by Dll Name		
   189 		if (r==KErrNone)	//	**********IT IS ALREADY IN THE ARRAY***********
   190 			{
   191 			__PRINT1(_L(" Dll %S has already been checked\n"),&dllInfo.iDllName);
   193 			//Check its Uid3 against that noted in the array		
   194 			if (iDllArray->At(pos).iUid!=dllInfo.iUid)	
   195 				{
   196 			//	Uid3 is different to that of the same named Dll
   197 			//	Add it to the array for comparative purposes			
   198 				__PRINT2(_L(" Uid3 [%08x] for %S is different from that noted previously\n"),dllInfo.iUid, &dllInfo.iDllName);
   199 				dllInfo.iResult=EUidDifference;
   201 			//	Add this entry to iDllArray
   202 				DllAppendL(dllInfo);							
   203 				}
   204 			}//	Run to the end of the "for" loop for this i value
   205 		else	//	**********THE FILE IS NOT YET IN THE ARRAY**********				
   206 			{
   207 			__PRINT(_L(" Dll has not previously been checked\n"));
   209 		//	Check through it and add the relevant information to the array
   211 		//	Search for the DLL
   212 			TPath aPath=(TPath)CShell::currentPath;
   213 			TFileName fileName;
   214 			TName dll16BitName;
   216 #if defined(UNICODE)
   217 			Get16BitDllName(dllInfo.iDllName,dll16BitName);
   218 #else
   219 			dll16BitName=(dllInfo.iDllName);
   220 #endif
   221 			r=FindDll(dll16BitName,fileName,aPath);
   223 			__PRINT1(_L("dll16BitName=%S\n"),&dll16BitName);
   224 			__PRINTWAIT(_L(" Press any key to continue\n"));
   226 			if (r==KErrNotFound)	//	Could not find Dll
   227 				{
   228 				dllInfo.iResult=ENotFound;
   229 				}//	Run to the end of the "for" loop for this i value
   231 			else	//	File was located 
   233 //	Go recursive.  Call GetImportDataL on the new dll, if it imports anything.
   234 //	ROM dlls have no import data so this is never called for ROM dlls.
   235 //	This *will* terminate.  It is only called on "new" dlls not in the array.
   237 				{				
   238 				__PRINT(_L(" ****Go recursive****\n"));
   239 				__PRINTWAIT(_L(" Press any key to continue\n"));
   241 				iCalls++;
   243 				TRAP(r,GetImportDataL(fileName, pointer));				
   244 			//	Pass in (parsed) fileName and Uid3 (from file header)
   245 				switch(r)		
   246 					{
   247 				case(KErrGeneral):	//	No import data
   248 						{
   249 						dllInfo.iResult=ENoImportData;
   250 						break;
   251 					//	Run to the end of the for loop for this i value
   252 						}
   253 				case(EUidNotSupported):
   254 						{
   255 						dllInfo.iResult=EUidNotSupported;
   256 						break;
   257 						}
   258 				case(KErrNone):	//	Import data was read
   259 						{
   260 						dllInfo.iResult=EFileFoundAndUidSupported;
   261 						break;
   262 					//	Run to the end of the for loop for this i value
   263 						}
   264 				case(KErrInUse):
   265 						{
   266 						__PRINT2(_L(" File %S is already open\n"),&fileName,r);
   267 						dllInfo.iResult=EAlreadyOpen;
   268 						break;
   269 						}
   270 				case(KErrCorrupt):
   271 						{
   272 						__PRINT2(_L(" File %S has unexpected format\n"),&fileName,r);
   273 						dllInfo.iResult=EAlreadyOpen;
   274 						break;
   275 						}
   276 				default:
   277 						{
   278 						__PRINT1(_L(" File %S could not be opened \n"),&fileName);
   279 						dllInfo.iResult=ECouldNotOpenFile;
   280 						break;
   281 						}
   282 					//	Run to the end of the for loop for this i value							
   283 					}	
   284 				}
   286 		//	Add the information about the dependency to iDllArray
   287 			DllAppendL(dllInfo);			
   288 			}
   289 //	Runs to here when all import data has been read for this i value
   291 		__PRINT(_L(" Go to next dll to be imported...\n"));
   292 		__PRINTWAIT(_L(" Press any key to continue\n"));
   294 		block = (E32ImportBlock*)block->NextBlock(E32ImageHeader::ImpFmtFromFlags(aFlags));
   296 		}//	The end of the loop.  Every DLL has been located	
   298 	}
   301 void CDllChecker::GetImportDataL(const TDesC& aFileName, TUid* aPointer)
   302 	{
   303 	TInt cleanupCount=0;
   304 	//	Check that the file is not a ROM dll.  These have no import data	
   305 	if (ShellFunction::TheShell->TheFs.IsFileInRom(aFileName))
   306 		{		
   307 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   308 		}
   310 	//open file for reading and push it to autoclose stack
   311 	TAutoClose<RFile> autoFile;
   312 	User::LeaveIfError(autoFile.iObj.Open(CShell::TheFs,aFileName,EFileStream));
   313 	autoFile.PushL();
   314 	cleanupCount++;
   315 	iFile=autoFile.iObj;
   317 	//Create a pointer to an Image Header
   318 	//reserve enough memory for compressed file header because we don't know whether the file is compressed or not 
   319 	E32ImageHeaderComp* imageHeader=new(ELeave)E32ImageHeaderComp;
   320 	CleanupStack::PushL(imageHeader);
   321 	cleanupCount++;
   323 	//read file header
   324 	TPtr8 ptrToImageHeader((TText8*)(imageHeader),sizeof(E32ImageHeaderComp),sizeof(E32ImageHeaderComp));
   325 	User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Read(ptrToImageHeader,sizeof(E32ImageHeaderComp)));
   327 	if (imageHeader->iImportOffset==0)//	File contains no import data
   328 		{	
   329 		User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   330 		}	
   332 	TUint32 compression = imageHeader->CompressionType();
   333 	TInt restOfFileSize=0;
   334 	TUint8* restOfFileData=NULL;
   335 	//detect the size of import information
   336 	if (compression != KFormatNotCompressed)
   337 		{
   338 		// Compressed executable
   339 		// iCodeOffset	= header size for format V or above
   340 		//				= sizeof(E32ImageHeader) for format J
   341 		restOfFileSize = imageHeader->UncompressedFileSize() - imageHeader->iCodeOffset;
   342 		}
   343 	else
   344 		{
   345 		TInt FileSize;
   346 		iFile.Size(FileSize); 		
   347 		restOfFileSize = FileSize-imageHeader->TotalSize();
   348 		}	
   349 	restOfFileSize -= imageHeader->iCodeSize; // the size of the exe less header & code
   351 	//allocate memory for import information
   352 	if (restOfFileSize >0)
   353 		{
   354 		restOfFileData = (TUint8*)User::AllocLC(restOfFileSize );		
   355 		cleanupCount++;
   356 		}
   358 	User::LeaveIfError(LoadFile(compression,imageHeader,restOfFileData,restOfFileSize)); // Read import information in
   360 	TInt32 uid3=imageHeader->iUid3;
   361 	if(iCalls!=0)	//	Only check Uid3 of dependencies (ie only after first 
   362 		{			//	call of recursive function)
   363 		TInt r=CheckUid3(uid3,*aPointer);
   365 		if (r!=KErrNone) //	Dll's Uid3 is not valid
   366 			User::Leave(EUidNotSupported);						
   367 		}
   369 	TInt bufferOffset=imageHeader->iImportOffset-(imageHeader->iCodeOffset + imageHeader->iCodeSize);
   370 	if( TInt(bufferOffset+sizeof(E32ImportSection))>restOfFileSize)
   371 		User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);		
   372 	//get the table of dependencies
   373 	GetDllTableL(restOfFileData+bufferOffset,imageHeader->iDllRefTableCount,imageHeader->iFlags);
   375 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(cleanupCount);	
   376 	}
   379 TUint8* CDllChecker::NextBlock(TUint8* aBlock)
   380 	{
   381 	E32ImportBlock* block;	
   382 	//	Advance the pointer to the next block	
   383 	block=(E32ImportBlock*)aBlock;
   384 	aBlock=(aBlock+sizeof(E32ImportBlock)+((block->iNumberOfImports)*sizeof(TUint)));		
   385 	return (aBlock);
   386 	}
   389 TFileNameInfo::TFileNameInfo()
   390 	{
   391 	memclr(this, sizeof(TFileNameInfo));
   392 	}
   394 TInt TFileNameInfo::Set(const TDesC8& aFileName, TUint aFlags)
   395 	{
   396 	iUid = 0;
   397 	iVersion = 0;
   398 	iPathPos = 0;
   399 	iName = aFileName.Ptr();
   400 	iLen = aFileName.Length();
   401 	iExtPos = aFileName.LocateReverse('.');
   402 	if (iExtPos<0)
   403 		iExtPos = iLen;
   404 	TInt osq = aFileName.LocateReverse('[');
   405 	TInt csq = aFileName.LocateReverse(']');
   406 	if (!(aFlags & EAllowUid) && (osq>=0 || csq>=0))
   407 		{
   408 		return KErrBadName;
   409 		}
   410 	if (osq>=iExtPos || csq>=iExtPos)
   411 		{
   412 		return KErrBadName;
   413 		}
   414 	TInt p = iExtPos;
   415 	if ((aFlags & EAllowUid) && p>=10 && iName[p-1]==']' && iName[p-10]=='[')
   416 		{
   417 		TPtrC8 uidstr(iName + p - 9, 8);
   418 		TLex8 uidlex(uidstr);
   419 		TUint32 uid = 0;
   420 		TInt r = uidlex.Val(uid, EHex);
   421 		if (r==KErrNone && uidlex.Eos())
   422 			iUid = uid, p -= 10;
   423 		}
   424 	iUidPos = p;
   425 	TInt ob = aFileName.LocateReverse('{');
   426 	TInt cb = aFileName.LocateReverse('}');
   427 	if (ob>=iUidPos || cb>=iUidPos)
   428 		{
   429 		return KErrBadName;
   430 		}
   431 	if (ob>=0 && cb>=0 && p-1==cb)
   432 		{
   433 		TPtrC8 p8(iName, p);
   434 		TInt d = p8.LocateReverse('.');
   435 		TPtrC8 verstr(iName+ob+1, p-ob-2);
   436 		TLex8 verlex(verstr);
   437 		if (ob==p-10 && d<ob)
   438 			{
   439 			TUint32 ver = 0;
   440 			TInt r = verlex.Val(ver, EHex);
   441 			if (r==KErrNone && verlex.Eos())
   442 				iVersion = ver, p = ob;
   443 			}
   444 		else if (d>ob && p-1>d && (aFlags & EAllowDecimalVersion))
   445 			{
   446 			TUint32 maj = 0;
   447 			TUint32 min = 0;
   448 			TInt r = verlex.Val(maj, EDecimal);
   449 			TUint c = (TUint)verlex.Get();
   450 			TInt r2 = verlex.Val(min, EDecimal);
   451 			if (r==KErrNone && c=='.' && r2==KErrNone && verlex.Eos() && maj<32768 && min<32768)
   452 				iVersion = (maj << 16) | min, p = ob;
   453 			}
   454 		}
   455 	iVerPos = p;
   456 	if (iLen>=2 && iName[1]==':')
   457 		{
   458 		TUint c = iName[0];
   459 		if (c!='?' || !(aFlags & EAllowPlaceholder))
   460 			{
   461 			c |= 0x20;
   462 			if (c<'a' || c>'z')
   463 				{
   464 				return KErrBadName;
   465 				}
   466 			}
   467 		iPathPos = 2;
   468 		}
   469 	TPtrC8 pathp(iName+iPathPos, iVerPos-iPathPos);
   470 	if (pathp.Locate('[')>=0 || pathp.Locate(']')>=0 || pathp.Locate('{')>=0 || pathp.Locate('}')>=0 || pathp.Locate(':')>=0)
   471 		{
   472 		return KErrBadName;
   473 		}
   474 	iBasePos = pathp.LocateReverse('\\') + 1 + iPathPos;
   475 	return KErrNone;
   476 	}
   478 void TFileNameInfo::GetName(TDes8& aName, TUint aFlags) const
   479 	{
   480 	if (aFlags & EIncludeDrive)
   481 		aName.Append(Drive());
   482 	if (aFlags & EIncludePath)
   483 		{
   484 		if (PathLen() && iName[iPathPos]!='\\')
   485 			aName.Append('\\');
   486 		aName.Append(Path());
   487 		}
   488 	if (aFlags & EIncludeBase)
   489 		aName.Append(Base());
   490 	if ((aFlags & EForceVer) || ((aFlags & EIncludeVer) && VerLen()) )
   491 		{
   492 		aName.Append('{');
   493 		aName.AppendNumFixedWidth(iVersion, EHex, 8);
   494 		aName.Append('}');		
   495 		}
   496 	if ((aFlags & EForceUid) || ((aFlags & EIncludeUid) && UidLen()) )
   497 		{
   498 		aName.Append('[');
   499 		aName.AppendNumFixedWidth(iUid, EHex, 8);
   500 		aName.Append(']');
   501 		}
   502 	if (aFlags & EIncludeExt)
   503 		aName.Append(Ext());
   504 	}
   507 void CDllChecker::GetFileNameAndUid(SDllInfo &aDllInfo, const TDesC8 &aExportName)
   508 //	
   509 //	Gets filename and UID 
   510 //
   511 	{	
   512 	TFileNameInfo filename;
   513 	filename.Set(aExportName,TFileNameInfo::EAllowUid|TFileNameInfo::EAllowDecimalVersion);
   514 	filename.GetName(aDllInfo.iDllName,TFileNameInfo::EIncludeBaseExt);
   515 	aDllInfo.iUid=TUid::Uid(filename.Uid());
   516 	}
   519 TInt CDllChecker::CheckUid3(TInt32 aUid3,TUid aUid)
   520 //
   521 //	Check that Uid3 is the same in the iDllName and as noted by the Image Header
   522 //	aUid3 is the value found by the image header
   523 //	aUid is the value found by parsing the result of block->dllname 
   524 //	using GetFileNameAndUid()
   525 	{
   527 	if ((aUid.iUid)==aUid3)
   528 		{
   530 		__PRINT(_L(" Uid3 is valid\n"));
   532 		return KErrNone;
   533 		}
   534 	else
   535 		{
   537 		__PRINT(_L(" Uid3 value is not supported\n"));
   539 		return (EUidNotSupported);
   540 		}
   541 	}
   545 TInt CDllChecker::FindDll(TDes& aDllName,TFileName& aFileName, TPath& aPath)
   546 //
   547 // Search for a dll in the following sequence ...
   548 // 1. Supplied path parameter
   549 // 2. System directories on all drives
   550 //
   551 	{
   552 	TFindFile findFile(CShell::TheFs);
   553 	TInt r=findFile.FindByPath(aDllName,&aPath);
   554 	if (r==KErrNone)
   555 		{
   556 		aFileName=findFile.File();	
   558 		__PRINT1(_L(" Dependency %S was found (supplied path)\n"),&aFileName);
   560 		return(r);
   561 		}
   563 	r=findFile.FindByDir(aDllName,_L("\\Sys\\Bin\\"));
   564 	if (r==KErrNone)
   565 		{
   566 		aFileName=findFile.File();	
   568 		__PRINT1(_L(" Dependency %S was found (system directory)\n"),&aFileName);
   570 		return(r);
   571 		}
   573 	if(!PlatSec::ConfigSetting(PlatSec::EPlatSecEnforceSysBin))
   574 		{
   575 		r=findFile.FindByDir(aDllName,_L("\\System\\Bin\\"));
   576 		if (r==KErrNone)
   577 			{
   578 			aFileName=findFile.File();	
   580 			__PRINT1(_L(" Dependency %S was found (system directory)\n"),&aFileName);
   582 			return(r);
   583 			}
   584 		}
   586 	__PRINT1(_L(" Dependency %S was not found\n"),&aDllName);
   588 	return(KErrNotFound);
   589 	}
   594 void CDllChecker::DllAppendL(const SDllInfo& aDllInfo)
   595 	{
   596 	TInt leaveCode=KErrNone;				
   597 	TRAP(leaveCode,iDllArray->AppendL(aDllInfo));	//	Add it to iDllArray
   599 	if (leaveCode!=KErrNone)
   600 		{
   601 		__PRINT(_L(" Could not add Dll to the array\n"));
   602 		__PRINTWAIT(_L(" Press any key to continue\n"));
   604 		User::Leave(leaveCode);	
   605 		}
   606 	else
   607 		{
   608 		__PRINT(_L(" Added this information to the array\n"));
   609 		__PRINT1(_L(" Number of elements in array=%d\n"),iDllArray->Count());
   611 		}
   612 	}
   616 void CDllChecker::ListArray()
   617 	{
   618 	TInt elements=iDllArray->Count();
   620 	CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L(" Number of dependencies checked = %d\n"),elements);
   622 	for (TInt i=0;i<elements; i++)
   623 		{
   624 //		Prints filename and result of CDllChecker::GetImportDataL for 
   625 //		each element in iDllArray
   626 #if defined (UNICODE)	
   627 		TFileName filename;
   628 		Get16BitDllName(iDllArray->At(i).iDllName,filename);
   629 		CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L(" %d: %-15S  Uid3: [%08x] "),(i+1),&(filename),(iDllArray->At(i).iUid));
   630 #else
   631 		CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L(" %d: %-15S  Uid3: [%08x] "),(i+1),&(iDllArray->At(i).iDllName),(iDllArray->At(i).iUid));
   632 #endif
   633 		switch(iDllArray->At(i).iResult)
   634 			{
   635 		case(ENoImportData):
   636 			CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L("--- No import data\n"));
   637 			break;
   639 		case(EUidNotSupported):
   640 			CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L("--- Uid3 is not supported\n"));
   641 			break;
   643 		case(ENotFound):
   644 			CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L("--- File was not found\n"));
   645 			break;
   647 		case(ECouldNotOpenFile):
   648 			CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L("--- File could not be opened\n"));
   649 			break;
   651 		case(EUidDifference):
   652 			CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L("--- File already noted with different Uid\n"));
   653 			break;
   655 		case(EAlreadyOpen):
   656 			CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L("--- File already open\n"));
   657 			break;
   659 		case(EFileFoundAndUidSupported):
   660 			CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L("--- File was found, Uid3 is supported\n"));
   661 			break;
   662 		default:	//	Will never reach here
   663 			CShell::TheConsole->Printf(_L("--- Undefined\n"));
   664 			break;
   665 			}
   666 		}
   667 	}