author sl
Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:32:02 +0200
changeset 1 260cb5ec6c19
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update contrib.
     1 // Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // e32\memmodel\epoc\multiple\mprocess.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include "memmodel.h"
    19 #include "mmboot.h"
    20 #include "cache_maintenance.h"
    21 #include <demand_paging.h>
    23 #define iMState		iWaitLink.iSpare1
    25 // just for convenience...
    26 #define KAmSelfMod	(DMemModelChunk::ECode | DMemModelChunk::EAddressLocal)
    28 _LIT(KDollarDat,"$DAT");
    29 _LIT(KLitDollarCode,"$CODE");
    30 _LIT(KLitDllDollarData,"DLL$DATA");
    32 #ifdef __CPU_HAS_BTB
    33 extern void __FlushBtb();
    34 #endif
    36 const TInt KChunkGranularity=4;
    38 /********************************************
    39  * Process
    40  ********************************************/
    41 void DMemModelProcess::Destruct()
    42 	{
    43 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iChunkCount && !iCodeChunk && !iDllDataChunk, MM::Panic(MM::EProcessDestructChunksRemaining));
    44 	Kern::Free(iChunks);
    45 	Kern::Free(iLocalSection);
    46 	if (iOsAsid)
    47 		{
    48 		Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
    49 		MmuBase::Wait();
    50 		m.FreeOsAsid(iOsAsid);
    51 		iOsAsid=0;
    52 		MmuBase::Signal();
    53 #ifndef __SMP__
    54 		LastUserSelfMod=0;  // must force a BTB flush when next selfmod chunk switched in
    55 #endif
    56 		}
    57 #ifdef __CPU_HAS_BTB
    58 	__FlushBtb();
    59 #endif
    60 	DProcess::Destruct();
    61 	}
    63 TInt DMemModelProcess::NewChunk(DChunk*& aChunk, SChunkCreateInfo& aInfo, TLinAddr& aRunAddr)
    64 	{
    65 	aChunk=NULL;
    66 	DMemModelChunk* pC=NULL;
    67 	TInt r=GetNewChunk(pC,aInfo);
    68 	if (r!=KErrNone)
    69 		{
    70 		if (pC)
    71 			pC->Close(NULL);
    72 		return r;
    73 		}
    74 	TInt mapType=pC->iAttributes & DMemModelChunk::EMapTypeMask;
    75 	pC->iOwningProcess=(mapType==DMemModelChunk::EMapTypeLocal)?this:NULL;
    76 #ifdef __CPU_HAS_BTB
    77 	if ((pC->iAttributes & KAmSelfMod) == KAmSelfMod)  // it's a potentially overlapping self-mod
    78 		{
    79 		iSelfModChunks++;
    80 #ifndef __SMP__
    81 		LastUserSelfMod = this;  // we become the last selfmodding process
    82 #endif
    83 		__FlushBtb();		// we need to do this, as there may be bad branches already in the btb
    84 		}
    85 #endif
    86 	r=pC->Create(aInfo);
    87 	if (r==KErrNone && (aInfo.iOperations & SChunkCreateInfo::EAdjust))
    88 		{
    89 		if (aInfo.iRunAddress!=0)
    90 			pC->SetFixedAddress(aInfo.iRunAddress,aInfo.iPreallocated);
    91 		if (aInfo.iPreallocated==0 && aInfo.iInitialTop!=0)
    92 			{
    93 			if (pC->iAttributes & DChunk::EDisconnected)
    94 				{
    95 				r=pC->Commit(aInfo.iInitialBottom,aInfo.iInitialTop-aInfo.iInitialBottom);
    96 				}
    97 			else if (pC->iAttributes & DChunk::EDoubleEnded)
    98 				{
    99 				r=pC->AdjustDoubleEnded(aInfo.iInitialBottom,aInfo.iInitialTop);
   100 				}
   101 			else
   102 				{
   103 				r=pC->Adjust(aInfo.iInitialTop);
   104 				}
   105 			}
   106 		}
   107 	if (r==KErrNone && (aInfo.iOperations & SChunkCreateInfo::EAdd))
   108 		{
   109 //			if (pC->iAttributes & DMemModelChunk::ECode)
   110 //				MM::TheMmu->SyncCodeMappings();
   111 		if (mapType!=DMemModelChunk::EMapTypeGlobal)
   112 			{
   113 			r=WaitProcessLock();
   114 			if (r==KErrNone)
   115 				{
   116 				r=AddChunk(pC,aRunAddr,EFalse);
   117 				SignalProcessLock();
   118 				}
   119 			}
   120 		else
   121 			aRunAddr=(TLinAddr)pC->Base();
   122 		}
   123 	if (r==KErrNone)
   124 		{
   125 		if(r==KErrNone)
   126 			if(pC->iKernelMirror)
   127 				aRunAddr = (TLinAddr)pC->iKernelMirror->Base();
   128 		pC->iDestroyedDfc = aInfo.iDestroyedDfc;
   129 		aChunk=(DChunk*)pC;
   130 		}
   131 	else
   132 		pC->Close(NULL);	// NULL since chunk can't have been added to process
   133 	return r;
   134 	}
   136 TInt DMemModelProcess::DoCreate(TBool aKernelProcess, TProcessCreateInfo& aInfo)
   137 	{
   138 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf(">DMemModelProcess::DoCreate %O",this));
   140 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   141 	TInt r=KErrNone;
   143 	iSelfModChunks=0;  // we don't have any yet.
   145 	if (aKernelProcess)
   146 		{
   147 		iAttributes |= ESupervisor;
   148 		//iOsAsid=0;
   149 //		Leave these till Mmu::Init2
   150 //		if (m.iLocalPdSize)
   151 //			iLocalPageDir=m.LinearToPhysical(TLinAddr(m.LocalPageDir(0)));
   152 //		iGlobalPageDir=m.LinearToPhysical(TLinAddr(m.GlobalPageDir(0)));
   153 		m.iAsidInfo[0]=((TUint32)this)|1;
   154 		iAddressCheckMaskR=0xffffffff;
   155 		iAddressCheckMaskW=0xffffffff;
   156 		}
   157 	else
   158 		{
   159 		MmuBase::Wait();
   160 		r=m.NewOsAsid(EFalse);
   161 		if (r>=0)
   162 			{
   163 			iOsAsid=r;
   164 			if (m.iLocalPdSize)
   165 				iLocalPageDir=m.LinearToPhysical(TLinAddr(m.LocalPageDir(r)));
   166 			else
   167 				iGlobalPageDir=m.LinearToPhysical(TLinAddr(m.GlobalPageDir(r)));
   168 			m.iAsidInfo[r] |= (TUint32)this;
   169 			r=KErrNone;
   170 			}
   171 		MmuBase::Signal();
   172 		if (r==KErrNone && 0==(iLocalSection=TLinearSection::New(m.iUserLocalBase, m.iUserLocalEnd)) )
   173 			r=KErrNoMemory;
   174 		}
   176 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("OS ASID=%d, LPD=%08x, GPD=%08x, ASID info=%08x",iOsAsid,iLocalPageDir,
   177 											iGlobalPageDir,m.iAsidInfo[iOsAsid]));
   178 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("<DMemModelProcess::DoCreate %d",r));
   179 	return r;
   180 	}
   182 TInt DMemModelProcess::CreateDataBssStackArea(TProcessCreateInfo& aInfo)
   183 	{
   184 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess::CreateDataBssStackArea %O",this));
   185 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   186 	TInt dataBssSize=Mmu::RoundToPageSize(aInfo.iTotalDataSize);
   187 	TInt maxSize=dataBssSize+PP::MaxStackSpacePerProcess;
   188 	TLinAddr dataRunAddress=m.iUserLocalBase;
   189 	iDataBssRunAddress=dataRunAddress;
   191 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("DataBssSize=%x, chunk max size %x",dataBssSize,maxSize));
   193 	SChunkCreateInfo cinfo;
   194 	cinfo.iGlobal=EFalse;
   195 	cinfo.iAtt=TChunkCreate::EDisconnected;
   196 	cinfo.iForceFixed=EFalse;
   197 	cinfo.iOperations=SChunkCreateInfo::EAdjust|SChunkCreateInfo::EAdd;
   198 	cinfo.iType=EUserData;
   199 	cinfo.iMaxSize=maxSize;
   200 	cinfo.iInitialBottom=0;
   201 	cinfo.iInitialTop=dataBssSize;
   202 	cinfo.iPreallocated=0;
   203 	cinfo.iName.Set(KDollarDat);
   204 	cinfo.iOwner=this;
   205 	cinfo.iRunAddress=0;
   206 	TLinAddr cb;
   207 	TInt r=NewChunk((DChunk*&)iDataBssStackChunk,cinfo,cb);
   208 	return r;
   209 	}
   211 TInt DMemModelProcess::AddChunk(DChunk* aChunk, TBool isReadOnly)
   212 	{
   213 	DMemModelChunk* pC=(DMemModelChunk*)aChunk;
   214 	if ((pC->iAttributes & DMemModelChunk::EPrivate) && this!=pC->iOwningProcess)
   215 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   216 	TInt r=WaitProcessLock();
   217 	if (r==KErrNone)
   218 		{
   219 		TInt pos=0;
   220 		r=ChunkIndex(pC,pos);
   221 		TLinAddr dataSectionBase=0;
   222 		if (r==0) // Found the chunk in this process, just up its count
   223 			{
   224 			iChunks[pos].iAccessCount++;
   225 			__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess::AddChunk %08x to %08x (Access count incremented to %d)",aChunk,this,iChunks[pos].iAccessCount));
   226 			SignalProcessLock();
   227 			return KErrNone;
   228 			}
   229 		r=AddChunk(pC,dataSectionBase,isReadOnly);
   230 		SignalProcessLock();
   231 		}
   232 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess::AddChunk returns %d",r));
   233 	return r;
   234 	}
   236 void M::FsRegisterThread()
   237 	{
   238 	DMemModelChunk* pC=(DMemModelChunk*)PP::TheRamDriveChunk;
   239 	TInt mapType=pC->iAttributes & DMemModelChunk::EMapTypeMask;
   240 	if (mapType!=DMemModelChunk::EMapTypeLocal)
   241 		{
   242 		DMemModelProcess* pP=(DMemModelProcess*)TheCurrentThread->iOwningProcess;
   243 		TLinAddr dataSectionBase;
   244 		TInt r=pP->WaitProcessLock();
   245 		if (r==KErrNone)
   246 			r=pP->AddChunk(pC,dataSectionBase,EFalse);
   247 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(r==KErrNone, MM::Panic(MM::EFsRegisterThread));
   248 		pP->SignalProcessLock();
   249 		}
   250 	}
   252 TInt DMemModelProcess::AddChunk(DMemModelChunk* aChunk, TLinAddr& aDataSectionBase, TBool isReadOnly)
   253 	{
   254 	//
   255 	// Must hold the process $LOCK mutex before calling this
   256 	//
   257 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess::AddChunk %O to %O",aChunk,this));
   258 	SChunkInfo *pC=iChunks;
   259 	SChunkInfo *pE=pC+iChunkCount-1;
   260 	TLinAddr base=TLinAddr(aChunk->iBase);
   261 	TInt i=0;
   263 #ifdef __CPU_HAS_BTB
   264 	if ((aChunk->iAttributes & KAmSelfMod)==KAmSelfMod)  // it's a potentially overlapping self-mod
   265 		{
   266 		iSelfModChunks++;
   267 #ifndef __SMP__
   268 		LastUserSelfMod = this;  // we become the last selfmodding process
   269 #endif
   270 		__FlushBtb();		// we need to do this, as there may be bad branches already in the btb
   271 		}
   272 #endif
   273 	if (iChunkCount)
   274 		{
   275 		for (; pE>=pC && TLinAddr(pE->iChunk->iBase)>base; --pE);
   276 		if (pE>=pC && TLinAddr(pE->iChunk->iBase)+pE->iChunk->iMaxSize>base)
   277 			return KErrInUse;
   278 		pC=pE+1;
   279 		if (pC<iChunks+iChunkCount && base+aChunk->iMaxSize>TLinAddr(pC->iChunk->iBase))
   280 			return KErrInUse;
   281 		i=pC-iChunks;
   282 		}
   283 	if (iChunkCount==iChunkAlloc)
   284 		{
   285 		TInt newAlloc=iChunkAlloc+KChunkGranularity;
   286 		TInt r=Kern::SafeReAlloc((TAny*&)iChunks,iChunkAlloc*sizeof(SChunkInfo),newAlloc*sizeof(SChunkInfo));
   287 		if (r!=KErrNone)
   288 			return r;
   289 		pC=iChunks+i;
   290 		iChunkAlloc=newAlloc;
   291 		}
   292 	memmove(pC+1,pC,(iChunkCount-i)*sizeof(SChunkInfo));
   293 	++iChunkCount;
   294 	pC->isReadOnly=isReadOnly;
   295 	pC->iAccessCount=1;
   296 	pC->iChunk=aChunk;
   297 	aDataSectionBase=base;
   298 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   299 	if (aChunk->iOsAsids)
   300 		{
   301 		// only need to do address space manipulation for shared chunks
   302 		MmuBase::Wait();
   303 		aChunk->iOsAsids->Alloc(iOsAsid,1);
   304 		TLinAddr a;
   305 		TInt i=0;
   306 		for (a=TLinAddr(aChunk->iBase); a<TLinAddr(aChunk->iBase)+aChunk->iMaxSize; a+=m.iChunkSize, ++i)
   307 			{
   308 			TInt ptid=aChunk->iPageTables[i];
   309 			if (ptid!=0xffff)
   310 				m.DoAssignPageTable(ptid,a,aChunk->iPdePermissions,(const TAny*)iOsAsid);
   311 			}
   312 		MmuBase::Signal();
   313 		}
   314 	if (aChunk->iChunkType==ERamDrive)
   315 		{
   316 		NKern::LockSystem();
   317 		iAddressCheckMaskR |= m.iRamDriveMask;
   318 		iAddressCheckMaskW |= m.iRamDriveMask;
   319 		NKern::UnlockSystem();
   320 		}
   321 	__DEBUG_EVENT(EEventUpdateProcess, this);
   322 	return KErrNone;
   323 	}
   325 void DMemModelProcess::DoRemoveChunk(TInt aIndex)
   326 	{
   327 	__DEBUG_EVENT(EEventUpdateProcess, this);
   328 	DMemModelChunk* chunk = iChunks[aIndex].iChunk;
   329 	memmove(iChunks+aIndex, iChunks+aIndex+1, (iChunkCount-aIndex-1)*sizeof(SChunkInfo));
   330 	--iChunkCount;
   331 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   332 	if (chunk->iOsAsids)
   333 		{
   334 		// only need to do address space manipulation for shared chunks
   335 		MmuBase::Wait();
   336 		chunk->iOsAsids->Free(iOsAsid);
   337 		TLinAddr a;
   338 		for (a=TLinAddr(chunk->iBase); a<TLinAddr(chunk->iBase)+chunk->iMaxSize; a+=m.iChunkSize)
   339 			m.DoUnassignPageTable(a,(const TAny*)iOsAsid);
   340 		TUint32 mask=(chunk->iAttributes&DMemModelChunk::ECode)?Mmu::EFlushITLB:0;
   341 		m.GenericFlush(mask|Mmu::EFlushDTLB);
   343 		MmuBase::Signal();
   344 		}
   345 	if (chunk->iChunkType==ERamDrive)
   346 		{
   347 		NKern::LockSystem();
   348 		iAddressCheckMaskR &= ~m.iRamDriveMask;
   349 		iAddressCheckMaskW &= ~m.iRamDriveMask;
   350 		NKern::UnlockSystem();
   351 		}
   352 	}
   354 /**
   355 Final chance for process to release resources during its death.
   357 Called with process $LOCK mutex held (if it exists).
   358 This mutex will not be released before it is deleted.
   359 I.e. no other thread will ever hold the mutex again.
   360 */
   361 void DMemModelProcess::FinalRelease()
   362 	{
   363 	// Clean up any left over chunks (such as SharedIo buffers)
   364 	if(iProcessLock)
   365 		while(iChunkCount)
   366 			DoRemoveChunk(0);
   367 	}
   369 void DMemModelProcess::RemoveChunk(DMemModelChunk *aChunk)
   370 	{
   371 	// note that this can't be called after the process $LOCK mutex has been deleted
   372 	// since it can only be called by a thread in this process doing a handle close or
   373 	// dying, or by the process handles array being deleted due to the process dying,
   374 	// all of which happen before $LOCK is deleted.
   375 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess %O RemoveChunk %O",this,aChunk));
   376 	Kern::MutexWait(*iProcessLock);
   377 	TInt pos=0;
   378 	TInt r=ChunkIndex(aChunk,pos);
   380 	if (r==KErrNone) // Found the chunk
   381 		{
   382 		__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("Chunk access count %d",iChunks[pos].iAccessCount));
   383 		if (--iChunks[pos].iAccessCount==0)
   384 			{
   385 			DoRemoveChunk(pos);
   386 #ifdef __CPU_HAS_BTB
   387 			if ((aChunk->iAttributes & KAmSelfMod)==KAmSelfMod)  // was a self-mod code chunk
   388 				if (iSelfModChunks)
   389 					iSelfModChunks--;
   390 #endif
   391 			}
   392 		}
   393 	Kern::MutexSignal(*iProcessLock);
   394 	}
   396 TInt DMemModelProcess::ChunkIndex(DMemModelChunk* aChunk,TInt& aPos)
   397 	{
   398 	if (!aChunk)
   399 		return KErrNotFound;
   400 	SChunkInfo *pC=iChunks;
   401 	SChunkInfo *pE=pC+iChunkCount;
   402 	for (; pC<pE && pC->iChunk!=aChunk; ++pC);
   403 	if (pC==pE)
   404 		return KErrNotFound;
   405 	aPos=pC-iChunks;
   406 	return KErrNone;
   407 	}
   409 TInt DMemModelProcess::MapCodeSeg(DCodeSeg* aSeg)
   410 	{
   411 	DMemModelCodeSeg& seg=*(DMemModelCodeSeg*)aSeg;
   412 	__KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("Process %O MapCodeSeg %C", this, aSeg));
   413 	TBool kernel_only=( (seg.iAttr&(ECodeSegAttKernel|ECodeSegAttGlobal)) == ECodeSegAttKernel );
   414 	if (kernel_only && !(iAttributes&ESupervisor))
   415 		return KErrNotSupported;
   416 	if (seg.iAttr&ECodeSegAttKernel)
   417 		return KErrNone;	// no extra mappings needed for kernel code
   418 	TInt r=KErrNone;
   419 	if (seg.Pages())
   420 		r=MapUserRamCode(seg.Memory(),EFalse);
   421 	if (seg.IsDll())
   422 		{
   423 		TInt total_data_size;
   424 		TLinAddr data_base;
   425 		seg.GetDataSizeAndBase(total_data_size, data_base);
   426 		if (r==KErrNone && total_data_size)
   427 			{
   428 			TInt size=Mmu::RoundToPageSize(total_data_size);
   429 			r=CommitDllData(data_base, size);
   430 			if (r!=KErrNone && seg.Pages())
   431 				UnmapUserRamCode(seg.Memory(), EFalse);
   432 			}
   433 		}
   434 	return r;
   435 	}
   437 void DMemModelProcess::UnmapCodeSeg(DCodeSeg* aSeg)
   438 	{
   439 	DMemModelCodeSeg& seg=*(DMemModelCodeSeg*)aSeg;
   440 	__KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("Process %O UnmapCodeSeg %C", this, aSeg));
   441 	if (seg.iAttr&ECodeSegAttKernel)
   442 		return;	// no extra mappings needed for kernel code
   443 	if (seg.IsDll())
   444 		{
   445 		TInt total_data_size;
   446 		TLinAddr data_base;
   447 		seg.GetDataSizeAndBase(total_data_size, data_base);
   448 		if (total_data_size)
   449 			DecommitDllData(data_base, Mmu::RoundToPageSize(total_data_size));
   450 		}
   451 	if (seg.Pages())
   452 		UnmapUserRamCode(seg.Memory(), EFalse);
   453 	}
   455 void DMemModelProcess::RemoveDllData()
   456 //
   457 // Call with CodeSegLock held
   458 //
   459 	{
   460 	}
   462 TInt DMemModelProcess::CreateCodeChunk()
   463 	{
   464 	__KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess %O CreateCodeChunk",this));
   465 	TBool kernel=iAttributes&ESupervisor;
   466 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   467 	SChunkCreateInfo c;
   468 	c.iGlobal=kernel;
   469 	c.iAtt = TChunkCreate::EDisconnected | (kernel? 0 : TChunkCreate::EMemoryNotOwned);
   470 	c.iForceFixed=EFalse;
   471 	c.iOperations=SChunkCreateInfo::EAdjust|SChunkCreateInfo::EAdd;
   472 	c.iRunAddress=kernel ? 0 : m.iUserCodeBase;
   473 	c.iPreallocated=0;
   474 	c.iType=kernel ? EKernelCode : EUserCode;
   475 	c.iMaxSize=m.iMaxUserCodeSize;
   476 	c.iName.Set(KLitDollarCode);
   477 	c.iOwner=this;
   478 	c.iInitialTop=0;
   479 	TLinAddr runAddr;
   480 	TInt r = NewChunk((DChunk*&)iCodeChunk,c,runAddr);
   481 	return r;
   482 	}
   484 void DMemModelProcess::FreeCodeChunk()
   485 	{
   486 	iCodeChunk->Close(this);
   487 	iCodeChunk=NULL;
   488 	}
   490 TInt DMemModelProcess::MapUserRamCode(DMemModelCodeSegMemory* aMemory, TBool aLoading)
   491 	{
   492 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess %O MapUserRamCode %C %d %d %d",
   493 									this, aMemory->iCodeSeg, aLoading, iOsAsid, aMemory->iIsDemandPaged));
   494 	__ASSERT_MUTEX(DCodeSeg::CodeSegLock);
   496 	TInt r;
   498 	if (!iCodeChunk)
   499 		{
   500 		r=CreateCodeChunk();
   501 		__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("CreateCodeChunk returns %d", r));
   502 		if (r!=KErrNone)
   503 			return r;
   504 		}
   506 	MmuBase::Wait();
   508 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   509 	TInt offset=aMemory->iRamInfo.iCodeRunAddr-TLinAddr(iCodeChunk->iBase);
   510 	TInt codeSize = aMemory->iPageCount<<m.iPageShift;
   511 	TBool paged = aMemory->iIsDemandPaged;
   512 	DChunk::TCommitType commitType = paged ? DChunk::ECommitVirtual : DChunk::ECommitDiscontiguousPhysical;
   513 	r=iCodeChunk->Commit(offset, codeSize, commitType, aMemory->iPages);
   514 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("Commit Pages returns %d", r));
   515 	if(r==KErrNone)
   516 		{
   517 		if (aLoading && !paged)
   518 			{
   519 			iCodeChunk->ApplyPermissions(offset, codeSize, m.iUserCodeLoadPtePerm);
   521 			memset((TAny*)(aMemory->iRamInfo.iCodeLoadAddr+aMemory->iRamInfo.iCodeSize+aMemory->iRamInfo.iDataSize), 0x03, codeSize-(aMemory->iRamInfo.iCodeSize+aMemory->iRamInfo.iDataSize));
   522 			LOCK_USER_MEMORY();
   523 			}
   524 		if(aLoading && aMemory->iDataPageCount)
   525 			{
   526 			TInt dataSize = aMemory->iDataPageCount<<m.iPageShift;
   527 			r=iCodeChunk->Commit(offset+codeSize, dataSize, DChunk::ECommitDiscontiguousPhysical, aMemory->iPages+aMemory->iPageCount);
   528 			if(r==KErrNone)
   529 				{
   530 				iCodeChunk->ApplyPermissions(offset+codeSize, dataSize, m.iUserCodeLoadPtePerm);
   531 				UNLOCK_USER_MEMORY();
   532 				memset((TAny*)(aMemory->iRamInfo.iDataLoadAddr+aMemory->iRamInfo.iDataSize), 0x03, dataSize-aMemory->iRamInfo.iDataSize);
   533 				LOCK_USER_MEMORY();
   534 				}
   535 			}
   536 		if(r!=KErrNone)
   537 			{
   538 			// error, so decommit up code pages we had already committed...
   539 			DChunk::TDecommitType decommitType = paged ? DChunk::EDecommitVirtual : DChunk::EDecommitNormal;
   540 			iCodeChunk->Decommit(offset, codeSize, decommitType);
   541 			}
   542 		else
   543 			{
   544 			// indicate codeseg is now successfully mapped into the process...
   545 			NKern::LockSystem();
   546 			aMemory->iOsAsids->Free(iOsAsid);
   547 			NKern::UnlockSystem();
   548 			}
   549 		}
   551 	MmuBase::Signal();
   553 	if(r!=KErrNone && iCodeChunk->iSize==0)
   554 		FreeCodeChunk(); // cleanup any unused code chunk we would otherwise leave lying around
   556 	return r;
   557 	}
   559 void DMemModelProcess::UnmapUserRamCode(DMemModelCodeSegMemory* aMemory, TBool aLoading)
   560 	{
   561 	__KTRACE_OPT(KPROC,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess %O UnmapUserRamCode %C %d %d",
   562 									this, aMemory->iCodeSeg, iOsAsid, aMemory->iIsDemandPaged != 0));
   564 	__ASSERT_MUTEX(DCodeSeg::CodeSegLock);
   566 	MmuBase::Wait();
   568 	NKern::LockSystem();
   569 	aMemory->iOsAsids->Alloc(iOsAsid, 1);
   570 	NKern::UnlockSystem();
   572 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   573 	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCodeChunk);
   574 	TInt offset=aMemory->iRamInfo.iCodeRunAddr-TLinAddr(iCodeChunk->iBase);
   575 	TInt codeSize = aMemory->iPageCount<<m.iPageShift;
   576 	TBool paged = aMemory->iIsDemandPaged;
   577 	DChunk::TDecommitType decommitType = paged ? DChunk::EDecommitVirtual : DChunk::EDecommitNormal;
   578 	TInt r=iCodeChunk->Decommit(offset, codeSize, decommitType);
   579 	__ASSERT_DEBUG(r==KErrNone, MM::Panic(MM::EDecommitFailed));
   580 	(void)r; //Supress the warning in urel build
   582 	if(aLoading && aMemory->iDataPageCount)
   583 		{
   584 		// decommit pages used to store data section...
   585 		TInt dataSize = aMemory->iDataPageCount<<m.iPageShift;
   586 		r=iCodeChunk->Decommit(offset+codeSize, dataSize);
   587 		__ASSERT_DEBUG(r==KErrNone, MM::Panic(MM::EDecommitFailed));
   588 		(void)r; //Supress the warning in urel build
   589 		}
   590 	__NK_ASSERT_DEBUG(iCodeChunk->iSize >= 0);
   592 	MmuBase::Signal();
   594 	if (iCodeChunk->iSize==0)
   595 		FreeCodeChunk();
   596 	}
   598 TInt DMemModelProcess::CreateDllDataChunk()
   599 	{
   600 	__KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess %O CreateDllDataChunk",this));
   601 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   602 	SChunkCreateInfo c;
   603 	c.iGlobal=EFalse;
   604 	c.iAtt=TChunkCreate::EDisconnected;
   605 	c.iForceFixed=EFalse;
   606 	c.iOperations=SChunkCreateInfo::EAdjust|SChunkCreateInfo::EAdd;
   607 	c.iRunAddress=m.iDllDataBase;
   608 	c.iPreallocated=0;
   609 	c.iType=EDllData;
   610 	c.iMaxSize=m.iMaxDllDataSize;
   611 	c.iName.Set(KLitDllDollarData);
   612 	c.iOwner=this;
   613 	c.iInitialTop=0;
   614 	TLinAddr runAddr;
   615 	return NewChunk((DChunk*&)iDllDataChunk,c,runAddr);
   616 	}
   618 void DMemModelProcess::FreeDllDataChunk()
   619 	{
   620 	iDllDataChunk->Close(this);
   621 	iDllDataChunk=NULL;
   622 	}
   624 TInt DMemModelProcess::CommitDllData(TLinAddr aBase, TInt aSize)
   625 	{
   626 	__KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess %O CommitDllData %08x+%x",this,aBase,aSize));
   627 	TInt r=KErrNone;
   628 	if (!iDllDataChunk)
   629 		r=CreateDllDataChunk();
   630 	if (r==KErrNone)
   631 		{
   632 		TInt offset=aBase-(TLinAddr)iDllDataChunk->iBase;
   633 		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(TUint32(offset)<TUint32(iDllDataChunk->iMaxSize),MM::Panic(MM::ECommitInvalidDllDataAddress));
   634 		r=iDllDataChunk->Commit(offset, aSize);
   635 		if (r!=KErrNone && iDllDataChunk->iSize==0)
   636 			FreeDllDataChunk();
   637 		}
   638 	__KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("CommitDllData returns %d",r));
   639 	return r;
   640 	}
   642 void DMemModelProcess::DecommitDllData(TLinAddr aBase, TInt aSize)
   643 	{
   644 	__KTRACE_OPT(KDLL,Kern::Printf("DMemModelProcess %O DecommitDllData %08x+%x",this,aBase,aSize));
   645 	TInt offset=aBase-(TLinAddr)iDllDataChunk->iBase;
   646 	TInt r=iDllDataChunk->Decommit(offset, aSize);
   647 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(r==KErrNone,MM::Panic(MM::EDecommitInvalidDllDataAddress));
   648 	if (iDllDataChunk->iSize==0)
   649 		FreeDllDataChunk();
   650 	}
   652 TInt DMemModelProcess::NewShPool(DShPool*& /* aPool */, TShPoolCreateInfo& /* aInfo */)
   653 	{
   654 	return KErrNotSupported;
   655 	}
   658 TInt DThread::RawRead(const TAny* aSrc, TAny* aDest, TInt aLength, TInt aFlags, TIpcExcTrap* /*aExcTrap*/)
   659 //
   660 // Read from the thread's process.
   661 // Enter and return with system locked
   662 // aSrc      Run address of memory to read
   663 // aDest     Current address of destination
   664 // aExcTrap  Exception trap object to be updated if the actual memory access is performed on other memory area then specified.
   665 //           It happens when  reading is performed on un-aligned memory area.
   666 //
   667 	{
   668 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   669 	DMemModelThread& t=*(DMemModelThread*)TheCurrentThread;
   670 	DMemModelProcess* pP=(DMemModelProcess*)iOwningProcess;
   671 	TLinAddr src=(TLinAddr)aSrc;
   672 	TLinAddr dest=(TLinAddr)aDest;
   673 	TBool localIsSafe=ETrue;
   674 	TInt result = KErrNone;
   676 	while (aLength)
   677 		{
   678 		if (iMState==EDead)
   679 			{
   680 			result = KErrDied;
   681 			break;
   682 			}
   683 		TLinAddr alias_src;
   684 		TInt alias_size;
   685 		TInt alias_result=t.Alias(src, pP, aLength, EMapAttrReadUser, alias_src, alias_size);
   686 		if (alias_result<0)
   687 			{
   688 			result = KErrBadDescriptor;	// bad permissions
   689 			break;
   690 			}
   691 		NKern::UnlockSystem();
   693 		__KTRACE_OPT(KTHREAD2,Kern::Printf("DThread::RawRead %08x<-%08x+%x",dest,alias_src,alias_size));
   694 		if(aFlags&KCheckLocalAddress)
   695 			localIsSafe = m.ValidateLocalIpcAddress(dest,alias_size,ETrue);
   699 		COND_UNLOCK_USER_MEMORY(localIsSafe);
   701 		if(alias_result)
   702 			{
   703 			// remote address is safe for direct access...
   704 			if (localIsSafe)
   705 				memcpy( (TAny*)dest, (const TAny*)alias_src, alias_size);
   706 			else
   707 				umemput( (TAny*)dest, (const TAny*)alias_src, alias_size);
   708 			}
   709 		else
   710 			{
   711 			// remote address is NOT safe for direct access, so use user permision checks when reading...
   712 			if (localIsSafe)
   713 				umemget( (TAny*)dest, (const TAny*)alias_src, alias_size);
   714 			else
   715 				uumemcpy( (TAny*)dest, (const TAny*)alias_src, alias_size);
   716 			}
   718 		LOCK_USER_MEMORY();
   720 		src+=alias_size;
   721 		dest+=alias_size;
   722 		aLength-=alias_size;
   723 		NKern::LockSystem();
   724 		}
   725 	t.RemoveAlias();
   726 	return result;
   727 	}
   729 TInt DThread::RawWrite(const TAny* aDest, const TAny* aSrc, TInt aLength, TInt aFlags, DThread* anOriginatingThread, TIpcExcTrap* /*aExcTrap*/)
   730 //
   731 // Write to the thread's process.
   732 // Enter and return with system locked
   733 // aDest               Run address of memory to write
   734 // aSrc                Current address of destination
   735 // anOriginatingThread The thread on behalf of which this operation is performed (eg client of device driver).
   736 // aExcTrap            Exception trap object to be updated if the actual memory access is performed on other memory area then specified.
   737 //                     It happens when reading is performed on un-aligned memory area.
   738 //
   739 	{
   740 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   741 	DMemModelThread& t=*(DMemModelThread*)TheCurrentThread;
   742 	DMemModelProcess* pP=(DMemModelProcess*)iOwningProcess;
   743 	TLinAddr src=(TLinAddr)aSrc;
   744 	TLinAddr dest=(TLinAddr)aDest;
   745 	TBool localIsSafe=ETrue;
   746 	DThread* pO=anOriginatingThread?anOriginatingThread:&t;
   747 	DProcess* pF=K::TheFileServerProcess;
   748 	TBool special=(iOwningProcess==pF && pO->iOwningProcess==pF);
   749 	TUint32 perm=special ? EMapAttrWriteSup : EMapAttrWriteUser;
   750 	TInt result = KErrNone;
   752 	while (aLength)
   753 		{
   754 		if (iMState==EDead)
   755 			{
   756 			result = KErrDied;
   757 			break;
   758 			}
   759 		TLinAddr alias_dest;
   760 		TInt alias_size;
   761 		TInt alias_result=t.Alias(dest, pP, aLength, perm, alias_dest, alias_size);
   762 		if (alias_result<0)
   763 			{
   764 			result = KErrBadDescriptor;	// bad permissions
   765 			break;
   766 			}
   767 		NKern::UnlockSystem();
   769 		__KTRACE_OPT(KTHREAD2,Kern::Printf("DThread::RawWrite %08x+%x->%08x",src,alias_size,alias_dest));
   770 		if(aFlags&KCheckLocalAddress)
   771 			localIsSafe = m.ValidateLocalIpcAddress(src,alias_size,EFalse);
   773 		// Must check that it is safe to page, unless we are reading from unpaged ROM in which case
   774 		// we allow it.  umemget and uumemcpy do this anyway, so we just need to check if
   775 		// localIsSafe is set.
   776 		if (localIsSafe)
   777 			{
   778 			CHECK_PAGING_SAFE_RANGE(src, aLength);
   779 			CHECK_DATA_PAGING_SAFE_RANGE(dest, aLength);
   780 			}
   782 		COND_UNLOCK_USER_MEMORY(localIsSafe);
   784 		if(alias_result)
   785 			{
   786 			// remote address is safe for direct access...
   787 			if (localIsSafe)
   788 				memcpy( (TAny*)alias_dest, (const TAny*)src, alias_size);
   789 			else
   790 				umemget( (TAny*)alias_dest, (const TAny*)src, alias_size);
   791 			}
   792 		else
   793 			{
   794 			// remote address is NOT safe for direct access, so use user permision checks when writing...
   795 			if (localIsSafe)
   796 				umemput( (TAny*)alias_dest, (const TAny*)src, alias_size);
   797 			else
   798 				uumemcpy( (TAny*)alias_dest, (const TAny*)src, alias_size);
   799 			}
   801 		LOCK_USER_MEMORY();
   803 		src+=alias_size;
   804 		dest+=alias_size;
   805 		aLength-=alias_size;
   806 		NKern::LockSystem();
   807 		}
   808 	t.RemoveAlias();
   809 	return result;
   810 	}
   812 #ifdef __DEBUGGER_SUPPORT__
   814 /**
   815 @pre Calling thread must be in critical section
   816 @pre CodeSeg mutex held
   817 */
   818 TInt CodeModifier::SafeWriteCode(DProcess* aProcess, TLinAddr aAddress, TInt aSize, TUint aValue, void* aOldValue)
   819 	{
   820 	Mmu& m=Mmu::Get();
   821 	MmuBase::Wait();
   823 	NKern::LockSystem();
   825 	// Find physical address of the page, the breakpoint belongs to
   826 	TPhysAddr physAddr = m.LinearToPhysical(aAddress,((DMemModelProcess*)aProcess)->iOsAsid);
   827 	__KTRACE_OPT(KDEBUGGER,Kern::Printf("CodeModifier::SafeWriteCode - PA:%x", physAddr));
   828 	if (physAddr==KPhysAddrInvalid)
   829 		{
   830 		__KTRACE_OPT(KDEBUGGER,Kern::Printf("CodeModifier::SafeWriteCode - invalid VA"));
   831 		NKern::UnlockSystem();
   832 		MmuBase::Signal();
   833 		return KErrBadDescriptor;
   834 		}
   836 	// Temporarily map physical page
   837 	TLinAddr tempAddr = m.MapTemp (physAddr&~m.iPageMask, aAddress);
   838 	tempAddr |=  aAddress & m.iPageMask;
   839 	__KTRACE_OPT(KDEBUGGER,Kern::Printf("CodeModifier::SafeWriteCode - tempAddr:%x",tempAddr));
   841 	//Set exception handler. Make sure the boundaries cover the worst case (aSize = 4)
   842 	TIpcExcTrap xt;
   843 	xt.iLocalBase=0;
   844 	xt.iRemoteBase=(TLinAddr)tempAddr&~3; //word aligned.
   845 	xt.iSize=sizeof(TInt);
   846 	xt.iDir=1;
   848 	TInt r=xt.Trap(NULL);
   849 	if (r==0)
   850 		{
   851 		r = WriteCode(tempAddr, aSize, aValue, aOldValue);
   852 		xt.UnTrap();
   853 		}
   855 	m.UnmapTemp();
   856 	NKern::UnlockSystem();
   857 	MmuBase::Signal();
   858 	return r;	
   859 	}
   861 /**
   862 @pre Calling thread must be in critical section
   863 @pre CodeSeg mutex held
   864 */
   865 TInt CodeModifier::WriteCode(TLinAddr aAddress, TInt aSize, TUint aValue, void* aOldValue)
   866 	{
   867 	// We do not want to be interrupted by e.g. ISR that will run altered code before IMB-Range.
   868 	// Therefore, copy data and clean/invalidate caches with interrupts disabled.
   869 	TInt irq=NKern::DisableAllInterrupts();
   870 	switch(aSize)
   871 		{
   872 		case 1:
   873 			*(TUint8*) aOldValue = *(TUint8*)aAddress;
   874 			*(TUint8*) aAddress  = (TUint8)aValue;
   875 			 break;
   876 		case 2:
   877 			*(TUint16*) aOldValue = *(TUint16*)aAddress;
   878 			*(TUint16*) aAddress  = (TUint16)aValue;
   879 			 break;
   880 		default://It is 4 otherwise
   881 			*(TUint32*) aOldValue = *(TUint32*)aAddress;
   882 			*(TUint32*) aAddress  = (TUint32)aValue;
   883 			 break;
   884 		};
   885 	CacheMaintenance::CodeChanged(aAddress, aSize, CacheMaintenance::ECodeModifier);
   886 	NKern::RestoreInterrupts(irq);
   887 	return KErrNone;
   888 	}
   889 #endif //__DEBUGGER_SUPPORT__
   892 #ifdef __MARM__
   894 // the body of ReadDesHeader is machine coded on ARM...
   895 extern TInt ThreadDoReadAndParseDesHeader(DThread* aThread, const TAny* aSrc, TUint32* aDest);
   897 TInt DThread::ReadAndParseDesHeader(const TAny* aSrc, TDesHeader& aDest)
   898 //
   899 // Read and parse the header of a remote descriptor.
   900 // Enter and return with system locked
   901 //
   902 	{
   903 	// todo: remove use of system lock from callers, when they have been un-exported from the kernel
   904 	NKern::UnlockSystem();	
   905 	TInt r = ThreadDoReadAndParseDesHeader(this,aSrc,(TUint32*)&aDest);
   906 	NKern::LockSystem();
   907 	return r;
   908 	}
   911 #else // !__MARM__
   914 TInt DThread::ReadAndParseDesHeader(const TAny* aSrc, TDesHeader& aDest)
   915 //
   916 // Read and parse the header of a remote descriptor.
   917 // Enter and return with system locked
   918 //
   919 	{
   920 	static const TUint8 LengthLookup[16] = {4,8,12,8,12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
   922 	DMemModelThread& t = *(DMemModelThread*)TheCurrentThread;
   923 	TInt r = KErrBadDescriptor;
   927 	DMemModelProcess* pP = (DMemModelProcess*)iOwningProcess;
   928 	TLinAddr src = (TLinAddr)aSrc;
   929 	const TUint32* pAlias;
   930 	TInt alias_size;
   931 	TInt alias_result = t.Alias(src, pP, 12, EMapAttrReadUser, (TLinAddr&)pAlias, alias_size);
   932 	if (alias_result<0)
   933 		return KErrBadDescriptor;	// bad permissions
   934 	NKern::UnlockSystem();
   935 	t.iIpcClient = this;
   936 	TUint32* dest = (TUint32*)&aDest;
   937 	if (Kern::SafeRead(pAlias, dest, sizeof(TUint32)))
   938 		goto fail;
   940 	{
   941 	TInt type=*dest>>KShiftDesType8;
   943 	src += sizeof(TUint32);
   944 	alias_size -=  sizeof(TUint32);
   945 	++pAlias;
   946 	++dest;
   948 	TInt l=LengthLookup[type];
   949 	if (l==0)
   950 		goto fail;
   952 	l -= sizeof(TUint32); // we've already read one word
   953 	if (l>0 && alias_size)
   954 		{
   955 get_more:
   956 		// more to go - get rest or as much as is currently aliased
   957 		TInt ll = alias_size>=l ? l : alias_size;
   958 		if(Kern::SafeRead(pAlias, dest, l))
   959 			goto fail;
   960 		l -= ll;
   961 		src += TLinAddr(ll);
   962 		dest = (TUint32*)(TLinAddr(dest) + TLinAddr(ll));
   963 		}
   964 	if (l>0)
   965 		{
   966 		// more to go - need to step alias on
   967 		NKern::LockSystem();
   968 		alias_result = t.Alias(src, pP, l, EMapAttrReadUser, (TLinAddr&)pAlias, alias_size);
   969 		if (alias_result<0)
   970 			goto fail_locked;
   971 		NKern::UnlockSystem();
   972 		goto get_more;
   973 		}
   975 	r = K::ParseDesHeader(aSrc, *(TRawDesHeader*)&aDest, aDest);
   976 	}
   978 fail:
   979 	NKern::LockSystem();
   980 fail_locked:
   981 	t.RemoveAlias();
   982 	t.iIpcClient = NULL;
   983 	return r;
   984 	}
   987 #endif
   990 DChunk* DThread::OpenSharedChunk(const TAny* aAddress, TBool aWrite, TInt& aOffset)
   991 	{
   992 	NKern::LockSystem();
   994 	DMemModelProcess* pP = (DMemModelProcess*)iOwningProcess;
   995 	DMemModelProcess::SChunkInfo* pS=pP->iChunks;
   996 	DMemModelProcess::SChunkInfo* pC=pS+pP->iChunkCount;
   997 	while(--pC>=pS && TUint(pC->iChunk->Base())>TUint(aAddress)) {};
   998 	if(pC>=pS)
   999 		{
  1000 		DMemModelChunk* chunk = pC->iChunk;
  1001 		if(chunk->iChunkType==ESharedKernelSingle || chunk->iChunkType==ESharedKernelMultiple)
  1002 			{
  1003 			TInt offset = (TInt)aAddress-(TInt)chunk->Base();
  1004 			if(TUint(offset)<TUint(chunk->iMaxSize) && chunk->Open()==KErrNone)
  1005 				{
  1006 				aOffset = offset;
  1007 				NKern::UnlockSystem();
  1008 				return chunk;
  1009 				}
  1010 			}
  1011 		}
  1012 	NKern::UnlockSystem();
  1013 	return 0;
  1014 	}
  1016 TInt DThread::PrepareMemoryForDMA(const TAny* aLinAddr, TInt aSize, TPhysAddr* aPhysicalPageList)
  1017 	{
  1018 	TInt asid = ((DMemModelProcess*)iOwningProcess)->iOsAsid;
  1019 	Mmu& m=(Mmu&)*MmuBase::TheMmu;
  1020 	return m.PreparePagesForDMA((TLinAddr)aLinAddr, aSize, asid, aPhysicalPageList);
  1021 	}
  1023 TInt DThread::ReleaseMemoryFromDMA(const TAny* aLinAddr, TInt aSize, TPhysAddr* aPhysicalPageList)
  1024 	{
  1025 	TInt pageCount = (((TInt)aLinAddr & KPageMask) + aSize + KPageMask) >> KPageShift;
  1026 	Mmu& m=(Mmu&)*MmuBase::TheMmu;
  1027 	return m.ReleasePagesFromDMA(aPhysicalPageList, pageCount);
  1028 	}