author sl
Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:32:02 +0200
changeset 1 260cb5ec6c19
permissions -rw-r--r--
Update contrib.
     1 // Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 /**
    17  @file
    18  @test
    19 */
    21 #include "egltest_surfacescaling.h"
    23 #include <test/tefunit.h> // for ASSERT macros
    24 #include <test/egltestcommonutils.h>
    25 #include "egltestcommoninisettings.h"
    27 //We are restricted by the screen comparison utility that requires images to be EColor16MU
    28 const TDisplayMode KTestSourceDisplayMode = EColor16MU;
    30 CEglTest_SurfaceScalingBase::~CEglTest_SurfaceScalingBase()
    31     {
    32 	CleanAll();
    33 	delete iImageComparison;
    34 	delete iScreenDevice;
    35     CloseWindow();
    36     CloseWsSession();
    37     }
    39 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingBase::doTestStepPreambleL()
    40     {
    41     TVerdict verdict = CEglTestStep::doTestStepPreambleL();
    43     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestStepPreambleL() - Initialise surface scaling test settings..."));
    44     if(!CheckForExtensionL(KEGL_NOK_surface_scaling))
    45         {
    46 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("KEGL_NOK_surface_scaling not supported!"));
    47         User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
    48         }
    49     //retrieve the pointers to the EGL surface scaling extension functions 
    50     iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK = reinterpret_cast <TFPtrEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNok> (eglGetProcAddress("eglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK"));
    51     iPfnEglSetSurfaceScalingNOK = reinterpret_cast <TFPtrEglSetSurfaceScalingNok> (eglGetProcAddress("eglSetSurfaceScalingNOK"));
    52 	if(!iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK)
    53 		{
    54 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("   Cannot retrieve address of the \"eglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK\" function"));
    55         User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
    56 		}
    57 	if(!iPfnEglSetSurfaceScalingNOK)
    58 		{
    59 		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("   Cannot retrieve address of the \"eglSetSurfaceScalingNOK\" function"));
    60         User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
    61 		}
    63     //retrieve surface scaling ini settings
    64 	CIniData* iniData = CIniData::NewL(KConfigFileName);
    65     CleanupStack::PushL(iniData);
    67     _LIT(KSectionSurfaceScaling, "SurfaceScaling");
    68     _LIT(KKeyAllScalable, "AllScalable"); 
    70     TPtrC scalable;
    71 	if(!iniData->FindVar(KSectionSurfaceScaling,KKeyAllScalable,scalable))
    72         {
    73 		ERR_PRINTF3(_L("   Cannot retrieve section:%S key:%S"), &KSectionSurfaceScaling, &KKeyAllScalable);
    74 		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
    75         }
    76 	iAllScalable = (scalable.FindF( _L("true"))==KErrNotFound)? EFalse : ETrue;
    77 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("  ************************************************************************"));
    78 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("  ****   The test will be run in following configuration: "));
    79 	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("  ****   All window surfaces scalable: %S"), &scalable);
    80 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("  ************************************************************************"));
    81 	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(iniData);
    83     //Initiate a window server session and create a window group
    84     OpenWsSessionL(KDefaultWindowGroupId);
    86     //Create a Screen Device
    87     const TInt screen0 = 0;
    88     iScreenDevice = new(ELeave) CWsScreenDevice(iWsSession);
    89     User::LeaveIfError(iScreenDevice->Construct(screen0));
    91     // get full screen size
    92     TPixelsAndRotation sizeAndRotation;
    93     iScreenDevice->GetDefaultScreenSizeAndRotation(sizeAndRotation);
    94     iScreenSize = sizeAndRotation.iPixelSize;
    96 	//Create the image comparison tool from the screen device as required by most tests 		
    97     iImageComparison = CTGraphicsScreenComparison::NewL(*iScreenDevice);
    99     return verdict;
   100     }
   102 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingBase::doTestStepPostambleL()
   103     {
   104 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("doTestStepPostambleL() - Cleaning up"));
   106 	// cleanup egltest framework stuff
   107 	CleanAll();
   109 	// cleanup member variables
   110 	delete iImageComparison;
   111 	iImageComparison = NULL;
   112 	delete iScreenDevice;
   113 	iScreenDevice = NULL;
   115 	// close window and wserver session
   116     CloseWindow();
   117     CloseWsSession();
   119     return CEglTestStep::doTestStepPostambleL();
   120     }
   122 void CEglTest_SurfaceScalingBase::CreateAndActivateWindowL(const TSize& aWindowSize)
   123     {
   124     ConstructWindowL(iWindow, aWindowSize);
   125     }
   127 void CEglTest_SurfaceScalingBase::CloseWindow()
   128     {
   129 	iWindow.Close();
   130     }
   132 //check if border color matches with expected values
   133 void CEglTest_SurfaceScalingBase::CheckBorderColorL(EGLint aExpectedRedChannelColor, EGLint aExpectedBlueChannelColor, EGLint aExpectedGreenChannelColor)
   134     {
   135     EGLint value = 0xffff; //set color channel to some arbitrary number 
   136     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, &value));
   137     ASSERT_EQUALS(value, aExpectedRedChannelColor);
   139     value = 0xffff; //set color channel to some arbitrary number
   140     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, &value));
   141     ASSERT_EQUALS(value, aExpectedGreenChannelColor);
   143     value = 0xffff; //set color channel to some arbitrary number
   144     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, &value));
   145     ASSERT_EQUALS(value, aExpectedBlueChannelColor);
   146     }
   148 //check if scaling attributes match with expected values
   149 void CEglTest_SurfaceScalingBase::CheckScalingAttributesL(EGLint aExpectedSurfaceWidth, EGLint aExpectedSurfaceHeight, EGLint aExpectedExtentWidth, EGLint aExpectedExtentHeight, EGLint aExpectedOffsetX, EGLint aExpectedOffsetY)
   150     {
   151     EGLint value = 0xffff; //set initial value to some arbitrary number 
   152     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_WIDTH, &value));
   153     ASSERT_EQUALS(value, aExpectedSurfaceWidth);
   155     value = 0xffff; //set initial value to some arbitrary number 
   156     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_HEIGHT, &value));
   157     ASSERT_EQUALS(value, aExpectedSurfaceHeight);
   159     value = 0xffff; //set initial value to some arbitrary number 
   160     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, &value));
   161     ASSERT_EQUALS(value, aExpectedExtentWidth);
   163     value = 0xffff; //set initial value to some arbitrary number 
   164     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, &value));
   165     ASSERT_EQUALS(value, aExpectedExtentHeight);
   167     value = 0xffff; //set initial value to some arbitrary number 
   168     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, &value));
   169     ASSERT_EQUALS(value, aExpectedOffsetX);
   171     value = 0xffff; //set initial value to some arbitrary number 
   172     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, &value));
   173     ASSERT_EQUALS(value, aExpectedOffsetY);
   174     }
   176 /*
   177  Simple create bitmap function to initialise a rectangular bitmap in four simple colours plus borders
   178      ---------------------------
   179     ¦         borderTop         ¦
   180     ¦     -----------------     ¦
   181     ¦ b. ¦        ¦        ¦ b. ¦
   182     ¦    ¦    1   ¦   2    ¦    ¦
   183     ¦ L  ¦        ¦        ¦ R  ¦
   184     ¦ e  ¦--------¦--------¦ i  ¦
   185     ¦ f  ¦        ¦        ¦ g  ¦
   186     ¦ t  ¦    3   ¦   4    ¦ h  ¦
   187     ¦    ¦        ¦        ¦ t  ¦
   188     ¦     -----------------     ¦
   189     ¦       borderBottom        ¦
   190      --------------------------- 
   191 */
   192 CFbsBitmap* CEglTest_SurfaceScalingBase::CreateBitmapLC(const TSize& aSize, TInt aBorderTop, TInt aBorderBottom, TInt aBorderLeft, TInt aBorderRight, const TRgb& aBorderColor)
   193     {
   194     // create the bitmap to the requested size (DisplayMode set to default value)
   195     CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
   196     CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
   197     User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(aSize,KTestSourceDisplayMode));
   198     TEST(bitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight == aSize.iHeight);
   199     TEST(bitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth == aSize.iWidth);
   201     //Create a device and context for the purpose of generating the bitmap which will be the
   202     //master reference used in the test
   203     CFbsBitmapDevice* bitmapDevice = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL(bitmap);
   204     CleanupStack::PushL(bitmapDevice);
   205     CFbsBitGc* bitmapGc = CFbsBitGc::NewL();
   206     CleanupStack::PushL(bitmapGc);
   207     bitmapGc->SetDrawMode(CGraphicsContext::EDrawModePEN);
   208     bitmapGc->Activate(bitmapDevice);
   210     // First off, set the whole bitmap to the border colour
   211     bitmapGc->SetBrushColor(aBorderColor);
   212     bitmapGc->SetPenColor(aBorderColor);
   213     bitmapGc->SetBrushStyle(CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush);
   214     bitmapGc->DrawRect(aSize);
   216     // Set each individual quadrant to a different arbitrary colour
   217     const TInt height = aSize.iHeight;
   218     const TInt width  = aSize.iWidth;
   219     const TInt quadrantHeight = (height - aBorderTop - aBorderBottom) / 2;
   220     const TInt quadrantWidth = (width - aBorderLeft - aBorderRight) / 2;
   222     // quadrant 1 - Colour KRgbMagenta
   223     TRect rect = TRect(TPoint(aBorderLeft, aBorderTop), TSize(quadrantWidth, quadrantHeight));
   224     bitmapGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbMagenta);
   225     bitmapGc->SetPenColor(KRgbMagenta);
   226     bitmapGc->DrawRect(rect);
   228     // quadrant 2 - Colour KRgbCyan
   229     rect = TRect(TPoint(aBorderLeft+quadrantWidth, aBorderTop), TSize(quadrantWidth, quadrantHeight));
   230     bitmapGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbCyan);
   231     bitmapGc->SetPenColor(KRgbCyan);
   232     bitmapGc->DrawRect(rect);
   234     // quadrant 3 - Colour KRgbYellow
   235     rect = TRect(TPoint(aBorderLeft, aBorderTop+quadrantHeight), TSize(quadrantWidth, quadrantHeight));
   236     bitmapGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbYellow);
   237     bitmapGc->SetPenColor(KRgbYellow);
   238     bitmapGc->DrawRect(rect);
   240     // quadrant 4 - Colour KRgbDarkGreen
   241     rect = TRect(TPoint(aBorderLeft+quadrantWidth, aBorderTop+quadrantHeight), TSize(quadrantWidth, quadrantHeight));
   242     bitmapGc->SetBrushColor(KRgbDarkGreen);
   243     bitmapGc->SetPenColor(KRgbDarkGreen);
   244     bitmapGc->DrawRect(rect);
   246     //clean-up
   247     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, bitmapDevice);
   248     return bitmap;
   249     }
   251 void CEglTest_SurfaceScalingBase::WritePixelsToSurfaceL(const CFbsBitmap& aBitmap)
   252 	{
   253     // Mind the fact that CFbsBitmap and VGImages use different coordinates origin
   254     const TSize bitmapSize = aBitmap.SizeInPixels();
   255     TUint8* address = reinterpret_cast<TUint8*>(aBitmap.DataAddress());
   256     const TInt stride = aBitmap.DataStride();
   257     address += (bitmapSize.iHeight - 1) * stride;
   259     // copy pixel data to the drawing surface
   260     vgWritePixels(address, -stride, KDefaultSurfaceFormat,0,0, bitmapSize.iWidth, bitmapSize.iHeight);
   261     ASSERT_TRUE(vgGetError()==VG_NO_ERROR);
   263     // force all outstanding requests on the current context to complete
   264     vgFinish();
   265     iWsSession.Finish();
   266 	}
   268 /**
   269 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0651
   271 @SYMTestPriority 1
   273 @SYMPREQ 2676
   275 @SYMREQ 417-56592
   277 @SYMTestCaseDesc
   278 Choose a suitable extent to test that specified border colours are correct.
   280 @SYMTestActions
   281 For a number of different situations, do the following:
   282 1. Create a window of known size
   283 2. Create a fixed size surface, filled in with a predefined bitmap
   284 3. Draw the surface onto the window for a set extent and border colour
   285 4. Compare window content and border against a reference bitmap containing expected values. 
   287 @SYMTestExpectedResults
   288 The window content matches the independently created reference bitmap in each situation
   289 */
   290 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_Positive::doTestStepL()
   291     {
   292     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0651"));
   293     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0651"));
   294     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_Positive::doTestStepL started...."));
   296     // Create display object
   297     GetDisplayL();
   298     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
   299     iEglSess->InitializeL();
   301     //  NOTE: Borders depend on what you set as extent, offset, window and surface
   302     //        Care should be taken when choosing size values, better to use even numbers
   303 	//		  (CreateBitmap splits rectangle in four, so we don't want a pixel mismatch there) 
   304     for (TInt index=1; index<=17; index++)
   305     	{
   306 		// Set some default values which are used in most cases
   307 		iWindowWidth = iWindowHeight = 200;
   308 		iBorderColor = TRgb(0,0,0);
   309 	    iBorderTop = iBorderBottom = iBorderLeft = iBorderRight = 0;
   311 	    switch(index)
   312         {
   313 		case 1:
   314 			// surface scaled to same window size with no border
   315 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   316 		    iExtentWidth = 200; iExtentHeight = 200;
   317 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   318 			break;
   319 		case 2:
   320 			// surface scaled to half the window size with border top 
   321 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   322 		    iExtentWidth = 200; iExtentHeight = 100;
   323 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 100;
   324 		    iBorderColor = TRgb(0,0,0);         // arbitrary border colour
   325 		    iBorderTop = 100;
   326 			break;
   327 		case 3:
   328 			// surface scaled to half the window size with border bottom
   329 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   330 		    iExtentWidth = 200; iExtentHeight = 100;
   331 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   332 		    iBorderColor = TRgb(128,0,255);     // arbitrary border colour
   333 		    iBorderBottom = 100;
   334 			break;
   335 		case 4:
   336 			// surface scaled to half the window size with border top and bottom
   337 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   338 		    iExtentWidth = 200; iExtentHeight = 100;
   339 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 50;
   340 		    iBorderColor = TRgb(128,0,0);         // arbitrary border colour
   341 		    iBorderTop = 50; iBorderBottom = 50;
   342 			break;
   343 		case 5:
   344 			// surface scaled to half the window size with border left
   345 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   346 		    iExtentWidth = 100; iExtentHeight = 200;
   347 		    iOffsetX = 100; iOffsetY = 0;
   348 		    iBorderColor = TRgb(96,96,96);         // arbitrary border colour
   349 		    iBorderLeft = 100;
   350 			break;
   351 		case 6:
   352 			// surface scaled to half the window size with border right
   353 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   354 		    iExtentWidth = 100; iExtentHeight = 200;
   355 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   356 		    iBorderColor = TRgb(192,192,192);       // arbitrary border colour
   357 		    iBorderRight = 100;
   358 			break;
   359 		case 7:
   360 			// surface scaled to half the window size with border left and right
   361 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   362 		    iExtentWidth = 100; iExtentHeight = 200;
   363 		    iOffsetX = 50; iOffsetY = 0;
   364 		    iBorderColor = TRgb(0,0,0);				// arbitrary border colour
   365 		    iBorderLeft = 50; iBorderRight = 50;
   366 			break;
   367 		case 8:
   368 			// surface scaled in different proportions in width and height, with borders 
   369 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   370 		    iExtentWidth = 190; iExtentHeight = 10;
   371 		    iOffsetX = 5; iOffsetY = 95;
   372 		    iBorderColor = TRgb(240,240,240);       // arbitrary border colour
   373 		    iBorderTop = 95; iBorderBottom = 95; iBorderLeft = 5; iBorderRight = 5;
   374 			break;
   375 		case 9:
   376 			// surface scaled to double the window height size, surface cropped with no borders
   377 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   378 		    iExtentWidth = 400; iExtentHeight = 200;
   379 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   380 			break;
   381 		case 10:
   382 			// surface scaled to double the window width and height size, surface cropped with no borders
   383 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   384 		    iExtentWidth = 400; iExtentHeight = 400;
   385 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   386 			break;
   387 		case 11:
   388 			// surface scaled to double the window width and height size, surface cropped with borders top and left
   389 		    iSurfaceWidth = 100; iSurfaceHeight = 50;
   390 		    iExtentWidth = 400; iExtentHeight = 400;
   391 		    iOffsetX = 100; iOffsetY = 100;
   392 		    iBorderColor = TRgb(255,128,255);      // arbitrary border colour
   393 		    iBorderTop = 100; iBorderLeft = 100;
   394 			break;
   395 		case 12:
   396 			// QnHD to full screen size
   397 			iWindowWidth = iScreenSize.iWidth; iWindowHeight = iScreenSize.iHeight;
   398 		    iSurfaceWidth = 320; iSurfaceHeight = 180;
   399 		    iExtentWidth = iWindowWidth; iExtentHeight = iWindowHeight;
   400 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   401 			break;
   402 		case 13:
   403 			// QVGA to full screen size
   404 			iWindowWidth = iScreenSize.iWidth; iWindowHeight = iScreenSize.iHeight;
   405 		    iSurfaceWidth = 320; iSurfaceHeight = 240;
   406 		    iExtentWidth = iWindowWidth; iExtentHeight = iWindowHeight;
   407 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   408 			break;
   409 		case 14:
   410 			// HVGA to full screen size
   411 			iWindowWidth = iScreenSize.iWidth; iWindowHeight = iScreenSize.iHeight;
   412 		    iSurfaceWidth = 480; iSurfaceHeight = 320;
   413 		    iExtentWidth = iWindowWidth; iExtentHeight = iWindowHeight;
   414 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   415 			break;
   416 		case 15:
   417 			// 480x270 to full screen size
   418 			iWindowWidth = iScreenSize.iWidth; iWindowHeight = iScreenSize.iHeight;
   419 		    iSurfaceWidth = 480; iSurfaceHeight = 270;
   420 		    iExtentWidth = iWindowWidth; iExtentHeight = iWindowHeight;
   421 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   422 			break;
   423 		case 16:
   424 			// VGA to full screen size
   425 			iWindowWidth = iScreenSize.iWidth; iWindowHeight = iScreenSize.iHeight;
   426 		    iSurfaceWidth = 640; iSurfaceHeight = 480;
   427 		    iExtentWidth = iWindowWidth; iExtentHeight = iWindowHeight;
   428 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   429 			break;
   430 		case 17:
   431 			// WVGA to full screen size
   432 			iWindowWidth = iScreenSize.iWidth; iWindowHeight = iScreenSize.iHeight;
   433 		    iSurfaceWidth = 768; iSurfaceHeight = 480;
   434 		    iExtentWidth = iWindowWidth; iExtentHeight = iWindowHeight;
   435 		    iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   436 			break;
   437 		default:
   438 		    ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Inconsistency in test code, case does not exist: %d."), index);
   439 		    User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   440 		    break;
   441         }
   443 		// perform the testing
   444 	    doTestPartialStepL();
   445     	}
   447     // clean-up
   448     CleanAll();
   450     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_Positive::doTestStepL completed!"));
   451     RecordTestResultL();
   452     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
   453     return TestStepResult();
   454     }
   456 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_Positive::doTestPartialStepL()
   457     {
   458     INFO_PRINTF5(_L("doTestPartialStepL started with (%d,%d) fixed surface scaled to (%d,%d) extent...."), iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight, iExtentWidth, iExtentHeight);
   460     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
   461     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
   462     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight));
   464     // Choose EGL config
   465     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
   466     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
   468     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
   469     TESTL(numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
   471     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
   472               EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, iSurfaceWidth,
   473               EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, iSurfaceHeight,
   474               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, iOffsetX,
   475               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, iOffsetY,
   476               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iExtentWidth,
   477               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iExtentHeight,
   478               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, iBorderColor.Red(),
   479               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, iBorderColor.Green(),
   480               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, iBorderColor.Blue(),
   481               EGL_NONE};
   483     // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
   484     iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
   486     // Create the test bitmap that will be used in the scaled surface 
   487     //  NOTE: This bitmap generally does not have borders, 
   488     CFbsBitmap* testBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight),0,0,0,0,TRgb(0,0,0));
   490     // Copy test bitmap to drawing surface
   491     WritePixelsToSurfaceL(*testBitmap);
   493     //call eglSwapBuffers
   494     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSwapBuffers(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface()));
   495     //Wait for the draw operation to complete
   496     eglWaitClient();
   498     // Create the reference bitmap that should be expected after the scaling 
   499     //  NOTE: This bitmap may have borders
   500     //        Size could exceed that of the window, so check both extent and window
   501     const TInt refWidth = iExtentWidth>iWindowWidth ? iExtentWidth : iWindowWidth;
   502     const TInt refHeight = iExtentHeight>iWindowHeight ? iExtentHeight : iWindowHeight;
   503     CFbsBitmap* refBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(refWidth, refHeight), iBorderTop, iBorderBottom, iBorderLeft, iBorderRight, iBorderColor);
   505     // compare window contents with expected bitmap
   506     TInt comparison = iImageComparison->CompareScreenImageL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight), TPoint(0,0), TPoint(0,0), *refBitmap, TestStepName());
   507     TEST(comparison==KErrNone);
   508     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CompareScreenImageL returns %d (expected is %d)"), comparison, KErrNone);
   510     /// Cleanup
   511     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, testBitmap); // refBitmap, testBitmap
   512     iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
   513     CloseWindow();
   515     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....doTestPartialStepL completed!"));
   516     return TestStepResult();
   517     }
   519 /**
   520 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0661
   522 @SYMTestPriority 1
   524 @SYMPREQ 2676
   526 @SYMREQ 417-56592
   528 @SYMTestCaseDesc
   529 Resize native window to verify target extent remains fixed.
   531 @SYMTestActions
   532 1. Create a window of known size
   533 2. Create a fixed size surface, filled in with a predefined bitmap
   534 3. Draw the surface onto the window for a set extent and border colour
   535 4. Repeat step 3 but increasing native window size by (1,1) pixels.
   536 5. Compare window content and border against a reference bitmap containing expected values. 
   538 @SYMTestExpectedResults
   539 The window content matches the independently created reference bitmap in each situation
   540 */
   541 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_WindowResize::doTestStepL()
   542     {
   543     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0661"));
   544     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0661"));
   545     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_WindowResize::doTestStepL started...."));
   547     // set the initial value of a square window
   548     const TInt KWindowSize = 100;
   550     // surface with size and extent that matches the window size and no offset
   551     iWindowWidth = iWindowHeight = KWindowSize;
   552     iSurfaceWidth = iSurfaceHeight = KWindowSize;
   553     iExtentWidth = iExtentHeight = KWindowSize;
   554     iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   555     iBorderColor = TRgb(0x99,0xcc,0xff);	// set some arbitrary colour
   556     iBorderTop = 0; iBorderBottom = 0; iBorderLeft = 0; iBorderRight = 0;
   558     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
   559     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
   560     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight));
   562     // Create display object
   563     GetDisplayL();
   564     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
   565     iEglSess->InitializeL();
   567     // Choose EGL config
   568     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
   569     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
   571     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
   572     TESTL(numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
   574     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
   575               EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, iSurfaceWidth,
   576               EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, iSurfaceHeight,
   577               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, iOffsetX,
   578               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, iOffsetY,
   579               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iExtentWidth,
   580               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iExtentHeight,
   581               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, iBorderColor.Red(),
   582               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, iBorderColor.Green(),
   583               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, iBorderColor.Blue(),
   584               EGL_NONE};
   586     // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
   587     iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
   589     // Create the test bitmap that will be used in the scaled surface 
   590     //  NOTE: This bitmap generally does not have borders, 
   591     CFbsBitmap* testBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight),0,0,0,0,TRgb(0,0,0));
   593     // Copy test bitmap to drawing surface
   594     WritePixelsToSurfaceL(*testBitmap);
   596     // Start doing iterations by increasing native window size.
   597     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Start increasing native window size by (1,1)..."));
   598     iWindowWidth=1;
   599     iWindowHeight=1;
   600     while(iWindowWidth<=(KWindowSize*2) && iWindowHeight<=(KWindowSize*2))
   601     	{
   602 		// Note that borders will appear while window size is bigger than extent
   603 		//  - iSurfaceWidth/iSurfaceHeight - unmodified
   604 		//  - iExtentWidth/iExtentHeight - unmodified
   605 		//  - iOffsetX/iOffsetY - unmodified 
   606 		// Set up expected values for the border
   607 		iBorderTop = 0; iBorderLeft = 0; 
   608 		iBorderBottom = iExtentHeight<iWindowHeight ? iWindowHeight-iExtentHeight : 0; 
   609 		iBorderRight = iExtentWidth<iWindowWidth ? iWindowWidth-iExtentWidth : 0; 
   611 		// resize window to new given size
   612 	    iWindow.Invalidate();
   613 		iWindow.BeginRedraw();
   614 		iWindow.SetSize(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight));
   615 		iWindow.EndRedraw();
   617 		// re-populate buffers with the unmodified fixed size surface content
   618 	    WritePixelsToSurfaceL(*testBitmap);
   620 		// perform the testing
   621 		doTestPartialStepL();
   622 		++iWindowWidth;
   623 		++iWindowHeight;
   624     	}
   626     /// Cleanup
   627     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(testBitmap);
   628     iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
   629     CleanAll();
   630     CloseWindow();
   632     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_WindowResize::doTestStepL completed!"));
   633     RecordTestResultL();
   634     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
   635     return TestStepResult();
   636     }
   638 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_WindowResize::doTestPartialStepL()
   639     {
   640     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("doTestPartialStepL started for native window size of (%d, %d)...."), iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight);
   642 	// resize may be effective only after swapbuffers 
   643 	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSwapBuffers(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface()));
   644 	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglWaitClient());
   646 	//check all expected values
   647     CheckScalingAttributesL(iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight, iExtentWidth, iExtentHeight, iOffsetX, iOffsetY); 
   648     CheckBorderColorL(iBorderColor.Red(), iBorderColor.Blue(), iBorderColor.Green()); 
   650     // Create the reference bitmap that should be expected after the window resize 
   651     //  NOTE: This bitmap may have borders
   652     //        Size could exceed that of the window, so check both extent and window
   653     const TInt refWidth = iExtentWidth>iWindowWidth ? iExtentWidth : iWindowWidth;
   654     const TInt refHeight = iExtentHeight>iWindowHeight ? iExtentHeight : iWindowHeight;
   655     CFbsBitmap* refBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(refWidth, refHeight), iBorderTop, iBorderBottom, iBorderLeft, iBorderRight, iBorderColor);
   657     // compare window contents with expected bitmap
   658     TInt comparison = iImageComparison->CompareScreenImageL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight), TPoint(0,0), TPoint(0,0), *refBitmap, TestStepName());
   659     TEST(comparison==KErrNone);
   660     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CompareScreenImageL returns %d (expected is %d)"), comparison, KErrNone);
   662     /// Cleanup
   663     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(refBitmap);
   665     return TestStepResult();
   666     }
   668 /**
   669 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0668
   671 @SYMTestPriority 1
   673 @SYMPREQ 2676
   675 @SYMREQ 417-56592
   677 @SYMTestCaseDesc
   678 Create a fixed size surface and vary the extent position for a range of values.
   680 @SYMTestActions
   681 1. Create a window of known size
   682 2. Create a fixed size surface, filled in with a predefined bitmap
   683 3. Draw the surface onto the window for a set extent and border colour
   684 4. Repeat step 3 but increasing target extent offset by (1,1) pixels.
   685 5. Compare window content and border against a reference bitmap containing expected values. 
   687 @SYMTestExpectedResults
   688 The window content matches the independently created reference bitmap in each situation
   689 */
   690 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_ExtentPositionChange::doTestStepL()
   691     {
   692     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0668"));
   693     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0668"));
   694     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_ExtentPositionChange::doTestStepL started...."));
   696     // surface with size and extent that matches the window size and no offset
   697     iWindowWidth = iWindowHeight = 100;
   698     iSurfaceWidth = iExtentWidth = iWindowWidth;
   699     iSurfaceHeight = iExtentHeight = iWindowHeight;
   700     iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   701     iBorderColor = TRgb(0x11,0x22,0x33);	// set some arbitrary colour
   702     iBorderTop = 0; iBorderBottom = 0; iBorderLeft = 0; iBorderRight = 0;
   704     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
   705     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
   706     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight));
   708     // Create display object
   709     GetDisplayL();
   710     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
   711     iEglSess->InitializeL();
   713     // Choose EGL config
   714     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
   715     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
   717     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
   718     TESTL(numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
   720     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
   721               EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, iSurfaceWidth,
   722               EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, iSurfaceHeight,
   723               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, iOffsetX,
   724               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, iOffsetY,
   725               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iExtentWidth,
   726               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iExtentHeight,
   727               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, iBorderColor.Red(),
   728               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, iBorderColor.Green(),
   729               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, iBorderColor.Blue(),
   730               EGL_NONE};
   732     // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
   733     iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
   735     // Create the test bitmap that will be used in the scaled surface 
   736     //  NOTE: This bitmap generally does not have borders, 
   737     CFbsBitmap* testBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight),0,0,0,0,TRgb(0,0,0));
   739     // Copy test bitmap to drawing surface
   740     WritePixelsToSurfaceL(*testBitmap);
   742 	// This test is a bit different. Since the extent remains the same, and we only change
   743     //  the offset, we create an oversized reference bitmap and compare the screen with a
   744     //  region contained within the reference bitmap 
   745     // Size is three times the extent so that it has extent size borders all around
   746     const TInt refWidth = 3*iExtentWidth;
   747     const TInt refHeight = 3*iExtentHeight;
   748     iBorderTop=iBorderBottom=iBorderLeft=iBorderRight=iExtentWidth;	
   749     CFbsBitmap* refBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(refWidth, refHeight), iBorderTop, iBorderBottom, iBorderLeft, iBorderRight, iBorderColor);
   751     // Start doing iterations by increasing target extent offset
   752     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Start increasing target extent offset size by (1,1)..."));
   753     for (iOffsetX=-iExtentWidth,iOffsetY=-iExtentHeight; iOffsetX<=iExtentWidth&&iOffsetY<=iExtentHeight; ++iOffsetX,++iOffsetY)
   754     	{
   755 		// Note that borders will appear other than when offset is (0,0)
   756 		//  - iSurfaceWidth/iSurfaceHeight - unmodified
   757 		//  - iExtentWidth/iExtentHeight - unmodified
   759 	    // set new offset values
   760 	    ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iPfnEglSetSurfaceScalingNOK(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), iOffsetX, iOffsetY, iExtentWidth, iExtentHeight));
   762 		// re-populate buffers with the unmodified fixed size surface content
   763 	    WritePixelsToSurfaceL(*testBitmap);
   765 		// perform the testing
   766 		doTestPartialStepL(*refBitmap);
   767     	}
   769     /// Cleanup
   770     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, testBitmap); //testBitmap, refBitmap
   771     iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
   772     CleanAll();
   773     CloseWindow();
   775     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_ExtentPositionChange::doTestStepL completed!"));
   776     RecordTestResultL();
   777     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
   778     return TestStepResult();
   779     }
   781 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_ExtentPositionChange::doTestPartialStepL(const CFbsBitmap& aRefBitmap)
   782     {
   783     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("doTestPartialStepL started for offset of (%d, %d)...."), iOffsetX, iOffsetY);
   785     // offset change may be effective only after swapbuffers 
   786 	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSwapBuffers(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface()));
   787 	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglWaitClient());
   788 	// Finish() to ensure all native window operations related to the surface complete before image comparision.
   789 	iWsSession.Finish();
   791 	//check all expected values
   792     CheckScalingAttributesL(iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight, iExtentWidth, iExtentHeight, iOffsetX, iOffsetY); 
   793     CheckBorderColorL(iBorderColor.Red(), iBorderColor.Blue(), iBorderColor.Green()); 
   795     // Prepare the offset of the reference bitmap to know what sub-region should be compared
   796     const TInt refWidth = 3*iExtentWidth;
   797     const TInt refHeight = 3*iExtentHeight;
   798     TPoint bitmapOffset(refWidth-iExtentWidth-iRefBitmapOffset, refHeight-iExtentHeight-iRefBitmapOffset);
   799     iRefBitmapOffset++;		// increase offset for next iteration
   801     // Comparision takes into account specific region within the reference bitmap
   802     TInt comparison = iImageComparison->CompareScreenImageL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight), TPoint(0,0), bitmapOffset, aRefBitmap, TestStepName());
   803     TEST(comparison==KErrNone);
   804     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CompareScreenImageL returns %d (expected is %d)"), comparison, KErrNone);
   806     return TestStepResult();
   807     }
   809 /**
   810 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0669
   812 @SYMTestPriority 1
   814 @SYMPREQ 2676
   816 @SYMREQ 417-56592
   818 @SYMTestCaseDesc
   819 Create a fixed size surface and vary the extent size for a range of values
   821 @SYMTestActions
   822 1. Create a window of known size
   823 2. Create a fixed size surface, filled in with a predefined bitmap
   824 3. Draw the surface onto the window for a set extent and border colour
   825 4. Repeat step 3 but increasing target extent size by (2,2) pixels.
   826 5. Compare window content and border against a reference bitmap containing expected values. 
   828 @SYMTestExpectedResults
   829 The window content matches the independently created reference bitmap in each situation
   830 */
   831 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_ExtentSizeChange::doTestStepL()
   832     {
   833     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0669"));
   834     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0669"));
   835     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_ExtentSizeChange::doTestStepL started...."));
   837     // set the initial value of a square window
   838     const TInt KWindowSize = 100;
   840     // surface with size and extent that matches the window size and no offset
   841     iWindowWidth = iWindowHeight = KWindowSize;
   842     iSurfaceWidth = iSurfaceHeight = KWindowSize;
   843     iExtentWidth = iExtentHeight = KWindowSize; 	
   844     iOffsetX = 0; iOffsetY = 0;
   845     iBorderColor = TRgb(0x80,0x40,0xF0);	// set some arbitrary colour
   846     iBorderTop = 0; iBorderBottom = 0; iBorderLeft = 0; iBorderRight = 0;
   848     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
   849     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
   850     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight));
   852     // Create display object
   853     GetDisplayL();
   854     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
   855     iEglSess->InitializeL();
   857     // Choose EGL config
   858     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
   859     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
   861     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
   862     TESTL(numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
   864     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
   865               EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, iSurfaceWidth,
   866               EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, iSurfaceHeight,
   867               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, iOffsetX,
   868               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, iOffsetY,
   869               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iExtentWidth,
   870               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iExtentHeight,
   871               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, iBorderColor.Red(),
   872               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, iBorderColor.Green(),
   873               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, iBorderColor.Blue(),
   874               EGL_NONE};
   876     // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
   877     iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
   879     // Create the test bitmap that will be used in the scaled surface 
   880     //  NOTE: This bitmap generally does not have borders, 
   881     CFbsBitmap* testBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight),0,0,0,0,TRgb(0,0,0));
   883     // Copy test bitmap to drawing surface
   884     WritePixelsToSurfaceL(*testBitmap);
   886     // Start doing iterations by increasing target extent size 
   887     //  We do increments of (2,2) because the reference bitmap is simetrically split into 4 areas, so size
   888     //  of this reference bitmap should be an even number of pixels
   889     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Start increasing target extent size by (2,2)..."));
   890     iExtentWidth=2;
   891     iExtentHeight=2;
   892 	while(iExtentWidth <= (KWindowSize*2) && iExtentHeight <= (KWindowSize*2))
   893     	{
   894 		// Note that borders will appear while extent is smaller than window
   895 		//  - iSurfaceWidth/iSurfaceHeight - unmodified
   896 		//  - iOffsetX/iOffsetY - unmodified 
   897 		// Set up expected values for the border
   898 		iBorderTop = 0; iBorderLeft = 0; 
   899 		iBorderBottom = iExtentHeight<iWindowHeight ? iWindowHeight-iExtentHeight : 0; 
   900 		iBorderRight = iExtentWidth<iWindowWidth ? iWindowWidth-iExtentWidth : 0; 
   902 	    // set new target extent values
   903 	    ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iPfnEglSetSurfaceScalingNOK(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), iOffsetX, iOffsetY, iExtentWidth, iExtentHeight));
   905 		// re-populate buffers with the unmodified fixed size surface content
   906 	    WritePixelsToSurfaceL(*testBitmap);
   908 		// perform the testing
   909 		doTestPartialStepL();
   910 		iExtentWidth+=2;
   911 		iExtentHeight+=2;
   912 		}
   914     /// Cleanup
   915     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(testBitmap);
   916     iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
   917     CleanAll();
   918     CloseWindow();
   920     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_ExtentSizeChange::doTestStepL completed!"));
   921     RecordTestResultL();
   922     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
   923     return TestStepResult();
   924     }
   926 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_ExtentSizeChange::doTestPartialStepL()
   927     {
   928     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("doTestPartialStepL started for extent size of (%d, %d)...."), iExtentWidth, iExtentHeight);
   930     // extent change may be effective only after swapbuffers 
   931 	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSwapBuffers(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface()));
   932 	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglWaitClient());
   933 	// Finish() to ensure all native window operations related to the surface complete before image comparision.
   934 	iWsSession.Finish();
   936 	//check all expected values
   937     CheckScalingAttributesL(iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight, iExtentWidth, iExtentHeight, iOffsetX, iOffsetY); 
   938     CheckBorderColorL(iBorderColor.Red(), iBorderColor.Blue(), iBorderColor.Green()); 
   940     // Create the reference bitmap that should be expected after the window resize 
   941     //  NOTE: This bitmap may have borders
   942     //        Size could exceed that of the window, so check both extent and window
   943     const TInt refWidth = iExtentWidth>iWindowWidth ? iExtentWidth : iWindowWidth;
   944     const TInt refHeight = iExtentHeight>iWindowHeight ? iExtentHeight : iWindowHeight;
   945     CFbsBitmap* refBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(refWidth, refHeight), iBorderTop, iBorderBottom, iBorderLeft, iBorderRight, iBorderColor);
   947     // compare window contents with expected bitmap
   948     TInt comparison = iImageComparison->CompareScreenImageL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight), TPoint(0,0), TPoint(0,0), *refBitmap, TestStepName());
   949     TEST(comparison==KErrNone);
   950     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CompareScreenImageL returns %d (expected is %d)"), comparison, KErrNone);
   952     /// Cleanup
   953     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(refBitmap);
   955     return TestStepResult();
   956     }
   958 /**
   959 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0670
   961 @SYMTestPriority 1
   963 @SYMPREQ 2676
   965 @SYMREQ 417-56592
   967 @SYMTestCaseDesc
   968 Check that updating surface scaling attributes is visible only after calling eglSwapBuffers
   970 @SYMTestActions
   971 1. Create a window of known size
   972 2. Create a fixed size surface, filled in with a predefined bitmap
   973 3. Draw the surface onto the window for a set extent and border colour
   974 4. Repeat step 3 but increasing target extent size and changing border colours
   975 5. Compare window content and border against a reference bitmap containing expected values
   976   5a. Before calling eglSwapBuffers
   977   5b. After callnig eglSwapBuffers  
   979 @SYMTestExpectedResults
   980 5a. The window content matches the independently created reference with old values
   981 5b. The window content matches the independently created reference with new values
   982 */
   983 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_SwapBuffers::doTestStepL()
   984     {
   985     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0670"));
   986     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0670"));
   987     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_SwapBuffers::doTestStepL started...."));
   989     // set the initial value of a square window
   990     const TInt KWindowSize = 200;
   992     // surface with size that matches the window size and no offset and extent a quarter 
   993     // of that originally positioned in the middle (so borders should be seen)
   994     iWindowWidth = iWindowHeight = KWindowSize;
   995     iSurfaceWidth = iSurfaceHeight = KWindowSize;
   996     iExtentWidth = iExtentHeight = KWindowSize/4; 	
   997     iOffsetX = (iWindowWidth-iExtentWidth)/2; iOffsetY = (iWindowHeight-iExtentHeight)/2;	// to center the surface at the middle of the window
   998     iBorderColor = TRgb(0xFF,0xFF,0x00);	// set some arbitrary colour with blue channel to 0x00
   999 	iBorderTop = iBorderBottom = iExtentHeight<iWindowHeight ? (iWindowHeight-iExtentHeight)/2 : 0; 
  1000 	iBorderLeft = iBorderRight = iExtentWidth<iWindowWidth ? (iWindowWidth-iExtentWidth)/2 : 0; 
  1002     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  1003     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  1004     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight));
  1006     // Create display object
  1007     GetDisplayL();
  1008     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  1009     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  1011     // Choose EGL config
  1012     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  1013     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  1015     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  1016     TESTL(numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
  1018     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
  1019               EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, iSurfaceWidth,
  1020               EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, iSurfaceHeight,
  1021               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, iOffsetX,
  1022               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, iOffsetY,
  1023               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iExtentWidth,
  1024               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iExtentHeight,
  1025               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, iBorderColor.Red(),
  1026               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, iBorderColor.Green(),
  1027               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, iBorderColor.Blue(),
  1028               EGL_NONE};
  1030     // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
  1031     iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
  1033     // Create the test bitmap that will be used in the scaled surface 
  1034     //  NOTE: This bitmap generally does not have borders, 
  1035     CFbsBitmap* testBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight),0,0,0,0,TRgb(0,0,0));
  1037     // Copy test bitmap to drawing surface
  1038     WritePixelsToSurfaceL(*testBitmap);
  1040     // we need to update the window content for the first frame comparison inside the loop further down 
  1041 	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSwapBuffers(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface()));
  1042 	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglWaitClient());
  1044 	// Start doing iterations changing border colours and increasing target extent size 
  1045     //  We do increments of (2,2) because the reference bitmap is simetrically split into 4 areas, so size
  1046     //  of this reference bitmap should be an even number of pixels
  1047     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Start changing border colours and increasing target extent size by (2,2)..."));
  1048     for (;;)
  1049     	{
  1050 		// re-populate buffers with the unmodified fixed size surface content
  1051 		WritePixelsToSurfaceL(*testBitmap);
  1053 		// perform the testing
  1054 		doTestPartialStepL();
  1056 		// break the loop when necessary
  1057 		if (iBorderColor.Blue()>=255)
  1058 			break;
  1059 		}
  1061     /// Cleanup
  1062     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(testBitmap);
  1063     iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  1064     CleanAll();
  1065     CloseWindow();
  1067     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_SwapBuffers::doTestStepL completed!"));
  1068     RecordTestResultL();
  1069     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  1070     return TestStepResult();
  1071     }
  1073 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_SwapBuffers::doTestPartialStepL()
  1074     {
  1075     INFO_PRINTF4(_L("doTestPartialStepL started for border colour (%d,%d,%d)...."), iBorderColor.Red(), iBorderColor.Green(), iBorderColor.Blue());
  1077 	// Note that borders will appear while extent is smaller than window
  1078 	//  - iSurfaceWidth/iSurfaceHeight - unmodified
  1079 	//  - iExtentWidth/iExtentHeight - modified 
  1080 	//  - iOffsetX/iOffsetY - modified
  1082     // Set up new value for border blue channel, storing old ones
  1083 	TRgb oldBorderColor(iBorderColor);
  1084 	TInt newColorBlue = oldBorderColor.Blue() + 5;
  1085 	TESTL(newColorBlue>=0 && newColorBlue<=255);
  1086 	iBorderColor.SetBlue(newColorBlue);
  1088     // Set up new values for extent/offset, storing old ones
  1089 	TInt oldExtentWidth = iExtentWidth;
  1090 	TInt oldExtentHeight = iExtentHeight;
  1091 	iExtentWidth+=2;
  1092 	iExtentHeight+=2;
  1093 	iOffsetX = (iWindowWidth-iExtentWidth)/2; 
  1094 	iOffsetY = (iWindowHeight-iExtentHeight)/2;
  1096 	// Set up expected values for the border, storing old ones
  1097 	TInt oldBorderTop = iBorderTop;
  1098 	TInt oldBorderBottom = iBorderBottom;
  1099 	TInt oldBorderLeft = iBorderLeft;
  1100 	TInt oldBorderRight = iBorderRight;
  1101 	iBorderTop = iBorderBottom = iExtentHeight<iWindowHeight ? (iWindowHeight-iExtentHeight)/2 : 0; 
  1102 	iBorderLeft = iBorderRight = iExtentWidth<iWindowWidth ? (iWindowWidth-iExtentWidth)/2 : 0; 
  1104     // set new extent/offset values
  1105     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iPfnEglSetSurfaceScalingNOK(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), iOffsetX, iOffsetY, iExtentWidth, iExtentHeight));
  1106     // set new border colour values
  1107     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, iBorderColor.Blue()));
  1109     // Check that values have been updated as expected
  1110     CheckScalingAttributesL(iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight, iExtentWidth, iExtentHeight, iOffsetX, iOffsetY); 
  1111     CheckBorderColorL(iBorderColor.Red(), iBorderColor.Blue(), iBorderColor.Green()); 
  1113     // Check that the screen has NOT BEEN UPDATED just yet
  1115     // Create the reference bitmap that should be expected before the extent/border changes 
  1116     TInt refWidth = oldExtentWidth>iWindowWidth ? oldExtentWidth : iWindowWidth;
  1117     TInt refHeight = oldExtentHeight>iWindowHeight ? oldExtentHeight : iWindowHeight;
  1118     CFbsBitmap* oldRefBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(refWidth, refHeight), oldBorderTop, oldBorderBottom, oldBorderLeft, oldBorderRight, oldBorderColor);
  1120     // compare screen with old reference bitmap
  1121     TInt comparison = iImageComparison->CompareScreenImageL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight), TPoint(0,0), TPoint(0,0), *oldRefBitmap, TestStepName());
  1122     TEST(comparison==KErrNone);
  1123     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CompareScreenImageL before eglSwapBuffers returns %d (expected is %d)"), comparison, KErrNone);
  1125     // extent/offset changes MUST be effective only after swapbuffers 
  1126 	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSwapBuffers(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface()));
  1127 	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglWaitClient());
  1128 	// Finish() to ensure all native window operations related to the surface complete before image comparision.
  1129 	iWsSession.Finish();
  1131 	//check values still are as expected
  1132     CheckScalingAttributesL(iSurfaceWidth, iSurfaceHeight, iExtentWidth, iExtentHeight, iOffsetX, iOffsetY); 
  1133     CheckBorderColorL(iBorderColor.Red(), iBorderColor.Blue(), iBorderColor.Green()); 
  1135     // Create the reference bitmap that should be expected after the extent/border changes 
  1136     refWidth = iExtentWidth>iWindowWidth ? iExtentWidth : iWindowWidth;
  1137     refHeight = iExtentHeight>iWindowHeight ? iExtentHeight : iWindowHeight;
  1138     CFbsBitmap* newRefBitmap = CreateBitmapLC(TSize(refWidth, refHeight), iBorderTop, iBorderBottom, iBorderLeft, iBorderRight, iBorderColor);
  1140     // compare screen with new reference bitmap
  1141     comparison = iImageComparison->CompareScreenImageL(TSize(iWindowWidth, iWindowHeight), TPoint(0,0), TPoint(0,0), *newRefBitmap, TestStepName());
  1142     TEST(comparison==KErrNone);
  1143     INFO_PRINTF3(_L("CompareScreenImageL after eglSwapBuffers returns %d (expected is %d)"), comparison, KErrNone);
  1145     /// Cleanup
  1146     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, oldRefBitmap); // oldRefBitmap, newRefBitmap
  1148     return TestStepResult();
  1149     }
  1151 /**
  1152 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0652
  1154 @SYMTestPriority 1
  1156 @SYMPREQ 2676
  1158 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  1160 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  1161 Check that all configs that support surface scaling also support window surfaces.
  1163 @SYMTestActions
  1164 1. Query number of configs
  1165 2. Iterate through all configs and check if surface scaling is supported
  1166 3. If surface scaling is supported, chech that it supports window surfaces and 
  1167 	attempt to create a fixed size window surface
  1168 4. If surface scaling is not supported, check eglGetConfigAttrib return value and 
  1169 	attempt to create a fixed size window surface
  1171 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  1172 3. All configs that support surface scaling support window surfaces and window surface creation succeeds.
  1173 4. If surface scaling is not supported, eglGetConfigAttrib sets value to EGL_FALSE and window surface creation fails.
  1174 */
  1175 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_WindowSurface_Check::doTestStepL()
  1176     {
  1177     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_WindowSurface_Check::doTestStepL"));
  1178     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0652"));
  1179     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0652"));
  1181     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  1182     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  1183     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100, 100));
  1185     // Create display object
  1186     GetDisplayL();
  1187     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  1188     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  1190     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[KMaxEglConfigs];
  1191     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  1193     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
  1194 					EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, 50,
  1195 					EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, 50,
  1200 					EGL_NONE};
  1202     // Query total number of configs
  1203     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglGetConfigs(iDisplay, NULL, KMaxTInt, &numConfigs));
  1204     TESTL(numConfigs >= 1 && numConfigs <= KMaxEglConfigs);
  1205     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Found %d configs in total"), numConfigs);
  1207     // Get all configs
  1208     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglGetConfigs(iDisplay, matchingConfigs, KMaxEglConfigs, &numConfigs));
  1210     // Check that if surface scaling is supported in the config, then window surfaces are supported too
  1211     for(TInt i=0; i<numConfigs; i++)
  1212         {
  1213 		// query scaling support
  1214 		EGLint scalingSupport = -32; // arbitraty value which is neither EGL_TRUE nor EGL_FALSE
  1215 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglGetConfigAttrib(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[i], EGL_SURFACE_SCALING_NOK, &scalingSupport));
  1217 		// query window surface support
  1218 		EGLint surfaceType=-1;
  1219 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglGetConfigAttrib(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[i], EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, &surfaceType));
  1221 		// check that if surface scaling is supported, it also supports window surfaces
  1222 		if (scalingSupport==EGL_TRUE)
  1223 			{
  1224 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Config %d supports surface scaling. Checking window surface support..."), i);
  1225 			TEST((surfaceType&EGL_WINDOW_BIT) == EGL_WINDOW_BIT);
  1226 			}
  1227 		else
  1228 			{
  1229 			// check value was updated accordingly
  1230 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Config %d does NOT support surface scaling."), i);
  1231 			TEST(scalingSupport==EGL_FALSE);
  1232 			}
  1234 		// check if config supports window surface, fixed window surface creation follows scaling support 
  1235 		if ((surfaceType&EGL_WINDOW_BIT) == EGL_WINDOW_BIT)
  1236 			{
  1237 			EGLSurface windowSurface = eglCreateWindowSurface(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[i], &iWindow, attrib_list);
  1238 			if (scalingSupport==EGL_TRUE)
  1239 				{
  1240 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checking window surface creation succeeds..."));
  1241 				TEST_EGL_ERROR(windowSurface =! EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_SUCCESS);
  1242 				}
  1243 			else
  1244 				{
  1245 				INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Checking window surface creation fails..."));
  1246 				TEST_EGL_ERROR(windowSurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_BAD_MATCH);
  1247 				}
  1248 			}
  1249         }
  1251     // clean-up
  1252     CleanAll();
  1253     CloseWindow();
  1255     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_WindowSurface_Check::doTestStepL completed!"));
  1256     RecordTestResultL();
  1257     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  1258     return TestStepResult();
  1259     }
  1261 /**
  1262 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0653
  1264 @SYMTestPriority 1
  1266 @SYMPREQ 2676
  1268 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  1270 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  1271 Negative test. This test is to check the return value and error code of eglCreateWindowSurface 
  1272 when creating a fixed size window surface with invalid combination of Surface Scaling attributes 
  1273 and illegal values for each attribute.
  1275 @SYMTestActions
  1276 1. Create a fixed size Window Surface with invalid combination of Surface Scaling attributes.
  1277     - Only specify 5 out of 6 of the following attributes, when specified, should be valid.
  1280 2. Create a fixed size Window Surface with illegal values for each attribute.
  1281     [attribute]                         [illegal value]
  1282     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK                 less than or equal to zero
  1283     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK                less than or equal to zero
  1284     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK         less than or equal to zero
  1285     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK        less than or equal to zero
  1287 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  1288 1. EGL_NO_SURFACE is returned with error set to EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE
  1289 2. EGL_NO_SURFACE is returned with error set to EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE
  1290 */
  1291 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_Negative_CreateWindowSurface::doTestStepL()
  1292     {
  1293     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_Negative_CreateWindowSurface::doTestStepL"));
  1294     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0653"));
  1295     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0653"));
  1297     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  1298     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  1299     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100, 100));
  1301     // Create display object
  1302     GetDisplayL();
  1303     CreateEglSessionL();
  1304     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  1306     // Choose EGL config
  1307     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  1308     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  1310     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  1311     TESTL(numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
  1313     // Make the fixed size surface half width and height of the window
  1314     TInt surfaceWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth / 2;
  1315     TInt surfaceHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight / 2;
  1317     TInt invalidCombinationAttrNum = 6;
  1318     EGLint invalid_combination_attrib_list[][11] = {
  1319             {
  1320                 EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1321                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1322                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1323                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1324                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1325                 EGL_NONE},
  1326             {
  1327                 EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,
  1328                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1329                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1330                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1331                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1332                 EGL_NONE},
  1333             {
  1334                 EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,
  1335                 EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1336                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1337                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1338                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1339                 EGL_NONE},
  1340             {
  1341                 EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,
  1342                 EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1343                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1344                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1345                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1346                 EGL_NONE},
  1347             {
  1348                 EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1349                 EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1350                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1351                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1352                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1353                 EGL_NONE},
  1354             {
  1355                 EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1356                 EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1357                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1358                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1359                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1360                 EGL_NONE}
  1361             };
  1363     TInt illegalValAttrNum = 14;
  1364     EGLint illegal_value_attrib_list[][19] = {
  1365                 {
  1366                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, -1,
  1367                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1368                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1369                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1370                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1371                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1372                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0xfc,
  1373                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0xfd,
  1374                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0xfe,
  1375                     EGL_NONE},
  1376                 {
  1377                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, 0,
  1378                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1379                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1380                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1381                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1382                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1383                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0xfc,
  1384                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0xfd,
  1385                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0xfe,
  1386                     EGL_NONE},
  1387                 {
  1388                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,
  1389                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, -1,
  1390                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1391                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1392                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1393                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1394                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0xfc,
  1395                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0xfd,
  1396                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0xfe,
  1397                     EGL_NONE},
  1398                 {
  1399                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,
  1400                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, 0,
  1401                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1402                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1403                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1404                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1405                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0xfc,
  1406                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0xfd,
  1407                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0xfe,
  1408                     EGL_NONE},
  1409                 {
  1410                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1411                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1412                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1413                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1414                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, -1,
  1415                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1416                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0xfc,
  1417                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0xfd,
  1418                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0xfe,
  1419                     EGL_NONE},
  1420                 {
  1421                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1422                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1423                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1424                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1425                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, 0,
  1426                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1427                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0xfc,
  1428                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0xfd,
  1429                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0xfe,
  1430                     EGL_NONE},
  1431                 {
  1432                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1433                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1434                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1435                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1436                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1437                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, -1,
  1438                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0xfc,
  1439                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0xfd,
  1440                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0xfe,
  1441                     EGL_NONE},
  1442                 {
  1443                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1444                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1445                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1446                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1447                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1448                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, 0,
  1449                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0xfc,
  1450                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0xfd,
  1451                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0xfe,
  1452                     EGL_NONE},
  1453                 {
  1454                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1455                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1456                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1457                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1458                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1459                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1460                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, -1,
  1461                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0,
  1462                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0,
  1463                     EGL_NONE},
  1464                 {
  1465                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1466                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1467                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1468                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1469                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1470                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1471                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0,
  1472                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, -1,
  1473                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0,
  1474                     EGL_NONE},
  1475                 {
  1476                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1477                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1478                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1479                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1480                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1481                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1482                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0,
  1483                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0,
  1484                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, -1,
  1485                     EGL_NONE},
  1486                 {
  1487                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1488                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1489                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1490                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1491                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1492                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1493                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 256,
  1494                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0,
  1495                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0,
  1496                     EGL_NONE},
  1497                 {
  1498                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1499                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1500                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1501                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1502                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1503                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1504                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0,
  1505                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 256,
  1506                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0,
  1507                     EGL_NONE},
  1508                 {
  1509                     EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, surfaceWidth,  
  1510                     EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, surfaceHeight,
  1511                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1512                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1513                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, iWindow.Size().iWidth,
  1514                     EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, iWindow.Size().iHeight,
  1515                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0,
  1516                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0,
  1517                     EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 256,
  1518                     EGL_NONE}
  1519                 };
  1521     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calling eglCreateWindowSurface with invalid combination of Surface Scaling attributes... - only five out of six compulsary attributes specified"));
  1522     for(TInt i = 0;i < invalidCombinationAttrNum;i++)
  1523         {
  1524         EGLSurface surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[0], &iWindow, invalid_combination_attrib_list[i]);    
  1526         }
  1528     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calling eglCreateWindowSurface with illegal values for each attribute..."));
  1529     for(TInt i = 0;i < illegalValAttrNum;i++)
  1530         {
  1531         EGLSurface surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[0], &iWindow, illegal_value_attrib_list[i]);    
  1533         }
  1535     // clean-up
  1536     CloseWindow();
  1537     CleanAll();
  1539     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_Negative_CreateWindowSurface::doTestStepL completed!"));
  1540     RecordTestResultL();
  1541     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  1542     return TestStepResult();
  1543     }
  1545 /**
  1546 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0654
  1548 @SYMTestPriority 1
  1550 @SYMPREQ 2676
  1552 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  1554 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  1555 Negative test. This test is to check the return value and error code when creating
  1556 a fixed size non window surface.
  1558 @SYMTestActions
  1559 1. Attempt to create a pixmap with scaling attributes specified
  1560 2. Attempt to create a pbuffer surface with scaling attributes specified
  1561 3. Attempt to create a window surface with scaling attributes specified but 
  1562    config doesn't support surface scaling
  1564 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  1565 1. EGL_NO_SURFACE is returned with error set to EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE
  1566 2. EGL_NO_SURFACE is returned with error set to EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE
  1567 3. EGL_NO_SURFACE is returned with error set to EGL_BAD_MATCH
  1568 */
  1569 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_Negative_FixedSize_NonWindowSurface::doTestStepL()
  1570     {
  1571     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_Negative_FixedSize_NonWindowSurface::doTestStepL"));
  1572     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0654"));
  1573     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0654"));
  1575     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  1576     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  1577     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100, 100));
  1579     // Create bitmap
  1580     User::LeaveIfError(RFbsSession::Connect());
  1581     CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new(ELeave) CFbsBitmap();
  1582     CleanupStack::PushL(bitmap);
  1583     User::LeaveIfError(bitmap->Create(TSize(20, 20), EColor16MU));
  1585     // Create display object
  1586     GetDisplayL();
  1587     CreateEglSessionL();
  1588     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  1590     EGLConfig config;
  1591     EGLSurface surface = EGL_NO_SURFACE;
  1592     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  1594     // Use OpenVG to draw
  1597     const EGLint KFixedSize_surface_attrib_list[] = {
  1598                 EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, 100,
  1599                 EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, 100,
  1600                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1601                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1602                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, 150,
  1603                 EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, 150,
  1604                 EGL_NONE};
  1606     // If all window surfaces in EGL are scalable, first case must be skipped. Others still valid
  1607     TInt index = iAllScalable ? 1 : 0;
  1608     for(; index < 3; index++)
  1609         {
  1610         switch(index)
  1611             {
  1612 		case 0:
  1613 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calling eglCreateWindowSurface with surface scaling attribute specified in a config that does not support scaling..."));
  1614 			ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribs_NoScaling], &config, 1, &numConfigs));
  1615 			TEST(numConfigs==1);
  1616 			surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(iDisplay, config, &iWindow, KFixedSize_surface_attrib_list);    
  1618 			break;
  1619         case 1:
  1620 			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calling eglCreatePixmapSurface with surface scaling attribute specified..."));
  1621 		    ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[EPixmapAttribsColor16MU], &config, 1, &numConfigs));
  1622 		    TEST(numConfigs==1);
  1623 			surface = eglCreatePixmapSurface(iDisplay, config, (NativePixmapType)bitmap, KFixedSize_surface_attrib_list);
  1625             break;
  1626         case 2:
  1627             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calling eglCreatePbufferSurface with surface scaling attribute specified..."));
  1628             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[EPBufferAttribsColor64K], &config, 1, &numConfigs));
  1629             TEST(numConfigs==1);
  1630             surface = eglCreatePbufferSurface(iDisplay, config, KFixedSize_surface_attrib_list);    
  1631             TEST_EGL_ERROR(surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE);
  1632             break;
  1633 			}
  1634         }
  1636     // cleanup
  1637     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap);
  1638     CloseWindow();
  1639     CleanAll();
  1640     RFbsSession::Disconnect();
  1642     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScaling_Negative_FixedSize_NonWindowSurface::doTestStepL completed!"));
  1643     RecordTestResultL();
  1644     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  1645     return TestStepResult();
  1646     }
  1648 /**
  1649 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0655
  1651 @SYMTestPriority 1
  1653 @SYMPREQ 2676
  1655 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  1657 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  1658 Exercising border color set by default.
  1660 @SYMTestActions
  1661 1. Create a fixed size EGL Window Surface without border color specified.
  1662 2. Create a fixed size EGL Window Surface with border color specified for one channel.
  1663 3. Create a fixed size EGL Window Surface with border color specified for two channels.
  1665 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  1666 Retrieved border color matches to the value it has been set at surface creation, 
  1667 if during the surface creation border color has not been specified it is set to black (0x0).   
  1668 */
  1669 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingDefaultBorderColor::doTestStepL()
  1670     {
  1671     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0655"));
  1672     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0655"));
  1673     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingDefaultBorderColor::doTestStepL"));
  1675     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  1676     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  1677     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100,100));
  1678     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  1679     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  1681     // Create display object
  1682     GetDisplayL();
  1683     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  1684     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  1686     // Choose EGL config
  1687     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  1688     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  1690     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  1691     TESTL (numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
  1693     // Make the fixed size surface half width and height of the window
  1694     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth/2;
  1695     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight/2;
  1697     EGLint attrib_list1[] = {
  1698               EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth,
  1699               EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight,
  1700               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1701               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1702               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KWindowWidth,
  1703               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KWindowHeight,
  1704               EGL_NONE};
  1706     EGLint attrib_list2[] = {
  1707               EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth,
  1708               EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight,
  1709               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1710               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1711               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KWindowWidth,
  1712               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KWindowHeight,
  1713               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, 0xf0,
  1714               EGL_NONE};
  1716     EGLint attrib_list3[] = {
  1717               EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth,
  1718               EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight,
  1719               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1720               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1721               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KWindowWidth,
  1722               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KWindowHeight,
  1723               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, 0xf8,
  1724               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, 0xfc,
  1725               EGL_NONE};
  1727     for(TInt index = 0; index < 3; index++)
  1728         {
  1729         EGLint* attrib_list = NULL;
  1730         EGLint expectedRedChannelColor = 0; 
  1731         EGLint expectedGreenChannelColor = 0; 
  1732         EGLint expectedBlueChannelColor = 0; 
  1734         switch(index)
  1735             {
  1736         case 0:
  1737             attrib_list = attrib_list1;
  1738             break;
  1739         case 1:
  1740             expectedRedChannelColor = 0xf0;
  1741             attrib_list = attrib_list2;
  1742             break;
  1743         case 2:
  1744             expectedBlueChannelColor = 0xf8;
  1745             expectedGreenChannelColor = 0xfc;
  1746             attrib_list = attrib_list3;
  1747             break;
  1748             }
  1749         // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
  1750         iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
  1752         // Check expected border colours 
  1753         CheckBorderColorL(expectedRedChannelColor, expectedBlueChannelColor, expectedGreenChannelColor);
  1755         // Cleanup
  1756         iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  1757         }
  1759     CleanAll();
  1760     CloseWindow();
  1762     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingDefaultBorderColor::doTestStepL completed!"));
  1763     RecordTestResultL();
  1764     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  1765     return TestStepResult();
  1766     }
  1769 /**
  1770 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0656
  1772 @SYMTestPriority 1
  1774 @SYMPREQ 2676
  1776 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  1778 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  1779 Modifying an existing fixed size surface border color. 
  1781 @SYMTestActions
  1782 1. Create a fixed size EGL Window Surface with border color specified.
  1783 2. Modify border color with the new values.
  1785 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  1786 New color will take place only after setting new values.   
  1787 */
  1789 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingBorderColor::doTestStepL()
  1790     {
  1791 	SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0656"));
  1792 	SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0656"));
  1793 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingBorderColor::doTestStepL"));
  1795     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  1796     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  1797     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100,100));
  1799     // Create display object
  1800     GetDisplayL();
  1801     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  1802     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  1804     // Choose EGL config
  1805     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  1806     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  1808     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  1809     TESTL (numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
  1811     // Make the fixed size surface half width and height of the window
  1812     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  1813     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  1814     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth/2;
  1815     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight/2;
  1816     const TInt KExtentWidth = KSurfaceWidth;
  1817     const TInt KExtentHeight = KSurfaceHeight;
  1818     const EGLint KRedChannelColor = 0x20; 
  1819     const EGLint KGreenChannelColor = 0x40; 
  1820     const EGLint KBlueChannelColor = 0x60; 
  1822     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
  1823               EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth,
  1824               EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight,
  1825               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  1826               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  1827               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KExtentWidth,
  1828               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KExtentHeight,
  1829               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, KRedChannelColor,
  1830               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, KBlueChannelColor,
  1831               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, KGreenChannelColor,
  1832               EGL_NONE};
  1834     // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
  1835     iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
  1837     CheckBorderColorL(KRedChannelColor, KBlueChannelColor, KGreenChannelColor);
  1839     //modify existing attributes
  1840     const EGLint KOffsetColor = 100; 
  1841     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, KRedChannelColor + KOffsetColor));
  1842     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, KBlueChannelColor + KOffsetColor));
  1843     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, KGreenChannelColor + KOffsetColor));
  1845     //check that border color has been modified now
  1846     CheckBorderColorL(KRedChannelColor+KOffsetColor, KBlueChannelColor+KOffsetColor, KGreenChannelColor+KOffsetColor);
  1848     // Cleanup
  1849     iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  1850     CleanAll();
  1851     CloseWindow();
  1853 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingBorderColor::doTestStepL completed!"));
  1855     RecordTestResultL();
  1856     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  1857     return TestStepResult();
  1858     }
  1860 /**
  1861 @SYMTestCaseID 	GRAPHICS-EGL-0657
  1863 @SYMTestPriority 1
  1865 @SYMPREQ 2676
  1867 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  1869 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  1870 Negative testing. Modifying an existing non-fixed size surface border color. 
  1872 @SYMTestActions
  1873 1. Create a non-fixed size EGL Window Surface.
  1874 2. Try to set border color after surface creation.
  1875 3. Repeat steps 1-2 for pixmap and pbuffer surface
  1877 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  1878 Setting border color has no effect.   
  1879 */
  1880 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingBorderColorNonFixed::doTestStepL()
  1881     {
  1882 	SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0657"));
  1883 	SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0657"));
  1884 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingBorderColorNonFixed::doTestStepL"));
  1886     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  1887     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  1888     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100,100));
  1890     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  1891     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  1892     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth;
  1893     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight;
  1895     // Create display object
  1896     GetDisplayL();
  1897     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  1898     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  1900     // Choose EGL config
  1901     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  1902     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  1904     // If all window surfaces in EGL are scalable, first case must be skipped. Others still valid
  1905     TInt index = iAllScalable ? 1 : 0;
  1906     for(; index < 3; index++)
  1907         {
  1908         switch(index)
  1909             {
  1910         case 0:
  1911             // Create the non-fixed size window surface and the egl context and make them current
  1912             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the non-fixed size window surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  1913             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribs_NoScaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  1914             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  1915             iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow);    
  1916             break;
  1917         case 1:
  1918             // Create the pbuffer surface and the egl context and make them current
  1919             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the pbuffer surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  1920             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[EPBufferAttribsColor16MU], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  1921             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  1922             iEglSess->CreatePbufferSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], TSize(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight));
  1923             break;
  1924         case 2:
  1925             // Create the pixmap surface and the egl context and make them current
  1926             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the pixmap surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  1927             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[EPixmapAttribsColor16MU], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  1928             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  1929             iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(TSize(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight), EColor16MU);
  1930             break;
  1931             }
  1933 		// Set border color values to a non fixed size window (nothing should happen)
  1934 		const EGLint KRedChannelColor = 0x20; 
  1935 		const EGLint KGreenChannelColor = 0x40; 
  1936 		const EGLint KBlueChannelColor = 0x60; 
  1937 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, KRedChannelColor));
  1938 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, KBlueChannelColor));
  1939 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, KGreenChannelColor));
  1941 		// Check all attributes (this is a non-fixed size window) 
  1942 		// Note that we cannot use CheckBorderColorL because values are not updated
  1943 		EGLint redChannelColor = -1; 
  1944 		EGLint greenChannelColor = -2; 
  1945 		EGLint blueChannelColor = -3; 
  1946 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, &redChannelColor));
  1947 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, &blueChannelColor));
  1948 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, &greenChannelColor));
  1949 		TEST(redChannelColor == -1);
  1950 		TEST(greenChannelColor == -2);
  1951 		TEST(blueChannelColor == -3);
  1953 		// Set invalid border color values to a non fixed size window (nothing should happen)
  1954 		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to set invalid border color values to a non fixed size window..."));
  1955 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, KRedChannelColor+256));
  1956 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, KBlueChannelColor+256));
  1957 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, KGreenChannelColor+256));
  1959 		// Check all attributes (this is a non-fixed size window) 
  1960 		// Note that we cannot use CheckBorderColorL because values are not updated
  1961 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, &redChannelColor));
  1962 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, &blueChannelColor));
  1963 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, &greenChannelColor));
  1964 		TEST(redChannelColor == -1);
  1965 		TEST(greenChannelColor == -2);
  1966 		TEST(blueChannelColor == -3);
  1968 	   	// destroy surface and context
  1969 	    iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  1970         }
  1972     // Cleanup
  1973     CleanAll();
  1974     CloseWindow();
  1976 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingBorderColorNonFixed::doTestStepL completed!"));
  1978     RecordTestResultL();
  1979     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  1980     return TestStepResult();
  1981     }
  1983 /**
  1984 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0658
  1986 @SYMTestPriority 1
  1988 @SYMPREQ 2676
  1990 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  1992 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  1993 Negative testing. Attempt to modify an existing fixed size surface border color with invalid values. 
  1995 @SYMTestActions
  1996 1. Create a fixed size EGL Window Surface with border color specified.
  1997 2. Try to modify border color with the negative values.
  1998 3. Try to modify border color with the positive values greater than 255.
  2000 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  2001 Attempt to modify the border color with the new values will fail with error code EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE.   
  2002 */
  2003 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingInvalidBorderColor::doTestStepL()
  2004     {
  2005     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0658"));
  2006     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0658"));
  2007     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingInvalidBorderColor::doTestStepL"));
  2009     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  2010     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  2011     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100,100));
  2012     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  2013     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  2015     // Create display object
  2016     GetDisplayL();
  2017     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  2018     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  2020     // Choose EGL config
  2021     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  2022     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  2024     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2025     TESTL (numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
  2027     // Make the fixed size surface half width and height of the window
  2028     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth/2;
  2029     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight/2;
  2030     const EGLint KRedChannelColor = 0x20; 
  2031     const EGLint KGreenChannelColor = 0x40; 
  2032     const EGLint KBlueChannelColor = 0x60; 
  2034     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
  2035               EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth,
  2036               EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight,
  2037               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, 0,
  2038               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, 0,
  2039               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KWindowWidth,
  2040               EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KWindowHeight,
  2041               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, KRedChannelColor,
  2042               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, KBlueChannelColor,
  2043               EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, KGreenChannelColor,
  2044               EGL_NONE};
  2047     // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
  2048     iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
  2050     // check initial values match
  2051     CheckBorderColorL(KRedChannelColor, KBlueChannelColor, KGreenChannelColor);
  2053     //modify existing attributes with negative value
  2054 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to set negative border color values..."));
  2055     TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, -KRedChannelColor) == EGL_FALSE);
  2057     TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, -KBlueChannelColor) == EGL_FALSE);
  2059     TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, -KGreenChannelColor) == EGL_FALSE);
  2062     //check that border color has not been modified
  2063     CheckBorderColorL(KRedChannelColor, KBlueChannelColor, KGreenChannelColor);
  2065     //modify existing attributes with very big positive value
  2066 	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to set border color values that are too big..."));
  2067     TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, KRedChannelColor + 256) == EGL_FALSE);
  2069     TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, KBlueChannelColor + 256) == EGL_FALSE);
  2071     TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, KGreenChannelColor + 256) == EGL_FALSE);
  2074     //check that border color has not been modified
  2075     CheckBorderColorL(KRedChannelColor, KBlueChannelColor, KGreenChannelColor);
  2077     /// Cleanup
  2078     iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  2079     CleanAll();
  2080     CloseWindow();
  2082     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingInvalidBorderColor::doTestStepL completed!"));
  2083     RecordTestResultL();
  2084     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  2085     return TestStepResult();
  2086     }
  2088 /**
  2089 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0659
  2091 @SYMTestPriority 1
  2093 @SYMPREQ 2676
  2095 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  2097 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  2098 Negative testing. Attempt to modify an extent with eglSurfaceAttrib() after surface has been created. 
  2100 @SYMTestActions
  2101 1. Create a fixed size EGL Window Surface.
  2102 2. Try to modify a surface extent parameters with arbitrary values via eglSurfaceAttrib().
  2104 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  2105 Attempt to modify the extent will fail with error code EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE.   
  2106 */
  2107 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingExtent::doTestStepL()
  2108     {
  2109     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0659"));
  2110     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0659"));
  2111     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingExtent::doTestStepL"));
  2113      // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  2114     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  2115     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100,100));
  2117     // Create display object
  2118     GetDisplayL();
  2119     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  2120     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  2122     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to modify surface extent for fixed size surfaces..."));
  2123     // Choose EGL config
  2124     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  2125     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  2126     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2127 	TESTL (numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
  2129     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  2130     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  2131     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth/2;
  2132 	const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight/2;
  2133 	const TInt KExtentWidth = KWindowWidth;
  2134 	const TInt KExtentHeight = KWindowHeight;
  2135     const TInt KOffsetX = 10;
  2136 	const TInt KOffsetY = 20;
  2138     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
  2139                   EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth,
  2140                   EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight,
  2141                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, KOffsetX,
  2142                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, KOffsetY,
  2143                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KExtentWidth,
  2144                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KExtentHeight,
  2145                   EGL_NONE};
  2147 	// Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
  2148 	iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
  2150 	// Invalid update - modify existing attributes with any value
  2151 	TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2153 	TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2155 	TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KExtentWidth/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2157 	TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KExtentHeight/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2159 	TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, KOffsetX/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2161 	TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, KOffsetY/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2164     // check that attributes have not been modified
  2165     CheckScalingAttributesL(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KExtentWidth, KExtentHeight, KOffsetX, KOffsetY);
  2167 	/// Cleanup
  2168     iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  2169     CleanAll();
  2170     CloseWindow();
  2172     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingExtent::doTestStepL completed!"));
  2173     RecordTestResultL();
  2174     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  2175     return TestStepResult();
  2176     }
  2178 /**
  2179 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0671
  2181 @SYMTestPriority 1
  2183 @SYMPREQ 2676
  2185 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  2187 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  2188 Negative testing. Attempt to modify an extent with eglSurfaceAttrib() after surface has been created. 
  2190 @SYMTestActions
  2191 1. Create a non fixed size EGL Window Surface.
  2192 2. Try to modify a surface extent parameters with arbitrary values via eglSurfaceAttrib().
  2193 3. Repeat steps 2-3 for pixmap and pbuffer surface
  2195 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  2196 Attempt to modify the extent will fail with error code EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE.   
  2197 */
  2198 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingExtentNonFixed::doTestStepL()
  2199     {
  2200     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0671"));
  2201     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0671"));
  2202     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingExtentNonFixed::doTestStepL"));
  2204     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  2205     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  2206     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100,100));
  2208     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  2209     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  2210     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth;
  2211     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight;
  2212 	const TInt KExtentWidth = KWindowWidth;
  2213 	const TInt KExtentHeight = KWindowHeight;
  2214     const TInt KOffsetX = 11;
  2215 	const TInt KOffsetY = 22;
  2217     // Create display object
  2218     GetDisplayL();
  2219     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  2220     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  2222     // Choose EGL config
  2223     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  2224     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  2226     // If all window surfaces in EGL are scalable, first case must be skipped. Others still valid
  2227     TInt index = iAllScalable ? 1 : 0;
  2228     for(; index < 3; index++)
  2229         {
  2230         switch(index)
  2231             {
  2232         case 0:
  2233             // Create the non-fixed size window surface and the egl context and make them current
  2234             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the non-fixed size window surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  2235             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribs_NoScaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2236             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  2237             iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow);    
  2238             break;
  2239         case 1:
  2240             // Create the pbuffer surface and the egl context and make them current
  2241             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the pbuffer surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  2242             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[EPBufferAttribsColor16MU], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2243             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  2244             iEglSess->CreatePbufferSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], TSize(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight));
  2245             break;
  2246         case 2:
  2247             // Create the pixmap surface and the egl context and make them current
  2248             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the pixmap surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  2249             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[EPixmapAttribsColor16MU], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2250             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  2251             iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(TSize(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight), EColor16MU);
  2252             break;
  2253             }
  2255 		// Invalid update - modify existing attributes with any value
  2256 		TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2258 		TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2260 		TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KExtentWidth/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2262 		TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KExtentHeight/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2264 		TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, KOffsetX/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2266 		TEST(eglSurfaceAttrib(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, KOffsetY/2) == EGL_FALSE);
  2269 	   	// destroy surface and context
  2270 	    iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  2271         }
  2273 	/// Cleanup
  2274     CleanAll();
  2275     CloseWindow();
  2277     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingModifyingExtentNonFixed::doTestStepL completed!"));
  2278     RecordTestResultL();
  2279     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  2280     return TestStepResult();
  2281     }
  2283 /**
  2284 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0660
  2286 @SYMTestPriority 1
  2288 @SYMPREQ 2676
  2290 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  2292 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  2293 Query surface attrubutes related to scaling. 
  2295 @SYMTestActions
  2296 1. Create a non-fixed size EGL Window Surface.
  2297 2. Query surface attributes.
  2299 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  2300 2. Query surface attributes succeeds and all atributes matches to the expected values.
  2301 */
  2302 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingQuerySurface::doTestStepL()
  2303     {
  2304     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0660"));
  2305     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0660"));
  2306     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingQuerySurface::doTestStepL"));
  2308     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  2309     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  2310     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100,100));
  2312     // Create display object
  2313     GetDisplayL();
  2314     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  2315     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  2317     // Choose EGL config
  2318     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  2319     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  2320     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2321     TESTL (numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
  2323     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  2324     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  2325     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth/2;
  2326     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight/2;
  2327     const TInt KExtentWidth = KWindowWidth;
  2328     const TInt KExtentHeight = KWindowHeight;
  2329     const EGLint KXOffset = 10;
  2330     const EGLint KYOffset = 20;
  2331     const EGLint KBorderColorRed = 0xa0;
  2332     const EGLint KBorderColorBlue = 0xf0;
  2333     const EGLint KBorderColorGreen = 0xfc;
  2335     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
  2336                   EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth,
  2337                   EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight,
  2338                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, KXOffset,
  2339                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, KYOffset,
  2340                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KExtentWidth,
  2341                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KExtentHeight,
  2342                   EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, KBorderColorBlue,
  2343                   EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, KBorderColorGreen,
  2344                   EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, KBorderColorRed,
  2345                   EGL_NONE};
  2347 	// Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
  2348     iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
  2350     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Query surface attributes and border colour back and check expected values..."));
  2351     CheckBorderColorL(KBorderColorRed, KBorderColorBlue, KBorderColorGreen);
  2352     CheckScalingAttributesL(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KExtentWidth, KExtentHeight, KXOffset, KYOffset);
  2354     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Check EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK and EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK cannot be queried..."));
  2355     EGLint surfaceFixedWidth = -1;
  2356     EGLint surfaceFixedHeight = -2;
  2357     TEST(EGL_FALSE == eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, &surfaceFixedWidth));
  2359     TEST(EGL_FALSE == eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, &surfaceFixedHeight));
  2361 	TEST(surfaceFixedWidth == -1);
  2362 	TEST(surfaceFixedHeight == -2);
  2364 	// clean-up
  2365 	iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  2366     CloseWindow();
  2367     CleanAll();
  2369     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingQuerySurface::doTestStepL completed!"));
  2370     RecordTestResultL();
  2371     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  2372     return TestStepResult();
  2373     }
  2375 /**
  2376 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0662
  2378 @SYMTestPriority 1
  2380 @SYMPREQ 2676
  2382 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  2384 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  2385 Negative testing. Query surface attributes which are not supported by this API. 
  2387 @SYMTestActions
  2388 1. Create a non-fixed size EGL window surface.
  2389 2. Query surface attributes.
  2390 3. Repeat step 2 for EGL window surface, pixmap and pbuffer surface
  2392 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  2393 Query surface attributes will fail with error code EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE.   
  2394 */
  2395 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingQuerySurfaceNonFixed::doTestStepL()
  2396     {
  2397     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0662"));
  2398     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0662"));
  2399     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingQuerySurfaceNonFixed::doTestStepL"));
  2401     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  2402     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  2403     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100,100));
  2405     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  2406     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  2407     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth;
  2408     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight;
  2410     // Create display object
  2411     GetDisplayL();
  2412     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  2413     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  2415     // Choose EGL config
  2416     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  2417     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  2419     // If all window surfaces in EGL are scalable, first case must be skipped. Others still valid
  2420     TInt index = iAllScalable ? 1 : 0;
  2421     for(; index < 3; index++)
  2422         {
  2423         switch(index)
  2424             {
  2425         case 0:
  2426             // Create the non-fixed size window surface and the egl context and make them current
  2427             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the non-fixed size window surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  2428             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribs_NoScaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2429             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  2430             iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow);    
  2431             break;
  2432         case 1:
  2433             // Create the pbuffer surface and the egl context and make them current
  2434             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the pbuffer surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  2435             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[EPBufferAttribsColor16MU], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2436             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  2437             iEglSess->CreatePbufferSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], TSize(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight));
  2438             break;
  2439         case 2:
  2440             // Create the pixmap surface and the egl context and make them current
  2441             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the pixmap surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  2442             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[EPixmapAttribsColor16MU], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2443             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  2444             iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(TSize(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight), EColor16MU);
  2445             break;
  2446             }
  2448         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Check EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK and EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK cannot be queried..."));
  2449         EGLint surfaceFixedWidth = -1;
  2450         EGLint surfaceFixedHeight = -2;
  2451         TEST(EGL_FALSE == eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, &surfaceFixedWidth));
  2453         TEST(EGL_FALSE == eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, &surfaceFixedHeight));
  2455         TEST(surfaceFixedWidth == -1);
  2456         TEST(surfaceFixedHeight == -2);
  2458         INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Check surface size is as we would expect..."));
  2459         EGLint surfaceWidth = 0;
  2460     	EGLint surfaceHeight = 0;
  2461     	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_WIDTH, &surfaceWidth));
  2462     	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_HEIGHT, &surfaceHeight));
  2463     	TEST(surfaceWidth == KWindowWidth);		// non-fixed size surface
  2464     	TEST(surfaceHeight == KWindowHeight);	// non-fixed size surface
  2466     	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Check scaling attributes cannot be queried..."));
  2467     	EGLint extentOffsetX = -1;
  2468     	EGLint extentOffsetY = -2;
  2469     	EGLint extentWidth = -3;
  2470     	EGLint extentHeight = -4;
  2471     	EGLint borderColorBlue = -5;
  2472     	EGLint borderColorRed = -6;
  2473     	EGLint borderColorGreen = -7;
  2474     	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, &extentOffsetX));
  2475     	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, &extentOffsetY));
  2476     	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, &extentWidth));
  2477     	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, &extentHeight));
  2478     	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_BLUE_NOK, &borderColorBlue));
  2479     	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_GREEN_NOK, &borderColorGreen));
  2480     	ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_BORDER_COLOR_RED_NOK, &borderColorRed));
  2481     	TEST(extentOffsetX == -1);
  2482     	TEST(extentOffsetY == -2);
  2483     	TEST(extentWidth == -3);
  2484     	TEST(extentHeight == -4);
  2485     	TEST(borderColorBlue == -5);
  2486     	TEST(borderColorRed == -6);
  2487     	TEST(borderColorGreen == -7);
  2489     	// destroy surface and context
  2490         iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  2491         }
  2493     // clean-up
  2494     CloseWindow();
  2495     CleanAll();
  2497     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingQuerySurfaceNonFixed::doTestStepL completed!"));
  2498     RecordTestResultL();
  2499     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  2500     return TestStepResult();
  2501     }
  2503 /**
  2504 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0663
  2506 @SYMTestPriority 1
  2508 @SYMPREQ 2676
  2510 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  2512 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  2513 Negative testing. Query surface scaling capability with invalid parameters. 
  2515 @SYMTestActions
  2516 1. Query surface scaling capability for the different configs.
  2517 2. Query surface scaling capability with invalid display.
  2518 3. Query surface scaling capability with negative surface width.
  2519 4. Query surface scaling capability with negative surface height.
  2520 5. Query surface scaling capability with negative target width.
  2521 6. Query surface scaling capability with negative target height.
  2522 7. Query surface scaling capability with zero surface width.
  2523 8. Query surface scaling capability with zero surface height.
  2524 9. Query surface scaling capability with zero target width.
  2525 10. Query surface scaling capability with zero target height.
  2527 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  2528 1. Query surface capability will fail with error code EGL_BAD_MATCH if config doesn't support scaling and succeed otherwise.   
  2529 2. Query surface capability will fail with error code EGL_BAD_DISPLAY.   
  2530 3. Query surface capability will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2531 4. Query surface capability will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2532 5. Query surface capability will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2533 6. Query surface capability will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2534 7. Query surface capability will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2535 8. Query surface capability will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2536 9. Query surface capability will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2537 10. Query surface capability will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2538 */
  2539 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingCapability::doTestStepL()
  2540     {
  2541     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0663"));
  2542     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0663"));
  2543     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingCapability::doTestStepL"));
  2545     // Create display object
  2546     GetDisplayL();
  2547     CreateEglSessionL();
  2548     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  2550     // Choose EGL config
  2551     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[KMaxEglConfigs];
  2552     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  2554     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100,100));
  2556     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  2557     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  2558     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth/2;
  2559     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight/2;
  2560     const EGLDisplay KInvalidDisplay = iDisplay - 100;
  2561     EGLint capability = -1; //arbitrary number beyond the existing range 
  2562     EGLConfig config = -1;
  2564     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Calling eglGetConfigs to get configs..."));
  2565     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglGetConfigs(iDisplay, matchingConfigs, KMaxEglConfigs, &numConfigs));
  2566     for(TInt index = 0; index < numConfigs; index++)
  2567         {
  2568         EGLint value = EGL_FALSE;
  2569         ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglGetConfigAttrib(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[index], EGL_SURFACE_SCALING_NOK, &value));
  2570         if(value == EGL_FALSE)
  2571             {
  2572             TEST(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[index], KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KWindowWidth, KWindowHeight, &capability) == EGL_FALSE);
  2573             TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  2574             ASSERT_EGL_ERROR(EGL_BAD_MATCH);
  2575             }
  2576         else  
  2577             {
  2578             if(config == -1) 
  2579                 {//memorize the first config that supports scaling
  2580                 config = matchingConfigs[index];
  2581                 }
  2582             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[index], KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KWindowWidth, KWindowHeight, &capability));
  2583             TEST((capability == EGL_SUPPORTED_NOK) || (capability == EGL_SLOW_NOK));
  2584             capability = -1; 
  2585             }
  2586         }
  2587     capability = -1; 
  2588     TEST(config != -1); // make sure that at least one config supports scaling 
  2590     //invalid display
  2591     TEST(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(KInvalidDisplay, config, KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KWindowWidth, KWindowHeight, &capability) == EGL_FALSE);
  2592     TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  2595     //negative width
  2596     TEST(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, config, -KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KWindowWidth, KWindowHeight, &capability) == EGL_FALSE);
  2597     TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  2599     TEST(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, config, KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, -KWindowWidth, KWindowHeight, &capability) == EGL_FALSE);
  2600     TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  2602     //negative height
  2603     TEST(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, config, KSurfaceWidth, -KSurfaceHeight, KWindowWidth, KWindowHeight, &capability) == EGL_FALSE);
  2604     TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  2606     TEST(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, config, KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KWindowWidth, -KWindowHeight, &capability) == EGL_FALSE);
  2607     TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  2610     //zero width
  2611     TEST(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, config, -0, KSurfaceHeight, KWindowWidth, KWindowHeight, &capability) == EGL_FALSE);
  2612     TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  2614     TEST(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, config, KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, -0, KWindowHeight, &capability) == EGL_FALSE);
  2615     TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  2617     //zero height
  2618     TEST(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, config, KSurfaceWidth, -0, KWindowWidth, KWindowHeight, &capability) == EGL_FALSE);
  2619     TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  2621     TEST(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, config, KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KWindowWidth, -0, &capability) == EGL_FALSE);
  2622     TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  2625     // Cleanup
  2626     CloseWindow();
  2627     CleanAll();
  2629     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingCapability::doTestStepL completed!"));
  2630     RecordTestResultL();
  2631     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  2632     return TestStepResult();
  2633     }
  2635 /**
  2636 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0664
  2638 @SYMTestPriority 1
  2640 @SYMPREQ 2676
  2642 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  2644 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  2645 Call eglSetSurfaceScalingNOK with fixed size surface and a target extent that can be set. 
  2647 @SYMTestActions
  2648 Retrieve all available EGL configs and for those that support surface scaling 
  2649 1. Create a window surface with surface scaling attributes and make it current
  2650 2. Query these attributes and check they correspond with what is expected
  2651 3. Query if surface supports scaling to a different extent
  2652 4. Set the new extent and new offset to the surface
  2653 5. Query these attributes
  2655 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  2656 5. Surface scaling attributes have been updated    
  2657 */
  2658 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingSet::doTestStepL()
  2659     {
  2660     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0664"));
  2661     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0664"));
  2662     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingSet::doTestStepL"));
  2664     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  2665     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  2666     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100, 100));
  2668     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  2669     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  2670     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth/2;
  2671     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight/2;
  2672     const TInt KExtentWidth = KWindowWidth;
  2673     const TInt KExtentHeight = KWindowHeight;
  2674     const EGLint KOffsetX = 3;
  2675     const EGLint KOffsetY = 7;
  2677     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
  2678                   EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth,
  2679                   EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight,
  2680                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, KOffsetX,
  2681                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, KOffsetY,
  2682                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KExtentWidth,
  2683                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KExtentHeight,
  2684                   EGL_NONE};
  2686     // Create display object
  2687     GetDisplayL();
  2688     CreateEglSessionL();
  2689     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  2691     // Choose EGL config
  2692     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[KMaxEglConfigs];
  2693     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  2695     // Query total number of configs
  2696     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglGetConfigs(iDisplay, NULL, KMaxTInt, &numConfigs));
  2697     TESTL(numConfigs >= 1 && numConfigs <= KMaxEglConfigs);
  2698     INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Found %d configs"), numConfigs);
  2700     // Get the configs
  2701     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglGetConfigs(iDisplay, matchingConfigs, KMaxEglConfigs, &numConfigs));
  2703     // Check if surface scaling is supported in the config, if so, create surface
  2704     for(TInt i=0; i<numConfigs; i++)
  2705         {
  2706 		EGLint value = -32; // arbitraty value which is neither EGL_TRUE nor EGL_FALSE
  2707 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglGetConfigAttrib(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[i], EGL_SURFACE_SCALING_NOK, &value));
  2708 		if (value==EGL_TRUE)
  2709 			{
  2710 			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Config %d supports surface scaling. Create a window surface..."), i);
  2712 		    // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
  2713 			EGLint renderableType = 0;
  2714 			ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglGetConfigAttrib(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[i],  EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, &renderableType));
  2715 			if (renderableType&EGL_OPENVG_BIT)
  2716 				{
  2717 				iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[i], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);
  2718 				}
  2719 			else if (renderableType&EGL_OPENGL_ES_BIT)
  2720 				{
  2721 				iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[i], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENGL_ES_API, 1, attrib_list);
  2722 				}
  2723 			else
  2724 				{
  2725 				WARN_PRINTF2(_L("Config %d does not support either OPENVG or OPENGL_ES. Skip!"), i);
  2726 				continue;
  2727 				}
  2729 		    // Check values are as expected
  2730 	        CheckScalingAttributesL(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KExtentWidth, KExtentHeight, KOffsetX, KOffsetY);
  2732 	        // modify target extent atttributes
  2733 	        // 1 - first check that this new extent is supported, should do as we're reducing it
  2734 	        EGLint capability = -1; 	//arbitrary number beyond the existing range 
  2735 	        EGLint newExtentWidth = KExtentWidth / 2;
  2736 	    	EGLint newExtentHeight = KExtentHeight / 2;
  2737 	        EGLint newOffsetX = KOffsetX * 2;
  2738 	    	EGLint newOffsetY = KOffsetY * 2;
  2739 	        ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[i], KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, newExtentWidth, newExtentHeight, &capability));
  2740             TEST((capability == EGL_SUPPORTED_NOK) || (capability == EGL_SLOW_NOK));
  2741 			// 2 - set new extent
  2742 	        ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iPfnEglSetSurfaceScalingNOK(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), newOffsetX, newOffsetY, newExtentWidth, newExtentHeight));
  2744 	        // Check attributes have changed
  2745 	        CheckScalingAttributesL(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, newExtentWidth, newExtentHeight, newOffsetX, newOffsetY);
  2747 			// Cleanup
  2748 	        iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  2749 			}
  2750         }
  2752     // Cleanup
  2753     CloseWindow();
  2754     CleanAll();
  2756     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingSet::doTestStepL completed!"));
  2757     RecordTestResultL();
  2758     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  2759     return TestStepResult();
  2760 	}
  2762 /**
  2763 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0665
  2765 @SYMTestPriority 1
  2767 @SYMPREQ 2676
  2769 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  2771 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  2772 Negative testing. Call eglSetSurfaceScalingNOK with invalid parameters 
  2774 @SYMTestActions
  2775 1. Set surface scaling with invalid display.
  2776 2. Set surface scaling with negative target width.
  2777 3. Set surface scaling with negative target height.
  2778 3. Set surface scaling with zero target width.
  2779 3. Set surface scaling with zero target height.
  2780 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  2781 1. Set surface scaling will fail with error code EGL_BAD_DISPLAY.   
  2782 2. Set surface scaling will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2783 3. Set surface scaling will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2784 4. Set surface scaling will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2785 5. Set surface scaling will fail with error code EGL_BAD_PARAMETER.   
  2786 */
  2787 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingSetInvalidAttributes::doTestStepL()
  2788     {
  2789     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0665"));
  2790     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0665"));
  2791     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingSetInvalidAttributes::doTestStepL"));
  2793     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  2794     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  2795     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100, 100));
  2797     // Create display object
  2798     GetDisplayL();
  2799     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  2800     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  2802     // Choose EGL config
  2803     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  2804     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  2805     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2806     TESTL(numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
  2808     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  2809     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  2810     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth/2;
  2811     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight/2;
  2812     const TInt KExtentWidth = KWindowWidth;
  2813     const TInt KExtentHeight = KWindowHeight;
  2814     const EGLint KOffsetX = 11;
  2815     const EGLint KOffsetY = 13;
  2816     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
  2817                   EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth,
  2818                   EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight,
  2819                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, KOffsetX,
  2820                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, KOffsetY,
  2821                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KExtentWidth,
  2822                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KExtentHeight,
  2823                   EGL_NONE};
  2825     // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
  2826     iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
  2828     // Check all attributes
  2829     CheckScalingAttributesL(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KExtentWidth, KExtentHeight, KOffsetX, KOffsetY);
  2831     for(TInt index = 0; index < 5; index++)
  2832         {
  2833 		// new attribute values
  2834 		EGLDisplay newDisplay = iDisplay;
  2835 		EGLint newExtentWidth = KExtentWidth;
  2836 		EGLint newExtentHeight = KExtentHeight;
  2837 		EGLint newOffsetX = KOffsetX;
  2838 		EGLint newOffsetY = KOffsetY;
  2839 		// expected error value
  2840 		EGLint error = EGL_BAD_PARAMETER;
  2842 		switch(index)
  2843             {
  2844         case 0:
  2845             // Invalid display - valid extent
  2846             newDisplay = newDisplay - 100;
  2847             error = EGL_BAD_DISPLAY;
  2848             break;
  2849         case 1:
  2850             // Valid display - Negative extent width
  2851         	newExtentWidth = -newExtentHeight;
  2852             break;
  2853         case 2:
  2854             // Valid display - Negative extent height
  2855         	newExtentHeight = -newExtentHeight;
  2856         	break;
  2857 		case 3:
  2858 			// Valid display - zero extent width
  2859 			newExtentWidth = 0;
  2860 			break;
  2861 		case 4:
  2862 			// Valid display - zero extent height
  2863 			newExtentHeight = 0;
  2864 			break;
  2865 			}
  2867 		TEST(EGL_FALSE == iPfnEglSetSurfaceScalingNOK(newDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), newOffsetX, newOffsetY, newExtentWidth, newExtentHeight));
  2868 		ASSERT_EGL_ERROR(error);
  2870 		// attributes haven't changed
  2871 	    CheckScalingAttributesL(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KWindowWidth, KWindowHeight, KOffsetX, KOffsetY);
  2872         }
  2874     // Cleanup
  2875     CleanAll();
  2876     CloseWindow();
  2878     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingSetInvalidAttributes::doTestStepL completed!"));
  2879     RecordTestResultL();
  2880     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  2881     return TestStepResult();
  2882     }
  2884 /**
  2885 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0666
  2887 @SYMTestPriority 1
  2889 @SYMPREQ 2676
  2891 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  2893 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  2894 Negative testing. Query scaling attributes in non-fixed size surfaces 
  2896 @SYMTestActions
  2897 1. Create a window surface from a non-fixed size surface
  2898 2. Set surface scaling with valid target extent.
  2899 3. Query scaling attributes
  2900 4. Repeat step 2-3 for EGL window surface, pixmap and pbuffer surface
  2902 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  2903 2. Set surface scaling will fail with error code EGL_BAD_MATCH.
  2904 3. Query scaling attributes does not fail, but values not updated
  2905 */
  2906 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingSetNonFixed::doTestStepL()
  2907     {
  2908     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0666"));
  2909     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0666"));
  2910     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingSetNonFixed::doTestStepL"));
  2912     // Establish the connection to the window server and create
  2913     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  2914     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100, 100));
  2916     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  2917     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  2918     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth;
  2919     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight;
  2921     // Create display object
  2922     GetDisplayL();
  2923     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  2924     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  2926     // Choose EGL config - Make sure it DOES NOT support surface scaling
  2927     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  2928     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  2930     // If all window surfaces in EGL are scalable, first case must be skipped. Others still valid
  2931     TInt index = iAllScalable ? 1 : 0;
  2932     for(; index < 3; index++)
  2933         {
  2934         switch(index)
  2935             {
  2936         case 0:
  2937             // Create the non-fixed size window surface and the egl context and make them current
  2938             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the non-fixed size window surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  2939             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribs_NoScaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2940             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  2941             iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow);    
  2942             break;
  2943         case 1:
  2944             // Create the pbuffer surface and the egl context and make them current
  2945             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the pbuffer surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  2946             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[EPBufferAttribsColor16MU], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2947             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  2948             iEglSess->CreatePbufferSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], TSize(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight));
  2949             break;
  2950         case 2:
  2951             // Create the pixmap surface and the egl context and make them current
  2952             INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Create the pixmap surface and the egl context and make them current..."));
  2953             ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KConfigAttribs[EPixmapAttribsColor16MU], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  2954             TESTL(numConfigs == 1);
  2955             iEglSess->CreatePixmapSurfaceAndMakeCurrentAndMatchL(TSize(KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight), EColor16MU);
  2956             break;
  2957             }
  2959 		// Check all attributes (this is a non-fixed size surface)  - 
  2960 		// Note that we cannot use CheckScalingAttributesL because values are not updated
  2961 		EGLint surfaceWidth = 0;
  2962 		EGLint surfaceHeight = 0;
  2963 		EGLint extentWidth = -1;	
  2964 		EGLint extentHeight = -2;
  2965 		EGLint offsetX = -3;
  2966 		EGLint offsetY = -4;
  2967 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_WIDTH, &surfaceWidth));
  2968 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_HEIGHT, &surfaceHeight));
  2969 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, &extentWidth));
  2970 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, &extentHeight));
  2971 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, &offsetX));
  2972 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, &offsetY));
  2973 		TEST((surfaceWidth == KWindowWidth) && (surfaceHeight == KWindowHeight));
  2974 		// following values should not be modified (non fixed size window)
  2975 		TEST((extentWidth == -1) && (extentHeight == -2));
  2976 		TEST((offsetX == -3) && (offsetY == -4));
  2978 		// new attribute values
  2979 		EGLint newExtentWidth = extentWidth / 2;
  2980 		EGLint newExtentHeight = extentHeight / 2;
  2981 		EGLint newOffsetX = offsetX * 2;
  2982 		EGLint newOffsetY = offsetY * 2;
  2984 		// Valid parameters - But non fixed size surface
  2985 		TEST(iPfnEglSetSurfaceScalingNOK(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), newOffsetX, newOffsetY, newExtentWidth, newExtentHeight) == EGL_FALSE);
  2988 		// attributes haven't changed
  2989 		// Note that we cannot use CheckScalingAttributesL because values are not updated
  2990 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_WIDTH, &surfaceWidth));
  2991 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_HEIGHT, &surfaceHeight));
  2992 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, &extentWidth));
  2993 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, &extentHeight));
  2994 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, &offsetX));
  2995 		ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglQuerySurface(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, &offsetY));
  2996 		TEST((surfaceWidth == KWindowWidth) && (surfaceHeight == KWindowHeight));
  2997 		TEST((extentWidth == -1) && (extentHeight == -2));
  2998 		TEST((offsetX == -3) && (offsetY == -4));
  3000     	// destroy surface and context
  3001         iEglSess->CleanupSurfaceAndContextL();
  3002         }
  3004     // Cleanup
  3005     CleanAll();
  3006     CloseWindow();
  3008     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingSetNonFixed::doTestStepL completed!"));
  3009     RecordTestResultL();
  3010     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  3011     return TestStepResult();
  3012     }
  3014 /**
  3015 @SYMTestCaseID GRAPHICS-EGL-0667
  3017 @SYMTestPriority 1
  3019 @SYMPREQ 2676
  3021 @SYMREQ 417-56592
  3023 @SYMTestCaseDesc
  3024 Negative testing. Calling extensions without initialising EGL
  3026 @SYMTestActions
  3027 Without initialising EGL
  3028 1. Call query surface scaling capability
  3029 2. Call set surface scaling
  3031 @SYMTestExpectedResults
  3032 1. Query scaling capability will fail with error code EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED.
  3033 2. Set surface scaling will fail with error code EGL_NOT_INITIALIZED.
  3034 */
  3035 TVerdict CEglTest_SurfaceScalingNotInitialized::doTestStepL()
  3036     {
  3037     SetTestStepName(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0667"));
  3038     SetTestStepID(_L("GRAPHICS-EGL-0667"));
  3039     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CEglTest_SurfaceScalingNotInitialized::doTestStepL"));
  3041     // a WindowGroup and a Window object
  3042     CreateAndActivateWindowL(TSize(100, 100));
  3044     // Create display object
  3045     GetDisplayL();
  3046     CreateEglSessionL();    // initialise EGL Session so we can make use of its helper objects
  3047     iEglSess->InitializeL();
  3049     // Choose EGL config
  3050     EGLConfig matchingConfigs[1];
  3051     EGLint numConfigs = 0;
  3052     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(eglChooseConfig(iDisplay, KScalingConfigAttribs[EWindowAttribsColor16MU_Scaling], matchingConfigs, 1, &numConfigs));
  3053     TESTL(numConfigs == 1); // Abort the test if the EGL config is not supported
  3055     const TInt KWindowWidth = iWindow.Size().iWidth;
  3056     const TInt KWindowHeight = iWindow.Size().iHeight;
  3057     const TInt KSurfaceWidth = KWindowWidth/2;
  3058     const TInt KSurfaceHeight = KWindowHeight/2;
  3059     const TInt KExtentWidth = KWindowWidth;
  3060     const TInt KExtentHeight = KWindowHeight;
  3061     const EGLint KOffsetX = 11;
  3062     const EGLint KOffsetY = 13;
  3063     EGLint attrib_list[] = {
  3064                   EGL_FIXED_WIDTH_NOK, KSurfaceWidth,
  3065                   EGL_FIXED_HEIGHT_NOK, KSurfaceHeight,
  3066                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_X_NOK, KOffsetX,
  3067                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_OFFSET_Y_NOK, KOffsetY,
  3068                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_WIDTH_NOK, KExtentWidth,
  3069                   EGL_TARGET_EXTENT_HEIGHT_NOK, KExtentHeight,
  3070                   EGL_NONE};
  3072     // Create the window surface and the egl context and make them current
  3073     iEglSess->CreateWindowSurfaceAndMakeCurrentL(matchingConfigs[0], iWindow, EFalse, EGL_OPENVG_API, 1, attrib_list);    
  3075     // First set new offset attributes (fairly simple, so should be supported)
  3076     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Set new offset attributes - should succeed..."));
  3077     EGLint capability = -1; 	//arbitrary number beyond the existing range 
  3078     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[0], KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KExtentWidth, KExtentHeight, &capability));
  3079     TEST((capability == EGL_SUPPORTED_NOK) || (capability == EGL_SLOW_NOK));
  3080     ASSERT_EGL_TRUE(iPfnEglSetSurfaceScalingNOK(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), KOffsetX+1, KOffsetY+1, KExtentWidth, KExtentHeight));
  3082     // Terminate display and try again
  3083     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Terminate display and try again, should fail now..."));
  3084     eglTerminate(iDisplay);
  3086     capability = -1; 	//arbitrary number beyond the existing range 
  3087     TEST(EGL_FALSE == iPfnEglQuerySurfaceScalingCapabilityNOK(iDisplay, matchingConfigs[0], KSurfaceWidth, KSurfaceHeight, KExtentWidth, KExtentHeight, &capability));
  3088     TEST(capability == -1); //make sure that value has not been modified
  3091     TEST(EGL_FALSE == iPfnEglSetSurfaceScalingNOK(iDisplay, iEglSess->Surface(), KOffsetX, KOffsetY, KExtentWidth, KExtentHeight));
  3094     // Cleanup
  3095     CleanAll();
  3096     CloseWindow();
  3098     INFO_PRINTF1(_L("....CEglTest_SurfaceScalingNotInitialized::doTestStepL completed!"));
  3099     RecordTestResultL();
  3100     CloseTMSGraphicsStep();
  3101     return TestStepResult();
  3102     }