changeset 0 bde4ae8d615e
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/os/security/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/tpkcs10/tpkcs10negatives.cpp	Fri Jun 15 03:10:57 2012 +0200
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
     1.4 +/*
     1.5 +* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     1.6 +* All rights reserved.
     1.7 +* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     1.8 +* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     1.9 +* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
    1.10 +* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
    1.11 +*
    1.12 +* Initial Contributors:
    1.13 +* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    1.14 +*
    1.15 +* Contributors:
    1.16 +*
    1.17 +* Description: 
    1.18 +* Implementation of negative step classes for PKCS#10 tests.
    1.19 +*
    1.20 +*/
    1.21 +
    1.22 +
    1.23 +#include "tpkcs10negatives.h"
    1.24 +#include <x500dn.h>
    1.25 +#include <unifiedkeystore.h>
    1.26 +
    1.27 +// Key label
    1.28 +_LIT(KKeyLabel, "new pkcs10 neg test key"); 
    1.29 +
    1.30 +// Panics
    1.31 +_LIT(KPanicNegativeTests, "PKCS10NegativeTests");
    1.32 +TInt EPanicNegInvalidTestData = 1;
    1.33 +
    1.34 +// String of 256 characters
    1.35 +_LIT8(KHugeString, "p000000001p000000002p000000003p000000004p000000005p000000006p000000007"
    1.36 +				   "p000000008p000000009p000000010p000000011p000000012p000000013p000000014"
    1.37 +				   "p000000015p000000016p000000017p000000018p000000019p000000020p000000021"
    1.38 +				   "p000000022p000000023p000000024p000000025p23456");
    1.39 +
    1.40 +
    1.41 +CPKCS10NegTesterActive::CPKCS10NegTesterActive(CTestExecuteLogger& aLogger) : 
    1.42 +	CActive(EPriorityStandard),
    1.43 +	iLogger(aLogger),
    1.44 +	iKeyImportStarted(EFalse)
    1.45 +	{
    1.46 +	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    1.47 +	User::LeaveIfError(iFs.Connect());
    1.48 +	}
    1.49 +
    1.50 +CPKCS10NegTesterActive::~CPKCS10NegTesterActive()
    1.51 +	{
    1.52 +	Cancel();
    1.53 +	delete iKeyData;
    1.54 +	if (iKeyInfo)
    1.55 +		{
    1.56 +		iKeyInfo->Release();
    1.57 + 		}
    1.58 + 	delete iKeyStore;
    1.59 +	iFs.Close();
    1.60 +	}
    1.61 +
    1.62 +CCTKeyInfo* CPKCS10NegTesterActive::doImportKeyL(CCertificateRequestStep *aStep)
    1.63 +{
    1.64 +	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Active object tester for Key Import"));
    1.65 +
    1.66 +	iStep = aStep;
    1.67 +	// Initialise Key store
    1.68 +  	iKeyStore = CUnifiedKeyStore::NewL(iFs);
    1.69 +	iKeyStore->Initialize(iStatus);  
    1.70 +
    1.71 +	SetActive();
    1.72 +   	CActiveScheduler::Start();
    1.73 +
    1.74 +	User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int());
    1.75 +
    1.76 +	return iKeyInfo;
    1.77 +}
    1.78 +
    1.79 +void CPKCS10NegTesterActive::RunL()
    1.80 +	{
    1.81 +	iError = iStatus.Int();
    1.82 +	if (iError != KErrNone)
    1.83 +		{
    1.84 +		CActiveScheduler::Stop();
    1.85 +		}
    1.86 +
    1.87 +	if (iKeyImportStarted == EFalse) 
    1.88 +		{
    1.89 +  		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Importing keys"));
    1.90 +		TFileName filename;
    1.91 +		filename = iStep->iPrivateKey;
    1.92 +		RFile file;
    1.93 +		User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(iFs, filename, EFileRead));
    1.94 +		CleanupClosePushL(file);
    1.95 +		TInt size;
    1.96 +		User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(size));
    1.97 +		iKeyData = HBufC8::NewMaxL(size);
    1.98 +		TPtr8 keyPtr = iKeyData->Des();
    1.99 +		User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(keyPtr));			
   1.100 +		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // file
   1.101 +
   1.102 +		TTime start(0.0); 
   1.103 +		TTime end(0.0); 
   1.104 +
   1.105 +		// Assumes only one keystore
   1.106 +	 	ASSERT(iKeyInfo == NULL);      
   1.107 +		iKeyStore->ImportKey(0, *iKeyData, EPKCS15UsageSign, KKeyLabel,0, start, end, iKeyInfo, iStatus);
   1.108 +  		iKeyImportStarted = ETrue;
   1.109 +  		SetActive();
   1.110 +		}
   1.111 +	else
   1.112 +		{
   1.113 +		// Key import done
   1.114 +		CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   1.115 +		}
   1.116 +	}
   1.117 +
   1.118 +TInt CPKCS10NegTesterActive::RunError(TInt aError)
   1.119 +	{
   1.120 +	iError = aError;
   1.121 +	CActiveScheduler::Stop();
   1.122 +	return KErrNone;
   1.123 +	}
   1.124 +
   1.125 +TVerdict CPKCS10NegPKCS10GenericAttr::doTestStepL()
   1.126 +	{
   1.127 +	// Set it to pass initially
   1.128 +	SetTestStepResult(EPass);
   1.129 +
   1.130 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.131 +	// Test for invalid attribute for NewL
   1.132 + 	TInt numAttr = iArrayGenAttrOID.Count();
   1.133 + 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((numAttr > 0), User::Panic(KPanicNegativeTests, EPanicNegInvalidTestData));
   1.134 +
   1.135 +	HBufC8 *string = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(iArrayGenAttrValue[0].Length());
   1.136 +	string->Des().Copy(iArrayGenAttrValue[0]);
   1.137 +
   1.138 +	CASN1EncOctetString* attrString = CASN1EncOctetString::NewLC(*string);
   1.139 +
   1.140 +	CPKCS10Attribute *genericAttr = NULL;
   1.141 +	TRAPD(err, genericAttr = CPKCS10Attribute::NewL(iArrayGenAttrOID[0], attrString));
   1.142 +	CleanupStack::Pop(attrString);
   1.143 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(string);
   1.144 +
   1.145 +	if (err != KErrNone)
   1.146 +		{
   1.147 +		delete attrString;
   1.148 +		}
   1.149 +	else
   1.150 +		{
   1.151 +		delete genericAttr;
   1.152 +		}
   1.153 +
   1.154 +	if (err != KErrBadDescriptor)
   1.155 +		{
   1.156 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.157 +		}
   1.158 +
   1.159 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.160 +	// Test for NULL value for NewL
   1.161 + 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((numAttr > 1), User::Panic(KPanicNegativeTests, EPanicNegInvalidTestData));
   1.162 +
   1.163 +	string = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(iArrayGenAttrValue[1].Length());
   1.164 +	string->Des().Copy(iArrayGenAttrValue[1]);
   1.165 +
   1.166 +	if (*string == KNullDesC8)
   1.167 +		{
   1.168 +		attrString = NULL;
   1.169 +		}
   1.170 +	else
   1.171 +		{
   1.172 +		attrString = CASN1EncOctetString::NewLC(*string);
   1.173 +		}
   1.174 +
   1.175 +	TRAP(err, genericAttr = CPKCS10Attribute::NewL(iArrayGenAttrOID[1], attrString));
   1.176 +	if (attrString != NULL)
   1.177 +		{
   1.178 +		CleanupStack::Pop(attrString);
   1.179 +		}
   1.180 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(string);
   1.181 +
   1.182 +	if (err != KErrNone)
   1.183 +		{
   1.184 +		delete attrString;
   1.185 +		}
   1.186 +	else
   1.187 +		{
   1.188 +		delete genericAttr;
   1.189 +		}
   1.190 +
   1.191 +	if (err != 	KErrArgument)
   1.192 +		{
   1.193 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.194 +		}
   1.195 +
   1.196 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.197 +	// Test for NULL value for AddValueL
   1.198 + 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((numAttr > 2), User::Panic(KPanicNegativeTests, EPanicNegInvalidTestData));
   1.199 +	string = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(iArrayGenAttrValue[2].Length());
   1.200 +	string->Des().Copy(iArrayGenAttrValue[2]);
   1.201 +
   1.202 +	attrString = CASN1EncOctetString::NewLC(*string);
   1.203 +
   1.204 +	TRAP(err, genericAttr = CPKCS10Attribute::NewL(iArrayGenAttrOID[2], attrString));
   1.205 +	CleanupStack::Pop(attrString);
   1.206 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(string);
   1.207 +
   1.208 +	// Should not be an error
   1.209 +	if (err != KErrNone)
   1.210 +		{
   1.211 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.212 +		}
   1.213 +
   1.214 +	// Try to add a NULL value
   1.215 +	TRAP(err, genericAttr->AddValueL(NULL));
   1.216 +	delete genericAttr;
   1.217 +
   1.218 +	// Should return an error
   1.219 +	if (err != KErrArgument)
   1.220 +		{
   1.221 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.222 +		}
   1.223 +
   1.224 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.225 +	// Test for invalid attribute for ResetL
   1.226 +	string = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(iArrayGenAttrValue[2].Length());
   1.227 +	string->Des().Copy(iArrayGenAttrValue[2]);
   1.228 +
   1.229 +	attrString = CASN1EncOctetString::NewLC(*string);
   1.230 +
   1.231 +	TRAP(err, genericAttr = CPKCS10Attribute::NewL(iArrayGenAttrOID[2], attrString));
   1.232 +	CleanupStack::Pop(attrString);
   1.233 +
   1.234 +	// Should not be an error
   1.235 +	if (err != KErrNone)
   1.236 +		{
   1.237 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.238 +		}
   1.239 +
   1.240 +	// Try to reset with an invalid attribute OID
   1.241 +	attrString = CASN1EncOctetString::NewLC(*string);
   1.242 +	TRAP(err, genericAttr->ResetL(KNullDesC, attrString));
   1.243 +
   1.244 +	if (err != KErrNone)
   1.245 +		{
   1.246 +		delete attrString;
   1.247 +		}
   1.248 +
   1.249 +	CleanupStack::Pop(attrString);
   1.250 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(string);
   1.251 +	delete genericAttr;
   1.252 +
   1.253 +	// Should return an error
   1.254 +	if (err != 	KErrBadDescriptor)
   1.255 +		{
   1.256 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.257 +		}
   1.258 +
   1.259 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.260 +	// Test for NULL value for ResetL
   1.261 +	string = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(iArrayGenAttrValue[2].Length());
   1.262 +	string->Des().Copy(iArrayGenAttrValue[2]);
   1.263 +
   1.264 +	attrString = CASN1EncOctetString::NewLC(*string);
   1.265 +
   1.266 +	TRAP(err, genericAttr = CPKCS10Attribute::NewL(iArrayGenAttrOID[2], attrString));
   1.267 +	CleanupStack::Pop(attrString);
   1.268 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(string);
   1.269 +
   1.270 +	// Should not be an error
   1.271 +	if (err != KErrNone)
   1.272 +		{
   1.273 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.274 +		}
   1.275 +
   1.276 +	// Try to reset with a NULL value
   1.277 +	TRAP(err, genericAttr->ResetL(iArrayGenAttrOID[2], NULL));
   1.278 +	delete genericAttr;
   1.279 +
   1.280 +	// Should return an error
   1.281 +	if (err != KErrArgument)
   1.282 +		{
   1.283 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.284 +		}
   1.285 +
   1.286 +	return TestStepResult();
   1.287 +	}
   1.288 +
   1.289 +TVerdict CPKCS10NegPKCS9ChallengePasswordAttr::doTestStepL()
   1.290 +	{
   1.291 +	// Set it to pass initially
   1.292 +	SetTestStepResult(EPass);
   1.293 +
   1.294 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.295 +	// Test for empty password for NewL
   1.296 +	HBufC8 *passwordString = HBufC8::NewMaxLC(iChallengePassword.Length());
   1.297 +	passwordString->Des().Copy(iChallengePassword);
   1.298 +
   1.299 +	CPKCS9ChallengePasswordAttr *chPasswordAttr = NULL;
   1.300 +	TRAPD(err, chPasswordAttr = CPKCS9ChallengePasswordAttr::NewL(*passwordString));
   1.301 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(passwordString);
   1.302 +
   1.303 +	if (err != KErrArgument)
   1.304 +		{
   1.305 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.306 +		}
   1.307 +
   1.308 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.309 +	// Test for big password for ResetL
   1.310 +	TRAP(err, chPasswordAttr = CPKCS9ChallengePasswordAttr::NewL(_L8("password")));
   1.311 +
   1.312 +	// Should not fail
   1.313 +	if (err != KErrNone)
   1.314 +		{
   1.315 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.316 +		}
   1.317 +
   1.318 +	TRAP(err, chPasswordAttr->ResetL(KHugeString));
   1.319 +	delete chPasswordAttr;
   1.320 +
   1.321 +	if (err != KErrArgument)
   1.322 +		{
   1.323 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.324 +		}
   1.325 +
   1.326 +	return TestStepResult();
   1.327 +	}
   1.328 +
   1.329 +TVerdict CPKCS10NegPKCS9ExtensionRequestAttr::doTestStepL()
   1.330 +	{
   1.331 +	// Set it to pass initially
   1.332 +	SetTestStepResult(EPass);
   1.333 +
   1.334 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.335 +	// Test for empty attribute OID for NewL
   1.336 + 	TInt numAttr = iArrayV3AttrOID.Count();
   1.337 + 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((numAttr > 0), User::Panic(KPanicNegativeTests, EPanicNegInvalidTestData));
   1.338 +
   1.339 +	CX509CertExtension* x509CertExtn = CX509CertExtension::NewL(iArrayV3AttrOID[0], iArrayV3AttrCritical[0], _L8("value"));
   1.340 +
   1.341 +	CPKCS9ExtensionRequestAttr *chExtReqAttr = NULL;
   1.342 +	TRAPD(err, chExtReqAttr = CPKCS9ExtensionRequestAttr::NewL(*x509CertExtn));
   1.343 +
   1.344 +	delete x509CertExtn;
   1.345 +
   1.346 +	if (err != KErrBadDescriptor)
   1.347 +		{
   1.348 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.349 +		}
   1.350 +
   1.351 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.352 +	// Test for empty attribute OID for AddExtensionL
   1.353 + 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((numAttr > 1), User::Panic(KPanicNegativeTests, EPanicNegInvalidTestData));
   1.354 +
   1.355 +	x509CertExtn = CX509CertExtension::NewLC(iArrayV3AttrOID[1], iArrayV3AttrCritical[1], _L8("value"));
   1.356 +	chExtReqAttr = CPKCS9ExtensionRequestAttr::NewLC(*x509CertExtn);
   1.357 +
   1.358 +	CX509CertExtension *x509CertExtnNew = CX509CertExtension::NewLC(iArrayV3AttrOID[0], iArrayV3AttrCritical[0], _L8("value"));
   1.359 +	TRAP(err, chExtReqAttr->AddExtensionL(*x509CertExtnNew));
   1.360 +
   1.361 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, x509CertExtn);	// chExtReqAttr, x509CertExtnNew
   1.362 +
   1.363 +	if (err != KErrBadDescriptor)
   1.364 +		{
   1.365 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.366 +		}
   1.367 +
   1.368 +	return TestStepResult();
   1.369 +	}
   1.370 +
   1.371 +TVerdict CPKCS10NegPKCS10Attributes::doTestStepL()
   1.372 +	{
   1.373 +	// Set it to pass initially
   1.374 +	SetTestStepResult(EPass);
   1.375 +
   1.376 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.377 +	// Test for NULL attribute for AddPKCSAttributeL
   1.378 +	CPKCS10Attributes *attrList = NULL;
   1.379 +	attrList = CPKCS10Attributes::NewLC();
   1.380 +	TRAPD(err, attrList->AddPKCSAttributeL(NULL));
   1.381 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(attrList);
   1.382 +
   1.383 +	if (err != KErrArgument)
   1.384 +		{
   1.385 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.386 +		}
   1.387 +
   1.388 +	return TestStepResult();
   1.389 +	}
   1.390 +
   1.391 +TVerdict CPKCS10NegPKCS10Request::doTestStepL()
   1.392 +	{
   1.393 +	// Set it to pass initially
   1.394 +	SetTestStepResult(EPass);
   1.395 +
   1.396 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.397 +	// Test for invalid DN for NewL
   1.398 +	CActiveScheduler* sch = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler;   
   1.399 +	CActiveScheduler::Install(sch);
   1.400 +
   1.401 +	// Import the key
   1.402 +	CPKCS10NegTesterActive* activeObj = new (ELeave) CPKCS10NegTesterActive(Logger());
   1.403 +	CCTKeyInfo *keyInfo = activeObj->doImportKeyL(this);
   1.404 +
   1.405 +	// Try to generate a cert req
   1.406 +	CX500DistinguishedName* dn = NULL;
   1.407 +	CPKCS10Request* req = NULL;
   1.408 +	TRAPD(err, req = CPKCS10Request::NewL(*dn, *keyInfo));
   1.409 +
   1.410 +	if (err != KErrArgument)
   1.411 +		{
   1.412 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.413 +		}
   1.414 +
   1.415 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.416 +	// Test for EDH for SetDigestAlgL
   1.417 +    CArrayPtrFlat<CX520AttributeTypeAndValue>* array = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CX520AttributeTypeAndValue>(7);
   1.418 +	CleanupStack::PushL(array);
   1.419 +	dn = CX500DistinguishedName::NewL(*array);
   1.420 +	CleanupStack::PushL(dn);
   1.421 +
   1.422 +	req = CPKCS10Request::NewL(*dn, *keyInfo);
   1.423 +
   1.424 +	TRAP(err, req->SetDigestAlgL(EDH));
   1.425 +
   1.426 +	delete req;
   1.427 +	array->ResetAndDestroy();
   1.428 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, array); //array, dn
   1.429 +
   1.430 +	if (err != KErrArgument)
   1.431 +		{
   1.432 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.433 +		}
   1.434 +
   1.435 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.436 +	// Test for NULL DN for SetDistinguishedNameL
   1.437 +    array = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CX520AttributeTypeAndValue>(7);
   1.438 +	CleanupStack::PushL(array);
   1.439 +	dn = CX500DistinguishedName::NewL(*array);
   1.440 +	CleanupStack::PushL(dn);
   1.441 +
   1.442 +	req = CPKCS10Request::NewL(*dn, *keyInfo);
   1.443 +
   1.444 +	CX500DistinguishedName* nullDN = NULL;
   1.445 +	TRAP(err, req->SetDistinguishedNameL(*nullDN));
   1.446 +
   1.447 +	delete req;
   1.448 +	array->ResetAndDestroy();
   1.449 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, array); //array, dn
   1.450 +
   1.451 +	if (err != KErrArgument)
   1.452 +		{
   1.453 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.454 +		}
   1.455 +
   1.456 +	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
   1.457 +	// Test for NULL for SetKeyInfoL
   1.458 +    array = new(ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CX520AttributeTypeAndValue>(7);
   1.459 +	CleanupStack::PushL(array);
   1.460 +	dn = CX500DistinguishedName::NewL(*array);
   1.461 +	CleanupStack::PushL(dn);
   1.462 +
   1.463 +	req = CPKCS10Request::NewL(*dn, *keyInfo);
   1.464 +
   1.465 +	CCTKeyInfo* nullKeyInfo = NULL;
   1.466 +	TRAP(err, req->SetKeyInfoL(*nullKeyInfo));
   1.467 +
   1.468 +	delete req;
   1.469 +	array->ResetAndDestroy();
   1.470 +	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, array); //array, dn
   1.471 +
   1.472 +	if (err != KErrArgument)
   1.473 +		{
   1.474 +		SetTestStepResult(EFail);
   1.475 +		}
   1.476 +
   1.477 +	delete activeObj;		// Will release keyInfo
   1.478 +	delete sch;
   1.479 +
   1.480 +	return TestStepResult();
   1.481 +	}
   1.482 +