changeset 0 bde4ae8d615e
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/os/security/cryptoservices/certificateandkeymgmt/asn1/gentimedec.cpp	Fri Jun 15 03:10:57 2012 +0200
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
     1.4 +/*
     1.5 +* Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     1.6 +* All rights reserved.
     1.7 +* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     1.8 +* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     1.9 +* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
    1.10 +* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
    1.11 +*
    1.12 +* Initial Contributors:
    1.13 +* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    1.14 +*
    1.15 +* Contributors:
    1.16 +*
    1.17 +* Description: 
    1.18 +* This file contains the implementation of the General Time ASN1 class.
    1.19 +* Fully support three forms of ASN.1 generalizedTime
    1.20 +* Fraction of second accepts 1,2 or 3 digits input. This is to maximize the tolerance of client input 
    1.21 +*
    1.22 +*/
    1.23 +
    1.24 +
    1.25 +#include <asn1dec.h>
    1.26 +
    1.27 +EXPORT_C TASN1DecGeneralizedTime::TASN1DecGeneralizedTime()
    1.28 +	{
    1.29 +	}
    1.30 +
    1.31 +TTime TASN1DecGeneralizedTime::GetTimeL(const TDesC8& aSource)
    1.32 +
    1.33 +
    1.34 +
    1.35 +	{
    1.36 +	// __OFFSET__ Extract corrected time to include offset too.
    1.37 +
    1.38 +	// Did this checking ought to be done on creation rather than when we attempt to get the result?
    1.39 +
    1.40 +	// I guess we ought to check that the contents we've got are long enough to contain a time!
    1.41 +	if (aSource.Length()<13)
    1.42 +		{
    1.43 +		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    1.44 +		}
    1.45 +
    1.46 +	// Check all digits the main bit of time are valid, YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM
    1.47 +	TInt i;
    1.48 +	for (i=0;i<12;i++)
    1.49 +		{
    1.50 +		TUint8 j;
    1.51 +		j=(TUint8)(aSource[i]-'0');
    1.52 +		if (j>=10)
    1.53 +			{
    1.54 +			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    1.55 +			}
    1.56 +		}
    1.57 +	//check seconds are valid if present
    1.58 +	i = 12;
    1.59 +	if(aSource.Length() > 13)
    1.60 +		{
    1.61 +			if ((aSource[i] < '0') || (aSource[i] > '9')
    1.62 +					|| (aSource[i+1] < '0') || (aSource[i+1] > '9'))
    1.63 +				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    1.64 +		}
    1.65 +	
    1.66 +	i = 14;
    1.67 +	//if the time string is longer 
    1.68 +	if(aSource.Length() > 14)
    1.69 +		{
    1.70 +		TInt countDot = 0;
    1.71 +		TInt countOperator = 0;
    1.72 +		TInt countZ = 0;
    1.73 +		
    1.74 +		//check if the extra bytes are valid
    1.75 +		while(i < aSource.Length())
    1.76 +			{
    1.77 +				switch(aSource[i])
    1.78 +				{
    1.79 +				case '.': //'.' can't appear more than once and at least one digit should follow
    1.80 +					countDot++;
    1.81 +					if(countDot > 1)
    1.82 +						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    1.83 +					
    1.84 +					if(aSource.Length()-1 ==  i) //error, '.' is last char in time string
    1.85 +						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    1.86 +					else
    1.87 +						{
    1.88 +							if(aSource[i+1] - '0' < 0 || aSource[i+1] - '0' > 9)
    1.89 +								User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    1.90 +						}
    1.91 +					break;
    1.92 +				
    1.93 +				case '+':
    1.94 +				case '-': // '+' and '-' can't appear more than once and at least four digits should follow
    1.95 +						  // After that, we reach either EOF or 'Z', no more char could follow
    1.96 +					countOperator++;
    1.97 +					if(countOperator > 1)
    1.98 +						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
    1.99 +					
   1.100 +					if(aSource.Length()-1 < i + 4) //error, not enough digits following operator
   1.101 +						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.102 +					else
   1.103 +						{
   1.104 +						for(TInt j = i+1; j <= i+4; j++)
   1.105 +							if(aSource[j] - '0' < 0 || aSource[j] -'0' > 9)
   1.106 +								User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.107 +						
   1.108 +						
   1.109 +						if(aSource.Length() > i + 6)//error, unexpected rubbish
   1.110 +							User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.111 +						if(aSource.Length() == i + 6 && aSource[i+5] != 'Z')
   1.112 +							User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.113 +						}
   1.114 +					
   1.115 +					
   1.116 +					break;
   1.117 +				case 'Z': //'Z' can't appear more than once and must be the last char in time string
   1.118 +					countZ++;
   1.119 +					if(countZ > 1)
   1.120 +						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.121 +					
   1.122 +					if(aSource.Length()-1 > i) //error, something following 'Z'
   1.123 +						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.124 +					
   1.125 +					
   1.126 +					break;
   1.127 +				default: //so is this a digit?
   1.128 +					if(aSource[i] -'0' < 0 || aSource[i] -'0' > 9)
   1.129 +						User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.130 +				}
   1.131 +				i++;
   1.132 +			}
   1.133 +			
   1.134 +		
   1.135 +		}
   1.136 +	// Uh-oh, looks like we're going to have to pull each bit manually and pop it in a TDateTime thing
   1.137 +	TInt Year,Month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second=0;		// Only set seconds to zero 'cos they are optional, everything else is going to be set
   1.138 +	TInt MicroSecond = 0;
   1.139 +	TInt offsetIntHours = 0, offsetIntMinutes = 0;
   1.140 +	TTimeIntervalHours offsetHours = 0;
   1.141 +	TTimeIntervalMinutes offsetMinutes = 0;
   1.142 +	Year=(aSource[0]-'0')*1000+(aSource[1]-'0')*100+(aSource[2]-'0')*10+(aSource[3]-'0');
   1.143 +	Month=(aSource[4]-'0')*10+aSource[5]-'0';
   1.144 +	Month--;										// Because the enum for months starts at 0 not 1
   1.145 +	Day=(aSource[6]-'0')*10+aSource[7]-'0';
   1.146 +	Day--;										// Because the enum for days starts at 0 not 1
   1.147 +	Hour=(aSource[8]-'0')*10+aSource[9]-'0';
   1.148 +	Minute=(aSource[10]-'0')*10+aSource[11]-'0';
   1.149 +	TInt Pos=12;
   1.150 +
   1.151 +	
   1.152 +	if (aSource.Length()>13)
   1.153 +		{
   1.154 +			// seconds
   1.155 +			Second = (aSource[Pos++]-'0')*10;
   1.156 +			Second += aSource[Pos++]-'0';
   1.157 +			
   1.158 +		}
   1.159 +	
   1.160 +	// check range for various components
   1.161 +	if (Month<EJanuary || Month>EDecember)
   1.162 +		{
   1.163 +		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.164 +		}
   1.165 +
   1.166 +	TMonth month = (TMonth)Month;
   1.167 +
   1.168 +	if (	(Day<0 || Day>=Time::DaysInMonth(Year,month))	||
   1.169 +			(Hour<0 || Hour>=24)	||
   1.170 +			(Minute<0 || Minute>=60)	||
   1.171 +			(Second<0 || Second>=60)	)
   1.172 +		{
   1.173 +		User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.174 +		}
   1.175 +	
   1.176 +	//optional 3 bytes fraction of seconds
   1.177 +	//Converts the fraction of seconds to microsecond
   1.178 +	if(aSource.Length() > Pos && aSource[Pos] == '.')
   1.179 +		{
   1.180 +		Pos++;			
   1.181 +		
   1.182 +		TInt multiplier = 100000;
   1.183 +			
   1.184 +		// parse fraction of second
   1.185 +		while(Pos <= 17 && Pos < aSource.Length())
   1.186 +			{
   1.187 +			if(!((aSource[Pos] >= '0') && (aSource[Pos] <= '9')))
   1.188 +				break; //fraction ended
   1.189 +					
   1.190 +			MicroSecond += (aSource[Pos++]-'0') * multiplier;
   1.191 +			multiplier /= 10;
   1.192 +			
   1.193 +			}			
   1.194 +		
   1.195 +		}
   1.196 +	
   1.197 +	if (aSource.Length()>Pos)
   1.198 +		{
   1.199 +		TBool aheadUTC = EFalse;
   1.200 +		switch (aSource[Pos])
   1.201 +			{
   1.202 +		case 'Z':
   1.203 +			// Zulu - nothing more to do
   1.204 +			break;
   1.205 +		case '+':
   1.206 +			//'+' indicates local time is ahead of UTC, need to substract the offset later
   1.207 +			aheadUTC = ETrue;
   1.208 +			// The case fall-through is intentional, both cases have the same functionality, with a different
   1.209 +			// aheadUTC value
   1.210 +		case '-':
   1.211 +			{//brackets are required to prevent armv5 warning and gccxml errors
   1.212 +			
   1.213 +			
   1.214 +			//'-' indicates local time is behind of UTC, need to add the offset later
   1.215 +			//if we are in here with '-', aheadUTC has already been set to the correct value
   1.216 +			
   1.217 +			Pos++;
   1.218 +			
   1.219 +						
   1.220 +			//parse
   1.221 +			TInt multiplier = 10;
   1.222 +			for(TInt i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
   1.223 +				{
   1.224 +					if(i < 2)
   1.225 +						offsetIntHours += (aSource[Pos + i]-'0') * multiplier; 
   1.226 +					else
   1.227 +						offsetIntMinutes += (aSource[Pos + i]-'0') * (TInt)multiplier; 
   1.228 +							
   1.229 +					multiplier = (multiplier == 10)? 1 : 10;
   1.230 +							
   1.231 +									
   1.232 +						
   1.233 +				}
   1.234 +			
   1.235 +			//expected range,
   1.236 +			//offset hour range: 0-23
   1.237 +			//offset minute range: 0-59
   1.238 +			if(offsetIntHours < 0 || offsetIntHours > 23 || 
   1.239 +					offsetIntMinutes < 0 || offsetIntMinutes > 59)
   1.240 +				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.241 +			
   1.242 +			offsetHours = aheadUTC ? -offsetIntHours : offsetIntHours ;
   1.243 +			offsetMinutes =  aheadUTC ? -offsetIntMinutes :  offsetIntMinutes;
   1.244 +			
   1.245 +			break;
   1.246 +			}
   1.247 +		default:
   1.248 +			// Error!
   1.249 +			User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   1.250 +			break;
   1.251 +			}
   1.252 +		}
   1.253 +	
   1.254 +	
   1.255 +
   1.256 +	TDateTime D(Year, month,Day,Hour,Minute,Second,MicroSecond);
   1.257 +	
   1.258 +	TTime T(D);
   1.259 +	T = T + offsetHours;
   1.260 +	T = T + offsetMinutes;
   1.261 +	return T;
   1.262 +	}
   1.263 +
   1.264 +EXPORT_C TTime TASN1DecGeneralizedTime::DecodeDERL(const TDesC8& aSource,TInt& aPos)
   1.265 +
   1.266 +	{
   1.267 +	TPtrC8 Source=aSource.Mid(aPos);
   1.268 +	TASN1DecGeneric gen(Source);
   1.269 +	gen.InitL();
   1.270 +	TTime t = GetTimeL(gen.GetContentDER());
   1.271 +	aPos+=gen.LengthDER();
   1.272 +	return t;
   1.273 +	}
   1.274 +
   1.275 +EXPORT_C TTime TASN1DecGeneralizedTime::DecodeDERL(const TASN1DecGeneric& aGen)
   1.276 +
   1.277 +	{
   1.278 +	return GetTimeL(aGen.GetContentDER());
   1.279 +	}