1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.2 +++ b/os/security/crypto/weakcryptospi/test/tplugins/inc/desimpl.h Fri Jun 15 03:10:57 2012 +0200
1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
1.4 +/*
1.5 +* Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
1.6 +* All rights reserved.
1.7 +* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
1.8 +* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
1.9 +* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
1.10 +* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
1.11 +*
1.12 +* Initial Contributors:
1.13 +* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
1.14 +*
1.15 +* Contributors:
1.16 +*
1.17 +* Description:
1.18 +*
1.19 +*/
1.20 +
1.21 +
1.22 +#ifndef __DESIMPL_H__
1.23 +#define __DESIMPL_H__
1.24 +
1.25 +/**
1.26 +@file
1.27 +@internalComponent
1.28 +@released
1.29 +*/
1.30 +
1.31 +#include <e32base.h>
1.32 +#include <e32cmn.h>
1.33 +#include <cryptospi/keys.h>
1.34 +#include "symmetriccipherimpl.h"
1.35 +
1.36 +/**
1.37 +Plug-in class for DES block cipher
1.38 +*/
1.39 +namespace SoftwareCrypto
1.40 + {
1.41 + using namespace CryptoSpi;
1.42 +
1.43 + NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CDesImpl) : public CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl
1.44 + {
1.45 + public:
1.46 +
1.47 + /**
1.48 + Creates an instance of a DES (Data Encryption Standard) symmetric cipher plug-in.
1.49 + @param aKey The key
1.50 + @param aCryptoMode whether to encrypt or decrypt
1.51 + @param aOperationMode The block cipher mode ECB, CBC, CTR etc
1.52 + @param aPadding The padding scheme to use None, SSLv3, PKCS#7
1.53 + @return A pointer to a CDesImpl instance
1.54 + */
1.55 + static CDesImpl* NewL(TUid aImplementationUid, const CKey& aKey,
1.56 + TUid aCryptoMode, TUid aOperationMode, TUid aPadding);
1.57 +
1.58 + /**
1.59 + Creates an instance of a DES (Data Encryption Standard) symmetric cipher plug-in.
1.60 + A pointer to the plug-in instance is placed on the cleanup stack.
1.61 + @param aKey The key
1.62 + @param aCryptoMode Whether to encrypt or decrypt
1.63 + @param aOperationMode T block cipher mode ECB, CBC, CTR etc
1.64 + @param aPadding The padding scheme to use None, SSLv3, PKCS#7
1.65 + @return A pointer to a CDesImpl instance
1.66 + */
1.67 + static CDesImpl* NewLC(TUid aImplementationUid, const CKey& aKey,
1.68 + TUid aCryptoMode, TUid aOperationMode, TUid aPadding);
1.69 +
1.70 + // From CSymmetricCipherImpl
1.71 + TInt GetKeyStrength() const;
1.72 + TBool IsValidKeyLength(TInt aKeyBytes) const;
1.73 + TUid ImplementationUid() const;
1.74 + const CExtendedCharacteristics* GetExtendedCharacteristicsL();
1.75 +
1.76 + static CExtendedCharacteristics* CreateExtendedCharacteristicsL();
1.77 +
1.78 +
1.79 + /// Destructor
1.80 + ~CDesImpl();
1.81 + protected:
1.82 + /**
1.83 + Constructor
1.84 + @param aBlockBytes The block size in bytes (needed to allow
1.85 + 3DES implementation to inherit from this class)
1.86 + @param aOperationMode The mode of operation e.g. CBC
1.87 + @param aCryptoMode Whether to encrypt or decrypt
1.88 + @param aPaddingMode The padding mode to use. None, SSL, PKCS#7
1.89 + */
1.90 + CDesImpl(TUid aImplementationUid, TUint8 aBlockBytes, TUid aOperationMode, TUid aCryptoMode, TUid aPaddingMode);
1.91 +
1.92 + /**
1.93 + Second phase of construction
1.94 + @param aKey The key object
1.95 + */
1.96 + void ConstructL(const CKey& aKey);
1.97 +
1.98 + // These protected functions are re-used by 3DES
1.99 + /**
1.100 + Transforms a block of data
1.101 + @param l The left half of the block to transform
1.102 + @param r The right half of the block to transform
1.103 + @param aKeySchedule The keyschedule to use for the transformation
1.104 + */
1.105 + void DoTransform(TUint32& l, TUint32& r, const TUint32* aKeySchedule);
1.106 +
1.107 + /**
1.108 + Setup the key schedule for encryption
1.109 + @param aKey The input key
1.110 + @param aKeySchedule A pointer to the key schedule buffer
1.111 + */
1.112 + void SetEncryptKeySchedule(const TDesC8& aKey, TUint32* aKeySchedule);
1.113 +
1.114 + /**
1.115 + Setup the key schedule for decryption
1.116 + @param aKey The input key
1.117 + @param aKeySchedule A pointer to the key schedule buffer
1.118 + */
1.119 + void SetDecryptKeySchedule(const TDesC8& aKey, TUint32* aKeySchedule);
1.120 +
1.121 + static const TUint8 KDesBlockBytes = 8;
1.122 + static const TUint8 KDesKeyBytes = 8;
1.123 +
1.124 + private:
1.125 +
1.126 + /**
1.127 + Creates the key schedule iK from CBlockTransformationImpl::iKey.
1.128 + This should be called from ConstructL and Reset
1.129 + */
1.130 + void SetKeySchedule();
1.131 +
1.132 + // From CSymmetricBlockCipherImpl
1.133 + void TransformEncrypt(TUint8* aBuffer, TUint aNumBlocks);
1.134 + void TransformDecrypt(TUint8* aBuffer, TUint aNumBlocks);
1.135 +
1.136 + private:
1.137 +
1.138 + TUid iImplementationUid;
1.139 +
1.140 + /// Size of the key schedule in words
1.141 + static const TUint KKeyScheduleSize = 32;
1.142 +
1.143 + /// the key schedule
1.144 + TUint32 iK[KKeyScheduleSize];
1.145 + };
1.146 + }
1.147 +
1.148 +#endif // __DESIMPL_H__