1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.2 +++ b/os/security/authorisation/userpromptservice/database/test/dumpupsdb/source/dumpupsdb.cpp Fri Jun 15 03:10:57 2012 +0200
1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
1.4 +/*
1.5 +* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
1.6 +* All rights reserved.
1.7 +* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
1.8 +* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
1.9 +* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
1.10 +* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
1.11 +*
1.12 +* Initial Contributors:
1.13 +* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
1.14 +*
1.15 +* Contributors:
1.16 +*
1.17 +* Description:
1.18 +* Implements a tool to export/import UPS Decision Database
1.19 +*
1.20 +*/
1.21 +
1.22 +
1.23 +
1.24 +#include "dumpupsdb.h"
1.25 +
1.26 +using namespace UserPromptService;
1.27 +
1.28 +//
1.29 +//CPrinter
1.30 +//
1.31 +
1.32 +CPrinter::CPrinter(CConsoleBase* aConsole):iConsole(aConsole)
1.33 +/** Constructor */
1.34 + {
1.35 +
1.36 + }
1.37 +
1.38 +CPrinter::~CPrinter()
1.39 +/** Destructor */
1.40 + {
1.41 + iReader.Close();
1.42 + iFile.Close();
1.43 + }
1.44 +
1.45 +
1.46 +CPrinter* CPrinter::NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole)
1.47 +/**
1.48 + Creates a new printer object and places the pointer on the cleanup stack.
1.49 + @param aConsole The console object to print text to.
1.50 + @return A pointer to the new printer object.
1.51 +*/
1.52 + {
1.53 + CPrinter *self = new(ELeave)CPrinter(aConsole);
1.54 + CleanupStack::PushL(self);
1.55 + return self;
1.56 + }
1.57 +
1.58 +CPrinter* CPrinter::NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole, RFile& aFile)
1.59 +/**
1.60 + Creates a new printer object and places the pointer on the cleanup stack.
1.61 + @param aConsole The console object to print text to.
1.62 + @param aFile A handle to a file to write the text to. The handle is duplicated internally.
1.63 + @return A pointer to the new printer object.
1.64 +*/
1.65 + {
1.66 + CPrinter *self = CPrinter::NewLC(aConsole);
1.67 + self->ConstructL(aFile);
1.68 + return self;
1.69 + }
1.70 +
1.71 +
1.72 +void CPrinter::ConstructL(RFile& aFile)
1.73 +/** Second phase constructor*/
1.74 + {
1.75 + User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Duplicate(aFile));
1.76 + iLogToFile = ETrue;
1.77 + //iReader.Set(iFile);
1.78 + iReader.Attach(aFile);
1.79 + }
1.80 +
1.81 +void CPrinter::PrintfL(TRefByValue<const TDesC16> aFormat, ...)
1.82 +/**
1.83 + Formats and writes 16-bit text to the console and/or file
1.84 + @param aFormat The 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor containing the format string.
1.85 + */
1.86 + {
1.87 + VA_LIST list;
1.88 + VA_START (list, aFormat);
1.89 +
1.90 + iBuffer.Zero();
1.91 + iBuffer.AppendFormatList(aFormat, list);
1.92 +
1.93 + iConsole->Printf(iBuffer);
1.94 +
1.95 + if(iLogToFile)
1.96 + {
1.97 + HBufC8* utf8 = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L(iBuffer);
1.98 + CleanupStack::PushL(utf8);
1.99 + User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Write(*utf8));
1.100 + CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(utf8);
1.101 + }
1.102 +
1.103 + VA_END(list);
1.104 + }
1.105 +
1.106 +
1.107 +void CPrinter::Printf8L(TRefByValue<const TDesC8> aFormat, ...)
1.108 +/**
1.109 + Formats and writes 8-bit text to the console and/or file
1.110 + @param aFormat The 8-bit non-modifiable descriptor containing the format string.
1.111 + */
1.112 + {
1.113 + VA_LIST list;
1.114 + VA_START (list, aFormat);
1.115 +
1.116 + iBuffer8.Zero();
1.117 + iBuffer8.AppendFormatList(aFormat, list);
1.118 + iBuffer.Copy(iBuffer8);
1.119 + iConsole->Printf(iBuffer);
1.120 +
1.121 + if(iLogToFile)
1.122 + {
1.123 + User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Write(iBuffer8));
1.124 + }
1.125 +
1.126 + VA_END(list);
1.127 + }
1.128 +
1.129 +void CPrinter::PrintOnlyConsoleL(const TDesC& aFormat, ...)
1.130 +/**
1.131 + Formats and writes 16-bit text to the console.
1.132 + @param aFormat The 16-bit non-modifiable descriptor containing the format string.
1.133 + */
1.134 + {
1.135 + TBool temp;
1.136 + temp = iLogToFile;
1.137 + iLogToFile = EFalse;
1.138 +
1.139 + PrintfL(aFormat);
1.140 +
1.141 + iLogToFile = temp;
1.142 + }
1.143 +
1.144 +
1.145 +void CPrinter::Usage(CConsoleBase* aConsole)
1.146 +/**
1.147 + Prints how to use DumpUpsDb Tool.
1.148 + @param aConsole A pointer to the console object
1.149 + */
1.150 + {
1.151 + aConsole->Printf(_L("DUMPUPSDB Version 1, 0\n"));
1.152 + aConsole->Printf(_L("A utility for importing and exporting UPS Decision Database.\n"));
1.153 + aConsole->Printf(_L("Copyright (c) 2007 Symbian Ltd. All rights reserved.\n\n"));
1.154 + aConsole->Printf(_L("error: wrong number of arguments\n"));
1.155 + aConsole->Printf(_L("Usage: DumpUpsDb [-h] [-i] [-e] [-b] -db dbpath [-f filepath]\n\n"));
1.156 + aConsole->Printf(_L("Options : -h Show help page\n"));
1.157 + aConsole->Printf(_L("Options : -i Import an exported database\n"));
1.158 + aConsole->Printf(_L("Options : -e Export the database\n"));
1.159 + aConsole->Printf(_L("Options : -db Database file\n"));
1.160 + aConsole->Printf(_L("Options : -f Output/Input file\n"));
1.161 + aConsole->Printf(_L("Options : -b Import/export Client Entity as binary\n\n"));
1.162 + aConsole->Printf(_L("Press any key to continue\r\n"));
1.163 + aConsole->Getch();
1.164 + }
1.165 +
1.166 +void CPrinter::Wait()
1.167 +/**
1.168 + If no output file is specified then pause after finishing because the console
1.169 + will vanish when it is closed.
1.170 + */
1.171 + {
1.172 + iConsole->Printf(_L("Press any key to continue\r\n"));
1.173 + iConsole->Getch();
1.174 + }
1.175 +
1.176 +
1.177 +void CPrinter::ReadNextLineL(TDes8& aLine)
1.178 + {
1.179 + TChar achar = '\n';
1.180 + iReader.ReadL(aLine, achar);
1.181 + }
1.182 +
1.183 +TInt CPrinter::FileSizeL()
1.184 + {
1.185 + return iReader.Source()->SizeL();
1.186 + }
1.187 +//
1.188 +//CDatabase
1.189 +//
1.190 +
1.191 +CDatabase::CDatabase(TBool aImport):iImport(aImport)
1.192 +/** Constructor */
1.193 + {
1.194 +
1.195 + }
1.196 +
1.197 +CDatabase::~CDatabase()
1.198 +/** Destructor */
1.199 + {
1.200 + delete iPrinter;
1.201 + delete iUpsDb;
1.202 + }
1.203 +
1.204 +
1.205 +CDatabase* CDatabase::NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole, RFs& aFs, TBool aImport, const TDesC& aDb, const TDesC& aFile)
1.206 +/**
1.207 + Creates a new database object and places the pointer on the cleanup stack.
1.208 +
1.209 + @param aConsole Pointer to the console object
1.210 + @param aFs Handle to the file server
1.211 + @param aImport Whether the operation type is import
1.212 + @param aDb The fully qualified path of the decision database
1.213 + @param aFile The fully qualified path of the dump file
1.214 + @return A pointer to the newly created database object
1.215 + */
1.216 + {
1.217 + CDatabase *self = new(ELeave)CDatabase(aImport);
1.218 + CleanupStack::PushL(self);
1.219 + self->ConstructL(aConsole, aFs, aDb, aFile);
1.220 + return self;
1.221 + }
1.222 +
1.223 +
1.224 +void CDatabase::ConstructL(CConsoleBase* aConsole, RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aDb, const TDesC& aFile)
1.225 +/**
1.226 + Second phase constructor for database object
1.227 + */
1.228 + {
1.229 + if(aFile.Length() > 0)
1.230 + {
1.231 + if(iImport)
1.232 + {
1.233 + User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Open(aFs, aFile, EFileWrite|EFileShareExclusive));
1.234 + }
1.235 + else
1.236 + {
1.237 + User::LeaveIfError(iFile.Replace(aFs, aFile, EFileWrite|EFileShareExclusive));
1.238 + }
1.239 +
1.240 + iPrinter = CPrinter::NewLC(aConsole, iFile);
1.241 + }
1.242 + else
1.243 + {
1.244 + iPrinter = CPrinter::NewLC(aConsole);
1.245 + }
1.246 +
1.247 + CleanupStack::Pop(iPrinter);
1.248 +
1.249 + iUpsDb = CDecisionDbW::NewL(aDb, aFs);
1.250 +
1.251 + }
1.252 +
1.253 +void CDatabase::DumpL()
1.254 + {
1.255 + if(!iImport)
1.256 + {//Dump database to the console and files
1.257 + //Create an empty filter to get all decisions in the table
1.258 + CDecisionFilter *filter = CDecisionFilter::NewLC();
1.259 +
1.260 + //Create a view object
1.261 + CDecisionView *dbView = iUpsDb->CreateViewL(*filter);
1.262 + CleanupStack::PushL(dbView);
1.263 +
1.264 + CActiveWaiter *waiter = new(ELeave)CActiveWaiter();
1.265 + CleanupStack::PushL(waiter);
1.266 +
1.267 + //Fill the decisions into the view object
1.268 + dbView->EvaluateView(waiter->iStatus);
1.269 + waiter->WaitActiveL(KErrNone);
1.270 + if(iFlag & EAppendTestResults)
1.271 + {
1.272 + PrintTestHeaderL();
1.273 + }
1.274 + PrintHeaderL();
1.275 +
1.276 + CDecisionRecord *record = NULL;
1.277 + while((record = dbView->NextDecisionL()) != NULL)
1.278 + {
1.279 + CleanupStack::PushL(record);
1.280 + PrintDecisionL(*record);
1.281 + CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(record);
1.282 + }
1.283 +
1.284 + CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, filter);
1.285 + iPrinter->PrintOnlyConsoleL(_L("Exported successfully!\n"));
1.286 + if(iFlag & EAppendTestResults)
1.287 + {
1.288 + PrintTestResultsL();
1.289 + }
1.290 + }
1.291 + else
1.292 + {//Import an exported decision file to the decision database
1.293 + TInt fileSize;
1.294 + fileSize = iPrinter->FileSizeL();
1.295 + TInt readSize=0;
1.296 + TBuf8<256> buffer;
1.297 + TBool skipFirstLine = ETrue;
1.298 + CDecisionRecord *record = NULL;
1.299 + do
1.300 + {
1.301 + iPrinter->ReadNextLineL(buffer);
1.302 + readSize +=buffer.Length();
1.303 + if(skipFirstLine)
1.304 + {
1.305 + skipFirstLine = EFalse;
1.306 + }
1.307 + else
1.308 + {
1.309 + record = ParseAndCreateRecordLC(buffer);
1.310 + iUpsDb->CreateDecisionL(*record);
1.311 + CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(record);
1.312 + }
1.313 +
1.314 + buffer.Zero();
1.315 + }while(readSize < fileSize);
1.316 +
1.317 + iPrinter->PrintOnlyConsoleL(_L("Imported successfully!\n"));
1.318 + }
1.319 + //If both of the flags are not set, wait.
1.320 + if(!(iFlag & EAppendTestResults || iFlag & EDoNotStop))
1.321 + {
1.322 + iPrinter->Wait();
1.323 + }
1.324 + }
1.325 +
1.326 +
1.327 +void CDatabase::PrintDecisionL(CDecisionRecord& aRecord)
1.328 + {
1.329 + _LIT(KDelimiter, ";");
1.330 + _LIT(KWriteId, "\"%08x\"");
1.331 + _LIT(KWriteString, "\"%S\"");
1.332 + _LIT8(KWriteString8,"\"%S\"");
1.333 + _LIT8(KWriteHex8, "%02x");
1.334 +
1.335 +
1.336 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteId,aRecord.iClientSid.iId);
1.337 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.338 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteId,aRecord.iEvaluatorId.iUid);
1.339 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.340 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteId,aRecord.iServiceId.iUid);
1.341 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.342 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteId,aRecord.iServerSid.iId);
1.343 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.344 +
1.345 + TBuf8<KUpsMaxFingerprintLength*2> hexdump;
1.346 + TUint8 *ptr = (TUint8 *)aRecord.iFingerprint.Ptr();
1.347 + TInt i;
1.348 + TInt len = aRecord.iFingerprint.Length();
1.349 +
1.350 + for(i=0; i<len; ++i)
1.351 + {
1.352 + hexdump.AppendFormat(KWriteHex8,ptr[i]);
1.353 + }
1.354 + iPrinter->Printf8L(KWriteString8,&hexdump);
1.355 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.356 +
1.357 + if(iFlag & EPrintBinary)
1.358 + {
1.359 + iPrinter->Printf8L(KWriteString8,&aRecord.iClientEntity);
1.360 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.361 + }
1.362 + else
1.363 + {
1.364 + hexdump.Zero();
1.365 + ptr = (TUint8 *)aRecord.iClientEntity.Ptr();
1.366 + len = aRecord.iClientEntity.Length();
1.367 + for(i=0; i<len; ++i)
1.368 + {
1.369 + hexdump.AppendFormat(KWriteHex8,ptr[i]);
1.370 + }
1.371 + iPrinter->Printf8L(KWriteString8,&hexdump);
1.372 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.373 + }
1.374 +
1.375 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&aRecord.iDescription);
1.376 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.377 +
1.378 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteId,aRecord.iResult);
1.379 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.380 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteId,aRecord.iEvaluatorInfo);
1.381 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.382 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteId,aRecord.iMajorPolicyVersion);
1.383 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.384 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteId,aRecord.iRecordId);
1.385 +
1.386 + iPrinter->Printf8L(_L8("\n"));
1.387 + }
1.388 +
1.389 +
1.390 +void CDatabase::PrintHeaderL()
1.391 + {
1.392 + _LIT(KDelimiter, ";");
1.393 + _LIT(KWriteString, "\"%S\"");
1.394 +
1.395 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColClientSid);
1.396 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.397 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColEvaluatorId);
1.398 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.399 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColServiceId);
1.400 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.401 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColServerSid);
1.402 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.403 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColFingerprint);
1.404 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.405 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColClientEntity);
1.406 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.407 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColDescription);
1.408 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.409 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColResult);
1.410 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.411 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColEvaluatorInfo);
1.412 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.413 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColMajorPolicyVersion);
1.414 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KDelimiter);
1.415 + iPrinter->PrintfL(KWriteString,&KColRecordId);
1.416 + iPrinter->Printf8L(_L8("\n"));
1.417 + }
1.418 +
1.419 +CDecisionRecord* CDatabase::ParseAndCreateRecordLC(TDesC8& aLine)
1.420 +/**
1.421 + Parse a line and create a decision record from the parsed values
1.422 + @param aLine A line containing a decision record values quoted with double quotes and separated by semi-colon
1.423 + @return A newly created decision record
1.424 + */
1.425 + {
1.426 + CDecisionRecord* record = NULL;
1.427 +
1.428 + TLex8 parser(aLine);
1.429 + TChar achar;
1.430 + TBool start = ETrue;
1.431 +
1.432 + TUint16 flag = 0x078F;
1.433 + TUint16 pos = 0x0001;
1.434 +
1.435 + TInt32 value=0;
1.436 + TUint32 hexVal = 0;
1.437 +
1.438 + TSecureId clientSid(0);
1.439 + TSecureId serverSid(0);
1.440 + TUid serviceId = TUid::Null();
1.441 + TUid evaluatorId = TUid::Null();
1.442 + TBuf8<KUpsMaxFingerprintLength*2> fingerprint;
1.443 + TBuf8<KUpsMaxClientEntityLength*2> clientEntity;
1.444 + RBuf description;
1.445 + TUint8 result=0;
1.446 + TUint32 evaluatorInfo=0;
1.447 + TUint16 policyVer=0;
1.448 + TUint32 recordId=0;
1.449 +
1.450 + while(!parser.Eos())
1.451 + {
1.452 + //Get cyrrent char
1.453 + achar = parser.Get();
1.454 + //Skip delimiter
1.455 + if(achar == ';')
1.456 + {
1.457 + start = ETrue;
1.458 + }
1.459 + //if double quote start or stop token reading
1.460 + if('\"' == achar)
1.461 + {
1.462 + if(start)
1.463 + {
1.464 + parser.Mark();
1.465 + start = EFalse;
1.466 + }
1.467 + else
1.468 + {
1.469 + parser.UnGet();
1.470 +
1.471 + if(flag & pos)
1.472 + {
1.473 + TLex8 intToken(parser.MarkedToken());
1.474 + switch(pos)
1.475 + {
1.476 + case KLocClientSid:
1.477 + intToken.Val(hexVal,EHex);
1.478 + clientSid.iId = hexVal;
1.479 + break;
1.480 + case KLocEvaluatorId:
1.481 + intToken.Val(hexVal,EHex);
1.482 + evaluatorId.iUid = hexVal;
1.483 + break;
1.484 + case KLocServiceId:
1.485 + intToken.Val(hexVal,EHex);
1.486 + serviceId.iUid = hexVal;
1.487 + break;
1.488 + case KLocServerSid:
1.489 + intToken.Val(hexVal,EHex);
1.490 + serverSid.iId = hexVal;
1.491 + break;
1.492 + case KLocResult:
1.493 + intToken.Val(value);
1.494 + result = (TUint8)value;
1.495 + break;
1.496 + case KLocEvaluatorInfo:
1.497 + intToken.Val(value);
1.498 + evaluatorInfo = value;
1.499 + break;
1.500 + case KLocMajorPolicyVersion:
1.501 + intToken.Val(value);
1.502 + policyVer = (TUint16)value;
1.503 + break;
1.504 + case KLocRecordId:
1.505 + intToken.Val(value);
1.506 + recordId = (TUint32)value;
1.507 + break;
1.508 + default:
1.509 + User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
1.510 + }
1.511 + }
1.512 + else
1.513 + {
1.514 + switch(pos)
1.515 + {
1.516 + case KLocDescription:
1.517 + {
1.518 + TPtrC8 tmpDescription = parser.MarkedToken();
1.519 + description.Create(tmpDescription.Length());
1.520 + description.CleanupClosePushL();
1.521 + description.Copy(tmpDescription);
1.522 + break;
1.523 + }
1.524 +
1.525 + case KLocFingerprint:
1.526 + {
1.527 + fingerprint = parser.MarkedToken();
1.528 + HexToStrL(fingerprint);
1.529 + break;
1.530 + }
1.531 + case KLocClientEntity:
1.532 + {
1.533 + clientEntity = parser.MarkedToken();
1.534 + if(!(iFlag & EPrintBinary))
1.535 + {
1.536 + HexToStrL(clientEntity);
1.537 + }
1.538 + break;
1.539 + }
1.540 + default:
1.541 + User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
1.542 + }
1.543 + }
1.544 +
1.545 +
1.546 + start = ETrue;
1.547 + pos = pos<<1;
1.548 +
1.549 + }
1.550 + }
1.551 + }
1.552 + record = CDecisionRecord::NewL(clientSid,evaluatorId,serviceId,serverSid,fingerprint,clientEntity,description,result,policyVer,evaluatorInfo,recordId);
1.553 + CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&description);
1.554 + CleanupStack::PushL(record);
1.555 + return record;
1.556 + }
1.557 +
1.558 +
1.559 +TUint8 CDatabase::HexToIntL(TUint8* aPtr)
1.560 +/**
1.561 + Convert a 2-byte hexadecimal representation value to integer (Ex: C2 -> 194).
1.562 + @param aPtr Pointer to source data
1.563 + @return An integer value against 2-byte hexadecimal value
1.564 + */
1.565 + {
1.566 + //Save and then set third byte NULL
1.567 + TUint8 temp = aPtr[2];
1.568 + aPtr[2] = '\n';
1.569 + //Create a lex string from first two bytes
1.570 + TLex8 lex(aPtr);
1.571 + //Convert two bytes hex value (ex:9F) to integer (ex:159)
1.572 + TUint8 intVal;
1.573 + User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(intVal,EHex));
1.574 + //Put the original value back
1.575 + aPtr[2] = temp;
1.576 + //return integer value of first two hex bytes
1.577 + return intVal;
1.578 + }
1.579 +
1.580 +
1.581 +void CDatabase::HexToStrL(TDes8& aSource)
1.582 +/**
1.583 + Convert a string containing hexadecimal representation to another string containing binary representation
1.584 + @param aSource Source data containing a string
1.585 + */
1.586 + {
1.587 + TUint8 *pSource = (TUint8 *)aSource.Ptr();
1.588 + TUint8 *pDest = (TUint8 *)aSource.Ptr();
1.589 +
1.590 + TInt len = aSource.Length();
1.591 + TInt idxSource;
1.592 + TInt idxDest;
1.593 +
1.594 + for(idxSource=0, idxDest=0; idxSource<len; ++idxDest,idxSource+=2)
1.595 + {
1.596 + pDest[idxDest] = HexToIntL(pSource+idxSource);
1.597 + }
1.598 +
1.599 + aSource.SetLength(idxDest);
1.600 + }
1.601 +
1.602 +
1.603 +void CDatabase::PrintTestResultsL()
1.604 +/**
1.605 + Prints dummy test results to get rid of log file parsing error in showing test results.
1.606 + */
1.607 + {
1.608 +#if 1
1.609 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("\n\n0 tests failed out of 1\n"));
1.610 +#else
1.611 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("\n\nTEST STEP SUMMARY:\n"));
1.612 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("PASS = 1\n"));
1.613 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("FAIL = 0\n"));
1.614 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("ABORT = 0\n"));
1.615 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("PANIC = 0\n"));
1.616 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("INCONCLUSIVE = 0\n"));
1.617 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("UNKNOWN = 0\n"));
1.618 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("UNEXECUTED = 0\n"));
1.619 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("COMMENTED COMMAND'S = 0\n"));
1.620 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("TEST CASE SUMMARY:\n"));
1.621 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("PASS = 1\n"));
1.622 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("FAIL = 0\n"));
1.623 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("INCONCLUSIVE = 0\n"));
1.624 +#endif
1.625 + }
1.626 +
1.627 +void CDatabase::PrintTestHeaderL()
1.628 + {
1.629 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("TEST SYNOPSIS:\n"));
1.630 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("TEF Version : 2.1.2004\n"));
1.631 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("START_TESTCASE COUNT : 1\n"));
1.632 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("RUN_TEST_STEP COUNT : 1\n"));
1.633 + iPrinter->PrintfL(_L("RUN_TEST_STEP_RESULT COUNT : 1\n\n"));
1.634 + }
1.635 +