1.1 --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
1.2 +++ b/os/kernelhwsrv/kerneltest/f32test/smassstorage/scripts/usbinterop1.pl Fri Jun 15 03:10:57 2012 +0200
1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
1.4 +#!perl -w
1.5 +# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
1.6 +# All rights reserved.
1.7 +# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
1.8 +# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
1.9 +# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
1.10 +# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
1.11 +#
1.12 +# Initial Contributors:
1.13 +# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
1.14 +#
1.15 +# Contributors:
1.16 +#
1.17 +# Description:
1.18 +# USBinterop1
1.19 +#
1.20 +#
1.21 +
1.22 +use strict;
1.23 +use Digest::MD5;
1.24 +use POSIX;
1.25 +use File::Path;
1.26 +use Getopt::Long;
1.27 +use Pod::Usage;
1.28 +
1.29 +my $spread = 3;
1.30 +my $depth = 1;
1.31 +my $drive = "";
1.32 +my $size = 1024;
1.33 +my $pause = 1;
1.34 +my $help = 0;
1.35 +
1.36 +my %opts = ( 'spread=i' => \$spread,
1.37 + 'depth=i' => \$depth,
1.38 + 'drive=s' => \$drive,
1.39 + 'size=i' => \$size,
1.40 + 'pause!' => \$pause,
1.41 + 'help!' => \$help);
1.42 +
1.43 +GetOptions(%opts) || pod2usage(2);
1.44 +pod2usage(-exitval => 1, -verbose => 2) if $help;
1.45 +
1.46 +$drive =~ s/\\/\//g;
1.47 +$drive .= "/" unless ($drive =~ m/\/$/);
1.48 +$spread = 1 if $spread < 1;
1.49 +$depth = 1 if $depth < 1;
1.50 +$size = 1 if $size < 1;
1.51 +
1.52 +# Check OS
1.53 +# ME : "Windows" "4.90"
1.54 +# 2k : "Windows NT" "5.0"
1.55 +# XP : "Windows NT" "5.1"
1.56 +# Mac: "Darwin" "7.4.1"
1.57 +print((uname)[0] . " v" . (uname)[2] . ":" . (uname)[3] . "\n");
1.58 +
1.59 +my @folders = createfolders($drive, $spread, $depth);
1.60 +mkpath(\@folders);
1.61 +my %digests = createfiles(\@folders, $size, $spread);
1.62 +
1.63 +if ($pause)
1.64 +{
1.65 + print "Unplug and replug the USB cable, then press enter...";
1.66 + $pause = <STDIN>;
1.67 +}
1.68 +
1.69 +checkfiles(\%digests);
1.70 +removefiles(\%digests);
1.71 +removefolders(\@folders);
1.72 +
1.73 +
1.74 +
1.75 +sub createfolder
1.76 +{
1.77 + my $dirlist = shift;
1.78 + my $fbase = shift;
1.79 + my $spread = shift;
1.80 + my $depth = shift;
1.81 +
1.82 + return unless $depth > 0;
1.83 +
1.84 + for (my $i = 0; $i < $spread; $i++)
1.85 + {
1.86 + my $dir = sprintf("%sdir%05d/", $fbase, $i + 1);
1.87 + push @$dirlist, $dir;
1.88 + createfolder($dirlist, $dir, $spread, $depth - 1);
1.89 + }
1.90 +}
1.91 +
1.92 +
1.93 +sub createfolders
1.94 +{
1.95 + my $drive = shift;
1.96 + $drive = "" unless defined $drive;
1.97 + my $spread = shift;
1.98 + $spread = 1 unless defined $spread;
1.99 + my $depth = shift;
1.100 + $depth = 1 unless defined $depth;
1.101 +
1.102 + my @dirlist = ();
1.103 + createfolder(\@dirlist, $drive, $spread, $depth);
1.104 + return @dirlist;
1.105 +}
1.106 +
1.107 +sub makeblock
1.108 +{
1.109 + my $length = shift;
1.110 + my @list = ();
1.111 + for (my $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
1.112 + {
1.113 + push @list, int((91 - 65) * rand()) + 65;
1.114 + }
1.115 + return pack "C$length", @list;
1.116 +}
1.117 +
1.118 +
1.119 +sub writefile
1.120 +{
1.121 + my $file = shift;
1.122 + my $length = shift;
1.123 + my $block = 1024;
1.124 + open(FILE, ">$file") or warn ("Unable to open $file for writing: $!\n");
1.125 + my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
1.126 + while ($length > 0)
1.127 + {
1.128 + my $data = makeblock(($length > $block) ? $block : $length);
1.129 + $md5->add($data);
1.130 + print(FILE $data);
1.131 + $length -= $block;
1.132 + }
1.133 + close(FILE);
1.134 + return $md5->hexdigest();
1.135 +}
1.136 +
1.137 +
1.138 +sub readfile
1.139 +{
1.140 + my $file = shift;
1.141 + open(FILE, $file) or warn ("Unable to open $file for reading: $!\n");
1.142 + my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new();
1.143 + $md5->addfile(*FILE);
1.144 + close(FILE);
1.145 + return $md5->hexdigest();
1.146 +}
1.147 +
1.148 +
1.149 +sub createfiles
1.150 +{
1.151 + my $dirlist = shift;
1.152 + my $size = shift;
1.153 + $size = 1024 unless defined $size;
1.154 + my $nfiles = shift;
1.155 + $nfiles = 1 unless defined $nfiles;
1.156 +
1.157 + my %digest;
1.158 +
1.159 + foreach (@$dirlist)
1.160 + {
1.161 + for (my $i = 0; $i < $nfiles; $i++)
1.162 + {
1.163 + my $file = sprintf("${_}file%04d.txt", $i + 1);
1.164 + $digest{$file} = writefile($file, $size);
1.165 + }
1.166 + }
1.167 + return %digest;
1.168 +}
1.169 +
1.170 +sub checkfiles
1.171 +{
1.172 + my $digests = shift;
1.173 +
1.174 + foreach (sort keys %$digests)
1.175 + {
1.176 + my $readDigest = readfile($_);
1.177 + print "$_\t$digests->{$_}\t$readDigest\t" . ($digests->{$_} eq $readDigest ? "ok" : "ERROR") . "\n";
1.178 + }
1.179 +}
1.180 +
1.181 +
1.182 +sub removefiles
1.183 +{
1.184 + my $digests = shift;
1.185 + my @cant = grep {not unlink} (keys %$digests);
1.186 + warn "Unable to remove @cant\n" if @cant;
1.187 +}
1.188 +
1.189 +
1.190 +sub removefolders
1.191 +{
1.192 + my $folders = shift;
1.193 + foreach (@$folders)
1.194 + {
1.195 + if (-e)
1.196 + {
1.197 + rmtree($_) or warn "Unable to remove $_: $!\n";
1.198 + }
1.199 + }
1.200 +}
1.201 +
1.202 +
1.203 +######################################################################
1.204 +
1.205 +__END__
1.206 +
1.207 +=head1 NAME
1.208 +
1.209 +usbinterop1.pl - Create directories and files, read back and compare
1.210 +
1.211 +=head1 SYNOPSIS
1.212 +
1.213 +usage: usbinterop1.pl [options]
1.214 +
1.215 +=head1 OPTIONS
1.216 +
1.217 +=over 4
1.218 +
1.219 +=item --spread=<number of directories and files>
1.220 +
1.221 +Spread is the number of directories and files that are created at each
1.222 +level of the created tree. For example, a spread of three would
1.223 +create three directories and three files in each of the directories.
1.224 +Spread is a measure of the "bushiness" of the directory tree.
1.225 +
1.226 +Default value is "3".
1.227 +
1.228 +=item --depth=<directory nesting level>
1.229 +
1.230 +Each directory can have subdirectories up to the limit of the depth
1.231 +parameter. Depth is a measure of the "height" of the directory tree.
1.232 +
1.233 +Default value is "1".
1.234 +
1.235 +=item --size=<size of files to create>
1.236 +
1.237 +The size in bytes for each test file. Be careful as the disk space
1.238 +used is a function of this parameter as well as the depth and spread
1.239 +parameters:
1.240 +
1.241 +total size = size*(sp^(dep+1)+sp^(dep)+sp^(dep-1)+..+sp^2)
1.242 +
1.243 +Default value is "1024".
1.244 +
1.245 +=item --drive=<USB drive location>
1.246 +
1.247 +The path to the USB drive in which to write the files.
1.248 +
1.249 +Default value is ".", the current working directory.
1.250 +
1.251 +=item --help=<file>
1.252 +
1.253 +Displays this help.
1.254 +
1.255 +=back
1.256 +
1.257 +=head1 DESCRIPTION
1.258 +
1.259 +This is a simple utility to create folders and files with varying
1.260 +levels of nesting and sizes on a USB drive, and read them back to
1.261 +verify their contents.
1.262 +
1.263 +=head2 Test Case Specification
1.264 +
1.265 + TestCaseID: Interoperability_1
1.266 + TestType: IT
1.267 + TestCaseDesc: Test Mass Storage functionality on different platforms
1.268 + (Windows 2000/XP/ME, MacOS) (Manual test)
1.269 + FssID: Base/emstore/1.1.1
1.270 + FssID: Base/emstore/3.1.1
1.271 +
1.272 + TestActions:
1.273 + Connect device to a host PC. Enable MS. Start perl script on
1.274 + PC. This script formats drive and creates several folders with
1.275 + levels of nested folders and writes set of files to them. File sizes
1.276 + varied from several kilobytes to several megabytes. The number of
1.277 + folders, nest depth, number of files placed in each folder and there
1.278 + sizes should be configurable. Then script prompt ask to unplug/plug
1.279 + USB cable (to flash OS read cache) and then read all files back and
1.280 + compare.
1.281 +
1.282 + TestExpectedResults:
1.283 + Read data from files should match with written.
1.284 +
1.285 +=head1 COPYRIGHT
1.286 +
1.287 +Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.
1.288 +
1.289 +=cut