changeset 0 bde4ae8d615e
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/os/kernelhwsrv/kerneltest/f32test/demandpaging/t_nandpaging.cpp	Fri Jun 15 03:10:57 2012 +0200
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
     1.4 +// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     1.5 +// All rights reserved.
     1.6 +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     1.7 +// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     1.8 +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     1.9 +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
    1.10 +//
    1.11 +// Initial Contributors:
    1.12 +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    1.13 +//
    1.14 +// Contributors:
    1.15 +//
    1.16 +// Description:
    1.17 +// e32test\mmu\t_nandpaging.cpp
    1.18 +// Suite of tests specifically to test the demand paging subsystem when
    1.19 +// booted from NAND.
    1.20 +// 002 Read/Write and Page test
    1.21 +// 003 Defering test
    1.22 +// 
    1.23 +//
    1.24 +
    1.25 +//! @SYMTestCaseID			KBASE-T_NANDPAGING-0332
    1.26 +//! @SYMTestType			UT
    1.27 +//! @SYMPREQ				PREQ1110
    1.28 +//! @SYMTestCaseDesc		Demand Paging Nand Paging tests.
    1.29 +//! @SYMTestActions			001 Check that the rom is paged
    1.30 +//! @SYMTestExpectedResults All tests should pass.
    1.31 +//! @SYMTestPriority        High
    1.32 +//! @SYMTestStatus          Implemented
    1.33 +
    1.34 +#include <e32test.h>
    1.35 +RTest test(_L("T_NANDPAGING"));
    1.36 +
    1.37 +#include <e32rom.h>
    1.38 +#include <e32svr.h>
    1.39 +#include <u32hal.h>
    1.40 +#include <f32file.h>
    1.41 +#include <f32dbg.h>
    1.42 +#include "testdefs.h"
    1.43 +#include <hal.h>
    1.44 +
    1.45 +
    1.46 +TInt DriveNumber=-1;   // Parameter - Which drive?  -1 = autodetect.
    1.47 +TInt locDriveNumber;
    1.48 +
    1.49 +TInt MaxDeferLoops=40; // Parameter - Defer test, for how long?
    1.50 +TInt Maxloops=400;	   // Parameter - RW Soak, for how long?
    1.51 +TBool Forever=EFalse;  // Parameter - RW Soak forever?
    1.52 +
    1.53 +TBool Testing=ETrue;	// Used to communicate when testing has finished between threads.
    1.54 +
    1.55 +RFs TheFs;
    1.56 +TBusLocalDrive Drive;
    1.57 +TLocalDriveCapsV4 DriveCaps;
    1.58 +
    1.59 +TInt PagedTrashCount=0; // Incremented by threads, is used to detect preemption.
    1.60 +TInt GlobError=KErrNone; // To communicate an error between threads.
    1.61 +TBool CtrlIoCollectGarbageSupported = ETrue;
    1.62 +TBool CtrlIoGetDeferStatsSupported = ETrue;
    1.63 +
    1.64 +
    1.65 +const TInt KDiskSectorShift=9;
    1.66 +const TInt KBufSizeInSectors=8;
    1.67 +const TInt KBufSizeInBytes=(KBufSizeInSectors<<KDiskSectorShift)*40;
    1.68 +
    1.69 +LOCAL_D TBuf8<KBufSizeInBytes> Buffer;
    1.70 +
    1.71 +
    1.72 +
    1.73 +// Three functions for the garbage test.
    1.74 +// CreateFile creates a file, and sets up the buffer for WriteNumber.
    1.75 +// After the code has finished writing numbers to the start,
    1.76 +// CloseAndDestroy cleans up.
    1.77 +
    1.78 +void CreateFile(RFile &aFile,const TDesC& aFileName)
    1.79 +	{
    1.80 +	TBuf<256> fileName;	
    1.81 +	fileName.Append((TChar)('A'+DriveNumber));
    1.82 +	fileName+=_L(":\\f32-tst\\");
    1.83 +	TInt r=TheFs.MkDirAll(fileName);
    1.84 +	test(r==KErrNone || r== KErrAlreadyExists);
    1.85 +
    1.86 +	fileName += aFileName;	
    1.87 +
    1.88 +	r=aFile.Replace(TheFs,fileName,EFileWrite);
    1.89 +	if (r!=KErrNone)
    1.90 +		test.Printf(_L("Error %d: file '%S' could not be created\n"),r,&fileName);
    1.91 +	test(r==KErrNone);	
    1.92 +	Buffer.SetLength(4);
    1.93 +	}
    1.94 +	
    1.95 +void CloseAndDestroy(RFile &aFile)
    1.96 +	{
    1.97 +	TBuf<256> fileName;	
    1.98 +	aFile.FullName(fileName);
    1.99 +	aFile.Close();
   1.100 +	TheFs.Delete(fileName);
   1.101 +	}
   1.102 +
   1.103 +TInt WriteNumber(RFile &aFile)
   1.104 +	{
   1.105 +	TInt r;
   1.106 +	Buffer[0]++;
   1.107 +	r = aFile.Write(0,Buffer);
   1.108 +	if (r==KErrNone)
   1.109 +		return aFile.Flush();
   1.110 +	else
   1.111 +		return r; 
   1.112 +	}
   1.113 +
   1.114 +
   1.115 +
   1.116 +// The r/w soaktest leaves the drive in a mess.
   1.117 +// Formatting is needed afterwards.
   1.118 +
   1.119 +void silentFormat(TInt driveNo) 
   1.120 +	{    
   1.121 +    TBuf<4> driveBuf=_L("?:\\");
   1.122 +    RFormat format;
   1.123 +    TInt    count;
   1.124 +    
   1.125 +	driveBuf[0] = (TText)(driveNo + 'A');
   1.126 +    
   1.127 +    TInt r = format.Open(TheFs, driveBuf, EHighDensity, count);
   1.128 +    test(r == KErrNone);
   1.129 +    
   1.130 +    while(count) 
   1.131 +		{
   1.132 +        r=format.Next(count);
   1.133 +        test(r == KErrNone);
   1.134 +		}
   1.135 +    
   1.136 +    format.Close();
   1.137 +	}
   1.138 +
   1.139 +// Finds the 1st r/w NAND drive, or checks the specified one fits requirements  
   1.140 +
   1.141 +static TInt FindFsNANDDrive()
   1.142 +	{
   1.143 +	TDriveList driveList;
   1.144 +	TDriveInfo driveInfo;
   1.145 +	TInt r=TheFs.DriveList(driveList);
   1.146 +    test(r == KErrNone);
   1.147 +	
   1.148 +	for (TInt drvNum= (DriveNumber<0)?0:DriveNumber; drvNum<KMaxDrives; ++drvNum)
   1.149 +		{
   1.150 +	    if(!driveList[drvNum])
   1.151 +	        continue;   //-- skip unexisting drive
   1.152 +
   1.153 +	    test(TheFs.Drive(driveInfo, drvNum) == KErrNone);
   1.154 +
   1.155 +		if ((driveInfo.iMediaAtt&KMediaAttPageable) &&
   1.156 +			(driveInfo.iType == EMediaNANDFlash) && 
   1.157 +			(driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDriveAttInternal))
   1.158 +			{
   1.159 +			TBool readOnly = driveInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttWriteProtected;		// skip ROFS partitions
   1.160 +			if(!readOnly)
   1.161 +				{
   1.162 +				if ((drvNum==DriveNumber) || (DriveNumber<0))		// only test if running on this drive
   1.163 +					{
   1.164 +					return (drvNum);
   1.165 +					}
   1.166 +				}
   1.167 +			}
   1.168 +		}
   1.169 +	return (-1);
   1.170 +	}
   1.171 +
   1.172 +
   1.173 +//
   1.174 +// Writes to main area for the entire disk and reads back to verify.
   1.175 +// The function is called from TestNandAccuratcy, which will have also
   1.176 +// started the background RepeatedPagingThread
   1.177 +//
   1.178 +void testWriteMain()
   1.179 +	{
   1.180 +	TInt i;
   1.181 +	TInt r;
   1.182 +	TInt changeCount=0;
   1.183 +	TInt totChangeCount=0;
   1.184 +	TInt cCount=0;
   1.185 +	TInt fullcCount=0;
   1.186 +	TInt oldPagedTrashCount=0;
   1.187 +	TInt delta=0;
   1.188 +	TInt high=0;
   1.189 +	TInt tot=0;
   1.190 +	TInt fullTot=0;
   1.191 +	TInt blockNo;
   1.192 +
   1.193 +	// read size is 64K
   1.194 +	TInt readSize = (64*1024);	
   1.195 +	TInt64 size = DriveCaps.iSize - (DriveCaps.iSize % readSize);
   1.196 +	
   1.197 +	// print position every 128K
   1.198 +	TInt64 printBlockPos = 128 * 1024;
   1.199 +	test (size > printBlockPos);
   1.200 +
   1.201 +	// check for paging activity every 1MB
   1.202 +	TInt64 checkChangePos = 1024*1024;
   1.203 +	while (checkChangePos > size)
   1.204 +		checkChangePos>>= 1;
   1.205 +
   1.206 +	
   1.207 +	SDeferStats stats;
   1.208 +	TInt pageGarbageCount=0;
   1.209 +	TInt pageOtherCount=0;	
   1.210 +	TInt normalGarbageCount=0;
   1.211 +	TInt normalOtherCount=0;
   1.212 +	
   1.213 +	
   1.214 +	Buffer.SetLength(2*readSize);
   1.215 +
   1.216 +	TPtr8 subBuf1(&Buffer[0],readSize);
   1.217 +	TPtrC8 subBuf2(&Buffer[readSize], readSize);
   1.218 +	
   1.219 +	test.Printf(_L("Page size = %d\n"), DriveCaps.iNumBytesMain);
   1.220 +	test.Printf(_L("Erase block size = %d\n"), DriveCaps.iEraseBlockSize);
   1.221 +	test.Printf(_L("Media size (rounded down) = %ld\n"), size);
   1.222 +
   1.223 +	for(i = 0; i<readSize; i++)
   1.224 +		Buffer[readSize+i] = (char)(i%100);
   1.225 +
   1.226 +	// Zero Stats
   1.227 +	if(CtrlIoGetDeferStatsSupported)
   1.228 +		{
   1.229 +		TPtr8 statsBuf((TUint8*) &stats, sizeof(stats));
   1.230 + 		test(Drive.ControlIO(KNandGetDeferStats,statsBuf,0)==KErrNone);
   1.231 +		}
   1.232 +
   1.233 +
   1.234 +	while (((totChangeCount<Maxloops) || Forever) && (GlobError==KErrNone))
   1.235 +		{
   1.236 +		for(TInt64 pos=0;
   1.237 +			(pos<size) && ((totChangeCount<Maxloops) || Forever) && (GlobError==KErrNone);
   1.238 +			pos+=(TUint)(readSize))
   1.239 +			{
   1.240 +			blockNo=I64LOW(pos / DriveCaps.iEraseBlockSize);
   1.241 +			if ((pos % printBlockPos) == 0)
   1.242 +				test.Printf(_L("Block %d at pos %lu \r"), blockNo, pos);
   1.243 +
   1.244 +			//write the pattern
   1.245 +			r = Drive.Write(pos,subBuf2);
   1.246 +			test(r==KErrNone);
   1.247 +
   1.248 +			//read back and verify
   1.249 +			r = Drive.Read(pos,readSize,subBuf1);
   1.250 +			test(r==KErrNone);
   1.251 +
   1.252 +			for(i=0;i<readSize;i++)
   1.253 +				if(Buffer[i]!=Buffer[readSize+i])
   1.254 +					{
   1.255 +					r = KErrCorrupt;
   1.256 +					break;
   1.257 +					}
   1.258 +			delta = PagedTrashCount-oldPagedTrashCount;
   1.259 +			cCount++;
   1.260 +			if (delta)
   1.261 +				{	
   1.262 +				if (delta>high)
   1.263 +					high=delta;
   1.264 +				tot+=delta;
   1.265 +				
   1.266 +				oldPagedTrashCount=PagedTrashCount;
   1.267 +				changeCount++;
   1.268 +				}
   1.269 +
   1.270 +			if ((pos > 0) && (pos % checkChangePos) == 0)
   1.271 +				{
   1.272 +				totChangeCount+=changeCount;
   1.273 +				if(CtrlIoGetDeferStatsSupported)
   1.274 +					{
   1.275 +					test.Printf(_L("\nHigh%4d Avg%2d %d%% CC=%4d \n"), high, (TInt) (tot/cCount), (TInt)(changeCount*100)/cCount, totChangeCount);
   1.276 +				
   1.277 +					TPtr8 statsBuf((TUint8*) &stats, sizeof(stats));
   1.278 +					Drive.ControlIO(KNandGetDeferStats,statsBuf,0);
   1.279 +					test.Printf(_L("PG %d PO %d(%d%%) NG %d NO %d\n"),stats.iPageGarbage,  stats.iPageOther, (TInt) ((stats.iPageOther*100)/cCount), stats.iNormalGarbage,  stats.iNormalOther);
   1.280 +
   1.281 +					test(stats.iPageOther>0);
   1.282 +				 	pageGarbageCount+=stats.iPageGarbage; 
   1.283 +				 	pageOtherCount+=stats.iPageOther;			 	
   1.284 +				 	normalGarbageCount+=stats.iNormalGarbage; 
   1.285 +				 	normalOtherCount+=stats.iNormalOther;			 	
   1.286 +					}
   1.287 +
   1.288 +				high=0;
   1.289 +				
   1.290 +				fullTot+=tot;
   1.291 +				tot=0;
   1.292 +				
   1.293 +				fullcCount+=cCount;
   1.294 +				cCount=0;
   1.295 +				changeCount=0;
   1.296 +				}
   1.297 +
   1.298 +			test(r==KErrNone);
   1.299 +			}	// for loop
   1.300 +
   1.301 +		if (CtrlIoGetDeferStatsSupported)
   1.302 +			{
   1.303 +			test.Printf(_L("\nTotals: Avg %2d %d%% CC=%4d \n"), fullTot/fullcCount, (TInt)(totChangeCount*100)/fullcCount, totChangeCount);
   1.304 +			test.Printf(_L("PG %d PO %d(%d%%) NG %d NO %d\n"),pageGarbageCount,  pageOtherCount,(TInt) (pageOtherCount*100/fullcCount), normalGarbageCount,  normalOtherCount );
   1.305 +			}
   1.306 +
   1.307 +		// If totChangeCount does not change, nand maybe busy waiting.
   1.308 +		test(totChangeCount>0);
   1.309 +		}	// while ()
   1.310 +
   1.311 +	if (GlobError!=KErrNone)
   1.312 +		{
   1.313 +		test.Printf(_L("\nPaging failed with %x\n"), GlobError);
   1.314 +		test(0);
   1.315 +		}
   1.316 +	else
   1.317 +		test.Printf(_L("\ndone\n"));
   1.318 +	}
   1.319 +
   1.320 +
   1.321 +TUint8 ReadByte(volatile TUint8* aPtr)
   1.322 +	{
   1.323 +	return *aPtr;
   1.324 +	}
   1.325 +
   1.326 +#define READ(a) ReadByte((volatile TUint8*)(a))
   1.327 +
   1.328 +TUint32 RandomNo =0;
   1.329 +
   1.330 +TUint32 Random()
   1.331 +	{
   1.332 +	RandomNo = RandomNo*69069+1;
   1.333 +	return RandomNo;
   1.334 +	}
   1.335 +
   1.336 +
   1.337 +// Many instances of this run while testWriteMain runs,
   1.338 +// to cause random background paging.
   1.339 +
   1.340 +LOCAL_C TInt RepeatedPagingThread(TAny* aUseTb)
   1.341 +	{
   1.342 +	TBool trashBurst = EFalse;
   1.343 +	// This makes the paging system continually page stuff.
   1.344 +	// get info about a paged ROM...
   1.345 +	
   1.346 +	TRomHeader* romHeader = (TRomHeader*)UserSvr::RomHeaderAddress();
   1.347 +	TUint8* start = (TUint8*)romHeader+romHeader->iPageableRomStart;
   1.348 +	TUint size = romHeader->iPageableRomSize;
   1.349 +	TInt pageSize = 0;
   1.350 +	PagedTrashCount=1;
   1.351 +
   1.352 +	UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupKernel,EKernelHalPageSizeInBytes,&pageSize,0);
   1.353 +	RandomNo=123;
   1.354 +	PagedTrashCount++;
   1.355 +
   1.356 +	while (Testing)
   1.357 +		{
   1.358 +		TInt r=UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupVM,EVMHalFlushCache,0,0);
   1.359 +		if (Random() & 1)
   1.360 +			User::AfterHighRes(500+Random() & 2047);
   1.361 +
   1.362 +		if (r<0)
   1.363 +			{
   1.364 +			GlobError=r;
   1.365 +			PagedTrashCount=99;
   1.366 +			return (KErrNone);
   1.367 +			}
   1.368 +		if (trashBurst)
   1.369 +			{
   1.370 +			if ((Random() & 0xf) == 0xf)
   1.371 +				trashBurst=EFalse;
   1.372 +			PagedTrashCount++;
   1.373 +			}
   1.374 +		else 
   1.375 +			{
   1.376 +			
   1.377 +			for(TInt i=size/(pageSize); (i>0) && !trashBurst; --i)
   1.378 +				{
   1.379 +				READ(start+((TInt64(Random())*TInt64(size))>>32));
   1.380 +				if ((RandomNo & 0x3f) == 0x3f)
   1.381 +					{
   1.382 +					trashBurst= (TBool) aUseTb;
   1.383 +					}
   1.384 +				PagedTrashCount++;
   1.385 +				if (RandomNo & 1)
   1.386 +					User::AfterHighRes(500+Random() & 2047);
   1.387 +				}
   1.388 +			}
   1.389 +	
   1.390 +		}
   1.391 +	return(KErrNone);
   1.392 +	}
   1.393 +	
   1.394 +
   1.395 +// This starts up multiple instances of repeatedPagingThread, and runs testWriteMain.
   1.396 +// After its done, it calls format, to clean up the drive.
   1.397 +
   1.398 +void TestNandAccuratcy()
   1.399 +	{
   1.400 +	RThread thisThread;
   1.401 +	const TInt KNoThreads=10;
   1.402 +	TInt i;
   1.403 +	test.Printf(_L("Reset concurrency stats\n"));
   1.404 +
   1.405 +	i=UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupMedia,EMediaHalResetConcurrencyInfo,(TAny*)locDriveNumber,(TAny*)EMediaPagingStatsRom);
   1.406 +	test(i==KErrNone || i==KErrNotSupported);
   1.407 +	if(i==KErrNotSupported)
   1.408 +		test.Printf(_L("Concurrency stats not supported on this build\n"));
   1.409 +	i=UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupMedia,EMediaHalResetPagingBenchmark,(TAny*)locDriveNumber,(TAny*)EMediaPagingStatsRom);
   1.410 +	test(i==KErrNone || i==KErrNotSupported);
   1.411 +	if(i==KErrNotSupported)
   1.412 +		test.Printf(_L("Benchmark stats not supported on this build\n"));
   1.413 +
   1.414 +	if (Maxloops>0)
   1.415 +		{
   1.416 +		TRequestStatus stat[KNoThreads];
   1.417 +		// Start Read Test
   1.418 +		RThread repeatedPagingThread[KNoThreads];
   1.419 +		
   1.420 +		test.Next(_L("Read/Write and Page test"));
   1.421 +
   1.422 +		Testing=ETrue;
   1.423 +		for (i=0; i<KNoThreads; i++)
   1.424 +			{
   1.425 +			
   1.426 +			test(repeatedPagingThread[i].Create(_L(""),RepeatedPagingThread,KDefaultStackSize,NULL,(TAny*) ETrue)==KErrNone);
   1.427 +			repeatedPagingThread[i].Logon(stat[i]);
   1.428 +			test(stat[i]==KRequestPending);	
   1.429 +			repeatedPagingThread[i].Resume();
   1.430 +			}
   1.431 +		// Start repeated paging.
   1.432 +		thisThread.SetPriority(EPriorityMore);
   1.433 +		testWriteMain();
   1.434 +		Testing = 0;
   1.435 +		thisThread.SetPriority(EPriorityNormal);
   1.436 +		for (i=0; i<KNoThreads; i++)
   1.437 +	 		User::WaitForRequest(stat[i]);
   1.438 +
   1.439 +		test.Printf(_L("Collect concurrency stats\n"));
   1.440 +		SMediaROMPagingConcurrencyInfo info;
   1.441 +		SPagingBenchmarkInfo infoBench;
   1.442 +		i=UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupMedia,EMediaHalGetROMConcurrencyInfo,(TAny*)locDriveNumber,&info);
   1.443 +		test(i==KErrNone || i==KErrNotSupported);
   1.444 +		TInt r=UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupMedia,EMediaHalGetROMPagingBenchmark,(TAny*)locDriveNumber,&infoBench);
   1.445 +		test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotSupported);
   1.446 +		if(i==KErrNone)
   1.447 +			{
   1.448 +			test.Printf(_L("Media concurrency stats:\n\n"));
   1.449 +			test.Printf(_L("The total number of page in requests issued whilst processing other page in requests: %d\n"),info.iTotalConcurrentReqs);
   1.450 +			test.Printf(_L("The total number of page in requests issued with at least one queue not empty: %d\n"),info.iTotalReqIssuedNonEmptyQ);
   1.451 +			test.Printf(_L("The maximum number of pending page in requests in the main queue any time during this session: %d\n"),info.iMaxReqsInPending);
   1.452 +			test.Printf(_L("The maximum number of pending page in requests in the deferred queue any time during this session: %d\n"),info.iMaxReqsInDeferred);
   1.453 +			test.Printf(_L("The total number of page in requests first-time deferred during this session: %d\n"),info.iTotalFirstTimeDeferrals);
   1.454 +			test.Printf(_L("The total number of page in requests re-deferred during this session: %d\n"),info.iTotalReDeferrals);
   1.455 +			test.Printf(_L("The maximum number of deferrals of any single page in request during this session: %d\n"),info.iMaxDeferrals);
   1.456 +			test.Printf(_L("The total number of times the main queue was emptied when completing an asynchronous request during this session: %d\n"),info.iTotalSynchEmptiedMainQ);
   1.457 +			test.Printf(_L("The total number of page in requests serviced from main queue when completing an asynchronous request: %d\n"),info.iTotalSynchServicedFromMainQ);
   1.458 +			test.Printf(_L("The total number of page in requests deferred after being picked out of main queue when completing an asynchronous request: %d\n"),info.iTotalSynchDeferredFromMainQ);
   1.459 +			test.Printf(_L("The total number of times the page in DFC run with an empty main queue during this session: %d\n"),info.iTotalRunDry);
   1.460 +			test.Printf(_L("The total number of dry runs of paging DFC avoided during this session: %d\n"),info.iTotalDryRunsAvoided);
   1.461 +			}
   1.462 +
   1.463 +		if(r==KErrNone)
   1.464 +			{
   1.465 +			TInt freq = 0;
   1.466 +			r = HAL::Get(HAL::EFastCounterFrequency, freq);
   1.467 +			if (r==KErrNone)
   1.468 +				{
   1.469 +				TReal mult = 1000000.0 / freq;
   1.470 +				TReal min = 0.0;
   1.471 +				TReal max = 0.0;
   1.472 +				TReal avg = 0.0;
   1.473 +				if (infoBench.iCount != 0)
   1.474 +					{
   1.475 +					min = infoBench.iMinTime * mult;
   1.476 +					max = infoBench.iMaxTime * mult;
   1.477 +					avg = (infoBench.iTotalTime * mult) / infoBench.iCount;
   1.478 +					}
   1.479 +				test.Printf(_L("Media benchmarks:\n\n"));
   1.480 +				test.Printf(_L("The total number of page in requests issued: %d\n"),infoBench.iCount);
   1.481 +				test.Printf(_L("The average latency of any page in request in the Media subsystem: %9.1f(us)\n"),avg);
   1.482 +				test.Printf(_L("The maximum latency of any page in request in the Media subsystem: %9.1f(us)\n"),max);
   1.483 +				test.Printf(_L("The minimum latency of any page in request in the Media subsystem: %9.1f(us)\n"),min);
   1.484 +				}
   1.485 +			}
   1.486 +
   1.487 +		test.Printf(_L("Formatting...\n"));
   1.488 +		silentFormat(DriveNumber);
   1.489 +		}
   1.490 +		else
   1.491 +			test.Next(_L("Read/Write test - Skipped!"));
   1.492 +
   1.493 +	}
   1.494 +	
   1.495 +
   1.496 +// ************************************************************************************
   1.497 +	
   1.498 +	
   1.499 +// This code causes a flush
   1.500 +// It is done in a second thread to see if you really do get just
   1.501 +// one deferral, with the other page requests just waiting in line.
   1.502 +// (Paging is not re-entrant)
   1.503 +
   1.504 +TInt PagesBeingPaged=0;
   1.505 +RMutex PageMutex;
   1.506 +RSemaphore PageSemaphore;
   1.507 +RSemaphore PageDoneSemaphore;
   1.508 + 
   1.509 +LOCAL_C TInt CausePage(TAny*)
   1.510 +	{	
   1.511 +	TRomHeader* romHeader = (TRomHeader*)UserSvr::RomHeaderAddress();
   1.512 +	TUint8* start = (TUint8*)romHeader+romHeader->iPageableRomStart;
   1.513 +	TUint size = romHeader->iPageableRomSize;
   1.514 +	TUint8* addr=NULL;
   1.515 +	TBool flush;
   1.516 +	while (Testing)
   1.517 +		{
   1.518 +			PageSemaphore.Wait(); // wait for main thread to want paging.
   1.519 +			flush = (PagesBeingPaged==0);
   1.520 +			addr=start+((TInt64(Random())*TInt64(size))>>32);	
   1.521 +			PageDoneSemaphore.Signal(); // Acknolage request.
   1.522 +
   1.523 +			PageMutex.Wait();
   1.524 +			PagesBeingPaged++;
   1.525 +			PageMutex.Signal();
   1.526 +
   1.527 +			if (flush)
   1.528 +				UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupVM,EVMHalFlushCache,0,0);
   1.529 +			READ(addr);
   1.530 +
   1.531 +			PageMutex.Wait();
   1.532 +			PagesBeingPaged--;
   1.533 +			PageMutex.Signal();
   1.534 +		}
   1.535 +	return 0;
   1.536 +	}
   1.537 +
   1.538 +
   1.539 +// TestDefered causes garbage collection, and then triggers paging to happen, which should be defered.
   1.540 +// One would only expect one defered request, as the paging system is not reentrant, but this is checked.
   1.541 +
   1.542 +void TestDefered()
   1.543 +	{
   1.544 +	if (MaxDeferLoops==0)
   1.545 +		{
   1.546 +		test.Next(_L("Defering test - Skipped!"));
   1.547 +		return;
   1.548 +		}
   1.549 +		
   1.550 +	TInt timeout;
   1.551 +	TInt writesNeeded=100;
   1.552 +	TInt r = KErrNone;
   1.553 +	RFile tempFile;
   1.554 +	TInt i;
   1.555 +	TInt ii;
   1.556 +	TInt runs=0;
   1.557 +
   1.558 +	SDeferStats stats;
   1.559 +	TInt pageGarbageCount=0;
   1.560 +	TInt pageOtherCount=0;	
   1.561 +	TInt normalGarbageCount=0;
   1.562 +	TInt normalOtherCount=0;
   1.563 +
   1.564 +
   1.565 +	// Set up thread sync
   1.566 +	test(PageMutex.CreateLocal()==KErrNone);
   1.567 +	test(PageSemaphore.CreateLocal(0)==KErrNone);
   1.568 +	test(PageDoneSemaphore.CreateLocal(0)==KErrNone);
   1.569 +
   1.570 +		
   1.571 +
   1.572 +	const TInt KMaxPageThreads = 2;
   1.573 +	UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupVM,EVMHalFlushCache,0,0);
   1.574 +	// Set up threads
   1.575 +	RThread pageThread[KMaxPageThreads];
   1.576 +	TRequestStatus stat[KMaxPageThreads];
   1.577 +	Testing=ETrue;
   1.578 +	for (i=0; i<KMaxPageThreads; i++)
   1.579 +		{
   1.580 +		test(pageThread[i].Create(_L(""),CausePage,KDefaultStackSize,NULL,NULL)==KErrNone);
   1.581 +		pageThread[i].Logon(stat[i]);
   1.582 +		test(stat[i]==KRequestPending);
   1.583 +		pageThread[i].SetPriority(EPriorityMore);
   1.584 +		pageThread[i].Resume();
   1.585 +		}
   1.586 +		
   1.587 +		
   1.588 +	test.Next(_L("Defering test"));
   1.589 +
   1.590 +	// clear counters
   1.591 +	TPtr8 statsBuf((TUint8*) &stats, sizeof(stats));
   1.592 +	test(Drive.ControlIO(KNandGetDeferStats,statsBuf,0)==KErrNone);
   1.593 +	
   1.594 +	CreateFile(tempFile,_L("nandpage.txt"));
   1.595 +		
   1.596 +	 	
   1.597 +	for (ii=0; ii<MaxDeferLoops; ii++)  // Repeat the test, 'MaxDeferLoops' number of times.  This can be set on cammand line.
   1.598 +		{
   1.599 +		timeout=20;
   1.600 +		do  // while ((pageGarbageCount==0) && (timeout>0));
   1.601 +			// ie, while garbage collection hasn't happened, or timed out
   1.602 +			{
   1.603 +			timeout--;
   1.604 +			pageGarbageCount=0;
   1.605 +			pageOtherCount=0;
   1.606 +			normalGarbageCount=0;
   1.607 +			normalOtherCount=0;
   1.608 +			
   1.609 +			// Give somethng for garbage collector to collect	
   1.610 +			for (i=0; i<writesNeeded; i++)
   1.611 +		 		test(WriteNumber(tempFile)==KErrNone);
   1.612 +			 
   1.613 +			// Force Collection.  (Normally only happens in Idle) 		
   1.614 +		 	r = Drive.ControlIO(KNandCollectGarbage,NULL,NULL);
   1.615 +		 	test(r==KErrNone);
   1.616 +			 	
   1.617 +		 	// Since garbage Colleciton should be going now, watch it, until its finished. 
   1.618 +			do
   1.619 +		 		{
   1.620 +				runs = PagesBeingPaged;
   1.621 +				for (i=runs; i<KMaxPageThreads; i++)
   1.622 +		 			PageSemaphore.Signal(); // Trigger Paging.
   1.623 +
   1.624 +				for (i=runs; i<KMaxPageThreads; i++)
   1.625 +		 			PageDoneSemaphore.Wait();
   1.626 +					
   1.627 +				TInt tries = 10;
   1.628 +				do { // If we get zero hits, maybe the page hasnt hit yet.
   1.629 +					tries--;
   1.630 +					User::AfterHighRes(1000+Random() & 2047);  // Throw some uncertainly into things
   1.631 +				
   1.632 +					TPtr8 statsBuf((TUint8*) &stats, sizeof(stats));
   1.633 +			 		r = Drive.ControlIO(KNandGetDeferStats,statsBuf,0);
   1.634 +					test (r == KErrNone);
   1.635 +			 		pageGarbageCount+=stats.iPageGarbage; 
   1.636 +			 		pageOtherCount+=stats.iPageOther;			 	
   1.637 +			 		normalGarbageCount+=stats.iNormalGarbage; 
   1.638 +			 		normalOtherCount+=stats.iNormalOther;
   1.639 +					} while ((pageGarbageCount==0) && (tries>0)); // If we get zero hits, maybe the page hasnt hit yet
   1.640 +		 		}
   1.641 +		 	while (stats.iPageGarbage>0); // Keep going until collection seems to have finished.
   1.642 +		 	
   1.643 +		 	// The paging system is not reentrant, so should never get more then one.
   1.644 +		 	test(stats.iPageGarbage<2);
   1.645 +		 	
   1.646 +			test.Printf(_L("%d: PG %d PO %d NG %d NO %d\n"),ii,pageGarbageCount,  pageOtherCount, normalGarbageCount,  normalOtherCount );
   1.647 +			// if no collection, probebly didnt write enough to trigger it, so up the quantity.
   1.648 +			if (pageGarbageCount==0)
   1.649 +				{		
   1.650 +				writesNeeded+=writesNeeded/2;
   1.651 +				test.Printf(_L("Writes needed = %d\n"),writesNeeded);
   1.652 +				}
   1.653 +				
   1.654 +			}
   1.655 +		while ((pageGarbageCount==0) && (timeout>0));
   1.656 +		test(timeout>0);
   1.657 +			
   1.658 +		} // end for MaxDeferLoops.
   1.659 +
   1.660 +	// Clean up. . . . .
   1.661 +
   1.662 +	Testing=EFalse;  // Setting this causes the CausePage threads to exit.
   1.663 +
   1.664 +	// Wait for threads to exit, signaling the semaphore in case they where waiting on it.
   1.665 +	for (i=0; i<KMaxPageThreads; i++)
   1.666 +		PageSemaphore.Signal();
   1.667 +	for (i=0; i<KMaxPageThreads; i++)
   1.668 +		User::WaitForRequest(stat[i]);
   1.669 +
   1.670 +	PageMutex.Close();	
   1.671 +	PageSemaphore.Close();
   1.672 +	PageDoneSemaphore.Close();
   1.673 +	CloseAndDestroy(tempFile);
   1.674 +	}
   1.675 +
   1.676 +
   1.677 +// ************************************************************************************
   1.678 +
   1.679 +//
   1.680 +// The gubbins that starts all the tests
   1.681 +//
   1.682 +// ParseCommandLine reads the arguments and sets globals accordingly.
   1.683 +//
   1.684 +
   1.685 +void ParseCommandLine()
   1.686 +	{
   1.687 +	TBuf<32> args;
   1.688 +	User::CommandLine(args);
   1.689 +	TLex lex(args);
   1.690 +	
   1.691 +	FOREVER
   1.692 +		{
   1.693 +		
   1.694 +		TPtrC token=lex.NextToken();
   1.695 +		if(token.Length()!=0)
   1.696 +			{
   1.697 +			if ((token.Length()==2) && (token[1]==':'))
   1.698 +				DriveNumber=User::UpperCase(token[0])-'A';
   1.699 +			else if (token.Length()==1)
   1.700 +				{
   1.701 +				TChar driveLetter = User::UpperCase(token[0]); 
   1.702 +				if ((driveLetter>='A') && (driveLetter<='Z'))
   1.703 +					DriveNumber=driveLetter - (TChar) 'A';
   1.704 +				else 
   1.705 +					test.Printf(_L("Unknown argument '%S' was ignored.\n"), &token);
   1.706 +				}
   1.707 +			else if ((token==_L("help")) || (token==_L("-h")) || (token==_L("-?")))
   1.708 +				{
   1.709 +				test.Printf(_L("\nUsage:  t_nandpaging <driveletter> [rwsoak <cc>] [defer <c>]\n'-' indicated infinity.\n\n"));
   1.710 +				test.Getch();
   1.711 +				Maxloops=0;
   1.712 +				}
   1.713 +			else if (token==_L("rwsoak"))
   1.714 +				{
   1.715 +				TPtrC val=lex.NextToken();
   1.716 +				TLex lexv(val);
   1.717 +				TInt v;
   1.718 +
   1.719 +				if (val==_L("-"))
   1.720 +					Forever=ETrue;
   1.721 +				else
   1.722 +					if (lexv.Val(v)==KErrNone)
   1.723 +						Maxloops=v;
   1.724 +					else
   1.725 +						test.Printf(_L("Bad value for rwsoak '%S' was ignored.\n"), &val);
   1.726 +				}
   1.727 +			else if (token==_L("defer"))
   1.728 +				{
   1.729 +				TPtrC val=lex.NextToken();
   1.730 +				TLex lexv(val);
   1.731 +				TInt v;
   1.732 +
   1.733 +				if (val==_L("-"))
   1.734 +					MaxDeferLoops=KMaxTInt;
   1.735 +				else
   1.736 +					if (lexv.Val(v)==KErrNone)
   1.737 +						MaxDeferLoops=v;
   1.738 +					else
   1.739 +						test.Printf(_L("Bad value for defer '%S' was ignored.\n"), &val);
   1.740 +				}	
   1.741 +			else
   1.742 +				test.Printf(_L("Unknown argument '%S' was ignored.\n"), &token);
   1.743 +			}
   1.744 +		else
   1.745 +			break;
   1.746 +		
   1.747 +		}
   1.748 +	}
   1.749 +
   1.750 +//
   1.751 +// E32Main
   1.752 +//
   1.753 +
   1.754 +TInt E32Main()
   1.755 +	{
   1.756 +	TInt r;
   1.757 +	test.Title();
   1.758 +
   1.759 +	test.Printf(_L("key\n---\n"));	
   1.760 +	test.Printf(_L("PG: Paging requests defered due to Garbage\n"));
   1.761 +	test.Printf(_L("PO: Paging requests defered due to other operations\n"));
   1.762 +	test.Printf(_L("NG: Normal requests defered due to Garbage\n"));
   1.763 +	test.Printf(_L("NO: Normal requests defered due to other operations\n\n"));
   1.764 +
   1.765 +	
   1.766 +	test.Start(_L("Check that the rom is paged"));
   1.767 +	TRomHeader* romHeader = (TRomHeader*)UserSvr::RomHeaderAddress();
   1.768 +
   1.769 +	if (romHeader->iPageableRomStart==NULL)
   1.770 +		test.Printf(_L("Test ROM is not paged - test skipped!\r\n"));
   1.771 +	else
   1.772 +		{
   1.773 +		ParseCommandLine();	
   1.774 +		test(TheFs.Connect()==KErrNone);
   1.775 +
   1.776 +		r=UserSvr::HalFunction(EHalGroupVM,EVMHalFlushCache,0,0);
   1.777 +		if(r<0)
   1.778 +			{
   1.779 +			test.Printf(_L("DemandPagingFlushPages Error = %d\n"),r);
   1.780 +			test(0);
   1.781 +			}
   1.782 +
   1.783 +		DriveNumber = FindFsNANDDrive();	
   1.784 +		
   1.785 +		if(DriveNumber<0)
   1.786 +			test.Printf(_L("NAND Flash not found - test skipped!\r\n"));
   1.787 +		else
   1.788 +			{
   1.789 +			RFile file;
   1.790 +			TBuf<256> fileName;	
   1.791 +			fileName.Append((TChar)('A'+DriveNumber));
   1.792 +			fileName+=_L(":\\f32-tst\\");
   1.793 +			TInt r=TheFs.MkDirAll(fileName);
   1.794 +			test(r==KErrNone || r== KErrAlreadyExists);
   1.795 +			fileName += _L("annoyingflies.txt");
   1.796 +			r=file.Replace(TheFs,fileName,EFileWrite);
   1.797 +			if (r!=KErrNone)
   1.798 +				test.Printf(_L("Error %d: file '%S' could not be created\n"),r,&fileName);
   1.799 +			test(r==KErrNone);
   1.800 +			r=file.Write(_L8("Flies as big as sparrows indoletly buzzing in the warm air, heavy with the stench of rotting carcasses"));
   1.801 +			if (r!=KErrNone)
   1.802 +				test.Printf(_L("Error %d: could not write to file\n"),r);
   1.803 +			test(r==KErrNone);
   1.804 +
   1.805 +			test(file.Flush() == KErrNone);
   1.806 +
   1.807 +			SBlockMapInfo info;
   1.808 +			TInt64 start=0;
   1.809 +			r=file.BlockMap(info,start, -1,ETestDebug);
   1.810 +			if (r!=KErrNone && r!=KErrCompletion)
   1.811 +				test.Printf(_L("Error %d: could not obtain block map\n"),r);
   1.812 +			test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrCompletion);
   1.813 +			locDriveNumber=info.iLocalDriveNumber;
   1.814 +			test.Printf(_L("Found drive: %c (NAND drive %d)\r\n"), DriveNumber+'A',locDriveNumber);
   1.815 +			file.Close();
   1.816 +			
   1.817 +			// Connect to device driver
   1.818 +			TBool changeFlag = EFalse;
   1.819 +			r = Drive.Connect(locDriveNumber,changeFlag);
   1.820 +			TPckg<TLocalDriveCapsV4>	capsPack(DriveCaps);
   1.821 +			Drive.Caps(capsPack);
   1.822 +			test(r == KErrNone);
   1.823 +
   1.824 +			r = Drive.ControlIO(KNandCollectGarbage,NULL,NULL);
   1.825 +			if (r!=KErrNone)
   1.826 +				{
   1.827 +				test.Printf(_L("LocalDrive does not support the KNandCollectGarbage ControlIO request\n"));
   1.828 +				CtrlIoCollectGarbageSupported = EFalse;
   1.829 +				}
   1.830 +
   1.831 +			SDeferStats stats;
   1.832 +			TPtr8 statsBuf((TUint8*) &stats, sizeof(stats));
   1.833 +	 		r = Drive.ControlIO(KNandGetDeferStats,statsBuf,0);
   1.834 +			if (r == KErrNone)
   1.835 +				{
   1.836 +				if (stats.iSynchronousMediaDriver)
   1.837 +					{
   1.838 +					test.Printf(_L("Media drive is synchronous - test skipped!\r\n"));
   1.839 +					test.End();
   1.840 +					return 0;
   1.841 +					}
   1.842 +				}
   1.843 +			else
   1.844 +				{
   1.845 +				test.Printf(_L("LocalDrive does not support the KNandGetDeferStats ControlIO request\n"));
   1.846 +				CtrlIoGetDeferStatsSupported = EFalse;
   1.847 +				}
   1.848 +
   1.849 +
   1.850 +			test.Printf(_L("LocalDrive Connected\n"));
   1.851 +			//
   1.852 +			// Run tests	
   1.853 +			//
   1.854 +			TestNandAccuratcy();
   1.855 +			if(CtrlIoCollectGarbageSupported && CtrlIoGetDeferStatsSupported)
   1.856 +				TestDefered();
   1.857 +			// 
   1.858 +			// Free device and end test program
   1.859 +			//
   1.860 +			Drive.Disconnect();
   1.861 +			}	
   1.862 +		}
   1.863 +		
   1.864 +	test.End();
   1.865 +	return 0;
   1.866 +	}
   1.867 +
   1.868 +