changeset 0 bde4ae8d615e
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/os/kernelhwsrv/kernel/eka/euser/us_rwlock.cpp	Fri Jun 15 03:10:57 2012 +0200
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
     1.4 +// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     1.5 +// All rights reserved.
     1.6 +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     1.7 +// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     1.8 +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     1.9 +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
    1.10 +//
    1.11 +// Initial Contributors:
    1.12 +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    1.13 +//
    1.14 +// Contributors:
    1.15 +//
    1.16 +// Description:
    1.17 +// e32\euser\us_rwlock.cpp
    1.18 +// 
    1.19 +//
    1.20 +
    1.21 +
    1.22 +#include "us_std.h"
    1.23 +#include <e32atomics.h>
    1.24 +
    1.25 +const TInt KReadersIndex				= 0;
    1.26 +const TInt KWriterIndex					= 1;
    1.27 +const TInt KReadersPendingIndex			= 2;
    1.28 +const TInt KWritersPendingIndex			= 3;
    1.29 +const TUint64 KReaderValue				= UI64LIT(0x0000000000000001);
    1.30 +const TUint64 KWriterValue				= UI64LIT(0x0000000000010000);
    1.31 +const TUint64 KReaderPendingValue		= UI64LIT(0x0000000100000000);
    1.32 +const TUint64 KWriterPendingValue		= UI64LIT(0x0001000000000000);
    1.33 +const TUint64 KReadersMask				= UI64LIT(0x000000000000ffff);
    1.34 +const TUint64 KWriterMask				= KWriterValue;
    1.35 +const TUint64 KReadersOrWritersMask		= KReadersMask | KWriterMask;
    1.36 +const TUint64 KReadersPendingClearMask	= UI64LIT(0xffff0000ffffffff);
    1.37 +
    1.38 +/**
    1.39 +Initialise a read-write lock object.
    1.40 +@param		aPriority		Type of priority to use - see RReadWriteLockPriority::TReadWriteLockPriority
    1.41 +@return		KErrNone		Instance successfully created
    1.42 +			Otherwise an error returned by RSemaphore::CreateLocal
    1.43 +@panic		EReadWriteLockInvalidPriority if aPriority is not valid.
    1.44 +*/
    1.45 +EXPORT_C TInt RReadWriteLock::CreateLocal(TReadWriteLockPriority aPriority)
    1.46 +	{
    1.47 +	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPriority >= EWriterPriority && aPriority <= EReaderPriority, Panic(EReadWriteLockInvalidPriority));
    1.48 +
    1.49 +	iPriority = aPriority;
    1.50 +	iValues = 0;
    1.51 +#ifdef _DEBUG
    1.52 +		iSpare[0] = 0; // Keep a rough track of writer starvation
    1.53 +#endif
    1.54 +
    1.55 +	TInt ret = iReaderSem.CreateLocal(0, EOwnerProcess);
    1.56 +	if (ret == KErrNone)
    1.57 +		ret = iWriterSem.CreateLocal(0, EOwnerProcess);
    1.58 +	if (ret != KErrNone)
    1.59 +		iReaderSem.Close();
    1.60 +
    1.61 +	return ret;
    1.62 +	}
    1.63 +
    1.64 +/**
    1.65 +Close a read-write lock object, releasing the associated semaphores.
    1.66 +@panic		EReadWriteLockStillPending if there are any outstanding clients or pending clients
    1.67 +*/
    1.68 +EXPORT_C void RReadWriteLock::Close()
    1.69 +	{
    1.70 +	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iValues == 0, Panic(EReadWriteLockStillPending));
    1.71 +
    1.72 +	iReaderSem.Close();
    1.73 +	iWriterSem.Close();
    1.74 +	}
    1.75 +
    1.76 +/**
    1.77 +Ask for a read lock. Will be granted if:
    1.78 +	1) No-one else currently holds the lock or
    1.79 +	2) Only readers hold the lock and:
    1.80 +		a) There are no pending writers or
    1.81 +		b) The priority is for readers.
    1.82 +Otherwise this function blocks until the lock becomes available to it.
    1.83 +Please note that ReadLock() is not re-entrant - calling it a second time without releasing the first lock
    1.84 +runs the risk of being blocked and risking a deadlock situation.
    1.85 +@panic		EReadWriteLockTooManyClients if the resulting number of readers or pending readers exceeds EReadWriteLockClientCategoryLimit
    1.86 +*/
    1.87 +EXPORT_C void RReadWriteLock::ReadLock()
    1.88 +	{
    1.89 +	TBool blocked;
    1.90 +	TUint64 initialValues;
    1.91 +	TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
    1.92 +
    1.93 +	do	{
    1.94 +		initialValues = iValues;
    1.95 +
    1.96 +		if (indexedValues[KWriterIndex] > 0 ||
    1.97 +			(iPriority != EReaderPriority && indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0))
    1.98 +			{
    1.99 +			__ASSERT_ALWAYS(indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] < KMaxTUint16, Panic(EReadWriteLockTooManyClients));
   1.100 +			blocked = ETrue;
   1.101 +			}
   1.102 +		else
   1.103 +			{
   1.104 +			__ASSERT_ALWAYS(indexedValues[KReadersIndex] < KMaxTUint16, Panic(EReadWriteLockTooManyClients));
   1.105 +			blocked = EFalse;
   1.106 +			}
   1.107 +		}
   1.108 +	while (!__e32_atomic_cas_rel64(&iValues, &initialValues, initialValues + (blocked ? KReaderPendingValue : KReaderValue)));
   1.109 +
   1.110 +	if (blocked)
   1.111 +		iReaderSem.Wait();
   1.112 +	}
   1.113 +
   1.114 +/**
   1.115 +Ask for a write lock. Will be granted if no-one else currently holds the lock.
   1.116 +Otherwise this function blocks until the lock becomes available to it.
   1.117 +Only one writer can hold the lock at one time. No readers can hold the lock while a writer has it.
   1.118 +Please note that WriteLock() is not re-entrant - calling it a second time without releasing the first lock
   1.119 +will block and cause a deadlock situation.
   1.120 +@panic		EReadWriteLockTooManyClients if the resulting number of pending writers exceeds EReadWriteLockClientCategoryLimit
   1.121 +*/
   1.122 +EXPORT_C void RReadWriteLock::WriteLock()
   1.123 +	{
   1.124 +	TBool blocked;
   1.125 +	TUint64 initialValues;
   1.126 +	TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
   1.127 +
   1.128 +	do	{
   1.129 +		initialValues = iValues;
   1.130 +
   1.131 +		if (initialValues & KReadersOrWritersMask)
   1.132 +			{
   1.133 +			__ASSERT_ALWAYS(indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] < KMaxTUint16, Panic(EReadWriteLockTooManyClients));
   1.134 +			blocked = ETrue;
   1.135 +			}
   1.136 +		else
   1.137 +			{
   1.138 +			blocked = EFalse;
   1.139 +			}
   1.140 +		}
   1.141 +	while (!__e32_atomic_cas_rel64(&iValues, &initialValues, initialValues + (blocked ? KWriterPendingValue : KWriterValue)));
   1.142 +
   1.143 +	if (blocked)
   1.144 +		iWriterSem.Wait();
   1.145 +	}
   1.146 +
   1.147 +/**
   1.148 +Ask for a read lock without blocking.
   1.149 +@return		ETrue - lock granted
   1.150 +			EFalse - failed to obtain the lock
   1.151 +@panic		EReadWriteLockTooManyClients if the resulting number of readers exceeds EReadWriteLockClientCategoryLimit
   1.152 +@see		ReadLock()
   1.153 +*/
   1.154 +EXPORT_C TBool RReadWriteLock::TryReadLock()
   1.155 +	{
   1.156 +	TUint64 initialValues;
   1.157 +	TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
   1.158 +
   1.159 +	do	{
   1.160 +		initialValues = iValues;
   1.161 +
   1.162 +		if (indexedValues[KWriterIndex] > 0 ||
   1.163 +			(iPriority != EReaderPriority && indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0))
   1.164 +			return EFalse;
   1.165 +
   1.166 +		__ASSERT_ALWAYS(indexedValues[KReadersIndex] < KMaxTUint16, Panic(EReadWriteLockTooManyClients));
   1.167 +		}
   1.168 +	while (!__e32_atomic_cas_rel64(&iValues, &initialValues, initialValues + KReaderValue));
   1.169 +
   1.170 +	return ETrue;
   1.171 +	}
   1.172 +
   1.173 +/**
   1.174 +Ask for a write lock without blocking.
   1.175 +@return		ETrue - lock granted
   1.176 +			EFalse - failed to obtain the lock
   1.177 +@see		WriteLock()
   1.178 +*/
   1.179 +EXPORT_C TBool RReadWriteLock::TryWriteLock()
   1.180 +	{
   1.181 +	TUint64 initialValues;
   1.182 +
   1.183 +	do	{
   1.184 +		initialValues = iValues;
   1.185 +
   1.186 +		if (initialValues & KReadersOrWritersMask)
   1.187 +			return EFalse;
   1.188 +		}
   1.189 +	while (!__e32_atomic_cas_rel64(&iValues, &initialValues, initialValues + KWriterValue));
   1.190 +
   1.191 +	return ETrue;
   1.192 +	}
   1.193 +
   1.194 +/**
   1.195 +Tries to atomically release a read lock and gain a write lock.
   1.196 +This function will succeed if:
   1.197 +	- This is the only reader and
   1.198 +		- There are no pending writers or
   1.199 +		- The priority is reader
   1.200 +@return		ETrue - write lock granted
   1.201 +			EFalse - failed to obtain a write lock, read lock retained
   1.202 +@panic		EReadWriteLockBadLockState if the read lock is not currently held
   1.203 +*/
   1.204 +EXPORT_C TBool RReadWriteLock::TryUpgradeReadLock()
   1.205 +	{
   1.206 +	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((iValues & KReadersMask) != 0, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we actually hold a read lock
   1.207 +	__ASSERT_DEBUG((iValues & KWriterMask) == 0, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we don't hold a write lock - shouldn't be possible
   1.208 +
   1.209 +	TUint64 initialValues;
   1.210 +	TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
   1.211 +
   1.212 +	do	{
   1.213 +		initialValues = iValues;
   1.214 +
   1.215 +		if (indexedValues[KReadersIndex] > 1 ||
   1.216 +			(iPriority != EReaderPriority && indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0))
   1.217 +              return EFalse;
   1.218 +		}
   1.219 +	while (!__e32_atomic_cas_acq64(&iValues, &initialValues, initialValues - KReaderValue + KWriterValue));
   1.220 +
   1.221 +	return ETrue;
   1.222 +	}
   1.223 +
   1.224 +/**
   1.225 +Atomically releases a held write lock and gains a read lock. Also unblocks any
   1.226 +pending readers if:
   1.227 +	- Priority is EPriorityReader or
   1.228 +	- There are no pending writers
   1.229 +This function can not fail, so it does not return anything.
   1.230 +@panic		EReadWriteLockBadLockState if the lock is not currently held
   1.231 +*/
   1.232 +EXPORT_C void RReadWriteLock::DowngradeWriteLock()
   1.233 +	{
   1.234 +	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((iValues & KWriterMask) == KWriterValue, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we actually hold a write lock
   1.235 +	__ASSERT_DEBUG((iValues & KReadersMask) == 0, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we don't hold a read lock - shouldn't be possible
   1.236 +
   1.237 +	TUint unlockReaders;
   1.238 +	TUint64 initialValues;
   1.239 +	TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
   1.240 +	TUint64 newValues;
   1.241 +
   1.242 +	do	{
   1.243 +		unlockReaders = 0;
   1.244 +		initialValues = iValues;
   1.245 +		newValues = initialValues - KWriterValue + KReaderValue; // Clear current write lock flag and add a read lock
   1.246 +
   1.247 +		if (indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] > 0 &&
   1.248 +			(indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] == 0 || iPriority == EReaderPriority)) // Release any other pending readers
   1.249 +			{
   1.250 +			unlockReaders = indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex];
   1.251 +			newValues &= KReadersPendingClearMask; // Clear pending readers
   1.252 +
   1.253 +			if (unlockReaders == KMaxTUint16) // Put a pending reader back to avoid overflow in the readers field
   1.254 +				{
   1.255 +				unlockReaders--;
   1.256 +				newValues += KReaderPendingValue;
   1.257 +				}
   1.258 +
   1.259 +			newValues += unlockReaders;
   1.260 +			}
   1.261 +		}
   1.262 +	while (!__e32_atomic_cas_acq64(&iValues, &initialValues, newValues));
   1.263 +
   1.264 +	if (unlockReaders > 0)
   1.265 +		iReaderSem.Signal(unlockReaders);
   1.266 +	}
   1.267 +
   1.268 +/**
   1.269 +Releases a held read or write lock. If no-one else holds this lock (ie other
   1.270 +readers) then this will unblock one or more pending clients based on the priority:
   1.271 +	EAlternatePriority	- If a read lock is being released then:
   1.272 +							- Give the lock to the first pending writer, if there is one
   1.273 +							- Else give the lock to all pending readers, if there are any
   1.274 +						- If a write lock is being released then:
   1.275 +							- If there are pending readers:
   1.276 +								- If there are pending writers then unblock one pending reader
   1.277 +								- Else if there are no pending writers then unblock all pending readers
   1.278 +							- Else unblock one pending writer, if there is one
   1.279 +	EReaderPriority		- Unblock all pending readers. If none then unblock one pending writer, if there is one
   1.280 +	EWriterPriority		- Unblock one pending writer, if there is one. If none then unblock any and all pending readers
   1.281 +@panic		EReadWriteLockBadLockState if the lock is not currently held
   1.282 +*/
   1.283 +EXPORT_C void RReadWriteLock::Unlock()
   1.284 +	{
   1.285 +	__ASSERT_ALWAYS((iValues & KReadersOrWritersMask) != 0, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we actually hold a lock
   1.286 +	__ASSERT_DEBUG((iValues & KReadersOrWritersMask) <= KWriterValue, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we don't hold a read lock and a write lock at the same time - shouldn't be possible
   1.287 +
   1.288 +	TInt unlockClients = 0;
   1.289 +
   1.290 +	switch (iPriority)
   1.291 +		{
   1.292 +	case EWriterPriority:
   1.293 +		unlockClients = UnlockWriter(); break;
   1.294 +	case EAlternatePriority:
   1.295 +		unlockClients = UnlockAlternate(); break;
   1.296 +	default: // EReaderPriority:
   1.297 +		unlockClients = UnlockReader(); break;
   1.298 +		};
   1.299 +
   1.300 +	if (unlockClients == -1)
   1.301 +		{
   1.302 +#ifdef _DEBUG
   1.303 +		iSpare[0] = 0; // Keep a rough track of writer starvation
   1.304 +#endif
   1.305 +		iWriterSem.Signal();
   1.306 +		}
   1.307 +	else if (unlockClients > 0)
   1.308 +		{
   1.309 +#ifdef _DEBUG
   1.310 +		const TUint64 KWritersPendingMask = UI64LIT(0xffff000000000000);
   1.311 +		if (iValues & KWritersPendingMask)
   1.312 +			iSpare[0]++; // Keep a rough track of writer starvation
   1.313 +		if (iSpare[0] > 1000)
   1.314 +			Panic(EReadWriteLockWriterStarvation);
   1.315 +#endif
   1.316 +		iReaderSem.Signal(unlockClients);
   1.317 +		}
   1.318 +	}
   1.319 +
   1.320 +TInt RReadWriteLock::UnlockWriter()
   1.321 +	{
   1.322 +	TUint64 initialValues;
   1.323 +	TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
   1.324 +	TUint64 newValues;
   1.325 +	TInt unlockClients;
   1.326 +
   1.327 +	do	{
   1.328 +		unlockClients = 0;
   1.329 +		initialValues = iValues;
   1.330 +		newValues = initialValues - (indexedValues[KReadersIndex] > 0 ? KReaderValue : KWriterValue); // Clear current lock flag
   1.331 +
   1.332 +		if ((newValues & KReadersOrWritersMask) == 0) // No longer locked - release someone else
   1.333 +			{
   1.334 +			if (indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0) // Release a writer
   1.335 +				{
   1.336 +				unlockClients = -1;
   1.337 +				newValues -= KWriterPendingValue;
   1.338 +				newValues += KWriterValue;
   1.339 +				}
   1.340 +			else if (indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] > 0) // Release all pending readers
   1.341 +				{
   1.342 +				unlockClients = indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex];
   1.343 +				newValues &= KReadersPendingClearMask; // Clear pending readers
   1.344 +				newValues += unlockClients;
   1.345 +				}
   1.346 +			}
   1.347 +		}
   1.348 +	while (!__e32_atomic_cas_acq64(&iValues, &initialValues, newValues));
   1.349 +
   1.350 +	return unlockClients;
   1.351 +	}
   1.352 +
   1.353 +TInt RReadWriteLock::UnlockAlternate()
   1.354 +	{
   1.355 +	TUint64 initialValues;
   1.356 +	TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
   1.357 +	TUint64 newValues;
   1.358 +	TInt unlockClients;
   1.359 +
   1.360 +	do	{
   1.361 +		unlockClients = 0;
   1.362 +		initialValues = iValues;
   1.363 +		newValues = initialValues - (indexedValues[KReadersIndex] > 0 ? KReaderValue : KWriterValue); // Clear current lock flag
   1.364 +
   1.365 +		if ((newValues & KReadersOrWritersMask) == 0) // No longer locked - release someone else
   1.366 +			{
   1.367 +			if (indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0 &&
   1.368 +				(indexedValues[KReadersIndex] > 0 || indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] == 0)) // Release a writer if there is one and either this is a read unlock or there are no readers pending
   1.369 +				{
   1.370 +				unlockClients = -1;
   1.371 +				newValues -= KWriterPendingValue;
   1.372 +				newValues += KWriterValue;
   1.373 +				}
   1.374 +			else if (indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] > 0) // Release one or more readers
   1.375 +				{
   1.376 +				if (indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0) // Just one because there are pending writers
   1.377 +					{
   1.378 +					unlockClients = 1;
   1.379 +					newValues -= KReaderPendingValue;
   1.380 +					newValues += KReaderValue;
   1.381 +					}
   1.382 +				else // All of them
   1.383 +					{
   1.384 +					unlockClients = indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex];
   1.385 +					newValues &= KReadersPendingClearMask; // Clear pending readers
   1.386 +					newValues += unlockClients;
   1.387 +					}
   1.388 +				}
   1.389 +
   1.390 +			}
   1.391 +		}
   1.392 +	while (!__e32_atomic_cas_acq64(&iValues, &initialValues, newValues));
   1.393 +
   1.394 +	return unlockClients;
   1.395 +	}
   1.396 +
   1.397 +TInt RReadWriteLock::UnlockReader()
   1.398 +	{
   1.399 +	TUint64 initialValues;
   1.400 +	TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
   1.401 +	TUint64 newValues;
   1.402 +	TInt unlockClients;
   1.403 +
   1.404 +	do	{
   1.405 +		unlockClients = 0;
   1.406 +		initialValues = iValues;
   1.407 +		newValues = initialValues - (indexedValues[KReadersIndex] > 0 ? KReaderValue : KWriterValue); // Clear current lock flag
   1.408 +
   1.409 +		if ((newValues & KReadersOrWritersMask) == 0) // No longer locked - release someone else
   1.410 +			{
   1.411 +			if (indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] > 0) // Release all pending readers
   1.412 +				{
   1.413 +				unlockClients = indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex];
   1.414 +				newValues &= KReadersPendingClearMask; // Clear pending readers
   1.415 +				newValues += unlockClients;
   1.416 +				}
   1.417 +			else if (indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0) // Release a writer
   1.418 +				{
   1.419 +				unlockClients = -1;
   1.420 +				newValues -= KWriterPendingValue;
   1.421 +				newValues += KWriterValue;
   1.422 +				}
   1.423 +			}
   1.424 +		}
   1.425 +	while (!__e32_atomic_cas_acq64(&iValues, &initialValues, newValues));
   1.426 +
   1.427 +	return unlockClients;
   1.428 +	}
   1.429 +