changeset 0 bde4ae8d615e
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/os/boardsupport/emulator/emulatorbsp/specific/winssoundsc.h	Fri Jun 15 03:10:57 2012 +0200
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
     1.4 +// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     1.5 +// All rights reserved.
     1.6 +// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     1.7 +// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     1.8 +// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     1.9 +// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
    1.10 +//
    1.11 +// Initial Contributors:
    1.12 +// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    1.13 +//
    1.14 +// Contributors:
    1.15 +//
    1.16 +// Description:
    1.17 +// wins\specific\winssoundsc.h
    1.18 +// Definitions for the emulator shared chunk sound driver PDD.
    1.19 +// 
    1.20 +//
    1.21 +
    1.22 +/**
    1.23 + @file
    1.24 + @internalTechnology
    1.25 + @prototype
    1.26 +*/
    1.27 +
    1.28 +#ifndef __WINSSOUNDSC_H__
    1.29 +#define __WINSSOUNDSC_H__
    1.30 +
    1.31 +#include <drivers/soundsc.h>
    1.32 +#include "nk_priv.h"
    1.33 +#include <emulator.h>
    1.34 +#pragma warning(disable : 4201) // nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union
    1.35 +#include <mmsystem.h>
    1.36 +#include <mmreg.h>
    1.37 +#pragma warning(default : 4201)
    1.38 +#include <property.h>
    1.39 +
    1.40 +//#define FORCE_NO_HARDWARE
    1.41 +
    1.42 +//#define __KTRACE_SND(s) s;
    1.43 +#define __KTRACE_SND(s)
    1.44 +
    1.45 +#define PANIC()	Kern::Fault("WinsSoundScPdd", __LINE__)
    1.46 +
    1.47 +const TInt KMMTimerRes = 5;	// Minimum timer resolution (5mS). Timer used only when no audio hardware present.
    1.48 +const TInt KWinsMaxAudioTransferLen=0x8000;	// The maximum transfer length this PDD will accept (32K).
    1.49 +const TInt KMinWaveHdrBufCount=8;			// The minimum number of record or playback waveform audio buffers.
    1.50 +
    1.51 +GLREF_C TInt RateInSamplesPerSecond(TSoundRate aRate);
    1.52 +GLREF_C DWORD WaitForSingleObjectDualThread(HANDLE hHandle,DWORD dwMilliseconds);
    1.53 +GLREF_C WAVEHDR* RemoveFromPendingList(WAVEHDR** aList);
    1.54 +GLREF_C void AddToPendingList(WAVEHDR* aBuffer,WAVEHDR** aList);
    1.55 +
    1.56 +// Utility class used to lock the kernel for a short period while windows 
    1.57 +// API calls are made. This is to stop a possible deadlock from occurring when 
    1.58 +// a windows thread is suspended while a (windows) synchronization object is held
    1.59 +// and a second thread tries to gain access to that object. Typically this object 
    1.60 +// is declared on the stack - when the constructor is called, the kernel is locked; 
    1.61 +// when the object goes out of scope, the destructor unlocks the kernel.
    1.62 +// Used by the __HOST_LOCK macro.
    1.63 +class THostLock
    1.64 +	{
    1.65 +public:
    1.66 +	THostLock();
    1.67 +	~THostLock();
    1.68 +	void Lock();
    1.69 +	void Unlock();
    1.70 +protected:
    1.71 +	THostLock(TBool aLock);
    1.72 +private:
    1.73 +	TBool iLocked;
    1.74 +	};
    1.75 +
    1.76 +// Utility class used to lock the kernel for a short period while windows 
    1.77 +// API calls are made. This is used instead of THostLock for functions
    1.78 +// which are used by both the driver thread and the play thread - 
    1.79 +// if the thread is a windows thread, then the kernel is not locked.
    1.80 +// Used by the __COND_HOST_LOCK macro.
    1.81 +class TCondHostLock : public THostLock
    1.82 +	{
    1.83 +public:
    1.84 +	TCondHostLock();
    1.85 +	void Lock();
    1.86 +	void Unlock();
    1.87 +private:
    1.88 +	TBool iEpocThread;
    1.89 +	};
    1.90 +
    1.91 +// Forward declarations
    1.92 +class TWaveformBufMgr;
    1.93 +
    1.94 +/**
    1.95 +This the abstraction for a windows waveform audio buffer.
    1.96 +*/
    1.97 +class TWaveformAudioBuf
    1.98 +	{
    1.99 +public:
   1.100 +	TWaveformAudioBuf();
   1.101 +	inline void SetWaveformBufMgr(TWaveformBufMgr* aWaveformBufMgr)
   1.102 +		{iWaveformBufMgr=aWaveformBufMgr;}
   1.103 +	inline void SetBufNum(TInt aBufNum)
   1.104 +		{iBufNum=aBufNum;}
   1.105 +	void Prepare(char* aBufAddr,TInt aBufLength,TInt aDeviceHandle);
   1.106 +	void Unprepare(TInt aDeviceHandle);
   1.107 +private:		
   1.108 +	void DoPrepareOut(HWAVEOUT aPlayDeviceHandle);
   1.109 +	void DoUnprepareOut(HWAVEOUT aPlayDeviceHandle);
   1.110 +	void DoPrepareIn(HWAVEIN aRecordDeviceHandle);
   1.111 +	void DoUnprepareIn(HWAVEIN aRecordDeviceHandle);
   1.112 +public:
   1.113 +	/** The owning waveform audio buffer manager. */
   1.114 +	TWaveformBufMgr* iWaveformBufMgr;
   1.115 +	/** Set when the waveform audio buffer is currently prepared. */
   1.116 +	TBool iIsPrepared;
   1.117 +	/** Set when the waveform audio buffer is involved in an active transfer. */
   1.118 +	TBool iIsInUse;
   1.119 +	/** The header used by windows to identify the waveform audio buffer. */
   1.120 +	WAVEHDR iBufHdr;
   1.121 +	/** A value used to identify a particular waveform audio buffer within an array of these objects. */
   1.122 +	TInt iBufNum;
   1.123 +	/** The transfer ID supplied by the LDD when the buffer is involved in an active transfer. */
   1.124 +	TUint iTransferID;
   1.125 +	friend class TWaveformBufMgr;	
   1.126 +	};
   1.127 +
   1.128 +/**
   1.129 +The waveform audio buffer manager. This owns and maintains a set of windows waveform audio buffers which it makes
   1.130 +available to the PDD for data block transfers.
   1.131 +*/	
   1.132 +class TWaveformBufMgr
   1.133 +	{
   1.134 +public:	
   1.135 +	TWaveformBufMgr(TSoundDirection aDirection,TBool aIsHardware);
   1.136 +	~TWaveformBufMgr();
   1.137 +	TInt ReAllocAndUpdate(TSoundSharedChunkBufConfig* aBufConfig,TLinAddr aChunkBase,TInt aDeviceHandle);
   1.138 +	TWaveformAudioBuf* AcquireBuf(char* aStartAddress,TInt aBufLength,TInt aDeviceHandle);
   1.139 +public:
   1.140 +	/** The array of windows waveform audio buffer objects. There is at least one buffer object per buffer within the 
   1.141 +	LDD shared chunk. */
   1.142 +	TWaveformAudioBuf* iWaveformAudioBuf;
   1.143 +	/** The count of the number of audio play buffers in the waveform buffer array. */
   1.144 +	TInt iNumWaveformBufs;
   1.145 +	/** The  default size of each audio buffer in the waveform buffer array. */
   1.146 +	TInt iWaveformBufSize;
   1.147 +	/** List of waveform audio buffer objects waiting to be played/recorded - in FIFO order. Used only when
   1.148 +	no audio hardware is present.*/
   1.149 +	WAVEHDR** iPendingBufList;
   1.150 +	/** Set when no audio hardware is present. */
   1.151 +	TBool iIsHardware;
   1.152 +	/** The direction of the windows waveform audio buffer, record or playback. */
   1.153 +	TSoundDirection iDirection;
   1.154 +	};	
   1.155 +	
   1.156 +/**
   1.157 +The WINS physical device (factory class) for the shared chunk sound driver.
   1.158 +*/	
   1.159 +class DWinsSoundScPddFactory : public DPhysicalDevice
   1.160 +	{
   1.161 +public:
   1.162 +	DWinsSoundScPddFactory();
   1.163 +	~DWinsSoundScPddFactory();
   1.164 +	virtual TInt Install();
   1.165 +	virtual void GetCaps(TDes8 &aDes) const;
   1.166 +	virtual TInt Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion &aVer);
   1.167 +	virtual TInt Validate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion &aVer);
   1.168 +private:
   1.169 +	/** The DFC queue (used also by the LDD). */ 
   1.170 +	TDynamicDfcQue* iDfcQ;
   1.171 +	/** DFC for terminating the DFC thread. */
   1.172 +   	static TDfc ExitDfc;
   1.173 +	friend class DWinsSoundScTxPdd;
   1.174 +	friend class DWinsSoundScRxPdd;
   1.175 +	};
   1.176 +	
   1.177 +/**
   1.178 +The WINS physical device driver (PDD) for the playback shared chunk sound driver.
   1.179 +*/
   1.180 +class DWinsSoundScTxPdd : public DSoundScPdd
   1.181 +	{
   1.182 +private:
   1.183 +	enum TThreadCommand {ESendData, EStop, EExit, EPause, EResume};
   1.184 +	enum TCreatePlayDeviceMode {EInit,ESetConfig,EStartTransfer};
   1.185 +public:
   1.186 +	DWinsSoundScTxPdd();
   1.187 +	~DWinsSoundScTxPdd();
   1.188 +	TInt DoCreate(DWinsSoundScPddFactory* aPhysicalDevice);
   1.189 +	// Implementations of the pure virtual functions inherited from DSoundScPdd.
   1.190 +	virtual TDfcQue* DfcQ(TInt aUnit);
   1.191 +	virtual void GetChunkCreateInfo(TChunkCreateInfo& aChunkCreateInfo);
   1.192 +	virtual void Caps(TDes8& aCapsBuf) const;
   1.193 +	virtual TInt MaxTransferLen() const;
   1.194 +	virtual TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8& aConfigBuf);
   1.195 +	virtual TInt SetVolume(TInt aVolume);
   1.196 +	virtual TInt StartTransfer();
   1.197 +	virtual TInt TransferData(TUint aTransferID,TLinAddr aLinAddr,TPhysAddr aPhysAddr,TInt aNumBytes);
   1.198 +	virtual void StopTransfer();
   1.199 +	virtual TInt PauseTransfer();
   1.200 +	virtual TInt ResumeTransfer();
   1.201 +	virtual TInt PowerUp();
   1.202 +	virtual void PowerDown();
   1.203 +	virtual TInt CustomConfig(TInt aFunction,TAny* aParam);
   1.204 +	virtual TInt TimeTransferred(TInt64& aTime, TInt aState);
   1.205 +public:
   1.206 +	void WaveOutProc(WAVEHDR* aHdr);
   1.207 +	void PlayThread();
   1.208 +private:
   1.209 +	void SetCaps();
   1.210 +	TInt OpenWaveOutDevice();
   1.211 +	TInt CreatePlayDevice(TCreatePlayDeviceMode aMode);
   1.212 +	void ClosePlayDevice();
   1.213 +	void PlayThreadCommand(TThreadCommand aCommand,TInt aArg0=0,TInt aArg1=0,TInt aArg2=0);
   1.214 +	TInt ProcessPlayCommand(TThreadCommand aCommand,TInt aArg0,TInt aArg1,TInt aArg2);
   1.215 +	void HandlePlayTimerEvent();
   1.216 +	void HandleTransferComplete();
   1.217 +	void PlayThreadNotifyDriver(TInt aError);
   1.218 +	void StartTimer(WAVEHDR* aBuffer);
   1.219 +	void StopTimer(TBool aCancelAll);
   1.220 +	static void PlayDfc(TAny* aPtr);
   1.221 +private:
   1.222 +	/** A pointer to the PDD factory. */
   1.223 +	DWinsSoundScPddFactory* iPhysicalDevice;
   1.224 +	/** The capabilities of this device. */
   1.225 +	TSoundFormatsSupportedV02 iCaps;
   1.226 +	/** The current audio configuration of this device. */
   1.227 +	TCurrentSoundFormatV02 iSoundConfig;
   1.228 +	/** The current setting for the play volume - a value in the range 0 to 0xFFFF. */
   1.229 +	TInt iVolume;
   1.230 +	/** The driver thread semaphore - used by the windows thread to signal the driver thread. */
   1.231 +	HANDLE iDriverThreadSem;
   1.232 +	/** The handle for the play windows thread. */
   1.233 +	HANDLE iPlayThread;
   1.234 +	/** ETrue if the Windows thread is running, else EFalse.  Used when shutting down to decide whether to
   1.235 +	signal the thread to exit. */
   1.236 +	TBool iPlayThreadRunning;
   1.237 +	/** The play thread mutuex - to serialise acccess to the play thread creation and destruction routines. */
   1.238 +	HANDLE iPlayThreadMutex;
   1.239 +	/** The play thread semaphore - indicates to the windows thread that the driver thread has issued a command. */
   1.240 +	HANDLE iPlayThreadSem;
   1.241 +	/** Semaphore to synchronise between driver thread and windows thread when closing the output device. */
   1.242 +	HANDLE iStopSemaphore;
   1.243 +	/** Semaphore to synchronise between driver thread and windows thread when closing the PDD. */
   1.244 +	HANDLE iDeathSemaphore;
   1.245 +	/** The handle on the waveform output device. */
   1.246 +	HWAVEOUT iPlayDeviceHandle;
   1.247 +	/** Used to transfer commands between the driver thread and the windows thread. */
   1.248 +	TThreadCommand iPlayCommand;
   1.249 +	/** Used to transfer commands between the driver thread and the windows thread. */
   1.250 +	TInt iPlayCommandArg0;
   1.251 +	/** Used to transfer commands between the driver thread and the windows thread. */
   1.252 +	TInt iPlayCommandArg1;
   1.253 +	/** Used to transfer commands between the driver thread and the windows thread. */
   1.254 +	TInt iPlayCommandArg2;
   1.255 +	// The number of outstanding data transfers on the waveform output device. */	
   1.256 +	TInt iPendingPlay;
   1.257 +	/** DFC which handes data block play completion. */
   1.258 +	TDfc iDfc;
   1.259 +	/** A variable used to pass a value from the windows thread to the driver thread. */
   1.260 +	TInt iPlayThreadError;
   1.261 +	/** The windows waveform audio buffer manager. */
   1.262 +	TWaveformBufMgr* iWaveformBufMgr;
   1.263 +	/** A mask used to pass information on transfers that have just completed between the window thread and the 
   1.264 +	driver thread. Updates to this variable typically need to happen atomically. Bit positions are converted 
   1.265 +	into windows waveform audio buffer IDs. */
   1.266 +	TUint32 iCompletedPlayBufHdrMask;
   1.267 +	/** Set when no audio hardware is present. */
   1.268 +	TBool iNoHardware;
   1.269 +	/** The timer event object - indicates the 'no-hardware' timer has gone off. */
   1.270 +	HANDLE iPlayTimerEvent;
   1.271 +	/** The identifier for the current 'no-hardware' timer event. */
   1.272 +	UINT iTimerID;
   1.273 +	/** Indicates whether the 'no-hardware' timer is currently active. */
   1.274 +	TBool iTimerActive;
   1.275 +	/** A variable used to save the play volume setting of the waveform output device at the point when this driver was opened. */
   1.276 +	DWORD iWinWaveVolume;
   1.277 +	/** The number of bytes (not samples) that will be played back per second, at the current sample rate. */
   1.278 +	TUint iBytesPerSecond;
   1.279 +	/** The simulated (ie. no hardware) microseconds played. */
   1.280 +	TInt64 iSimulatedUSecPlayed;
   1.281 +	/** The # of milliseconds that pass per block of data that is played. */
   1.282 +	UINT iSimulatedMsecDuration;
   1.283 +	/** The Windows system timer time at which the last block of data was played. */
   1.284 +	DWORD iLastTimerEventTime;
   1.285 +	/** The Windows system timer time at which playback was paused. */
   1.286 +	DWORD iPauseTime;
   1.287 +	};
   1.288 +		
   1.289 +/**
   1.290 +The WINS physical device driver (PDD) for the record shared chunk sound driver.
   1.291 +*/
   1.292 +class DWinsSoundScRxPdd : public DSoundScPdd
   1.293 +	{
   1.294 +private:
   1.295 +	enum TThreadCommand {ERecData, EStop, EExit, EPause, EResume};	
   1.296 +public:
   1.297 +	DWinsSoundScRxPdd();
   1.298 +	~DWinsSoundScRxPdd();
   1.299 +	TInt DoCreate(DWinsSoundScPddFactory* aPhysicalDevice);
   1.300 +	// Implementations of the pure virtual functions inherited from DSoundScPdd.
   1.301 +	virtual TDfcQue* DfcQ(TInt aUnit);
   1.302 +	virtual void GetChunkCreateInfo(TChunkCreateInfo& aChunkCreateInfo);
   1.303 +	virtual void Caps(TDes8& aCapsBuf) const;
   1.304 +	virtual TInt MaxTransferLen() const;
   1.305 +	virtual TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8& aConfigBuf);
   1.306 +	virtual TInt SetVolume(TInt aVolume);
   1.307 +	virtual TInt StartTransfer();
   1.308 +	virtual TInt TransferData(TUint aTransferID,TLinAddr aLinAddr,TPhysAddr aPhysAddr,TInt aNumBytes);
   1.309 +	virtual void StopTransfer();
   1.310 +	virtual TInt PauseTransfer();
   1.311 +	virtual TInt ResumeTransfer();
   1.312 +	virtual TInt PowerUp();
   1.313 +	virtual void PowerDown();
   1.314 +	virtual TInt CustomConfig(TInt aFunction,TAny* aParam);
   1.315 +	virtual TInt TimeTransferred(TInt64& aTime, TInt aState);
   1.316 +public:
   1.317 +	void WaveInProc(WAVEHDR* aHdr);
   1.318 +	void RecordThread();
   1.319 +private:
   1.320 +	void SetCaps();
   1.321 +	TInt OpenWaveInDevice();
   1.322 +	TInt CreateRecordDevice(TBool aCheckDevice=EFalse);
   1.323 +	void CloseRecordDevice();	
   1.324 +	void RecordThreadCommand(TThreadCommand aCommand,TInt aArg0=0,TInt aArg1=0,TInt aArg2=0);
   1.325 +	TInt ProcessRecordCommand(TThreadCommand aCommand,TInt aArg0,TInt aArg1,TInt aArg2);
   1.326 +	void HandleRecordTimerEvent();
   1.327 +	void HandleTransferComplete();
   1.328 +	void RecordThreadNotifyDriver(TInt aError);
   1.329 +	void StartTimer(WAVEHDR* aBuffer);
   1.330 +	void StopTimer(TBool aCancelAll);
   1.331 +	static void RecordDfc(TAny* aPtr);
   1.332 +private:
   1.333 +	/** A pointer to the PDD factory. */
   1.334 +	DWinsSoundScPddFactory* iPhysicalDevice;
   1.335 +	/** The capabilities of this device. */
   1.336 +	TSoundFormatsSupportedV02 iCaps;
   1.337 +	/** The current audio configuration of this device. */
   1.338 +	TCurrentSoundFormatV02 iSoundConfig;
   1.339 +	/** The driver thread semaphore - used by the windows thread to signal the driver thread. */
   1.340 +	HANDLE iDriverThreadSem;
   1.341 +	/** The handle for the record windows thread. */
   1.342 +	HANDLE iRecordThread;
   1.343 +	/** ETrue if the Windows thread is running, else EFalse.  Used when shutting down to decide whether to
   1.344 +	signal the thread to exit. */
   1.345 +	TBool iRecordThreadRunning;
   1.346 +	/** The record thread mutuex - to serialise acccess to the record thread creation and destruction routines. */
   1.347 +	HANDLE iRecordThreadMutex;
   1.348 +	/** The record thread semaphore - indicates to the windows thread that the driver thread has issued a command. */
   1.349 +	HANDLE iRecordThreadSem;
   1.350 +	/** Semaphore to synchronise between driver thread and windows thread when closing the input device. */
   1.351 +	HANDLE iStopSemaphore;
   1.352 +	/** Semaphore to synchronise between driver thread and windows thread when closing the PDD. */
   1.353 +	HANDLE iDeathSemaphore;
   1.354 +	/** The handle on the waveform input device. */
   1.355 +	HWAVEIN iRecordDeviceHandle;
   1.356 +	/** Used to transfer commands between the driver thread and the windows thread. */
   1.357 +	TThreadCommand iRecordCommand;
   1.358 +	/** Used to transfer commands between the driver thread and the windows thread. */
   1.359 +	TInt iRecordCommandArg0;
   1.360 +	/** Used to transfer commands between the driver thread and the windows thread. */
   1.361 +	TInt iRecordCommandArg1;
   1.362 +		/** Used to transfer commands between the driver thread and the windows thread. */
   1.363 +	TInt iRecordCommandArg2;
   1.364 +	// The number of outstanding data transfers on the waveform input device. */	
   1.365 +	TInt iPendingRecord;
   1.366 +	/** DFC which handes data block record completion. */
   1.367 +	TDfc iDfc;
   1.368 +	/** A variable used to pass a value from the windows thread to the driver thread. */
   1.369 +	TInt iRecordThreadError;
   1.370 +	/** The windows waveform audio buffer manager. */
   1.371 +	TWaveformBufMgr* iWaveformBufMgr;
   1.372 +	/** A mask used to pass information on transfers that have just completed between the window thread and the 
   1.373 +	driver thread. Updates to this variable typically need to happen atomically. Bit positions are converted 
   1.374 +	into windows waveform audio buffer IDs. */
   1.375 +	TUint32 iCompletedRecordBufHdrMask;
   1.376 +	/** Indicates when record mode is enabled. */
   1.377 +	TBool iRecordEnabled;
   1.378 +	/** Set when no audio hardware is present. */
   1.379 +	TBool iNoHardware;
   1.380 +	/** The timer event object - indicates the 'no-hardware' timer has gone off. */
   1.381 +	HANDLE iRecordTimerEvent;
   1.382 +	/** The identifier for the current 'no-hardware' timer event. */
   1.383 +	UINT iTimerID;
   1.384 +	/** Indicates whether the 'no-hardware' timer is currently active. */
   1.385 +	TBool iTimerActive;
   1.386 +	/** The number of bytes (not samples) that will be recorded back per second, at the current sample rate. */
   1.387 +	TUint iBytesPerSecond;
   1.388 +	/** The number of bytes recorded before the last pause command (when we pause the windows byte
   1.389 +		count is reset so we need to add this on for the TimeRecorded API). */
   1.390 +	TUint iBytesRecordedBeforeLastPause;
   1.391 +	/** The number of recorded bytes reported to the LDD. Subtracted from the windows recorded byte count 
   1.392 +		to calculate the last, partial buffer, transfer size */
   1.393 +	TUint iBytesSincePauseReportedToLdd;
   1.394 +	/** The # of milliseconds that pass per block of data that is recorded. */
   1.395 +	UINT iSimulatedMsecDuration;
   1.396 +	/** The Windows system timer time at which the last block of data was recorded. */
   1.397 +	DWORD iLastTimerEventTime;
   1.398 +	};	
   1.399 +
   1.400 +#define __HOST_LOCK			THostLock lock
   1.401 +#define __HOST_LOCK_ON		lock.Lock();
   1.402 +#define __HOST_LOCK_OFF		lock.Unlock();
   1.403 +#define __COND_HOST_LOCK	TCondHostLock lock
   1.404 +	
   1.405 +#endif /* __WINSSOUNDSC_H__ */