Now parses second line of text from set VFD text messages.
Sat, 13 Apr 2013 00:45:13 +0200
changeset 7ad71cf47d037
parent 6 f1413622948f
child 8 3031cd3ebd1e
Now parses second line of text from set VFD text messages.
     1.1 --- a/SoundGraphAccess.cpp	Fri Apr 12 02:32:34 2013 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/SoundGraphAccess.cpp	Sat Apr 13 00:45:13 2013 +0200
     1.3 @@ -173,9 +173,33 @@
     1.4  		int textLen=strlen(aMsg)-strlen(KMsgSetVfdText);
     1.5  		strncpy(gTextFirstLine,aMsg+strlen(KMsgSetVfdText),textLen);
     1.6  		gTextFirstLine[textLen]='\0';
     1.7 +		//Check if we have a second line
     1.8 +		char* ptr=strchr(gTextFirstLine,'\n');
     1.9 +		if (ptr!=NULL)
    1.10 +			{
    1.11 +			*ptr='\0'; //Terminate our first line here
    1.12 +			ptr++;
    1.13 +			//Get our second line
    1.14 +			textLen=strlen(ptr);
    1.15 +			strncpy(gTextSecondLine,ptr,textLen);
    1.16 +			gTextSecondLine[textLen]='\0';
    1.17 +			}
    1.18 +		else
    1.19 +			{
    1.20 +			//No second line specified
    1.21 +			gTextSecondLine[0]='\0';
    1.22 +			gTextSecondLine16[0]='\0';
    1.23 +			}
    1.24 +
    1.25 +		//Convert first line
    1.26  		OutputDebugStringA(gTextFirstLine);
    1.27  		int convertedChars = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, gTextFirstLine, -1, gTextFirstLine16, sizeof(gTextFirstLine16));
    1.28  		OutputDebugString(gTextFirstLine16);
    1.29 +		//Convert second line
    1.30 +		OutputDebugStringA(gTextSecondLine);
    1.31 +		convertedChars = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, gTextSecondLine, -1, gTextSecondLine16, sizeof(gTextSecondLine16));
    1.32 +		OutputDebugString(gTextSecondLine16);
    1.33 +
    1.34  		//IMON API call need to be done from window thread for some reason
    1.35  		SendMessageToServer(KRspPending);
    1.36  		if (!m_IsInit)