Now creating pipes for OpenHardwareMonitor to connect to.
By reverting client/server communication we work around our access denied error.
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9 @brief These enumeration values represent the returned result for iMON Display API function calls.\n
10 All iMON Display API function calls return one of this result values.\n
11 For meaning of each result, refer the comment of each line below*/
14 DSP_SUCCEEDED = 0, //// Function Call Succeeded Without Error
15 DSP_E_FAIL, //// Unspecified Failure
16 DSP_E_OUTOFMEMORY, //// Failed to Allocate Necessary Memory
17 DSP_E_INVALIDARG, //// One or More Arguments Are Not Valid
18 DSP_E_NOT_INITED, //// API is Not Initialized
19 DSP_E_POINTER, //// Pointer is Not Valid
21 DSP_S_INITED = 0x1000, //// API is Initialized
22 DSP_S_NOT_INITED, //// API is Not Initialized
23 DSP_S_IN_PLUGIN_MODE, //// API Can Control iMON Display (Display Plug-in Mode)
24 DSP_S_NOT_IN_PLUGIN_MODE, //// API Can't Control iMON Display
29 @brief These enumeration values represent the result status for requesting Display Plug-in Mode to iMON.\n
30 iMON Display API notifies one of this result values to the caller application after requesting Display Plug-in Mode to iMON.\n
31 For more information, refer the comment of each line below*/
34 DSPN_SUCCEEDED = 0, //// Display Plug-in Mode is Initialized Successfully
35 DSPN_ERR_IN_USED = 0x0100, //// Display Plug-in is Already Used by Other Application
36 DSPN_ERR_HW_DISCONNECTED, //// iMON HW is Not Connected
37 DSPN_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED_HW, //// The Connected iMON HW doesn't Support Display Plug-in
38 DSPN_ERR_PLUGIN_DISABLED, //// Display Plug-in Mode Option is Disabled
39 DSPN_ERR_IMON_NO_REPLY, //// The Latest iMON is Not Installed or iMON Not Running
40 DSPN_ERR_UNKNOWN = 0x0200, //// Unknown Failure
45 @brief These enumeration values represent display type.\n
46 Currently iMON Display API supports VFD and LCD products.*/
50 DSPN_DSP_VFD = 0x01, //// VFD products
51 DSPN_DSP_LCD = 0x02, //// LCD products
56 @brief These enumeration values represent the notification codes.\n
57 iMON Display API will send or post message to the caller application.\n
58 The caller application should assign the message and the winodw handle to receivce message with IMON_Display_Init fucntion.\n
59 These enumeration values are used with WPARAM parameter of the message.\n
60 For more information, see the explanation of each notification code below*/
64 @brief When API succeeds to get the control for the display, API will post caller-specified message with DSPNM_PLUGIN_SUCCEED as WPARAM parameter.\n
65 LPARAM represents DSPType. This value can be 0x01 (VFD), 0x02 (LCD) or 0x03 (VFD+LCD).*/
69 @brief When API fails to get the control for the display, API will post caller-specified message with DSPNM_PLUGIN_FAILED as WPARAM parameter.\n
70 LPARAM represents error code with DSPNResult.*/
74 @brief When iMON starts, API will post caller-specified message with DSPNM_IMON_RESTARTED as WPARAM parameter.\n
75 LPARAM represents DSPType. This value can be 0 (No Display), 0x01 (VFD), 0x02 (LCD) or 0x03 (VFD+LCD).*/
79 @brief When iMON closed, API will post caller-specified message with DSPNM_IMON_CLOSED as WPARAM parameter.\n
84 @brief When iMON HW newly connected, API will post caller-specified message with DSPNM_HW_CONNECTED as WPARAM parameter.\n
85 LPARAM represents DSPType. This value can be 0 (No Display), 0x01 (VFD), 0x02 (LCD) or 0x03 (VFD+LCD).*/
89 @brief When iMON HW disconnected, API will post caller-specified message with DSPNM_HW_DISCONNECTED as WPARAM parameter.\n
95 @brief When iMON LCD finishes scrolling Text, API will post caller-specified message with DSPNM_LCD_TEXT_SCROLL_DONE as WPARAM parameter.\n
96 The caller application may need to know when text scroll is finished, for sending next text.\n
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106 @brief This structure contains Equalizer data for 16 bands.
107 @param BandData It represents Equalizer data for 16 bands. Its range is from 0 to 100.*/
108 typedef struct DspEqData