Now supporting some HID consumer codes.
Sat, 08 Nov 2014 12:40:05 +0100
changeset 12ff7a8955f82d
parent 11 2ff6dbe0d356
child 13 6e4d62a4fed3
Now supporting some HID consumer codes.
Architecture to support multiple Usage Page.
     1.1 --- a/RemoteControlDevice.cs	Sat Nov 08 12:01:19 2014 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/RemoteControlDevice.cs	Sat Nov 08 12:40:05 2014 +0100
     1.3 @@ -54,7 +54,8 @@
     1.4  		RecordedTV,
     1.5  		Guide,
     1.6  		LiveTV,
     1.7 -		Details,
     1.8 +		MoreInfo,
     1.9 +        Print,
    1.10  		DVDMenu,
    1.11  		DVDAngle,
    1.12  		DVDAudio,
    1.13 @@ -155,6 +156,9 @@
    1.14  		public delegate void RemoteControlDeviceEventHandler(object sender, RemoteControlEventArgs e);
    1.15  		public event RemoteControlDeviceEventHandler ButtonPressed;
    1.17 +        public delegate void HidUsageHandler(ushort aUsage);
    1.18 +        
    1.19 +
    1.21  		//-------------------------------------------------------------
    1.22  		// constructors
    1.23 @@ -196,7 +200,7 @@
    1.25  		public void ProcessMessage(Message message)
    1.26  		{
    1.27 -			int param;
    1.28 +		int param;
    1.30  			switch (message.Msg)
    1.31  			{
    1.32 @@ -341,6 +345,71 @@
    1.33  				this.ButtonPressed(this, new RemoteControlEventArgs(rcb, GetDevice(param)));
    1.34  		}
    1.36 +        /// <summary>
    1.37 +        /// 
    1.38 +        /// </summary>
    1.39 +        /// <param name="aUsage"></param>
    1.40 +        private void HidConsumerDeviceHandler(ushort aUsage)
    1.41 +        {
    1.42 +            if (aUsage == 0)
    1.43 +            {
    1.44 +                //Just skip those
    1.45 +                return;
    1.46 +            }
    1.47 +
    1.48 +            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ConsumerControl), aUsage) && aUsage != 0) //Our button is a known consumer control
    1.49 +            {
    1.50 +                if (this.ButtonPressed != null)
    1.51 +                {
    1.52 +                    RemoteControlButton button=RemoteControlButton.Unknown;
    1.53 +                    if (aUsage== (ushort)ConsumerControl.AppCtrlProperties)
    1.54 +                    {
    1.55 +                        button = RemoteControlButton.MoreInfo;
    1.56 +                    }
    1.57 +                    else if (aUsage==(ushort)ConsumerControl.AppCtrlPrint)
    1.58 +                    {
    1.59 +                        button = RemoteControlButton.Print;
    1.60 +                    }
    1.61 +                    else if (aUsage==(ushort)ConsumerControl.MediaSelectProgramGuide)
    1.62 +                    {
    1.63 +                        button = RemoteControlButton.Guide;
    1.64 +                    }
    1.65 +                    this.ButtonPressed(this, new RemoteControlEventArgs(button, InputDevice.OEM));
    1.66 +                }
    1.67 +            }
    1.68 +            else
    1.69 +            {
    1.70 +                Debug.WriteLine("Unknown Consumer Control!");
    1.71 +            }
    1.72 +        }
    1.73 +
    1.74 +        /// <summary>
    1.75 +        /// 
    1.76 +        /// </summary>
    1.77 +        /// <param name="aUsage"></param>
    1.78 +        private void HidMceRemoteHandler(ushort aUsage)
    1.79 +        {
    1.80 +            if (aUsage == 0)
    1.81 +            {
    1.82 +                //Just skip those
    1.83 +                return;
    1.84 +            }
    1.85 +
    1.86 +
    1.87 +            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MceButton), aUsage) && aUsage != 0) //Our button is a known MCE button
    1.88 +            {
    1.89 +                if (this.ButtonPressed != null)
    1.90 +                {
    1.91 +                    this.ButtonPressed(this, new RemoteControlEventArgs((MceButton)aUsage, InputDevice.OEM));
    1.92 +                }
    1.93 +            }
    1.94 +            else
    1.95 +            {
    1.96 +                Debug.WriteLine("Unknown MCE button!");
    1.97 +            }
    1.98 +
    1.99 +        }
   1.100 +
   1.102  		private void ProcessInputCommand(ref Message message)
   1.103  		{
   1.104 @@ -373,9 +442,20 @@
   1.105                      //Get Usage Page and Usage
   1.106                      Debug.WriteLine("Usage Page: 0x" + deviceInfo.hid.usUsagePage.ToString("X4") + " Usage: 0x" + deviceInfo.hid.usUsage.ToString("X4"));
   1.108 +                    //
   1.109 +                    HidUsageHandler handler=null;
   1.110 +
   1.111                      //Make sure both usage page and usage are matching MCE remote
   1.112                      //TODO: handle more that just MCE usage page.
   1.113 -                    if (deviceInfo.hid.usUsagePage != (ushort)Hid.UsagePage.MceRemote || deviceInfo.hid.usUsage != (ushort)Hid.UsageId.MceRemoteUsage)
   1.114 +                    if (deviceInfo.hid.usUsagePage == (ushort)Hid.UsagePage.MceRemote || deviceInfo.hid.usUsage == (ushort)Hid.UsageId.MceRemoteUsage)
   1.115 +                    {                        
   1.116 +                        handler = HidMceRemoteHandler;
   1.117 +                    }
   1.118 +                    else if (deviceInfo.hid.usUsagePage == (ushort)Hid.UsagePage.Consumer || deviceInfo.hid.usUsage == (ushort)Hid.UsageId.ConsumerControl)
   1.119 +                    {
   1.120 +                        handler = HidConsumerDeviceHandler;
   1.121 +                    }
   1.122 +                    else
   1.123                      {
   1.124                          Debug.WriteLine("Not MCE remote page and usage.");
   1.125                          return;
   1.126 @@ -424,17 +504,11 @@
   1.127                          else if (hidInput.Length > 2) //Defensive
   1.128                          {
   1.129                              //Assuming double bytes code
   1.130 -                            usage = (ushort)((hidInput[1] << 2) + hidInput[2]);
   1.131 +                            usage = (ushort)((hidInput[2] << 8) + hidInput[1]);
   1.132                          }
   1.134                          //
   1.135 -                        if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MceButton), usage) && usage != 0) //Our button is a known MCE button
   1.136 -                        {
   1.137 -                            if (this.ButtonPressed != null) //What's that?
   1.138 -                            {
   1.139 -                                this.ButtonPressed(this, new RemoteControlEventArgs((MceButton)usage, InputDevice.OEM));
   1.140 -                            }
   1.141 -                        }
   1.142 +                        handler(usage);
   1.143                      }
   1.145                  }