HidDevice: Adding friendly name property.
Sun, 15 Feb 2015 21:48:07 +0100
changeset 634b8b058de215
parent 62 bc92e2648220
child 64 8c2380995bb7
HidDevice: Adding friendly name property.
     1.1 --- a/HidDevice.cs	Sun Feb 15 20:28:46 2015 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/HidDevice.cs	Sun Feb 15 21:48:07 2015 +0100
     1.3 @@ -14,7 +14,18 @@
     1.4      /// </summary>
     1.5      public class HidDevice: IDisposable
     1.6      {
     1.7 +        /// <summary>
     1.8 +        /// Unique name of that HID device.
     1.9 +        /// Notably used as input to CreateFile.
    1.10 +        /// </summary>
    1.11          public string Name { get; private set; }
    1.12 +
    1.13 +        /// <summary>
    1.14 +        /// Friendly name that people should be able to read.
    1.15 +        /// </summary>
    1.16 +        public string FriendlyName { get; private set; }
    1.17 +
    1.18 +        //
    1.19          public string Manufacturer { get; private set; }
    1.20          public string Product { get; private set; }
    1.21          public ushort VendorId { get; private set; }
    1.22 @@ -127,6 +138,8 @@
    1.24              handle.Close();
    1.26 +            SetFriendlyName();
    1.27 +
    1.28              //Get our HID descriptor pre-parsed data
    1.29              PreParsedData = Win32.RawInput.GetPreParsedData(hRawInputDevice);
    1.31 @@ -169,6 +182,68 @@
    1.32              }
    1.35 +            
    1.36 +
    1.37 +        }
    1.38 +
    1.39 +        /// <summary>
    1.40 +        /// 
    1.41 +        /// </summary>
    1.42 +        private void SetFriendlyName()
    1.43 +        {
    1.44 +            //Work out proper suffix for our device root node.
    1.45 +            //That allows users to see in a glance what kind of device this is.
    1.46 +            string suffix = "";
    1.47 +            Type usageCollectionType = null;
    1.48 +            if (Info.dwType == RawInputDeviceType.RIM_TYPEHID)
    1.49 +            {
    1.50 +                //Process usage page
    1.51 +                if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Hid.UsagePage), Info.hid.usUsagePage))
    1.52 +                {
    1.53 +                    //We know this usage page, add its name
    1.54 +                    Hid.UsagePage usagePage = (Hid.UsagePage)Info.hid.usUsagePage;
    1.55 +                    suffix += " ( " + usagePage.ToString() + ", ";
    1.56 +                    usageCollectionType = Hid.Utils.UsageCollectionType(usagePage);
    1.57 +                }
    1.58 +                else
    1.59 +                {
    1.60 +                    //We don't know this usage page, add its value
    1.61 +                    suffix += " ( 0x" + Info.hid.usUsagePage.ToString("X4") + ", ";
    1.62 +                }
    1.63 +
    1.64 +                //Process usage collection
    1.65 +                //We don't know this usage page, add its value
    1.66 +                if (usageCollectionType == null || !Enum.IsDefined(usageCollectionType, Info.hid.usUsage))
    1.67 +                {
    1.68 +                    //Show Hexa
    1.69 +                    suffix += "0x" + Info.hid.usUsage.ToString("X4") + " )";
    1.70 +                }
    1.71 +                else
    1.72 +                {
    1.73 +                    //We know this usage page, add its name
    1.74 +                    suffix += Enum.GetName(usageCollectionType, Info.hid.usUsage) + " )";
    1.75 +                }
    1.76 +            }
    1.77 +            else if (Info.dwType == RawInputDeviceType.RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD)
    1.78 +            {
    1.79 +                suffix = " - Keyboard";
    1.80 +            }
    1.81 +            else if (Info.dwType == RawInputDeviceType.RIM_TYPEMOUSE)
    1.82 +            {
    1.83 +                suffix = " - Mouse";
    1.84 +            }
    1.85 +
    1.86 +            if (Product != null && Product.Length > 1)
    1.87 +            {
    1.88 +                //Add the devices with a proper name at the top
    1.89 +                FriendlyName = Product + suffix;
    1.90 +            }
    1.91 +            else
    1.92 +            {
    1.93 +                //Add other once at the bottom
    1.94 +                FriendlyName = "0x" + ProductId.ToString("X4") + suffix;
    1.95 +            }
    1.96 +
    1.97          }
    1.99          /// <summary>
     2.1 --- a/HidEvent.cs	Sun Feb 15 20:28:46 2015 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/HidEvent.cs	Sun Feb 15 21:48:07 2015 +0100
     2.3 @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
     2.4              if (IsButtonDown)
     2.5              {
     2.6                  //TODO: Make this optional
     2.7 -                StartRepeatTimer(iRepeatDelay);
     2.8 +                //StartRepeatTimer(iRepeatDelay);
     2.9              }
    2.11              IsValid = true;
     3.1 --- a/RawInput.cs	Sun Feb 15 20:28:46 2015 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/RawInput.cs	Sun Feb 15 21:48:07 2015 +0100
     3.3 @@ -180,58 +180,16 @@
     3.4              {
     3.5                  Hid.HidDevice hidDevice=new Hid.HidDevice(device.hDevice);
     3.7 -                //Work out proper suffix for our device root node.
     3.8 -                //That allows users to see in a glance what kind of device this is.
     3.9 -                string suffix = "";
    3.10 -                Type usageCollectionType=null; 
    3.11 -                if (hidDevice.Info.dwType == RawInputDeviceType.RIM_TYPEHID)
    3.12 -                {
    3.13 -                    //Process usage page
    3.14 -                    if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Hid.UsagePage), hidDevice.Info.hid.usUsagePage))
    3.15 -                    {
    3.16 -                        //We know this usage page, add its name
    3.17 -                        Hid.UsagePage usagePage = (Hid.UsagePage)hidDevice.Info.hid.usUsagePage;
    3.18 -                        suffix += " ( " + usagePage.ToString() + ", ";
    3.19 -                        usageCollectionType = Hid.Utils.UsageCollectionType(usagePage);
    3.20 -                    }
    3.21 -                    else
    3.22 -                    {
    3.23 -                        //We don't know this usage page, add its value
    3.24 -                        suffix += " ( 0x" + hidDevice.Info.hid.usUsagePage.ToString("X4") + ", ";
    3.25 -                    }
    3.26 -
    3.27 -                    //Process usage collection
    3.28 -                    //We don't know this usage page, add its value
    3.29 -                    if (usageCollectionType == null || !Enum.IsDefined(usageCollectionType, hidDevice.Info.hid.usUsage))
    3.30 -                    {
    3.31 -                        //Show Hexa
    3.32 -                        suffix += "0x" + hidDevice.Info.hid.usUsage.ToString("X4") + " )";
    3.33 -                    }
    3.34 -                    else
    3.35 -                    {
    3.36 -                        //We know this usage page, add its name
    3.37 -                        suffix += Enum.GetName(usageCollectionType, hidDevice.Info.hid.usUsage) + " )";                        
    3.38 -                    }
    3.39 -                }
    3.40 -                else if (hidDevice.Info.dwType == RawInputDeviceType.RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD)
    3.41 -                {
    3.42 -                    suffix = " - Keyboard";
    3.43 -                }
    3.44 -                else if (hidDevice.Info.dwType == RawInputDeviceType.RIM_TYPEMOUSE)
    3.45 -                {
    3.46 -                    suffix = " - Mouse";
    3.47 -                }
    3.48 -
    3.49                  TreeNode node = null;
    3.50                  if (hidDevice.Product != null && hidDevice.Product.Length > 1)
    3.51                  {
    3.52                      //Add the devices with a proper name at the top
    3.53 -                    node = aTreeView.Nodes.Insert(0, hidDevice.Name, hidDevice.Product + suffix);
    3.54 +                    node = aTreeView.Nodes.Insert(0, hidDevice.Name, hidDevice.FriendlyName);
    3.55                  }
    3.56                  else
    3.57                  {
    3.58                      //Add other once at the bottom
    3.59 -                    node = aTreeView.Nodes.Add(hidDevice.Name, "0x" + hidDevice.ProductId.ToString("X4") + suffix);
    3.60 +                    node = aTreeView.Nodes.Add(hidDevice.Name, "0x" + hidDevice.FriendlyName);
    3.61                  }
    3.63                  node.Nodes.Add("Manufacturer: " + hidDevice.Manufacturer);