Published v0.8.5.0
authorStephane Lenclud
Mon, 25 Jan 2016 23:16:35 +0100
changeset 186e10744f29ef3
parent 185 729e91c7d5b2
child 187 549e7d887271
Published v0.8.5.0
Now properly work out current client based on priorities when a client connects,
disconnects or change its priority.
     1.1 --- a/Server/MainForm.cs	Mon Jan 25 21:26:30 2016 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/Server/MainForm.cs	Mon Jan 25 23:16:35 2016 +0100
     1.3 @@ -1494,6 +1494,25 @@
     1.4              }
     1.5          }
     1.7 +
     1.8 +        /// <summary>
     1.9 +        /// Find the client with the highest priority if any.
    1.10 +        /// </summary>
    1.11 +        /// <returns>Our highest priority client or null if not a single client is connected.</returns>
    1.12 +        public ClientData FindHighestPriorityClient()
    1.13 +        {
    1.14 +            ClientData highestPriorityClient = null;
    1.15 +            foreach (var client in iClients)
    1.16 +            {
    1.17 +                if (highestPriorityClient == null || client.Value.Priority > highestPriorityClient.Priority)
    1.18 +                {
    1.19 +                    highestPriorityClient = client.Value;
    1.20 +                }
    1.21 +            }
    1.22 +
    1.23 +            return highestPriorityClient;
    1.24 +        }
    1.25 +
    1.26          /// <summary>
    1.27          ///
    1.28          /// </summary>
    1.29 @@ -1516,7 +1535,19 @@
    1.30                      Program.iMainForm.treeViewClients.Nodes.Remove(Program.iMainForm.treeViewClients.Nodes.Find(aSessionId, false)[0]);
    1.31                  }
    1.33 -				if (iClients.Count == 0)
    1.34 +                if (iCurrentClientSessionId == aSessionId)
    1.35 +                {
    1.36 +                    //The current client is closing
    1.37 +                    iCurrentClientData = null;
    1.38 +                    //Find the client with the highest priority and set it as current
    1.39 +                    ClientData newCurrentClient = FindHighestPriorityClient();
    1.40 +                    if (newCurrentClient!=null)
    1.41 +                    {
    1.42 +                        SetCurrentClient(newCurrentClient.SessionId, true);
    1.43 +                    }                    
    1.44 +                }
    1.45 +
    1.46 +                if (iClients.Count == 0)
    1.47  				{
    1.48  					//Clear our screen when last client disconnects
    1.49  					ClearLayout();
    1.50 @@ -1789,6 +1820,12 @@
    1.51                      client.Priority = aPriority;
    1.52                      //Update our tree-view
    1.53                      UpdateClientTreeViewNode(client);
    1.54 +                    //Change our current client as per new priority
    1.55 +                    ClientData newCurrentClient = FindHighestPriorityClient();
    1.56 +                    if (newCurrentClient!=null)
    1.57 +                    {
    1.58 +                        SetCurrentClient(newCurrentClient.SessionId);
    1.59 +                    }
    1.60                  }
    1.61              }
    1.62          }
     2.1 --- a/Server/SharpDisplayManager.csproj	Mon Jan 25 21:26:30 2016 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/Server/SharpDisplayManager.csproj	Mon Jan 25 23:16:35 2016 +0100
     2.3 @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     2.4      <WebPage>index.htm</WebPage>
     2.5      <OpenBrowserOnPublish>false</OpenBrowserOnPublish>
     2.6      <ApplicationRevision>0</ApplicationRevision>
     2.7 -    <ApplicationVersion></ApplicationVersion>
     2.8 +    <ApplicationVersion></ApplicationVersion>
     2.9      <UseApplicationTrust>false</UseApplicationTrust>
    2.10      <CreateDesktopShortcut>true</CreateDesktopShortcut>
    2.11      <PublishWizardCompleted>true</PublishWizardCompleted>