Adding the possibility for clients to define a basic layout.
Mon, 22 Sep 2014 16:04:26 +0200
changeset 62ac698f4e1b36
parent 61 5a24e79384be
child 63 cd9924457275
Adding the possibility for clients to define a basic layout.
     1.1 --- a/Client/Client.cs	Mon Sep 22 13:21:00 2014 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/Client/Client.cs	Mon Sep 22 16:04:26 2014 +0200
     1.3 @@ -70,6 +70,12 @@
     1.4              Channel.SetName(aClientName);
     1.5          }
     1.7 +
     1.8 +        public void SetLayout(TableLayout aLayout)
     1.9 +        {
    1.10 +            Channel.SetLayout(aLayout);
    1.11 +        }
    1.12 +
    1.13          public void SetText(TextField aTextField)
    1.14          {
    1.15              Channel.SetText(aTextField);
     2.1 --- a/Client/MainForm.Designer.cs	Mon Sep 22 13:21:00 2014 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/Client/MainForm.Designer.cs	Mon Sep 22 16:04:26 2014 +0200
     2.3 @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
     2.4              this.buttonAlignCenter = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
     2.5              this.buttonAlignLeft = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
     2.6              this.buttonSetTopText = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
     2.7 +            this.buttonLayoutUpdate = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
     2.8              this.SuspendLayout();
     2.9              // 
    2.10              // buttonSetText
    2.11 @@ -101,11 +102,22 @@
    2.12              this.buttonSetTopText.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
    2.13              this.buttonSetTopText.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.buttonSetTopText_Click);
    2.14              // 
    2.15 +            // buttonLayoutUpdate
    2.16 +            // 
    2.17 +            this.buttonLayoutUpdate.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(176, 131);
    2.18 +            this.buttonLayoutUpdate.Name = "buttonLayoutUpdate";
    2.19 +            this.buttonLayoutUpdate.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(75, 23);
    2.20 +            this.buttonLayoutUpdate.TabIndex = 25;
    2.21 +            this.buttonLayoutUpdate.Text = "Layout 2x2";
    2.22 +            this.buttonLayoutUpdate.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;
    2.23 +            this.buttonLayoutUpdate.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.buttonLayoutUpdate_Click);
    2.24 +            // 
    2.25              // MainForm
    2.26              // 
    2.27              this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
    2.28              this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
    2.29              this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(443, 252);
    2.30 +            this.Controls.Add(this.buttonLayoutUpdate);
    2.31              this.Controls.Add(this.buttonSetTopText);
    2.32              this.Controls.Add(this.buttonAlignRight);
    2.33              this.Controls.Add(this.buttonAlignCenter);
    2.34 @@ -131,6 +143,7 @@
    2.35          private System.Windows.Forms.Button buttonAlignCenter;
    2.36          private System.Windows.Forms.Button buttonAlignLeft;
    2.37          private System.Windows.Forms.Button buttonSetTopText;
    2.38 +        private System.Windows.Forms.Button buttonLayoutUpdate;
    2.39      }
    2.40  }
     3.1 --- a/Client/MainForm.cs	Mon Sep 22 13:21:00 2014 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/Client/MainForm.cs	Mon Sep 22 16:04:26 2014 +0200
     3.3 @@ -149,5 +149,11 @@
     3.4                  new TextField(1, textBoxBottom.Text, Alignment)
     3.5              });
     3.6          }
     3.7 +
     3.8 +        private void buttonLayoutUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     3.9 +        {
    3.10 +            TableLayout layout = new TableLayout(2,2);
    3.11 +            iClient.SetLayout(layout);
    3.12 +        }
    3.13      }
    3.14  }
     4.1 --- a/Interface/Interface.cs	Mon Sep 22 13:21:00 2014 +0200
     4.2 +++ b/Interface/Interface.cs	Mon Sep 22 16:04:26 2014 +0200
     4.3 @@ -19,7 +19,57 @@
     4.4      /// TextField can be send to our server to be displayed on the screen.
     4.5      /// </summary>
     4.6      [DataContract]
     4.7 -    public class TextField
     4.8 +    public class TableLayout
     4.9 +    {
    4.10 +        public TableLayout()
    4.11 +        {
    4.12 +            ColumnCount = 0;
    4.13 +            RowCount = 0;
    4.14 +            //Alignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
    4.15 +        }
    4.16 +
    4.17 +        public TableLayout(int aColumnCount, int aRowCount)
    4.18 +        {
    4.19 +            ColumnCount = aColumnCount;
    4.20 +            RowCount = aRowCount;
    4.21 +        }
    4.22 +
    4.23 +        [DataMember]
    4.24 +        public int ColumnCount { get; set; }
    4.25 +
    4.26 +        [DataMember]
    4.27 +        public int RowCount { get; set; }
    4.28 +
    4.29 +        [DataMember]
    4.30 +        public List<DataField> Cells { get; set; }
    4.31 +    }
    4.32 +
    4.33 +    /// <summary>
    4.34 +    ///
    4.35 +    /// </summary>
    4.36 +    [DataContract]
    4.37 +    public class DataField
    4.38 +    {
    4.39 +        [DataMember]
    4.40 +        public int Column { get; set; }
    4.41 +
    4.42 +        [DataMember]
    4.43 +        public int Row { get; set; }
    4.44 +
    4.45 +        [DataMember]
    4.46 +        public int ColumnSpan { get; set; }
    4.47 +
    4.48 +        [DataMember]
    4.49 +        public int RowSpan { get; set; }
    4.50 +
    4.51 +    }
    4.52 +
    4.53 +
    4.54 +    /// <summary>
    4.55 +    /// TextField can be send to our server to be displayed on the screen.
    4.56 +    /// </summary>
    4.57 +    [DataContract]
    4.58 +    public class TextField : DataField
    4.59      {
    4.60          public TextField()
    4.61          {
    4.62 @@ -64,6 +114,13 @@
    4.63          [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
    4.64          void SetName(string aClientName);
    4.66 +
    4.67 +        /// <summary>
    4.68 +        /// </summary>
    4.69 +        /// <param name="aLayout"></param>
    4.70 +        [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
    4.71 +        void SetLayout(TableLayout aLayout);
    4.72 +
    4.73          /// <summary>
    4.74          /// Put the given text in the given field on your display.
    4.75          /// Fields are often just lines of text.
     5.1 --- a/Server/MainForm.cs	Mon Sep 22 13:21:00 2014 +0200
     5.2 +++ b/Server/MainForm.cs	Mon Sep 22 16:04:26 2014 +0200
     5.3 @@ -22,6 +22,14 @@
     5.4      //Types declarations
     5.5      public delegate uint ColorProcessingDelegate(int aX, int aY, uint aPixel);
     5.6      public delegate int CoordinateTranslationDelegate(System.Drawing.Bitmap aBmp, int aInt);
     5.7 +    //Delegates are used for our thread safe method
     5.8 +    public delegate void AddClientDelegate(string aSessionId, ICallback aCallback);
     5.9 +    public delegate void RemoveClientDelegate(string aSessionId);
    5.10 +    public delegate void SetTextDelegate(string SessionId, TextField aTextField);
    5.11 +    public delegate void SetLayoutDelegate(string SessionId, TableLayout aLayout);
    5.12 +    public delegate void SetTextsDelegate(string SessionId, System.Collections.Generic.IList<TextField> aTextFields);
    5.13 +    public delegate void SetClientNameDelegate(string aSessionId, string aName);
    5.14 +
    5.16      /// <summary>
    5.17      /// Our Display manager main form
    5.18 @@ -691,13 +699,6 @@
    5.20          }
    5.22 -        //Delegates are used for our thread safe method
    5.23 -        public delegate void AddClientDelegate(string aSessionId, ICallback aCallback);
    5.24 -        public delegate void RemoveClientDelegate(string aSessionId);
    5.25 -        public delegate void SetTextDelegate(string SessionId, TextField aTextField);
    5.26 -        public delegate void SetTextsDelegate(string SessionId, System.Collections.Generic.IList<TextField> aTextFields);
    5.27 -        public delegate void SetClientNameDelegate(string aSessionId, string aName);
    5.28 -
    5.30          /// <summary>
    5.31          ///
    5.32 @@ -759,6 +760,32 @@
    5.33          /// <summary>
    5.34          ///
    5.35          /// </summary>
    5.36 +        /// <param name="aSessionId"></param>
    5.37 +        /// <param name="aTextField"></param>
    5.38 +        public void SetClientLayoutThreadSafe(string aSessionId, TableLayout aLayout)
    5.39 +        {
    5.40 +            if (this.InvokeRequired)
    5.41 +            {
    5.42 +                //Not in the proper thread, invoke ourselves
    5.43 +                SetLayoutDelegate d = new SetLayoutDelegate(SetClientLayoutThreadSafe);
    5.44 +                this.Invoke(d, new object[] { aSessionId, aLayout });
    5.45 +            }
    5.46 +            else
    5.47 +            {
    5.48 +                ClientData client = iClients[aSessionId];
    5.49 +                if (client != null)
    5.50 +                {
    5.51 +                    client.Layout = aLayout;
    5.52 +                    UpdateTableLayoutPanel(client.Layout.ColumnCount, client.Layout.RowCount);
    5.53 +                    //
    5.54 +                    UpdateClientTreeViewNode(client);
    5.55 +                }
    5.56 +            }
    5.57 +        }
    5.58 +
    5.59 +        /// <summary>
    5.60 +        ///
    5.61 +        /// </summary>
    5.62          /// <param name="aLineIndex"></param>
    5.63          /// <param name="aText"></param>
    5.64          public void SetTextThreadSafe(string aSessionId, TextField aTextField)
    5.65 @@ -932,8 +959,7 @@
    5.66          {
    5.67              if (tableLayoutPanel.RowCount < 6)
    5.68              {
    5.69 -                RecreateTableLayoutPanel(tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount, tableLayoutPanel.RowCount + 1);
    5.70 -                CheckFontHeight();
    5.71 +                UpdateTableLayoutPanel(tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount, tableLayoutPanel.RowCount + 1);
    5.72              }
    5.73          }
    5.75 @@ -941,13 +967,29 @@
    5.76          {
    5.77              if (tableLayoutPanel.RowCount > 1)
    5.78              {
    5.79 -                RecreateTableLayoutPanel(tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount, tableLayoutPanel.RowCount - 1);
    5.80 -                CheckFontHeight();
    5.81 +                UpdateTableLayoutPanel(tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount, tableLayoutPanel.RowCount - 1);
    5.82              }
    5.84              UpdateTableLayoutRowStyles();
    5.85          }
    5.87 +        private void buttonAddColumn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    5.88 +        {
    5.89 +            if (tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount < 8)
    5.90 +            {
    5.91 +                UpdateTableLayoutPanel(tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount + 1, tableLayoutPanel.RowCount);
    5.92 +            }
    5.93 +        }
    5.94 +
    5.95 +        private void buttonRemoveColumn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    5.96 +        {
    5.97 +            if (tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount > 1)
    5.98 +            {
    5.99 +                UpdateTableLayoutPanel(tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount - 1, tableLayoutPanel.RowCount);
   5.100 +            }
   5.101 +        }
   5.102 +
   5.103 +
   5.104          /// <summary>
   5.105          /// Update our table layout row styles to make sure each rows have similar height
   5.106          /// </summary>
   5.107 @@ -966,7 +1008,7 @@
   5.108          /// </summary>
   5.109          /// <param name="aColumn"></param>
   5.110          /// <param name="aRow"></param>
   5.111 -        private void RecreateTableLayoutPanel(int aColumn, int aRow)
   5.112 +        private void UpdateTableLayoutPanel(int aColumn, int aRow)
   5.113          {
   5.114              tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Clear();
   5.115              tableLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Clear();
   5.116 @@ -1018,24 +1060,8 @@
   5.117                      tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(control, i, j);
   5.118                  }
   5.119              }
   5.120 -        }
   5.122 -        private void buttonAddColumn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   5.123 -        {
   5.124 -            if (tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount < 8)
   5.125 -            {
   5.126 -                RecreateTableLayoutPanel(tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount + 1, tableLayoutPanel.RowCount);
   5.127 -                //CheckFontHeight();
   5.128 -            }
   5.129 -        }
   5.130 -
   5.131 -        private void buttonRemoveColumn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   5.132 -        {
   5.133 -            if (tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount > 1)
   5.134 -            {
   5.135 -                RecreateTableLayoutPanel(tableLayoutPanel.ColumnCount - 1, tableLayoutPanel.RowCount);
   5.136 -                //CheckFontHeight();
   5.137 -            }
   5.138 +            CheckFontHeight();
   5.139          }
   5.141          private void buttonAlignLeft_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   5.142 @@ -1125,12 +1151,14 @@
   5.143              SessionId = aSessionId;
   5.144              Name = "";
   5.145              Texts = new List<TextField>();
   5.146 +            Layout = new TableLayout(1, 2); //Default to one column and two rows
   5.147              Callback = aCallback;
   5.148          }
   5.150          public string SessionId { get; set; }
   5.151          public string Name { get; set; }
   5.152          public List<TextField> Texts { get; set; }
   5.153 +        public TableLayout Layout { get; set; }
   5.154          public ICallback Callback { get; set; }
   5.155      }
   5.156  }
     6.1 --- a/Server/Session.cs	Mon Sep 22 13:21:00 2014 +0200
     6.2 +++ b/Server/Session.cs	Mon Sep 22 16:04:26 2014 +0200
     6.3 @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
     6.4      /// Implement our display services.
     6.5      /// Each client connection has such a session object server side.
     6.6      /// </summary>
     6.7 -    [ServiceBehavior(   
     6.8 +    [ServiceBehavior(
     6.9                          ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Multiple,
    6.10 -                        InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerSession                       
    6.11 +                        InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerSession
    6.12                      )]
    6.13      class Session : IService, IDisposable
    6.14      {
    6.15 @@ -38,18 +38,6 @@
    6.16              Trace.TraceInformation("Server session closing.");
    6.17              SharpDisplayManager.Program.iMainForm.RemoveClientThreadSafe(SessionId);
    6.18          }
    6.19 -        
    6.20 -        //From IDisplayService
    6.21 -        public void SetTexts(System.Collections.Generic.IList<TextField> aTextFields)
    6.22 -        {
    6.23 -            SharpDisplayManager.Program.iMainForm.SetTextsThreadSafe(SessionId, aTextFields);
    6.24 -        }
    6.25 -
    6.26 -        //
    6.27 -        public void SetText(TextField aTextField)
    6.28 -        {
    6.29 -            SharpDisplayManager.Program.iMainForm.SetTextThreadSafe(SessionId, aTextField);
    6.30 -        }
    6.32          //
    6.33          public void SetName(string aClientName)
    6.34 @@ -66,13 +54,31 @@
    6.35              //callback.OnConnected();
    6.36          }
    6.38 +        public void SetLayout(TableLayout aLayout)
    6.39 +        {
    6.40 +            SharpDisplayManager.Program.iMainForm.SetClientLayoutThreadSafe(SessionId, aLayout);
    6.41 +        }
    6.42 +
    6.43 +        //From IDisplayService
    6.44 +        public void SetTexts(System.Collections.Generic.IList<TextField> aTextFields)
    6.45 +        {
    6.46 +            SharpDisplayManager.Program.iMainForm.SetTextsThreadSafe(SessionId, aTextFields);
    6.47 +        }
    6.48 +
    6.49 +        //
    6.50 +        public void SetText(TextField aTextField)
    6.51 +        {
    6.52 +            SharpDisplayManager.Program.iMainForm.SetTextThreadSafe(SessionId, aTextField);
    6.53 +        }
    6.54 +
    6.55 +
    6.56          ///
    6.57          public int ClientCount()
    6.58          {
    6.59              return SharpDisplayManager.Program.iMainForm.iClients.Count;
    6.60          }
    6.62 -        
    6.63 +
    6.65      }