Fixing field scroll reset issues whenever any field is updated.
Sat, 27 Jun 2015 11:22:42 +0200
changeset 148878904899ff0
parent 147 d1aa17a4d8cf
child 149 8d169afc8bf5
Fixing field scroll reset issues whenever any field is updated.
Do not update layout when not needed anymore.
     1.1 --- a/Interface/Interface.cs	Sun Jun 21 14:15:11 2015 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/Interface/Interface.cs	Sat Jun 27 11:22:42 2015 +0200
     1.3 @@ -50,6 +50,50 @@
     1.4              }
     1.5          }
     1.7 +        /// <summary>
     1.8 +        /// Compare two TableLayout object.
     1.9 +        /// </summary>
    1.10 +        /// <returns>Tells whether both layout are identical.</returns>
    1.11 +        public bool IsSameAs(TableLayout aTableLayout)
    1.12 +        {
    1.13 +            //Check rows and columns counts
    1.14 +            if (Columns.Count != aTableLayout.Columns.Count || Rows.Count != aTableLayout.Rows.Count)
    1.15 +            {
    1.16 +                return false;
    1.17 +            }
    1.18 +
    1.19 +            //Compare each columns
    1.20 +            for (int i=0;i<Columns.Count;i++)
    1.21 +            {
    1.22 +                if (Columns[i].SizeType != aTableLayout.Columns[i].SizeType)
    1.23 +                {
    1.24 +                    return false;
    1.25 +                }
    1.26 +
    1.27 +                if (Columns[i].Width != aTableLayout.Columns[i].Width)
    1.28 +                {
    1.29 +                    return false;
    1.30 +                }
    1.31 +            }
    1.32 +
    1.33 +            //Compare each columns
    1.34 +            for (int i = 0; i < Rows.Count; i++)
    1.35 +            {
    1.36 +                if (Rows[i].SizeType != aTableLayout.Rows[i].SizeType)
    1.37 +                {
    1.38 +                    return false;
    1.39 +                }
    1.40 +
    1.41 +                if (Rows[i].Height != aTableLayout.Rows[i].Height)
    1.42 +                {
    1.43 +                    return false;
    1.44 +                }
    1.45 +            }
    1.46 +
    1.47 +            //Both rows and columns have the same content.
    1.48 +            return true;
    1.49 +        }
    1.50 +
    1.51          [DataMember]
    1.52          public List<ColumnStyle> Columns { get; set; }
     2.1 --- a/Server/MainForm.cs	Sun Jun 21 14:15:11 2015 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/Server/MainForm.cs	Sat Jun 27 11:22:42 2015 +0200
     2.3 @@ -1436,10 +1436,14 @@
     2.4                  ClientData client = iClients[aSessionId];
     2.5                  if (client != null)
     2.6                  {
     2.7 -                    //Set our client layout then
     2.8 -                    client.Layout = aLayout;
     2.9 -                    //
    2.10 -                    UpdateClientTreeViewNode(client);
    2.11 +                    //Don't change a thing if the layout is the same
    2.12 +                    if (!client.Layout.IsSameAs(aLayout))
    2.13 +                    {
    2.14 +                        //Set our client layout then
    2.15 +                        client.Layout = aLayout;
    2.16 +                        //
    2.17 +                        UpdateClientTreeViewNode(client);
    2.18 +                    }
    2.19                  }
    2.20              }
    2.21          }
    2.22 @@ -1476,19 +1480,21 @@
    2.24              ClientData client = iClients[aSessionId];
    2.25              bool layoutChanged = false;
    2.26 +            bool contentChanged = true;
    2.28              //Make sure all our fields are in place
    2.29              while (client.Fields.Count < (aField.Index + 1))
    2.30              {
    2.31 -                //Add a text field with proper index
    2.32 +                //Add a data field with proper index
    2.33                  client.Fields.Add(new DataField(client.Fields.Count));
    2.34                  layoutChanged = true;
    2.35              }
    2.37 +            //Now that we know hour fields are in place just update that one
    2.38 +            client.Fields[aField.Index] = aField;
    2.39 +
    2.40              if (client.Fields[aField.Index].IsSameLayout(aField))
    2.41              {
    2.42 -                //Same layout just update our field
    2.43 -                client.Fields[aField.Index] = aField;
    2.44                  //If we are updating a field in our current client we need to update it in our panel
    2.45                  if (aSessionId == iCurrentClientSessionId)
    2.46                  {
    2.47 @@ -1496,13 +1502,13 @@
    2.48                      {
    2.49                          //Text field control already in place, just change the text
    2.50                          MarqueeLabel label = (MarqueeLabel)tableLayoutPanel.Controls[aField.Index];
    2.51 -                        layoutChanged = (label.Text != aField.Text || label.TextAlign != aField.Alignment);
    2.52 +                        contentChanged = (label.Text != aField.Text || label.TextAlign != aField.Alignment);
    2.53                          label.Text = aField.Text;
    2.54                          label.TextAlign = aField.Alignment;
    2.55                      }
    2.56                      else if (aField.IsBitmap && aField.Index < tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Count && tableLayoutPanel.Controls[aField.Index] is PictureBox)
    2.57                      {
    2.58 -                        layoutChanged = true; //TODO: Bitmap comp or should we leave that to clients?
    2.59 +                        contentChanged = true; //TODO: Bitmap comp or should we leave that to clients?
    2.60                          //Bitmap field control already in place just change the bitmap
    2.61                          PictureBox pictureBox = (PictureBox)tableLayoutPanel.Controls[aField.Index];
    2.62                          pictureBox.Image = aField.Bitmap;
    2.63 @@ -1514,21 +1520,24 @@
    2.64                  }
    2.65              }
    2.66              else
    2.67 -            {
    2.68 +            {                
    2.69                  layoutChanged = true;
    2.70 -                //Different layout, need to rebuild it
    2.71 -                client.Fields[aField.Index] = aField;
    2.72              }
    2.74 -            //
    2.75 -            if (layoutChanged)
    2.76 +            //If either content or layout changed we need to update our tree view to reflect the changes
    2.77 +            if (contentChanged || layoutChanged)
    2.78              {
    2.79                  UpdateClientTreeViewNode(client);
    2.80 -                //Our layout has changed, if we are already the current client we need to update our panel
    2.81 -                if (aSessionId == iCurrentClientSessionId)
    2.82 +                //
    2.83 +                if (layoutChanged)
    2.84                  {
    2.85 -                    //Apply layout and set data fields.
    2.86 -                    UpdateTableLayoutPanel(iCurrentClientData);
    2.87 +                    Debug.Print("Layout changed");
    2.88 +                    //Our layout has changed, if we are already the current client we need to update our panel
    2.89 +                    if (aSessionId == iCurrentClientSessionId)
    2.90 +                    {
    2.91 +                        //Apply layout and set data fields.
    2.92 +                        UpdateTableLayoutPanel(iCurrentClientData);
    2.93 +                    }
    2.94                  }
    2.95              }
    2.97 @@ -1592,6 +1601,8 @@
    2.98          /// <param name="aClient"></param>
    2.99          private void UpdateClientTreeViewNode(ClientData aClient)
   2.100          {
   2.101 +            Debug.Print("UpdateClientTreeViewNode");
   2.102 +
   2.103              if (aClient == null)
   2.104              {
   2.105                  return;
   2.106 @@ -1673,6 +1684,8 @@
   2.107          /// <param name="aLayout"></param>
   2.108          private void UpdateTableLayoutPanel(ClientData aClient)
   2.109          {
   2.110 +            Debug.Print("UpdateClientTreeViewNode");
   2.111 +
   2.112  			if (aClient == null)
   2.113  			{
   2.114  				//Just drop it
     3.1 --- a/Server/SharpDisplayManager.csproj	Sun Jun 21 14:15:11 2015 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/Server/SharpDisplayManager.csproj	Sat Jun 27 11:22:42 2015 +0200
     3.3 @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     3.4      <CreateWebPageOnPublish>true</CreateWebPageOnPublish>
     3.5      <WebPage>index.htm</WebPage>
     3.6      <OpenBrowserOnPublish>false</OpenBrowserOnPublish>
     3.7 -    <ApplicationRevision>1</ApplicationRevision>
     3.8 +    <ApplicationRevision>2</ApplicationRevision>
     3.9      <ApplicationVersion>0.5.0.%2a</ApplicationVersion>
    3.10      <UseApplicationTrust>false</UseApplicationTrust>
    3.11      <CreateDesktopShortcut>true</CreateDesktopShortcut>