sl@0: using System; sl@0: using System.Collections.Generic; sl@0: using System.Linq; sl@0: using System.Threading.Tasks; sl@0: using System.Windows.Forms; sl@0: sl@0: namespace SharpDisplayManager sl@0: { sl@0: static class Program sl@0: { sl@31: //WARNING: This is assuming we have a single instance of our program. sl@31: //That is what we want but we should enforce it somehow. sl@17: public static MainForm iMainForm; sl@0: /// sl@0: /// The main entry point for the application. sl@0: /// sl@0: [STAThread] sl@0: static void Main() sl@0: { sl@0: Application.EnableVisualStyles(); sl@0: Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); sl@17: iMainForm = new MainForm(); sl@17: Application.Run(iMainForm); sl@0: } sl@0: } sl@0: }