2016-08-21Published v0.12.2.0
StephaneLenclud [Sun, 21 Aug 2016 19:31:08 +0200] rev 251
Published v0.12.2.0
Adding setting for Logitech user name.
Improved event tree view update following Harmony connection.
Removed unneeded editable fields from Harmony command action.

2016-08-21Adding Harmony command selection dialog.
StephaneLenclud [Sun, 21 Aug 2016 18:35:58 +0200] rev 250
Adding Harmony command selection dialog.

2016-08-21Removing now redundant specific HID EAR events.
StephaneLenclud [Sun, 21 Aug 2016 16:35:20 +0200] rev 249
Removing now redundant specific HID EAR events.

2016-08-21Fixing EAR event edition.
StephaneLenclud [Sun, 21 Aug 2016 16:30:58 +0200] rev 248
Fixing EAR event edition.
EAR HID event now displays 'Press a key' if not valid.

2016-08-21Ear HID event now functional.
StephaneLenclud [Sun, 21 Aug 2016 16:11:40 +0200] rev 247
Ear HID event now functional.

2016-08-20Generic HID event with key recognition functional.
StephaneLenclud [Sat, 20 Aug 2016 21:00:35 +0200] rev 246
Generic HID event with key recognition functional.

2016-08-19Removing Input tab as we don't need to specific features anymore.
StephaneLenclud [Fri, 19 Aug 2016 19:28:03 +0200] rev 245
Removing Input tab as we don't need to specific features anymore.

2016-08-19Adding non functional generic EAR HID event.
StephaneLenclud [Fri, 19 Aug 2016 19:18:54 +0200] rev 244
Adding non functional generic EAR HID event.