Adding category override option, ID usage for name, hiding channels starting
Sun, 17 May 2015 20:35:37 +0200
changeset 7bf908f6c7758
parent 6 3061de2306d9
child 8 adff2dec03a0
Adding category override option, ID usage for name, hiding channels starting
with '.'. Folding Movies and Series in a single category. Adding channel prefix
     1.1 --- a/KingOfSat.cs	Sun May 17 19:36:48 2015 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/KingOfSat.cs	Sun May 17 20:35:37 2015 +0200
     1.3 @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
     1.4          //
     1.5          // Return:
     1.6          //   List of channels parsed.		
     1.7 -        public static List<Channel> Parse(List<Channel> aChannels, string aUrl, string aOrbitalPosition)
     1.8 +        public static List<Channel> Parse(List<Channel> aChannels, string aUrl, string aOrbitalPosition, bool aUseChannelIdForName=false, string aCategoryOverride="")
     1.9          {
    1.10              //To avoid duplicated name
    1.11              Dictionary<string, int> names = new Dictionary<string, int>();
    1.12 @@ -104,15 +104,28 @@
    1.13                          }
    1.14                      }
    1.16 -                    string channelNameInnerText = cqChannelName.Get(0).InnerText;
    1.17 +                    string channelName = "";
    1.18 +                    if (cqChannelName.Get(0).HasAttribute("title") && aUseChannelIdForName)
    1.19 +                    {
    1.20 +                        //We want to use the channel ID
    1.21 +                        channelName = cqChannelName.Get(0).GetAttribute("title");
    1.22 +                    }
    1.23 +                    else
    1.24 +                    {
    1.25 +                        channelName = cqChannelName.Get(0).InnerText;
    1.26 +                    }
    1.27 +
    1.28                      //We spend a lot of time trying to get this right until we found our answer in the following thread.
    1.29                      //
    1.30                      //Decode HTML
    1.31 -                    channel.Name = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(channelNameInnerText);
    1.32 +                    channel.Name = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(channelName);
    1.33                      //Convert from default encoding to UTF8
    1.34                      byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(channel.Name);
    1.35                      channel.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);
    1.36 -                    if (channel.Name == "Name")
    1.37 +
    1.38 +
    1.39 +
    1.40 +                    if (channel.Name == "Name" || channel.Name == "Sorted by name")
    1.41                      {
    1.42                          //Skipping header rows
    1.43                          continue;
    1.44 @@ -147,6 +160,13 @@
    1.45                      {
    1.46                          channel.Category = "Other";
    1.47                      }
    1.48 +
    1.49 +                    //Override category if needed
    1.50 +                    if (aCategoryOverride != "")
    1.51 +                    {
    1.52 +                        channel.Category = aCategoryOverride;
    1.53 +                    }
    1.54 +
    1.55                      //Skip the packages
    1.56                      //Skip the encryptions
    1.57                      channel.SID = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(row.Cq().Find("td:nth-child(8)").Get(0).InnerText).Trim();
    1.58 @@ -182,6 +202,20 @@
    1.59                      break; //only allow one match at most
    1.60                  }
    1.61              }
    1.62 +
    1.63 +            string[] removePrefix = { "Id: " };
    1.64 +
    1.65 +            foreach (string item in removePrefix)
    1.66 +            {
    1.67 +                if (aName.StartsWith(item))
    1.68 +                {
    1.69 +                    aName = aName.Substring(item.Length, aName.Length - item.Length);
    1.70 +                    break; //only allow one match at most
    1.71 +                }
    1.72 +            }
    1.73 +
    1.74 +
    1.75 +
    1.76              aName = aName.Trim();
    1.77              return aName;
    1.78          }
    1.79 @@ -268,6 +302,16 @@
    1.80                          channel.Category = "General";
    1.81                      }
    1.83 +                    if (channel.Category == "Movies")
    1.84 +                    {
    1.85 +                        channel.Category = "Movies & Series";
    1.86 +                    }
    1.87 +
    1.88 +                    if (channel.Category == "Series")
    1.89 +                    {
    1.90 +                        channel.Category = "Movies & Series";
    1.91 +                    }
    1.92 +
    1.94                      //No corresponding HD channel, keep it then
    1.95                      channels.Add(channel);
     2.1 --- a/MainForm.cs	Sun May 17 19:36:48 2015 +0200
     2.2 +++ b/MainForm.cs	Sun May 17 20:35:37 2015 +0200
     2.3 @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
     2.4          private void buttonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     2.5          {
     2.6              List<Channel> channels = new List<Channel>();
     2.7 -            channels.AddRange(KingOfSat.Parse(channels, "", "19.2°E"));
     2.8 -            channels.AddRange(KingOfSat.Parse(channels, "", "19.2°E"));
     2.9 -            channels.AddRange(KingOfSat.Parse(channels, "", "19.2°E"));
    2.10 -            channels.AddRange(KingOfSat.Parse(channels, "", "19.2°E"));
    2.11 -            channels.AddRange(KingOfSat.Parse(channels, "", "19.2°E"));
    2.12 +            channels.AddRange(KingOfSat.Parse(channels, "", "19.2°E", true));
    2.13 +            channels.AddRange(KingOfSat.Parse(channels, "", "19.2°E", true));
    2.14 +            channels.AddRange(KingOfSat.Parse(channels, "", "19.2°E", true));
    2.15 +            channels.AddRange(KingOfSat.Parse(channels, "", "19.2°E", true));
    2.16 +            channels.AddRange(KingOfSat.Parse(channels, "", "19.2°E", true, "TNTSAT"));
    2.18              //Discard non HD channels we don't need
    2.19              channels = KingOfSat.CleanChannelList(channels);
     3.1 --- a/MediaPortal.cs	Sun May 17 19:36:48 2015 +0200
     3.2 +++ b/MediaPortal.cs	Sun May 17 20:35:37 2015 +0200
     3.3 @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
     3.4  				//AddAttribute(nodechannel, "SortOrder", channel.SortOrder);
     3.5                  //AddAttribute(nodechannel, "TimesWatched", "0");
     3.6                  AddAttribute(nodechannel, "TotalTimeWatched", "2000-1-1 0:0:0");
     3.7 -				AddAttribute(nodechannel, "VisibleInGuide", "True");
     3.8 +                AddAttribute(nodechannel, "VisibleInGuide", !channel.Name.StartsWith("."));
     3.9  				AddAttribute(nodechannel, "DisplayName", channel.Name);
    3.10  				AddAttribute(nodechannel, "ChannelNumber", channelId);