Sun, 01 Jan 2012 10:14:42 +0000 moel.mich Added the hard drive firmware version to the report. This could be important if the SMART attribute layout changes with firmware versions on some drives.
Sat, 31 Dec 2011 17:31:04 +0000 moel.mich Modified and extended version of the patch v4 by Roland Reinl (see Issue 256). Main differences to the original patch: DeviceIoControl refactorings removed, SmartAttribute is now descriptive only and does not hold any state, report is written as one 80 columns table, sensors are created only for meaningful values and without duplicates (remaining life, temperatures, host writes and reads). Also the current implementation should really preserve all the functionality of the old system. Additionally there is now a simple SMART devices emulation class (DebugSmart) that can be used in place of WindowsSmart for testing with reported data.