Added a RAM hardware and sensor, fixed Issue 115.
Mon, 23 Jul 2012 21:54:35 +0000 (2012-07-23)
changeset 3708e4dedc41924
parent 369 5077ed7ddca8
child 371 c1a0d321e646
Added a RAM hardware and sensor, fixed Issue 115.
     1.1 --- a/GUI/HardwareTypeImage.cs	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/GUI/HardwareTypeImage.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
     1.3 @@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
     1.4            case HardwareType.TBalancer:
     1.5              image = Utilities.EmbeddedResources.GetImage("bigng.png");
     1.6              break;
     1.7 +          case HardwareType.RAM:
     1.8 +            image = Utilities.EmbeddedResources.GetImage("chip.png");
     1.9 +            break;
    1.10            default:
    1.11              image = new Bitmap(1, 1);
    1.12              break;
     2.1 --- a/GUI/MainForm.Designer.cs	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/GUI/MainForm.Designer.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
     2.3 @@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
     2.4        this.timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(this.components);
     2.5        this.splitContainer = new OpenHardwareMonitor.GUI.SplitContainerAdv();
     2.6        this.treeView = new Aga.Controls.Tree.TreeViewAdv();
     2.7 +      this.ramMenuItem = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem();
     2.8        this.splitContainer.Panel1.SuspendLayout();
     2.9        this.splitContainer.SuspendLayout();
    2.10        this.SuspendLayout();
    2.11 @@ -227,6 +228,7 @@
    2.12        this.menuItem5.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] {
    2.13              this.mainboardMenuItem,
    2.14              this.cpuMenuItem,
    2.15 +            this.ramMenuItem,
    2.16              this.gpuMenuItem,
    2.17              this.fanControllerMenuItem,
    2.18              this.hddMenuItem});
    2.19 @@ -244,17 +246,17 @@
    2.20        // 
    2.21        // gpuMenuItem
    2.22        // 
    2.23 -      this.gpuMenuItem.Index = 2;
    2.24 +      this.gpuMenuItem.Index = 3;
    2.25        this.gpuMenuItem.Text = "GPU";
    2.26        // 
    2.27        // fanControllerMenuItem
    2.28        // 
    2.29 -      this.fanControllerMenuItem.Index = 3;
    2.30 +      this.fanControllerMenuItem.Index = 4;
    2.31        this.fanControllerMenuItem.Text = "Fan Controllers";
    2.32        // 
    2.33        // hddMenuItem
    2.34        // 
    2.35 -      this.hddMenuItem.Index = 4;
    2.36 +      this.hddMenuItem.Index = 5;
    2.37        this.hddMenuItem.Text = "Hard Disk Drives";
    2.38        // 
    2.39        // menuItem6
    2.40 @@ -525,6 +527,11 @@
    2.41        this.treeView.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.treeView_MouseMove);
    2.42        this.treeView.MouseUp += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.treeView_MouseUp);
    2.43        // 
    2.44 +      // ramMenuItem
    2.45 +      // 
    2.46 +      this.ramMenuItem.Index = 2;
    2.47 +      this.ramMenuItem.Text = "RAM";
    2.48 +      // 
    2.49        // MainForm
    2.50        // 
    2.51        this.AutoScaleDimensions = new System.Drawing.SizeF(6F, 13F);
    2.52 @@ -607,6 +614,7 @@
    2.53      private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem cpuMenuItem;
    2.54      private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem gpuMenuItem;
    2.55      private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem fanControllerMenuItem;
    2.56 +    private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem ramMenuItem;
    2.57    }
    2.58  }
     3.1 --- a/GUI/MainForm.cs	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/GUI/MainForm.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
     3.3 @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
     3.5      private UserOption readMainboardSensors;
     3.6      private UserOption readCpuSensors;
     3.7 +    private UserOption readRamSensors;
     3.8      private UserOption readGpuSensors;
     3.9      private UserOption readFanControllersSensors;
    3.10      private UserOption readHddSensors;
    3.11 @@ -226,6 +227,12 @@
    3.12          computer.CPUEnabled = readCpuSensors.Value;
    3.13        };
    3.15 +      readRamSensors = new UserOption("ramMenuItem", true,
    3.16 +        ramMenuItem, settings);
    3.17 +      readRamSensors.Changed += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    3.18 +        computer.RAMEnabled = readRamSensors.Value;
    3.19 +      };
    3.20 +
    3.21        readGpuSensors = new UserOption("gpuMenuItem", true,
    3.22          gpuMenuItem, settings);
    3.23        readGpuSensors.Changed += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
     4.1 --- a/Hardware/Computer.cs	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/Hardware/Computer.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
     4.3 @@ -22,13 +22,16 @@
     4.4      private readonly List<IGroup> groups = new List<IGroup>();
     4.5      private readonly ISettings settings;
     4.7 +    private SMBIOS smbios;
     4.8 +
     4.9      private bool open;
    4.11      private bool mainboardEnabled;
    4.12      private bool cpuEnabled;
    4.13 +    private bool ramEnabled;
    4.14      private bool gpuEnabled;
    4.15      private bool fanControllerEnabled;
    4.16 -    private bool hddEnabled;        
    4.17 +    private bool hddEnabled;    
    4.19      public Computer() {
    4.20        this.settings = new Settings();
    4.21 @@ -76,15 +79,20 @@
    4.22        if (open)
    4.23          return;
    4.25 +      this.smbios = new SMBIOS();
    4.26 +
    4.27        Ring0.Open();
    4.28        Opcode.Open();
    4.30        if (mainboardEnabled)
    4.31 -        Add(new Mainboard.MainboardGroup(settings));
    4.32 +        Add(new Mainboard.MainboardGroup(smbios, settings));
    4.34        if (cpuEnabled)
    4.35          Add(new CPU.CPUGroup(settings));
    4.37 +      if (ramEnabled)
    4.38 +        Add(new RAM.RAMGroup(smbios, settings));
    4.39 +
    4.40        if (gpuEnabled) {
    4.41          Add(new ATI.ATIGroup(settings));
    4.42          Add(new Nvidia.NvidiaGroup(settings));
    4.43 @@ -108,7 +116,7 @@
    4.44        set {
    4.45          if (open && value != mainboardEnabled) {
    4.46            if (value)
    4.47 -            Add(new Mainboard.MainboardGroup(settings));
    4.48 +            Add(new Mainboard.MainboardGroup(smbios, settings));
    4.49            else
    4.50              RemoveType<Mainboard.MainboardGroup>();
    4.51          }
    4.52 @@ -131,6 +139,21 @@
    4.53        }
    4.54      }
    4.56 +    public bool RAMEnabled {
    4.57 +      get { return ramEnabled; }
    4.58 +
    4.59 +      [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, UnmanagedCode = true)]
    4.60 +      set {
    4.61 +        if (open && value != ramEnabled) {
    4.62 +          if (value)
    4.63 +            Add(new RAM.RAMGroup(smbios, settings));
    4.64 +          else
    4.65 +            RemoveType<RAM.RAMGroup>();
    4.66 +        }
    4.67 +        ramEnabled = value;
    4.68 +      }
    4.69 +    }    
    4.70 +
    4.71      public bool GPUEnabled {
    4.72        get { return gpuEnabled; }
    4.74 @@ -336,6 +359,8 @@
    4.75        Opcode.Close();
    4.76        Ring0.Close();
    4.78 +      this.smbios = null;
    4.79 +
    4.80        open = false;
    4.81      }
     5.1 --- a/Hardware/IComputer.cs	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/Hardware/IComputer.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
     5.3 @@ -16,8 +16,14 @@
     5.5      IHardware[] Hardware { get; }
     5.7 +    bool MainboardEnabled { get; }
     5.8 +    bool CPUEnabled { get; }
     5.9 +    bool RAMEnabled { get; }
    5.10 +    bool GPUEnabled { get; }
    5.11 +    bool FanControllerEnabled { get; }
    5.12      bool HDDEnabled { get; }
    5.14 +
    5.15      string GetReport();
    5.17      event HardwareEventHandler HardwareAdded;
     6.1 --- a/Hardware/IHardware.cs	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/Hardware/IHardware.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
     6.3 @@ -16,11 +16,12 @@
     6.4      Mainboard,
     6.5      SuperIO,
     6.6      CPU,
     6.7 +    RAM,
     6.8      GpuNvidia,
     6.9      GpuAti,    
    6.10      TBalancer,
    6.11      Heatmaster,
    6.12 -    HDD,     
    6.13 +    HDD
    6.14    }
    6.16    public interface IHardware : IElement {
     7.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/Hardware/Mainboard/Identification.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
     7.3 @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
     7.4 +/*
     7.5 + 
     7.6 +  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
     7.7 +  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
     7.8 +  file, You can obtain one at
     7.9 + 
    7.10 +  Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Möller <>
    7.11 +	
    7.12 +*/
    7.13 +
    7.14 +namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Mainboard {
    7.15 +  internal class Identification {
    7.16 +
    7.17 +    public static Manufacturer GetManufacturer(string name) {
    7.18 +      switch (name) {
    7.19 +        case "Alienware":
    7.20 +          return Manufacturer.Alienware;
    7.21 +        case "Apple Inc.":
    7.22 +          return Manufacturer.Apple;
    7.23 +        case "ASRock":
    7.24 +          return Manufacturer.ASRock;
    7.25 +        case "ASUSTeK Computer INC.":
    7.26 +        case "ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.":
    7.27 +          return Manufacturer.ASUS;
    7.28 +        case "Dell Inc.":
    7.29 +          return Manufacturer.Dell;
    7.30 +        case "DFI":
    7.31 +        case "DFI Inc.":
    7.32 +          return Manufacturer.DFI;
    7.33 +        case "ECS":
    7.34 +          return Manufacturer.ECS;
    7.35 +        case "EPoX COMPUTER CO., LTD":
    7.36 +          return Manufacturer.EPoX;
    7.37 +        case "EVGA":
    7.38 +          return Manufacturer.EVGA;
    7.39 +        case "First International Computer, Inc.":
    7.40 +          return Manufacturer.FIC;
    7.41 +        case "FUJITSU":
    7.42 +        case "FUJITSU SIEMENS":
    7.43 +          return Manufacturer.Fujitsu;
    7.44 +        case "Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.":
    7.45 +          return Manufacturer.Gigabyte;
    7.46 +        case "Hewlett-Packard":
    7.47 +          return Manufacturer.HP;
    7.48 +        case "IBM":
    7.49 +          return Manufacturer.IBM;
    7.50 +        case "Intel":
    7.51 +        case "Intel Corp.":
    7.52 +        case "Intel Corporation":
    7.53 +        case "INTEL Corporation":
    7.54 +          return Manufacturer.Intel;
    7.55 +        case "Lenovo":
    7.56 +        case "LENOVO":
    7.57 +          return Manufacturer.Lenovo;
    7.58 +        case "Micro-Star International":
    7.59 +        case "MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD":
    7.60 +        case "MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD":
    7.61 +        case "MSI":
    7.62 +          return Manufacturer.MSI;
    7.63 +        case "Shuttle":
    7.64 +          return Manufacturer.Shuttle;
    7.65 +        case "Supermicro":
    7.66 +          return Manufacturer.Supermicro;
    7.67 +        case "TOSHIBA":
    7.68 +          return Manufacturer.Toshiba;
    7.69 +        case "XFX":
    7.70 +          return Manufacturer.XFX;
    7.71 +        case "To be filled by O.E.M.":
    7.72 +          return Manufacturer.Unknown;
    7.73 +        default:
    7.74 +          return Manufacturer.Unknown;
    7.75 +      }
    7.76 +    }
    7.77 +
    7.78 +    public static Model GetModel(string name) {
    7.79 +      switch (name) {
    7.80 +        case "880GMH/USB3":
    7.81 +          return Model._880GMH_USB3;
    7.82 +        case "ASRock AOD790GX/128M":
    7.83 +          return Model.AOD790GX_128M;
    7.84 +        case "P55 Deluxe":
    7.85 +          return Model.P55_Deluxe;
    7.86 +        case "Crosshair III Formula":
    7.87 +          return Model.Crosshair_III_Formula;
    7.88 +        case "M2N-SLI DELUXE":
    7.89 +          return Model.M2N_SLI_DELUXE;
    7.90 +        case "M4A79XTD EVO":
    7.91 +          return Model.M4A79XTD_EVO;
    7.92 +        case "P5W DH Deluxe":
    7.93 +          return Model.P5W_DH_Deluxe;
    7.94 +        case "P6T":
    7.95 +          return Model.P6T;
    7.96 +        case "P6X58D-E":
    7.97 +          return Model.P6X58D_E;
    7.98 +        case "P8P67":
    7.99 +          return Model.P8P67;
   7.100 +        case "P8P67 EVO":
   7.101 +          return Model.P8P67_EVO;
   7.102 +        case "P8P67 PRO":
   7.103 +          return Model.P8P67_PRO;
   7.104 +        case "P8P67-M PRO":
   7.105 +          return Model.P8P67_M_PRO;
   7.106 +        case "P8Z77-V":
   7.107 +          return Model.P8Z77_V;
   7.108 +        case "P9X79":
   7.109 +          return Model.P9X79;
   7.110 +        case "Rampage Extreme":
   7.111 +          return Model.Rampage_Extreme;
   7.112 +        case "Rampage II GENE":
   7.113 +          return Model.Rampage_II_GENE;
   7.114 +        case "LP BI P45-T2RS Elite":
   7.115 +          return Model.LP_BI_P45_T2RS_Elite;
   7.116 +        case "LP DK P55-T3eH9":
   7.117 +          return Model.LP_DK_P55_T3eH9;
   7.118 +        case "A890GXM-A":
   7.119 +          return Model.A890GXM_A;
   7.120 +        case "X58 SLI Classified":
   7.121 +          return Model.X58_SLI_Classified;
   7.122 +        case "965P-S3":
   7.123 +          return Model._965P_S3;
   7.124 +        case "EP45-DS3R":
   7.125 +          return Model.EP45_DS3R;
   7.126 +        case "EP45-UD3R":
   7.127 +          return Model.EP45_UD3R;
   7.128 +        case "EX58-EXTREME":
   7.129 +          return Model.EX58_EXTREME;
   7.130 +        case "EX58-UD3R":
   7.131 +          return Model.EX58_UD3R;
   7.132 +        case "G41M-Combo":
   7.133 +          return Model.G41M_Combo;
   7.134 +        case "G41MT-S2":
   7.135 +          return Model.G41MT_S2;
   7.136 +        case "G41MT-S2P":
   7.137 +          return Model.G41MT_S2P;
   7.138 +        case "GA-MA770T-UD3":
   7.139 +          return Model.GA_MA770T_UD3;
   7.140 +        case "GA-MA770T-UD3P":
   7.141 +          return Model.GA_MA770T_UD3P;
   7.142 +        case "GA-MA785GM-US2H":
   7.143 +          return Model.GA_MA785GM_US2H;
   7.144 +        case "GA-MA785GMT-UD2H":
   7.145 +          return Model.GA_MA785GMT_UD2H;
   7.146 +        case "GA-MA78LM-S2H":
   7.147 +          return Model.GA_MA78LM_S2H;
   7.148 +        case "GA-MA790X-UD3P":
   7.149 +          return Model.GA_MA790X_UD3P;
   7.150 +        case "H55-USB3":
   7.151 +          return Model.H55_USB3;
   7.152 +        case "H55N-USB3":
   7.153 +          return Model.H55N_USB3;
   7.154 +        case "H61M-DS2 REV 1.2":
   7.155 +          return Model.H61M_DS2_REV_1_2;
   7.156 +        case "H61M-USB3-B3 REV 2.0":
   7.157 +          return Model.H61M_USB3_B3_REV_2_0;
   7.158 +        case "H67A-UD3H-B3":
   7.159 +          return Model.H67A_UD3H_B3;
   7.160 +        case "H67A-USB3-B3":
   7.161 +          return Model.H67A_USB3_B3;
   7.162 +        case "P35-DS3":
   7.163 +          return Model.P35_DS3;
   7.164 +        case "P35-DS3L":
   7.165 +          return Model.P35_DS3L;
   7.166 +        case "P55-UD4":
   7.167 +          return Model.P55_UD4;
   7.168 +        case "P55A-UD3":
   7.169 +          return Model.P55A_UD3;
   7.170 +        case "P55M-UD4":
   7.171 +          return Model.P55M_UD4;
   7.172 +        case "P67A-UD3-B3":
   7.173 +          return Model.P67A_UD3_B3;
   7.174 +        case "P67A-UD3R-B3":
   7.175 +          return Model.P67A_UD3R_B3;
   7.176 +        case "P67A-UD4-B3":
   7.177 +          return Model.P67A_UD4_B3;
   7.178 +        case "P8Z68-V PRO":
   7.179 +          return Model.P8Z68_V_PRO;
   7.180 +        case "X38-DS5":
   7.181 +          return Model.X38_DS5;
   7.182 +        case "X58A-UD3R":
   7.183 +          return Model.X58A_UD3R;
   7.184 +        case "Z68A-D3H-B3":
   7.185 +          return Model.Z68A_D3H_B3;
   7.186 +        case "Z68AP-D3":
   7.187 +          return Model.Z68AP_D3;
   7.188 +        case "Z68X-UD3H-B3":
   7.189 +          return Model.Z68X_UD3H_B3;
   7.190 +        case "Z68X-UD7-B3":
   7.191 +          return Model.Z68X_UD7_B3;
   7.192 +        case "FH67":
   7.193 +          return Model.FH67;
   7.194 +        case "Base Board Product Name":
   7.195 +        case "To be filled by O.E.M.":
   7.196 +          return Model.Unknown;
   7.197 +        default:
   7.198 +          return Model.Unknown;
   7.199 +      }
   7.200 +    }
   7.201 +
   7.202 +  }
   7.203 +}
     8.1 --- a/Hardware/Mainboard/Mainboard.cs	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/Hardware/Mainboard/Mainboard.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
     8.3 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     8.4    License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
     8.5    file, You can obtain one at
     8.7 -  Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Michael Möller <>
     8.8 +  Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Michael Möller <>
    8.10  */
    8.12 @@ -22,19 +22,25 @@
    8.13      private readonly LMSensors lmSensors;
    8.14      private readonly Hardware[] superIOHardware;
    8.16 -    public Mainboard(ISettings settings) {
    8.17 +    public Mainboard(SMBIOS smbios, ISettings settings) {
    8.18        this.settings = settings;
    8.19 -      this.smbios = new SMBIOS();
    8.20 -     
    8.21 +      this.smbios = smbios;
    8.22 +
    8.23 +      Manufacturer manufacturer = smbios.Board == null ? Manufacturer.Unknown :
    8.24 +        Identification.GetManufacturer(smbios.Board.ManufacturerName);
    8.25 +
    8.26 +      Model model = smbios.Board == null ? Model.Unknown : 
    8.27 +        Identification.GetModel(smbios.Board.ProductName);
    8.28 +
    8.29        if (smbios.Board != null) {
    8.30          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(smbios.Board.ProductName)) {
    8.31 -          if (smbios.Board.Manufacturer == Manufacturer.Unknown)
    8.32 +          if (manufacturer == Manufacturer.Unknown)
    8.33     = smbios.Board.ProductName;
    8.34            else
    8.35 -   = smbios.Board.Manufacturer + " " +
    8.36 +   = manufacturer + " " +
    8.37                smbios.Board.ProductName;
    8.38          } else {
    8.39 - = smbios.Board.Manufacturer.ToString();
    8.40 + = manufacturer.ToString();
    8.41          }
    8.42        } else {
    8.43 = Manufacturer.Unknown.ToString();
    8.44 @@ -55,10 +61,8 @@
    8.46        superIOHardware = new Hardware[superIO.Length];
    8.47        for (int i = 0; i < superIO.Length; i++)
    8.48 -        superIOHardware[i] = new SuperIOHardware(this, superIO[i], 
    8.49 -          smbios.Board != null ? smbios.Board.Manufacturer : 
    8.50 -          Manufacturer.Unknown, smbios.Board != null ? smbios.Board.Model :
    8.51 -          Model.Unknown, settings);
    8.52 +        superIOHardware[i] = new SuperIOHardware(this, superIO[i],
    8.53 +          manufacturer, model, settings);
    8.54      }
    8.56      public string Name {
     9.1 --- a/Hardware/Mainboard/MainboardGroup.cs	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
     9.2 +++ b/Hardware/Mainboard/MainboardGroup.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
     9.3 @@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
     9.5      private readonly Mainboard[] mainboards;
     9.7 -    public MainboardGroup(ISettings settings) {
     9.8 +    public MainboardGroup(SMBIOS smbios, ISettings settings) {
     9.9        mainboards = new Mainboard[1];
    9.10 -      mainboards[0] = new Mainboard(settings);
    9.11 +      mainboards[0] = new Mainboard(smbios, settings);
    9.12      }
    9.14      public void Close() {
    10.1 --- a/Hardware/Mainboard/SMBIOS.cs	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
    10.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    10.3 @@ -1,533 +0,0 @@
    10.4 -/*
    10.5 - 
    10.6 -  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
    10.7 -  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    10.8 -  file, You can obtain one at
    10.9 - 
   10.10 -  Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Michael Möller <>
   10.11 -	
   10.12 -*/
   10.13 -
   10.14 -using System;
   10.15 -using System.Collections.Generic;
   10.16 -using System.IO;
   10.17 -using System.Management;
   10.18 -using System.Text;
   10.19 -
   10.20 -namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Mainboard {
   10.21 -
   10.22 -  internal class SMBIOS {
   10.23 -
   10.24 -    private readonly byte[] raw;
   10.25 -    private readonly Structure[] table;
   10.26 -
   10.27 -    private readonly Version version;
   10.28 -    private readonly BIOSInformation biosInformation;
   10.29 -    private readonly SystemInformation systemInformation;
   10.30 -    private readonly BaseBoardInformation baseBoardInformation;
   10.31 -
   10.32 -    private static string ReadSysFS(string path) {
   10.33 -      try {
   10.34 -        if (File.Exists(path)) {
   10.35 -          using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path)) 
   10.36 -            return reader.ReadLine();
   10.37 -        } else {
   10.38 -          return null;
   10.39 -        }
   10.40 -      } catch {
   10.41 -        return null;
   10.42 -      }
   10.43 -    }
   10.44 -    
   10.45 -    public SMBIOS() {
   10.46 -      int p = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
   10.47 -      if ((p == 4) || (p == 128)) {
   10.48 -        this.raw = null;
   10.49 -        this.table = null;
   10.50 -        
   10.51 -        string boardVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_vendor");
   10.52 -        string boardName = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_name");        
   10.53 -        string boardVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_version");        
   10.54 -        this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
   10.55 -          boardVendor, boardName, boardVersion, null);
   10.56 -
   10.57 -        string systemVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor");
   10.58 -        string productName = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name");
   10.59 -        string productVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_version");    
   10.60 -        this.systemInformation = new SystemInformation(systemVendor, 
   10.61 -          productName, productVersion, null, null);
   10.62 -
   10.63 -        string biosVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor");
   10.64 -        string biosVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version");
   10.65 -        this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(biosVendor, biosVersion);
   10.66 -        
   10.67 -      } else {              
   10.68 -        List<Structure> structureList = new List<Structure>();
   10.69 -
   10.70 -        raw = null;
   10.71 -        byte majorVersion = 0;
   10.72 -        byte minorVersion = 0;
   10.73 -        try {
   10.74 -          ManagementObjectCollection collection;
   10.75 -          using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = 
   10.76 -            new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\WMI", 
   10.77 -              "SELECT * FROM MSSMBios_RawSMBiosTables")) {
   10.78 -            collection = searcher.Get();
   10.79 -          }
   10.80 -         
   10.81 -          foreach (ManagementObject mo in collection) {
   10.82 -            raw = (byte[])mo["SMBiosData"];
   10.83 -            majorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMajorVersion"];
   10.84 -            minorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMinorVersion"];            
   10.85 -            break;
   10.86 -          }
   10.87 -        } catch { }
   10.88 -
   10.89 -        if (majorVersion > 0 || minorVersion > 0)
   10.90 -          version = new Version(majorVersion, minorVersion);
   10.91 -  
   10.92 -        if (raw != null && raw.Length > 0) {
   10.93 -          int offset = 0;
   10.94 -          byte type = raw[offset];
   10.95 -          while (offset + 4 < raw.Length && type != 127) {
   10.96 -  
   10.97 -            type = raw[offset];
   10.98 -            int length = raw[offset + 1];
   10.99 -            ushort handle = (ushort)((raw[offset + 2] << 8) | raw[offset + 3]);
  10.100 -  
  10.101 -            if (offset + length > raw.Length)
  10.102 -              break;
  10.103 -            byte[] data = new byte[length];
  10.104 -            Array.Copy(raw, offset, data, 0, length);
  10.105 -            offset += length;
  10.106 -  
  10.107 -            List<string> stringsList = new List<string>();
  10.108 -            if (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] == 0)
  10.109 -              offset++;
  10.110 -  
  10.111 -            while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0) {
  10.112 -              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  10.113 -              while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0) {
  10.114 -                sb.Append((char)raw[offset]); offset++;
  10.115 -              }
  10.116 -              offset++;
  10.117 -              stringsList.Add(sb.ToString());
  10.118 -            }
  10.119 -            offset++;
  10.120 -            switch (type) {
  10.121 -              case 0x00:
  10.122 -                this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(
  10.123 -                  type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
  10.124 -                structureList.Add(this.biosInformation); break;
  10.125 -              case 0x01:
  10.126 -                this.systemInformation = new SystemInformation(
  10.127 -                  type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
  10.128 -                structureList.Add(this.systemInformation); break;
  10.129 -              case 0x02: this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
  10.130 -                  type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
  10.131 -                structureList.Add(this.baseBoardInformation); break;
  10.132 -              default: structureList.Add(new Structure(
  10.133 -                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray())); break;
  10.134 -            }
  10.135 -          }
  10.136 -        }
  10.137 -              
  10.138 -        table = structureList.ToArray();
  10.139 -      }
  10.140 -    }
  10.141 -
  10.142 -    public string GetReport() {
  10.143 -      StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder();
  10.144 -
  10.145 -      if (version != null) {
  10.146 -        r.Append("SMBIOS Version: "); r.AppendLine(version.ToString(2));
  10.147 -        r.AppendLine();
  10.148 -      }
  10.149 -
  10.150 -      if (BIOS != null) {
  10.151 -        r.Append("BIOS Vendor: "); r.AppendLine(BIOS.Vendor);
  10.152 -        r.Append("BIOS Version: "); r.AppendLine(BIOS.Version);
  10.153 -        r.AppendLine();
  10.154 -      }
  10.155 -
  10.156 -      if (System != null) {
  10.157 -        r.Append("System Manufacturer: ");
  10.158 -        r.AppendLine(System.ManufacturerName);
  10.159 -        r.Append("System Name: ");
  10.160 -        r.AppendLine(System.ProductName);
  10.161 -        r.Append("System Version: ");
  10.162 -        r.AppendLine(System.Version);
  10.163 -        r.AppendLine();
  10.164 -      }
  10.165 -
  10.166 -      if (Board != null) {
  10.167 -        r.Append("Mainboard Manufacturer: ");
  10.168 -        r.AppendLine(Board.ManufacturerName);
  10.169 -        r.Append("Mainboard Name: ");
  10.170 -        r.AppendLine(Board.ProductName);
  10.171 -        r.Append("Mainboard Version: ");
  10.172 -        r.AppendLine(Board.Version);
  10.173 -        r.AppendLine();
  10.174 -      }
  10.175 -
  10.176 -      if (raw != null) {
  10.177 -        string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(raw);
  10.178 -        r.AppendLine("SMBIOS Table");
  10.179 -        r.AppendLine();
  10.180 -
  10.181 -        for (int i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling(base64.Length / 64.0); i++) {
  10.182 -          r.Append(" ");
  10.183 -          for (int j = 0; j < 0x40; j++) {
  10.184 -            int index = (i << 6) | j;
  10.185 -            if (index < base64.Length) {              
  10.186 -              r.Append(base64[index]);
  10.187 -            }
  10.188 -          }
  10.189 -          r.AppendLine();
  10.190 -        }
  10.191 -        r.AppendLine();
  10.192 -      }
  10.193 -
  10.194 -      return r.ToString();
  10.195 -    }
  10.196 -
  10.197 -    public BIOSInformation BIOS {
  10.198 -      get { return biosInformation; }
  10.199 -    }
  10.200 -
  10.201 -    public SystemInformation System {
  10.202 -      get { return systemInformation; }
  10.203 -    }
  10.204 -
  10.205 -    public BaseBoardInformation Board {
  10.206 -      get { return baseBoardInformation; }
  10.207 -    }
  10.208 -
  10.209 -    public class Structure {
  10.210 -      private readonly byte type;
  10.211 -      private readonly ushort handle;
  10.212 -
  10.213 -      private readonly byte[] data;
  10.214 -      private readonly string[] strings;
  10.215 -
  10.216 -      protected string GetString(int offset) {
  10.217 -        if (offset < data.Length && data[offset] > 0 &&
  10.218 -         data[offset] <= strings.Length)
  10.219 -          return strings[data[offset] - 1];
  10.220 -        else
  10.221 -          return "";
  10.222 -      }
  10.223 -
  10.224 -      public Structure(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data, string[] strings) 
  10.225 -      {
  10.226 -        this.type = type;
  10.227 -        this.handle = handle;
  10.228 - = data;
  10.229 -        this.strings = strings;
  10.230 -      }
  10.231 -
  10.232 -      public byte Type { get { return type; } }
  10.233 -
  10.234 -      public ushort Handle { get { return handle; } }
  10.235 -    }
  10.236 -      
  10.237 -    public class BIOSInformation : Structure {
  10.238 -
  10.239 -      private readonly string vendor;
  10.240 -      private readonly string version;
  10.241 -      
  10.242 -      public BIOSInformation(string vendor, string version) 
  10.243 -        : base (0x00, 0, null, null) 
  10.244 -      {
  10.245 -        this.vendor = vendor;
  10.246 -        this.version = version;
  10.247 -      }
  10.248 -      
  10.249 -      public BIOSInformation(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data,
  10.250 -        string[] strings)
  10.251 -        : base(type, handle, data, strings) 
  10.252 -      {
  10.253 -        this.vendor = GetString(0x04);
  10.254 -        this.version = GetString(0x05);
  10.255 -      }
  10.256 -
  10.257 -      public string Vendor { get { return vendor; } }
  10.258 -
  10.259 -      public string Version { get { return version; } }
  10.260 -    }
  10.261 -
  10.262 -    public class SystemInformation : Structure {
  10.263 -
  10.264 -      private readonly string manufacturerName;
  10.265 -      private readonly string productName;
  10.266 -      private readonly string version;
  10.267 -      private readonly string serialNumber;
  10.268 -      private readonly string family;
  10.269 -
  10.270 -      public SystemInformation(string manufacturerName, string productName, 
  10.271 -        string version, string serialNumber, string family) 
  10.272 -        : base (0x01, 0, null, null) 
  10.273 -      {
  10.274 -        this.manufacturerName = manufacturerName;
  10.275 -        this.productName = productName;
  10.276 -        this.version = version;
  10.277 -        this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
  10.278 - = family;
  10.279 -      }
  10.280 -
  10.281 -      public SystemInformation(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data,
  10.282 -        string[] strings)
  10.283 -        : base(type, handle, data, strings) 
  10.284 -      {
  10.285 -        this.manufacturerName = GetString(0x04);
  10.286 -        this.productName = GetString(0x05);
  10.287 -        this.version = GetString(0x06);
  10.288 -        this.serialNumber = GetString(0x07);
  10.289 - = GetString(0x1A);
  10.290 -      }
  10.291 -
  10.292 -      public string ManufacturerName { get { return manufacturerName; } }
  10.293 -
  10.294 -      public string ProductName { get { return productName; } }
  10.295 -
  10.296 -      public string Version { get { return version; } }
  10.297 -
  10.298 -      public string SerialNumber { get { return serialNumber; } }
  10.299 -
  10.300 -      public string Family { get { return family; } }
  10.301 -
  10.302 -    }
  10.303 -
  10.304 -    public class BaseBoardInformation : Structure {
  10.305 -
  10.306 -      private readonly string manufacturerName;
  10.307 -      private readonly string productName;
  10.308 -      private readonly string version;
  10.309 -      private readonly string serialNumber;
  10.310 -      private readonly Manufacturer manufacturer;
  10.311 -      private readonly Model model;
  10.312 -
  10.313 -      private static Manufacturer GetManufacturer(string name) {               
  10.314 -        switch (name) {
  10.315 -          case "Alienware":
  10.316 -            return Manufacturer.Alienware;
  10.317 -          case "Apple Inc.":
  10.318 -            return Manufacturer.Apple;
  10.319 -          case "ASRock":
  10.320 -            return Manufacturer.ASRock;
  10.321 -          case "ASUSTeK Computer INC.":
  10.322 -          case "ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.":
  10.323 -            return Manufacturer.ASUS;
  10.324 -          case "Dell Inc.":
  10.325 -            return Manufacturer.Dell;
  10.326 -          case "DFI":
  10.327 -          case "DFI Inc.":            
  10.328 -            return Manufacturer.DFI;
  10.329 -          case "ECS":
  10.330 -            return Manufacturer.ECS;
  10.331 -          case "EPoX COMPUTER CO., LTD":
  10.332 -            return Manufacturer.EPoX;
  10.333 -          case "EVGA":
  10.334 -            return Manufacturer.EVGA;
  10.335 -          case "First International Computer, Inc.":
  10.336 -            return Manufacturer.FIC;
  10.337 -          case "FUJITSU":
  10.338 -          case "FUJITSU SIEMENS":
  10.339 -            return Manufacturer.Fujitsu;
  10.340 -          case "Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.":
  10.341 -            return Manufacturer.Gigabyte;
  10.342 -          case "Hewlett-Packard":
  10.343 -            return Manufacturer.HP;
  10.344 -          case "IBM":
  10.345 -            return Manufacturer.IBM;
  10.346 -          case "Intel":
  10.347 -          case "Intel Corp.":
  10.348 -          case "Intel Corporation":
  10.349 -          case "INTEL Corporation":
  10.350 -            return Manufacturer.Intel;   
  10.351 -          case "Lenovo":
  10.352 -          case "LENOVO":
  10.353 -            return Manufacturer.Lenovo;
  10.354 -          case "Micro-Star International":
  10.355 -          case "MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD":
  10.356 -          case "MICRO-STAR INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD":
  10.357 -          case "MSI":
  10.358 -            return Manufacturer.MSI;
  10.359 -          case "Shuttle":
  10.360 -            return Manufacturer.Shuttle;
  10.361 -          case "Supermicro":
  10.362 -            return Manufacturer.Supermicro;
  10.363 -          case "TOSHIBA":
  10.364 -            return Manufacturer.Toshiba;
  10.365 -          case "XFX":
  10.366 -            return  Manufacturer.XFX;
  10.367 -          case "To be filled by O.E.M.":
  10.368 -            return  Manufacturer.Unknown;
  10.369 -          default:
  10.370 -            return  Manufacturer.Unknown;
  10.371 -        }
  10.372 -      }
  10.373 -
  10.374 -      private static Model GetModel(string name) {
  10.375 -        switch (name) {
  10.376 -          case "880GMH/USB3":
  10.377 -            return Model._880GMH_USB3;
  10.378 -          case "ASRock AOD790GX/128M":
  10.379 -            return Model.AOD790GX_128M;
  10.380 -          case "P55 Deluxe":
  10.381 -            return Model.P55_Deluxe;
  10.382 -          case "Crosshair III Formula":
  10.383 -            return Model.Crosshair_III_Formula;
  10.384 -          case "M2N-SLI DELUXE":
  10.385 -            return Model.M2N_SLI_DELUXE;
  10.386 -          case "M4A79XTD EVO":
  10.387 -            return Model.M4A79XTD_EVO;
  10.388 -          case "P5W DH Deluxe":
  10.389 -            return Model.P5W_DH_Deluxe;
  10.390 -          case "P6T":
  10.391 -            return Model.P6T;
  10.392 -          case "P6X58D-E":
  10.393 -            return Model.P6X58D_E;
  10.394 -          case "P8P67":
  10.395 -            return Model.P8P67;
  10.396 -          case "P8P67 EVO":
  10.397 -            return Model.P8P67_EVO;
  10.398 -          case "P8P67 PRO":
  10.399 -            return Model.P8P67_PRO;
  10.400 -          case "P8P67-M PRO":
  10.401 -            return Model.P8P67_M_PRO;
  10.402 -          case "P8Z77-V":
  10.403 -            return Model.P8Z77_V;
  10.404 -          case "P9X79":
  10.405 -            return Model.P9X79;
  10.406 -          case "Rampage Extreme":
  10.407 -            return Model.Rampage_Extreme;
  10.408 -          case "Rampage II GENE":
  10.409 -            return Model.Rampage_II_GENE;
  10.410 -          case "LP BI P45-T2RS Elite":
  10.411 -            return Model.LP_BI_P45_T2RS_Elite;
  10.412 -          case "LP DK P55-T3eH9":
  10.413 -            return Model.LP_DK_P55_T3eH9;
  10.414 -          case "A890GXM-A":
  10.415 -            return Model.A890GXM_A;
  10.416 -          case "X58 SLI Classified":
  10.417 -            return Model.X58_SLI_Classified;
  10.418 -          case "965P-S3":
  10.419 -            return Model._965P_S3;
  10.420 -          case "EP45-DS3R":
  10.421 -            return Model.EP45_DS3R;
  10.422 -          case "EP45-UD3R":
  10.423 -            return Model.EP45_UD3R;
  10.424 -          case "EX58-EXTREME":
  10.425 -            return Model.EX58_EXTREME;
  10.426 -          case "EX58-UD3R":
  10.427 -            return Model.EX58_UD3R;
  10.428 -          case "G41M-Combo":
  10.429 -            return Model.G41M_Combo;
  10.430 -          case "G41MT-S2":
  10.431 -            return Model.G41MT_S2;
  10.432 -          case "G41MT-S2P":
  10.433 -            return Model.G41MT_S2P;
  10.434 -          case "GA-MA770T-UD3":
  10.435 -            return Model.GA_MA770T_UD3;
  10.436 -          case "GA-MA770T-UD3P":
  10.437 -            return Model.GA_MA770T_UD3P;
  10.438 -          case "GA-MA785GM-US2H":
  10.439 -            return Model.GA_MA785GM_US2H;
  10.440 -          case "GA-MA785GMT-UD2H":
  10.441 -            return Model.GA_MA785GMT_UD2H;
  10.442 -          case "GA-MA78LM-S2H":
  10.443 -            return Model.GA_MA78LM_S2H;
  10.444 -          case "GA-MA790X-UD3P":
  10.445 -            return Model.GA_MA790X_UD3P;
  10.446 -          case "H55-USB3":
  10.447 -            return Model.H55_USB3;
  10.448 -          case "H55N-USB3":
  10.449 -            return Model.H55N_USB3;
  10.450 -          case "H61M-DS2 REV 1.2":
  10.451 -            return Model.H61M_DS2_REV_1_2;
  10.452 -          case "H61M-USB3-B3 REV 2.0":
  10.453 -            return Model.H61M_USB3_B3_REV_2_0;
  10.454 -          case "H67A-UD3H-B3":
  10.455 -            return Model.H67A_UD3H_B3;
  10.456 -          case "H67A-USB3-B3":
  10.457 -            return Model.H67A_USB3_B3;
  10.458 -          case "P35-DS3":
  10.459 -            return Model.P35_DS3;
  10.460 -          case "P35-DS3L":
  10.461 -            return Model.P35_DS3L;
  10.462 -          case "P55-UD4":
  10.463 -            return Model.P55_UD4;
  10.464 -          case "P55A-UD3":
  10.465 -            return Model.P55A_UD3;
  10.466 -          case "P55M-UD4":
  10.467 -            return Model.P55M_UD4;
  10.468 -          case "P67A-UD3-B3":
  10.469 -            return Model.P67A_UD3_B3;
  10.470 -          case "P67A-UD3R-B3":
  10.471 -            return Model.P67A_UD3R_B3;
  10.472 -          case "P67A-UD4-B3":
  10.473 -            return Model.P67A_UD4_B3;
  10.474 -          case "P8Z68-V PRO":
  10.475 -            return Model.P8Z68_V_PRO;
  10.476 -          case "X38-DS5":
  10.477 -            return Model.X38_DS5;
  10.478 -          case "X58A-UD3R":
  10.479 -            return Model.X58A_UD3R;
  10.480 -          case "Z68A-D3H-B3":
  10.481 -            return Model.Z68A_D3H_B3;
  10.482 -          case "Z68AP-D3":
  10.483 -            return Model.Z68AP_D3;
  10.484 -          case "Z68X-UD3H-B3":
  10.485 -            return Model.Z68X_UD3H_B3;
  10.486 -          case "Z68X-UD7-B3":
  10.487 -            return Model.Z68X_UD7_B3;
  10.488 -          case "FH67":
  10.489 -            return Model.FH67;		  
  10.490 -          case "Base Board Product Name":
  10.491 -          case "To be filled by O.E.M.":
  10.492 -            return Model.Unknown;
  10.493 -          default:
  10.494 -            return Model.Unknown;
  10.495 -        }
  10.496 -      }
  10.497 -      
  10.498 -      public BaseBoardInformation(string manufacturerName, string productName, 
  10.499 -        string version, string serialNumber) 
  10.500 -        : base(0x02, 0, null, null) 
  10.501 -      {
  10.502 -        this.manufacturerName = manufacturerName;
  10.503 -        this.manufacturer = GetManufacturer(manufacturerName);
  10.504 -        this.productName = productName;
  10.505 -        this.model = GetModel(productName);
  10.506 -        this.version = version;
  10.507 -        this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
  10.508 -      }
  10.509 -      
  10.510 -      public BaseBoardInformation(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data,
  10.511 -        string[] strings)
  10.512 -        : base(type, handle, data, strings) {
  10.513 -
  10.514 -        this.manufacturerName = GetString(0x04).Trim();
  10.515 -        this.manufacturer = GetManufacturer(this.manufacturerName);
  10.516 -        this.productName = GetString(0x05).Trim();
  10.517 -        this.model = GetModel(this.productName);
  10.518 -        this.version = GetString(0x06).Trim();
  10.519 -        this.serialNumber = GetString(0x07).Trim();               
  10.520 -      }
  10.521 -      
  10.522 -      public string ManufacturerName { get { return manufacturerName; } }
  10.523 -
  10.524 -      public string ProductName { get { return productName; } }
  10.525 -
  10.526 -      public string Version { get { return version; } }
  10.527 -
  10.528 -      public string SerialNumber { get { return serialNumber; } }
  10.529 -
  10.530 -      public Manufacturer Manufacturer { get { return manufacturer; } }
  10.531 -
  10.532 -      public Model Model { get { return model; } }
  10.533 -
  10.534 -    }
  10.535 -  }
  10.536 -}
    11.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    11.2 +++ b/Hardware/RAM/GenericRAM.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
    11.3 @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
    11.4 +/*
    11.5 + 
    11.6 +  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
    11.7 +  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    11.8 +  file, You can obtain one at
    11.9 + 
   11.10 +  Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Möller <>
   11.11 +	
   11.12 +*/
   11.13 +
   11.14 +using Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices;
   11.15 +
   11.16 +namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.RAM {
   11.17 +  internal class GenericRAM : Hardware {
   11.18 +
   11.19 +    private Sensor loadSensor;
   11.20 +    private Sensor availableMemory;
   11.21 +
   11.22 +    private ComputerInfo computerInfo;
   11.23 +
   11.24 +    public GenericRAM(string name, ISettings settings)
   11.25 +      : base(name, new Identifier("ram"), settings)
   11.26 +    {   
   11.27 +      computerInfo = new ComputerInfo();
   11.28 +      loadSensor = new Sensor("Memory", 0, SensorType.Load, this, settings);
   11.29 +      ActivateSensor(loadSensor);
   11.30 +
   11.31 +      availableMemory = new Sensor("Available Memory", 0, SensorType.Data, this, settings);
   11.32 +      ActivateSensor(availableMemory);
   11.33 +    }
   11.34 +
   11.35 +    public override HardwareType HardwareType {
   11.36 +      get {
   11.37 +        return HardwareType.RAM;
   11.38 +      }
   11.39 +    }
   11.40 +
   11.41 +    public override void Update() {
   11.42 +      loadSensor.Value = 100.0f - 
   11.43 +        (100.0f * computerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory) / 
   11.44 +        computerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory;
   11.45 +
   11.46 +      availableMemory.Value = (float)computerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory /
   11.47 +        (1024 * 1024 * 1024);
   11.48 +    }
   11.49 +  }
   11.50 +}
    12.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    12.2 +++ b/Hardware/RAM/RAMGroup.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
    12.3 @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
    12.4 +/*
    12.5 + 
    12.6 +  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
    12.7 +  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    12.8 +  file, You can obtain one at
    12.9 + 
   12.10 +  Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Möller <>
   12.11 +	
   12.12 +*/
   12.13 +
   12.14 +namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.RAM {
   12.15 +  internal class RAMGroup : IGroup {
   12.16 +
   12.17 +    private IHardware[] hardware;
   12.18 +
   12.19 +    public RAMGroup(SMBIOS smbios, ISettings settings) {
   12.20 +      string name;
   12.21 +      if (smbios.MemoryDevices.Length > 0) {
   12.22 +        name = smbios.MemoryDevices[0].ManufacturerName + " " + 
   12.23 +          smbios.MemoryDevices[0].PartNumber;
   12.24 +      } else {
   12.25 +        name = "Generic Memory";
   12.26 +      }
   12.27 +
   12.28 +      hardware = new IHardware[] { new GenericRAM(name, settings) };
   12.29 +    }
   12.30 +
   12.31 +    public string GetReport() {
   12.32 +      return null;
   12.33 +    }
   12.34 +
   12.35 +    public IHardware[] Hardware {
   12.36 +      get {
   12.37 +        return hardware;
   12.38 +      }
   12.39 +    }
   12.40 +
   12.41 +    public void Close() {
   12.42 +
   12.43 +    }
   12.44 +  }
   12.45 +}
    13.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    13.2 +++ b/Hardware/SMBIOS.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
    13.3 @@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
    13.4 +/*
    13.5 + 
    13.6 +  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
    13.7 +  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
    13.8 +  file, You can obtain one at
    13.9 + 
   13.10 +  Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Michael Möller <>
   13.11 +	
   13.12 +*/
   13.13 +
   13.14 +using System;
   13.15 +using System.Collections.Generic;
   13.16 +using System.IO;
   13.17 +using System.Management;
   13.18 +using System.Text;
   13.19 +
   13.20 +namespace OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware {
   13.21 +
   13.22 +  internal class SMBIOS {
   13.23 +
   13.24 +    private readonly byte[] raw;
   13.25 +    private readonly Structure[] table;
   13.26 +
   13.27 +    private readonly Version version;
   13.28 +    private readonly BIOSInformation biosInformation;
   13.29 +    private readonly SystemInformation systemInformation;
   13.30 +    private readonly BaseBoardInformation baseBoardInformation;
   13.31 +    private readonly MemoryDevice[] memoryDevices;
   13.32 +
   13.33 +    private static string ReadSysFS(string path) {
   13.34 +      try {
   13.35 +        if (File.Exists(path)) {
   13.36 +          using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path)) 
   13.37 +            return reader.ReadLine();
   13.38 +        } else {
   13.39 +          return null;
   13.40 +        }
   13.41 +      } catch {
   13.42 +        return null;
   13.43 +      }
   13.44 +    }
   13.45 +    
   13.46 +    public SMBIOS() {
   13.47 +      int p = (int)Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
   13.48 +      if ((p == 4) || (p == 128)) {
   13.49 +        this.raw = null;
   13.50 +        this.table = null;
   13.51 +        
   13.52 +        string boardVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_vendor");
   13.53 +        string boardName = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_name");        
   13.54 +        string boardVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/board_version");        
   13.55 +        this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
   13.56 +          boardVendor, boardName, boardVersion, null);
   13.57 +
   13.58 +        string systemVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor");
   13.59 +        string productName = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name");
   13.60 +        string productVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/product_version");    
   13.61 +        this.systemInformation = new SystemInformation(systemVendor, 
   13.62 +          productName, productVersion, null, null);
   13.63 +
   13.64 +        string biosVendor = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor");
   13.65 +        string biosVersion = ReadSysFS("/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version");
   13.66 +        this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(biosVendor, biosVersion);
   13.67 +
   13.68 +        this.memoryDevices = new MemoryDevice[0];
   13.69 +      } else {              
   13.70 +        List<Structure> structureList = new List<Structure>();
   13.71 +        List<MemoryDevice> memoryDeviceList = new List<MemoryDevice>();
   13.72 +
   13.73 +        raw = null;
   13.74 +        byte majorVersion = 0;
   13.75 +        byte minorVersion = 0;
   13.76 +        try {
   13.77 +          ManagementObjectCollection collection;
   13.78 +          using (ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = 
   13.79 +            new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\WMI", 
   13.80 +              "SELECT * FROM MSSMBios_RawSMBiosTables")) {
   13.81 +            collection = searcher.Get();
   13.82 +          }
   13.83 +         
   13.84 +          foreach (ManagementObject mo in collection) {
   13.85 +            raw = (byte[])mo["SMBiosData"];
   13.86 +            majorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMajorVersion"];
   13.87 +            minorVersion = (byte)mo["SmbiosMinorVersion"];            
   13.88 +            break;
   13.89 +          }
   13.90 +        } catch { }
   13.91 +
   13.92 +        if (majorVersion > 0 || minorVersion > 0)
   13.93 +          version = new Version(majorVersion, minorVersion);
   13.94 +  
   13.95 +        if (raw != null && raw.Length > 0) {
   13.96 +          int offset = 0;
   13.97 +          byte type = raw[offset];
   13.98 +          while (offset + 4 < raw.Length && type != 127) {
   13.99 +  
  13.100 +            type = raw[offset];
  13.101 +            int length = raw[offset + 1];
  13.102 +            ushort handle = (ushort)((raw[offset + 2] << 8) | raw[offset + 3]);
  13.103 +  
  13.104 +            if (offset + length > raw.Length)
  13.105 +              break;
  13.106 +            byte[] data = new byte[length];
  13.107 +            Array.Copy(raw, offset, data, 0, length);
  13.108 +            offset += length;
  13.109 +  
  13.110 +            List<string> stringsList = new List<string>();
  13.111 +            if (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] == 0)
  13.112 +              offset++;
  13.113 +  
  13.114 +            while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0) {
  13.115 +              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  13.116 +              while (offset < raw.Length && raw[offset] != 0) {
  13.117 +                sb.Append((char)raw[offset]); offset++;
  13.118 +              }
  13.119 +              offset++;
  13.120 +              stringsList.Add(sb.ToString());
  13.121 +            }
  13.122 +            offset++;
  13.123 +            switch (type) {
  13.124 +              case 0x00:
  13.125 +                this.biosInformation = new BIOSInformation(
  13.126 +                  type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
  13.127 +                structureList.Add(this.biosInformation); break;
  13.128 +              case 0x01:
  13.129 +                this.systemInformation = new SystemInformation(
  13.130 +                  type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
  13.131 +                structureList.Add(this.systemInformation); break;
  13.132 +              case 0x02: this.baseBoardInformation = new BaseBoardInformation(
  13.133 +                  type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
  13.134 +                structureList.Add(this.baseBoardInformation); break;
  13.135 +              case 0x11: MemoryDevice m = new MemoryDevice(
  13.136 +                  type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray());
  13.137 +                memoryDeviceList.Add(m);
  13.138 +                structureList.Add(m); break;
  13.139 +              default: structureList.Add(new Structure(
  13.140 +                type, handle, data, stringsList.ToArray())); break;
  13.141 +            }
  13.142 +          }
  13.143 +        }
  13.144 +
  13.145 +        memoryDevices = memoryDeviceList.ToArray();
  13.146 +        table = structureList.ToArray();
  13.147 +      }
  13.148 +    }
  13.149 +
  13.150 +    public string GetReport() {
  13.151 +      StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder();
  13.152 +
  13.153 +      if (version != null) {
  13.154 +        r.Append("SMBIOS Version: "); r.AppendLine(version.ToString(2));
  13.155 +        r.AppendLine();
  13.156 +      }
  13.157 +
  13.158 +      if (BIOS != null) {
  13.159 +        r.Append("BIOS Vendor: "); r.AppendLine(BIOS.Vendor);
  13.160 +        r.Append("BIOS Version: "); r.AppendLine(BIOS.Version);
  13.161 +        r.AppendLine();
  13.162 +      }
  13.163 +
  13.164 +      if (System != null) {
  13.165 +        r.Append("System Manufacturer: ");
  13.166 +        r.AppendLine(System.ManufacturerName);
  13.167 +        r.Append("System Name: ");
  13.168 +        r.AppendLine(System.ProductName);
  13.169 +        r.Append("System Version: ");
  13.170 +        r.AppendLine(System.Version);
  13.171 +        r.AppendLine();
  13.172 +      }
  13.173 +
  13.174 +      if (Board != null) {
  13.175 +        r.Append("Mainboard Manufacturer: ");
  13.176 +        r.AppendLine(Board.ManufacturerName);
  13.177 +        r.Append("Mainboard Name: ");
  13.178 +        r.AppendLine(Board.ProductName);
  13.179 +        r.Append("Mainboard Version: ");
  13.180 +        r.AppendLine(Board.Version);
  13.181 +        r.AppendLine();
  13.182 +      }
  13.183 +
  13.184 +      for (int i = 0; i < MemoryDevices.Length; i++) {        
  13.185 +        r.Append("Memory Device [" + i + "] Manufacturer: ");
  13.186 +        r.AppendLine(MemoryDevices[i].ManufacturerName);
  13.187 +        r.Append("Memory Device [" + i + "] Part Number: ");
  13.188 +        r.AppendLine(MemoryDevices[i].PartNumber);
  13.189 +        r.AppendLine();
  13.190 +      }
  13.191 +
  13.192 +      if (raw != null) {
  13.193 +        string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(raw);
  13.194 +        r.AppendLine("SMBIOS Table");
  13.195 +        r.AppendLine();
  13.196 +
  13.197 +        for (int i = 0; i < Math.Ceiling(base64.Length / 64.0); i++) {
  13.198 +          r.Append(" ");
  13.199 +          for (int j = 0; j < 0x40; j++) {
  13.200 +            int index = (i << 6) | j;
  13.201 +            if (index < base64.Length) {              
  13.202 +              r.Append(base64[index]);
  13.203 +            }
  13.204 +          }
  13.205 +          r.AppendLine();
  13.206 +        }
  13.207 +        r.AppendLine();
  13.208 +      }
  13.209 +
  13.210 +      return r.ToString();
  13.211 +    }
  13.212 +
  13.213 +    public BIOSInformation BIOS {
  13.214 +      get { return biosInformation; }
  13.215 +    }
  13.216 +
  13.217 +    public SystemInformation System {
  13.218 +      get { return systemInformation; }
  13.219 +    }
  13.220 +
  13.221 +    public BaseBoardInformation Board {
  13.222 +      get { return baseBoardInformation; }
  13.223 +    }
  13.224 +
  13.225 +    public MemoryDevice[] MemoryDevices {
  13.226 +      get { return memoryDevices; }
  13.227 +    }
  13.228 +
  13.229 +    public class Structure {
  13.230 +      private readonly byte type;
  13.231 +      private readonly ushort handle;
  13.232 +
  13.233 +      private readonly byte[] data;
  13.234 +      private readonly string[] strings;
  13.235 +
  13.236 +      protected string GetString(int offset) {
  13.237 +        if (offset < data.Length && data[offset] > 0 &&
  13.238 +         data[offset] <= strings.Length)
  13.239 +          return strings[data[offset] - 1];
  13.240 +        else
  13.241 +          return "";
  13.242 +      }
  13.243 +
  13.244 +      public Structure(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data, string[] strings) 
  13.245 +      {
  13.246 +        this.type = type;
  13.247 +        this.handle = handle;
  13.248 + = data;
  13.249 +        this.strings = strings;
  13.250 +      }
  13.251 +
  13.252 +      public byte Type { get { return type; } }
  13.253 +
  13.254 +      public ushort Handle { get { return handle; } }
  13.255 +    }
  13.256 +      
  13.257 +    public class BIOSInformation : Structure {
  13.258 +
  13.259 +      private readonly string vendor;
  13.260 +      private readonly string version;
  13.261 +      
  13.262 +      public BIOSInformation(string vendor, string version) 
  13.263 +        : base (0x00, 0, null, null) 
  13.264 +      {
  13.265 +        this.vendor = vendor;
  13.266 +        this.version = version;
  13.267 +      }
  13.268 +      
  13.269 +      public BIOSInformation(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data,
  13.270 +        string[] strings)
  13.271 +        : base(type, handle, data, strings) 
  13.272 +      {
  13.273 +        this.vendor = GetString(0x04);
  13.274 +        this.version = GetString(0x05);
  13.275 +      }
  13.276 +
  13.277 +      public string Vendor { get { return vendor; } }
  13.278 +
  13.279 +      public string Version { get { return version; } }
  13.280 +    }
  13.281 +
  13.282 +    public class SystemInformation : Structure {
  13.283 +
  13.284 +      private readonly string manufacturerName;
  13.285 +      private readonly string productName;
  13.286 +      private readonly string version;
  13.287 +      private readonly string serialNumber;
  13.288 +      private readonly string family;
  13.289 +
  13.290 +      public SystemInformation(string manufacturerName, string productName, 
  13.291 +        string version, string serialNumber, string family) 
  13.292 +        : base (0x01, 0, null, null) 
  13.293 +      {
  13.294 +        this.manufacturerName = manufacturerName;
  13.295 +        this.productName = productName;
  13.296 +        this.version = version;
  13.297 +        this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
  13.298 + = family;
  13.299 +      }
  13.300 +
  13.301 +      public SystemInformation(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data,
  13.302 +        string[] strings)
  13.303 +        : base(type, handle, data, strings) 
  13.304 +      {
  13.305 +        this.manufacturerName = GetString(0x04);
  13.306 +        this.productName = GetString(0x05);
  13.307 +        this.version = GetString(0x06);
  13.308 +        this.serialNumber = GetString(0x07);
  13.309 + = GetString(0x1A);
  13.310 +      }
  13.311 +
  13.312 +      public string ManufacturerName { get { return manufacturerName; } }
  13.313 +
  13.314 +      public string ProductName { get { return productName; } }
  13.315 +
  13.316 +      public string Version { get { return version; } }
  13.317 +
  13.318 +      public string SerialNumber { get { return serialNumber; } }
  13.319 +
  13.320 +      public string Family { get { return family; } }
  13.321 +
  13.322 +    }
  13.323 +
  13.324 +    public class BaseBoardInformation : Structure {
  13.325 +
  13.326 +      private readonly string manufacturerName;
  13.327 +      private readonly string productName;
  13.328 +      private readonly string version;
  13.329 +      private readonly string serialNumber;
  13.330 +      
  13.331 +      public BaseBoardInformation(string manufacturerName, string productName, 
  13.332 +        string version, string serialNumber) 
  13.333 +        : base(0x02, 0, null, null) 
  13.334 +      {
  13.335 +        this.manufacturerName = manufacturerName;
  13.336 +        this.productName = productName;
  13.337 +        this.version = version;
  13.338 +        this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
  13.339 +      }
  13.340 +      
  13.341 +      public BaseBoardInformation(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data,
  13.342 +        string[] strings)
  13.343 +        : base(type, handle, data, strings) {
  13.344 +
  13.345 +        this.manufacturerName = GetString(0x04).Trim();
  13.346 +        this.productName = GetString(0x05).Trim();
  13.347 +        this.version = GetString(0x06).Trim();
  13.348 +        this.serialNumber = GetString(0x07).Trim();               
  13.349 +      }
  13.350 +      
  13.351 +      public string ManufacturerName { get { return manufacturerName; } }
  13.352 +
  13.353 +      public string ProductName { get { return productName; } }
  13.354 +
  13.355 +      public string Version { get { return version; } }
  13.356 +
  13.357 +      public string SerialNumber { get { return serialNumber; } }
  13.358 +
  13.359 +    }
  13.360 +
  13.361 +    public class MemoryDevice : Structure {
  13.362 +
  13.363 +      private readonly string manufacturerName;
  13.364 +      private readonly string serialNumber;
  13.365 +      private readonly string partNumber;
  13.366 +
  13.367 +      public MemoryDevice(string manufacturerName, string serialNumber,
  13.368 +        string partNumber)
  13.369 +        : base(0x11, 0, null, null) {
  13.370 +        this.manufacturerName = manufacturerName;
  13.371 +        this.serialNumber = serialNumber;
  13.372 +        this.partNumber = partNumber;
  13.373 +      }
  13.374 +
  13.375 +      public MemoryDevice(byte type, ushort handle, byte[] data,
  13.376 +        string[] strings)
  13.377 +        : base(type, handle, data, strings) {
  13.378 +        this.manufacturerName = GetString(0x17).Trim();
  13.379 +        this.serialNumber = GetString(0x18).Trim();
  13.380 +        this.partNumber = GetString(0x1A).Trim();
  13.381 +      }
  13.382 +
  13.383 +      public string ManufacturerName { get { return manufacturerName; } }
  13.384 +
  13.385 +      public string SerialNumber { get { return serialNumber; } }
  13.386 +
  13.387 +      public string PartNumber { get { return partNumber; } }
  13.388 +
  13.389 +    }
  13.390 +  }
  13.391 +}
    14.1 --- a/OpenHardwareMonitorLib.csproj	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
    14.2 +++ b/OpenHardwareMonitorLib.csproj	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
    14.3 @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
    14.4      <CodeAnalysisRuleSet>AllRules.ruleset</CodeAnalysisRuleSet>
    14.5    </PropertyGroup>
    14.6    <ItemGroup>
    14.7 +    <Reference Include="Microsoft.VisualBasic" />
    14.8      <Reference Include="System" />
    14.9      <Reference Include="System.Management" />
   14.10    </ItemGroup>
   14.11 @@ -91,8 +92,11 @@
   14.12      <Compile Include="Hardware\CPU\IntelCPU.cs" />
   14.13      <Compile Include="Hardware\LPC\NCT677X.cs" />
   14.14      <Compile Include="Hardware\Mainboard\GigabyteTAMG.cs" />
   14.15 +    <Compile Include="Hardware\Mainboard\Identification.cs" />
   14.16      <Compile Include="Hardware\Opcode.cs" />
   14.17      <Compile Include="Hardware\OperatingSystem.cs" />
   14.18 +    <Compile Include="Hardware\RAM\GenericRAM.cs" />
   14.19 +    <Compile Include="Hardware\RAM\RAMGroup.cs" />
   14.20      <Compile Include="Hardware\Ring0.cs" />
   14.21      <Compile Include="Hardware\KernelDriver.cs" />
   14.22      <Compile Include="Hardware\Hardware.cs" />
   14.23 @@ -120,7 +124,7 @@
   14.24      <Compile Include="Hardware\Mainboard\MainboardGroup.cs" />
   14.25      <Compile Include="Hardware\Mainboard\Manufacturer.cs" />
   14.26      <Compile Include="Hardware\Mainboard\Model.cs" />
   14.27 -    <Compile Include="Hardware\Mainboard\SMBIOS.cs" />
   14.28 +    <Compile Include="Hardware\SMBIOS.cs" />
   14.29      <Compile Include="Hardware\Mainboard\SuperIOHardware.cs" />
   14.30      <Compile Include="Hardware\Nvidia\NVAPI.cs" />
   14.31      <Compile Include="Hardware\Nvidia\NvidiaGPU.cs" />
    15.1 --- a/Utilities/HttpServer.cs	Sun Jul 22 18:07:11 2012 +0000
    15.2 +++ b/Utilities/HttpServer.cs	Mon Jul 23 21:54:35 2012 +0000
    15.3 @@ -315,6 +315,8 @@
    15.4                      return "chip.png";
    15.5                  case HardwareType.TBalancer:
    15.6                      return "bigng.png";
    15.7 +                case HardwareType.RAM:
    15.8 +                    return "chip.png";
    15.9                  default:
   15.10                      return "cpu.png";
   15.11              }